3483/New Look, same girl

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New Look, same girl
Date of Scene: 25 December 2017
Location: Unkown
Synopsis: Sarah and Rift compare notes on crime fighting techniques.
Cast of Characters: Sarah Osborn, Rift

Sarah Osborn has posed:
Sarah has decided she is not going to continue to be a Goblin. Not that she can change her powers, even if she wanted to, but the Goblin legacy is one of criminal insanity. She is not going to live down (or is it up to) that reputation, so she needs a makeover. She has sorked hard on her costume and gear, to change it so in no longer looks goblinesque. Now she needs to try it out. Hell's Kitchen is a place where a good patrol is alwaus in order, so she is there now.

Rift has posed:
Kitora Alua is here, doing cleanup after a recent angry-mob incident (that she was part of). She was not using her abilities, just looking like an Asian girl who is overly fond of red, wearing red, with red hair. She's wearing sunglasses. She's using a pushbroom to clean up broken glass, sighing softly - there's a few other people cleaning as well. "I do hope all these mobs settle down," she mutters. "Of course, using my powers would make this faster but... I suppose that'd cause another incident... why did I get roped into helping here?" She is muttering to herself as she continues.

Sarah Osborn has posed:
Sarah left her Motorcycle elsewhere...she is still reworking the glow paint...green bat motif just does not work with the new suit. She needs to try out the grapples anyway. So here she is, jumping/swinging from rooftop to rooftop and seeing how fast she can cross an area. She has not been able to work out web shooters, but retractable grapple lines with a remote release...that she can build. It tested well in the lab, but this is the first field test. So far so good.

Rift has posed:
Kitora Alua just looks up to see, someone jumping around. She gets the glass into a pile and slips into an alley. Making sure nobody sees her, she opens up her powers, her body (clothes and all) engulfed in a dull red glow, with bright lights somehow visible inside her (in her arms, legs, chest, and head) as she ascends to the rooftop, deciding to investigate this person bouncing around as she follows.

Sarah Osborn has posed:
Sarah has pretty good situational awareness and reflexes. She sees the red glowing woman, and uses a sharm pull and a twist of her body to change the angle of her swing to rapidly turn the corner and drop on a window ledge. She will scan the stranger to see if she is paranormal...if she is not some kind of demon or monster she will greet her with, "Good evening, hopefully this will be a friendly encounter, but if you are a villain expect me to try to stop you."

Rift has posed:
There is nothing paranormal about her - these are mutant powers. She moves to float in midair near you. "I'm no villain. I was doing some cleanup when I saw you bouncing around up here. I was about to say the same thing to you actually." She smiles, extending her name. "You can call me Rift."

Sarah Osborn has posed:
Sarah says wryly, "I have not gome up with a good name yet. Best I have come up with is Flicker, but that is hardly heroic." She has been working on special lighting effects...and a few other things.

Rift has posed:
Rift shrugs. "One of my friends uses hte codename Dazzler so... I don't see it as a problem. It's hardly villanous. 'Rift' isn't a heroic-sounding name either, but it makes sense considering my abilities."

Sarah Osborn has posed:
Sarah says, "Actually, I have been around for a while, but I have decided to change my old name and look, for reasons. I have found out too much to keep being that person, so I am doing a hero makeover."

Rift has posed:
Rift smiles. "I won't ask about your past... I'm sure there are reasons you are changing." She ponders as she ends up inverting in midair, so she's now upside-down, though her clothes don't fall away - not even her long hair falls but stays in place. "Flicker is a neat codename - if you have light-based powers, I guess. Maybe I can help you come up with something better?"

Sarah Osborn has posed:
Sarah explains, "While I do have powers, I am in inventor too, the light stuff is inventions I am working on. Not only light stuff, but that seems to be the most signature stuff I have come up with so far."

Rift has posed:
Rift nods slowly. "That's cool," she muses. "Can you show me a sample?" She is still upside-down, not seeming to be bothered by it in the least. "Just curious. Always nice to meet a new hero."

Sarah Osborn has posed:
Sarah says, "Well, OK, try this one. If you have normal human reflexes, it will seem like a stobe light...but see if you can hit me with a physical blow." The strobe is timed to subtlly throw of normal reflexes and coordination.

Rift has posed:
Rift raises an eyebrow as the strobe was a bit disorienting as she simply moves fast, charging at you at high speeds - not aiming to hit but simply to wrap arms around in a tackle - but if you dodge, she has other plans.

Sarah Osborn has posed:
Not quite what she meant...she was talking a fist or kick or even a gun, not a charge. Charge attacks cover a wider area, and of course, the girl is flying. A person running would possibly trip as their coordination is off. She considers dodging, but that would not prove her point. What should happen is that the dopplar shift in apparent flicker frequency caused by a rapid approach will cause increasing disorientation as the enemy nears, based on speed and inversely on distance. Whether it will make her miss entirely, or hust be somewhat off center, is a question Sarah really should find out the answer to. Therefore, she stays put...she can probably take the impact if it hits...

Rift has posed:
Rift manages to hit you - but your legs as she wraps arms around them. "Wow - that's some effect..." She pulls back, dazed as she closes her eyes. "Can you turn that off?" she asks softly. "It's giving me a headache... and I missed somehow too..."

Sarah Osborn has posed:
Sarah turns the strobe off, "Making people miss their aim is what it is for...not sure about the headache. Of course, of you are an epileptic or something, it is a bit dangerous."

Rift has posed:
Rift nods. "I'm not..." She points. "My turn," she states as she rubs her forehead. "I call this my stasis field." A ripple in the air would surround you, as a red aura wraps arond you... and you'd drift up a foot from where you were standing. "I can immobolize people in a bubble of zero-gravity. I can use this to trap or disorient. I can also use high-gravity fields but those are more dangerous." She smiles as she puts you back down. "But we're all friends here, right Flicker?"

Sarah Osborn has posed:
Sarah responds, "Zero Gravity work well on anyone without a means of propultion. Someone might, for example, shoot a pair of grapples in opposite directions so as one hooks one something and them pull themselves out...or throw things and use the opposite reaction to move." At least....if it is atctully a neutralization of gravity, not some kind of repulsion bubble.

Rift has posed:
Rift nods. "That is true. But I could spin people around to make them sick..." She smiles. "The main use I have for it - beside flying - is towing objects. Anything laying around can be a high-speed missile." She smiles faintly. "Well - I should get back to the cleanup. Nice to meet you, Flicker." She waves as she drops like a rock back to the street.

Sarah Osborn has posed:
Sarah chocks up two devices tested...only a few more to go. She makes a note to figure out a way to neutralize a gravity attack, some time. Now, what is nect to test...