3526/Where In The World Is Tony Stark

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Where In The World Is Tony Stark
Date of Scene: 30 December 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Katherine, Captain Marvel (Danvers)

Katherine has posed:
Unsure of what a regular day at Avengers Mansion looks like, Katherine got word that Tony Stark works with, or is a part of this team as well as having his own tower. In the modern day of communication she would of just sent a text message, or an email, but all attempts to find a direct email that would actually work failed. So, it is get dressed, put on a body and head out into the real world of meatspace.

That's where Katherine finds herself at this point. Electronic defense mechanism may have scanned her, and she seems to be a rather unimportant or normal human woman. She reaches up toward the big front door and just knocks on it. She has no weapons, no mutant gene being registered, if it can scan for stuff like that, and is otherwise in perfect health. The knock is rather precise as well, very clear, like someone who has delivered pizza for decades.

Captain Marvel (Danvers) has posed:
It is actually Captain Marvel who happens to be on sight, and comes to the door herself, opening and looking at Katherine with a pleasant smile, "hello...come to visit the Avengers? Or you've come to report something that needs our attention?" She's rather welcoming. Surprising perhaps, considering her reputation, one may not necessarily think she'd deign answering the door on her own.

Katherine has posed:
Not that there's much fear for someone like Captain Marvel, from an otherwise normal human. Katherine tilts her head a little to the side, smiles and then goes, "Oh, yes. Um, right. Well, this may sound strange..." She starts then gets a scrunched brow look on her face as she reaches up and taps her lower lip a few times, "Well, actually, maybe for you it would not. I'm seeking Tony Stark to help save the world. Really, that does sound awkward when you say it. It would be like walking up to any place that was not McDonalds and saying, 'Give me a Big Mac'. If you just say, 'The world is in danger' on the street, people would likely think you were homeless and on drugs, at least 87.6 percent of people would. But here, you say it, and it all makes perfect normal language." She grins a bit and then puts out her hand to shake, "Hello, by the way, I am Katherine. Nice to meet you."

Captain Marvel (Danvers) has posed:
"Tony Stark is a popular guy, quite a few people look for him on the regular, he's a master at avoid all scheduled meetings," Carol notes with a playful wink, before adding, "I'm sure he'd make an exception for saving the world, however, what you got?" She asks, taking interest in what Katherine might have to share. "I'm Carol, come on in, we can use a meeting room and you can tell me all about it....would you like something to drink?" With that she motions for Kathy to come inside, closing the door behind her and heading to the meeting room.

Katherine has posed:
Walking inside, Katherine ohs and looks down, "Sorry." She unzips a little top portion of her boots and then takes them off before setting them by the door. Then she continues walking barefoot, smiling, "Carol. Captain Marvel. Carol. I like Carol better." She indicates and nods, while following after the woman, "Yes, I would. I absolutely adore hot chocolate. If you have non-american hot cocoa that is best, but if you just have the mix, I like those little marshmallows..." She pauses and thinks, then says, "Someone was telling me recently that I speak too much at length, and a bit specifically. Seems like you were just attempting to be friendly, and now my over specificity would be a burden. Anything will do, but yes, please." She follows along to the meeting room, looking around as she goes.

Captain Marvel (Danvers) has posed:
"Japanese mannerism?" Carol asks Katherine as she leaves the boots by the door, "than feel free to call me Carol, Captain Marvel is for those I take down," she notes with a wink, before making a pitstop in the kitchen, going about preparing some hot chocolate for Katy on her own. Not bothering a servant, which the Mansion does have, don't ask, Tony's lifestyle must be maintained. It doesn't take long, and soon she sprinkles some marshmellow on top, before prodding Katherine verbally, "who am I to judge? How about you tell me about the danger the world is facing?"

Katherine has posed:
Walking after Carol, seemingly lost in her observations of the surroundings so much so her body and mannerisms are those clearly of someone oblivious to what is actually occurring. That said, she makes every turn, keeps at exactly 2 steps behind and to the side of Carol the entire trip, and once in the kitchen, despite never having been there before, she easily maneuvers around things even when looking up at the ceiling. Yes, looking at the ceiling while walking. "Hmm? No, I just do not like shoes, I have come to realize. They are too hard to match with outfits. This outfit is one left over from a date I experienced. And worked well in another outing, so I figured I would wear it again. Tony Stark has a reputation, I felt that a young attractive woman in a seemingly date like outfit would be of use for influence." She then tips her head back down from looking at the ceiling and grins big, "Hot Chocolate! Oh, you are marvelous!" She stops for a moment, tilting her head and looking at you with a hint of posture before she laughs. A big gaffaw type laughter that doubles her over as her entire upper body shakes, she even has to place her hands on her knees to keep balanced.

Then she stops. Standing upright, and wiping a tear from her eye. "Because, you know, Captain Marvel." She sighs happily and then shakes her head a moment. "Oh, right, yes! The end of the world, it is more actually the end of the universe.... as we know it. The Universe itself does not end, actually, though all biological life is converted into a nanite swarm of alien origins and is roboticized? Is that a word that makes sense? Well enough, right? So, anyhow, yes. Nanite alien swarm, converts all life as we know it in the universe into, well, more nanite swarm. I mean, seriously, what else does a nanite swarm do...?"

Captain Marvel (Danvers) has posed:
"I've known women who swear by shoes and enjoy having a myriad collection to match every possible outfit and color," Carol chuckles, clearly she's not one of those women, but once Katherine mentions openly trying to affect Tony's inclination towards her, Carol turns to look her way, handing her the hot chocolate, "you sound like a clever woman. Tony is unfortunately known to lose his focus around pretty women dressed to draw attention." She laughs when called marvelous for her hot chocolate concocting skills, "well, I do try to be worthy of the Captain Marvel name."

"I had a vague idea," Carol says with a smile, before starting towards an open meeting room, "not to me, it does sound rather grave....I have not heard any alert out of Alpha Flight, how do you know about this oncoming swarm?"

Katherine has posed:
Katherine oohs and grabs the hot chocolate. She grins at it, lifting it up to eye level where she watches the steam coming out over the marshmallows and she giggles. Yes, giggles. And then she blows a few times on the hot liquid before sipping it, "Mmmmmmmmmmmm!" She closes her eyes and sighs out, before taking another sip and almost swoons, "This is so good. Thank you very much!" And she then beams a bit, "Clever? Yes. Incredibly so, though it would help to be smarter. More connections, more intelligence, as time goes on, I will hope to keep my increase of cleverness at a rate equal to or exceeding the probability of impending doom."

She speaks about it with a chipper tone, all too excited for the hot cocoa. As she follows again, she sips another sip, "Oh, you would not yet. It would be beyond the universe's horizon at this point. Or, so I have come to believe. Nor would it be easily detectable, if created by this point." She quirks her mouth to the side, "There may be a lot of IFs present at this era... oh, how do I know of it? I, have dealt with it before." She pauses and adds, "Dealt, seems like I defeated it. I, well, I have helped to contain it before." Sipping again at the hot cocoa, "Do you use drugs in this? It is so great." She says, enamored by the drink.

Captain Marvel (Danvers) has posed:
"You're welcome, honed my hot chocolate skills on cold Boston nights," Carol says with a grin, before finding the empty meeting room and taking a sit at the table, motioning for Katy to join her. "from the sound of your words, I'd say Tony Stark would definitely enjoy a conversation with you. If he was available I'd get him here, but unfortunately, he's indisposed at the moment."

"No, no drgus, just years of experience," Carol laughs, "and quality cocoa of course." She then ponders for a moment, crossing her arms together, "how did you come by this information? A premonition, or something more concrete?"

Katherine has posed:
Walking inside of the meeting room, Katherine takes a gandeur about while sipping her hot cocoa now a bit more regularly. She slurps up a few marshmallows noisily and just sucks on them until they disappear. That too is a bit noisy, before she hmms in question. "Oh, you lived in Boston?" She smiles and takes a seat at the table, just the one next to Carol and turns it to the side, switching hands with the cocoa and setting it on the table. "I have never met Tony, so I do not know, but he is an inventor, an engineer. I am as well, more of an engineer, I suffer on the invention front of things. Like a pianist who cannot write their own music so well. Copy, evolve, certainly, but the origins of beauty are outside of my grasp." She keeps with her smiles and happy toned voice even as she talks.

"A premonition? No. Though I am very good at predictive measures, mostly it is fast analysis of a great many details that most take for granted. When combined, really the universe is mostly settled, quantum mechanics naturally allows for some uncertainty, which is why I'm not 100 percent certain the threat is coming... but, I need to work off the premise that it is." She stops and then adds, "As concrete as my eyes, I have seen them. In a way, I have even touched them. Though nanites are too small to register on even microscales, and even the light magnetic forces between sub-atomic elements would repel them enough that they would never make actual contact." Looking at you she stops talking and sips at her hot cocoa again. "Though, that's just... booooooring, right?" She laughs slightly at that.

Captain Marvel (Danvers) has posed:
"Tony is everything science...among other things," Carol narrows it down to Katherine, before nodding, "in my childhood, I grew up in Boston." She leans back in her seat a bit, listening to Katherine, before eventually remarking, "so a predictive calculation? I do believe you should speak with Tony on this one...if there's a genuine risk, prepartion should be underway." Carol shakes her head when asks if it's boring, "not understanding something doesn't necessarily makes it boring...but I'm afraid I've not the gifts for advanced science, we each have our strength, that sadly isn't one of mine...I'll make a note on the Avengers network for Tony Stark to seek you out."

Katherine has posed:
"You are the muscle then? And he's the brains?" Katherine wonders, not in any other tone than the one she's been using, "That is a good switch around with the whole gender bias of super heroism. We need more kung-pow-pow women out there. Not that little girls can actually choose to grow up to be a super hero, but there's a decided lacking of women going after predominantly male jobs. There's approximately a 32 percent margin of super intelligent people that are otherwise being gender blocked into a profession or area of study that would disallow them from using the full potential of their gifts. In addition, we then put in sub optimized people into roles because that is what they fit into as a man. It's really bad news for the future." She shakes her head some, before adding, "So, having a strong woman role to look up to is very important, is what I'm trying to say." She sighs and shakes her head at herself, "See, I'm a chatter box, I'm sorry if it is annoying... just, way too much going on to just say 'blah blah blobbity gook'."

She grabs the hot cocoa again and smiles at it, sipping it some more, "That would be great! I would love to talk over the details to Tony. I think he would be very helpful in having my ideas come to life. I have development plans for things that I cannot figure out how to get to. Engineering ideas limited only by manufacturing capacity at this time, and that's where I stop. It's like having built the bus stop but the combustion engine isn't present yet."

Captain Marvel (Danvers) has posed:
"I like to think of myself as the Air Force," Carol says to Katherine with a smirk, "I'm not actually as dumb as I look," she offers with a wink, no doubt referring the stereotypes about blondes being air headed. "You'll be surprised, but I did choose to grow up to be a hero, against the wishes of my father I joined the Air Force to become a fighter jet pilot. Everyone hated me, but I finished top of my class. Made it all the way to Colonel..." Carol offers, assuming Katherine wouldn't know much about her at all. "I didn't have any powers then, I charted my own life, with will power and determination. Every single person who makes it in the military is a hero, it's just twice as hard for women." She nods along as Katherine speaks of the gender inequality, "I know, I know, you're preaching to the choir. I worked as the editor of WOMAN magazine in my time...it's a topic close to my heart. It's why I give inspirational talks, and self defense classes whenever I have spare time. Inspiring the younger generation is important!"

She then takes a moment to record a message on behalf of Katherine.

Katherine has posed:
Sipping more of the hot cocoa down, Katherine grins and then adds, "I do like clothes though. And in particular the ones that everyone is always complaining about. Skirts, revealing tops, high heels." She sighs a bit and shrugs some, "A curse, perhaps, but being attractive physically is important to me as well as being respected. I like to take care in what I wear, or don't wear, as the case may be. I am not a big fan of jeans, for instance, though I will wear them as long as they are snug." There's a pause, "Which, kind of fits in the whole gender role territory, but I like fashion, it is very intriguing. Correctly acquiring the right things to maximize a look is its own reward."

When you take a moment to record a message, Katherine waits patiently and sips her cocoa. When you are done she smiles big, "You are very nice and friendly. I bet you would win me in an arm wrestling match as well. That is not my forte. Though I can fly a jet as well, so we have something in common!"

Captain Marvel (Danvers) has posed:
"I think this line of thought is part of the problem," Carol notes to Katherine, "labels are something that mixes people up. Gender role is an ethereal construct. It's not real, unless we make it real. I bet you there are boys into fashion, who are everybit as worried about not behaving according to their supposed gender role. I think the real key to happiness is to recognize who you are, be true to yourself, and not let anyone tell you to be otherwise." It's Carol, she can't help a pep talk when she has a chance to give one.

"It wouldn't be much of a contest if we arm wrestle, I trust I have a tremendous advantage by virture of my powers..." Carol notes, as if to suggest there is no achievement in beating someone at something you are naturally advantaged over them. "I'll have you know I'm quite the ace pilot," now she shows a semblance of bravado, can't help herself as USAF, "that's one area I wouldn't challenge me at. I pride myself on my pilotting skills." That said, she does give Katherine a thumbs up, "flygirls forever."

Katherine has posed:
"I do partially agree. Gender roles are an advantage that humans had over the other super intelligent life that were previously here. In part, at least, human's ability to specialize and share duties when weaker than their competitors allowed them to survive as a community instead of fall." Katherine comments and smiles, "It is a remarkable thing about biological life. Culture is a tool like any other. In this era we have no more need for gender role division and instead in skill identification. No skill is any more risky, really, than any other in terms of ability to carry a child to term. Men would go and hunt not because of being stronger, but because they were more expendable. Which later developed a culture built upon violence superiority. It is an interesting, but violent history. One which we are quickly putting behind us, though, not quickly enough." She sighs a little bit, "Still, at this time, pollution, false scarcity, the waste of so much brain power into poverty. It is disappointing. Hatred of mutants, and fear of metahumanity... I know that these things will pass. That time cures this ill, but it seems like there is a chasm between then and now, and the bridge that needs be built almost requires us to be on the other side." She shakes her head a little and sips her cocoa, and then adds, "It is the real tragedy of this time. Enough knowledge to know, but too little will to act." But she thumbs up you, "Yes. Fly girls. At some point we should try a dog fight. I believe you would lose, all of your strengths would be capped to the maximum of the jet, at which point my superior predictive capacity and knowledge of the inner workings of the jets would prevail. In 97 percent of all cases, the three percent variation is because of my respect for you might cloud my actions." Challenge issued?

Captain Marvel (Danvers) has posed:
Carol nods at Katherine's verbose version, and instead summarizes it once she's done with, "we always rise to the challenge, and when we do, a new one presents itself. Life is a struggle, and stepping up to its challenges is what moves us forward, as individuals, and as a whole." She laughs as Katherine dismisses her history with the USAF, or rather, shows an utter obliviousness to it. "I have a few USAF generals who would pay to see me bested, I've done numerous suicide missions without powers, I think you're putting too much stock in them, and too little in Carol Danvers, USAF Col." She gives a playful wink, and taps Katherine on the shoulder, "if you'll excuse me, I do have to carry on about my day, as promised, I'll inform Tony Stark of your desire to meet with him and how urgent it is."

Katherine has posed:
Katherine ohs and stands up, downing the rest of her hot cocoa before carrying the mug with her. "I must have kept you!" She mentions and grins as Carol leaves, "See you again!" And then she goes back to the kitchen, drops off the mug, cleans it in the sink, and tucks it away again after it's clean. Then she'll leave the mansion.