3536/Early Morning Pizzas
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Early Morning Pizzas | |
Date of Scene: | 01 January 2018 |
Location: | New York City |
Synopsis: | A random meeting in a pizza shop |
Cast of Characters: | Michelangelo, Spoiler, Power Girl
- Michelangelo has posed:
At nearing four in the morning, Angelo's Pizza is pretty much as dead as it's going to be. Hell, the only reason it's actually still open right now is because it's the first of January! The pizzeria had remained open and held New Years Eve celebrations, with a free slice to everyone when the clock struck midnight. Since then? Most people have dispersed. They have either gone on to clubs and pubs to get their drink on, or they have simply retired home.
The only figure actually remaining in the joint is a large turtle. A humanoid turtle, to boot! With his 'street' clothes on, detailed mostly by some black sweat pants with an orange stripe down the side and some accessories on his upper body, Michelangelo hangs out at the bar area -- seemingly chatting casually with the cooks that have this unfortunate shift. "Dude, you're insane," Mikey continues, rolling his eyes a bit from behind the orange mask. "If the Knicks didn't have Porzingis they would STILL wipe the floor with Brooklyn. Don't think just 'cause we're in your 'hood that you can try and sway me with bogus information, man." The turtle and cooks laugh heartily, obviously enjoying the moment.
"I should probably head back soon. Ugh. I dunno how Leo is gonna react to me getting back so late. He's been cracking down on me lately." Shudder.
- Spoiler has posed:
Stephanie Brown just showed up for some breadsticks. She's supposed to quit carbs to keep in shape, part of trying to get her conditioning right for her late night hobbies of wearing masks and beating the crap out of scumbags. Problem is: breadsticks. Garlic parmesan breadsticks. With cheese dip. What, she's just supposed to STOP eating those? She's a growing young woman. Maybe. She didn't do great in biology, but she continues to hope for another inch or two, at least.
She's wearing a Gotham Knights jersey under a purple hoodie, along with a pair of jeans and faux-fur boots. Her journey into the door stops immediately as she finds herslef confronted with an anthromorphic amphibian. Well. She knew New York was diverse, but holy friggin' cornballs. "Since everyone's calm, I'm going to assume the place isn't being attacked by aliens and I can still get a twelve stick combo," she says.
- Power Girl has posed:
The revving of an engine. It's aggressive, clearly a sports car, possibly even the muscle variety. It is going -hard-, too, with the pedal to the floor. Similarly, there's the noise of tires squealing as it approaches the outside of the pizzeria, and then seems to halt- still screaming, roaring, more tires squealing, right outside the doors of the place.
"Yeah, no, just keep holding down the pedal. It'll work eventually, trust me." shouts a voice, calm and confident, audible just barely over the noise of the engine.
Sirens can be heard in the distance, approaching the storefront as the smoke of grinding tires starts to fill the street. Eventually, as red and blue lights start to flood the street, the engine's roar dulls to nothing, and the two masked men, otherwise unseen in the driver and passenger seats, and the encroaching officers seem to arrest them with little to no trouble.
Inside the parlor, there's a small radio that mentions a robbery at an ATM followed by a high speed chase that is still apparently in progress.
That's the delay of the news, for you.
Afterwards, for a time, Power Girl doesn't seem to notice the two people entering, or exiting, the restaurant- she has a few things to say to the police, before she can go anywhere... But there she is, one of the flying things from Metropolis, blonde hair, blue eyes... Other notable bits. Here in NY at 4 am, apparently.
- Michelangelo has posed:
"'Sup?" Mikey beams a toothy smile to Stephanie as she walks in, lifting up two fingers to flash the 'peace' symbol. "Man that hurts. Aliens WISH they could get skin as green as this. Hell, they probably don't even thrice-times moisturise daily." Pffft. "AND!" He holds up a finger, "Not only my green skin, but my winning attitude is something that you can only get from growing up right here in New York." His baby blue eyes widen then. "Twelve stick combo? Oh man - now THAT'S a beast breakfast. I mean, you can't really go wrong with the menu here, but that's a winning selection."
"Don't let this young blood creep you out," One of the cooks says behind the counter. An older gentleman, with greying hair and wrinkled skin. "I can whip you up that combo. Take a seat. Be right with you."
The turtle, despite being the shortest in his family, is still quite large compared to the average human. He's an inch over six feet and very thickly set. "So, uh," He begins, keen to make some smalltalk to the smaller female. "How was your New Years? I'm Michelangelo, by the way. Or Mikey."
The sounds of disturbances outside draws his attention as it becomes closer and louder, eyes squinting a smidgen in curiosity. While he stays inside as the arrests are made, the continual chatter that Power Girl makes to the Officers makes the spare pizza chef a bit edgy. "Mikey -- suss that out for us, will ya? We don't want no trouble here." The turtle salutes. "Sure thing, Pop." Grinning to Steph, he waggles his eyebrows in some excitement and leads the way outside... that takes him to Power Girl.
*______* "...woah."
- Spoiler has posed:
Stephanie Brown manages to keep her cool for the most part. She is getting to be an experienced super-type person, even if she isn't technically super, but Gotham tends to be a little less prosaic than some of the other parts of the world. Plus, most of the really strange-looking types there are, y'know, totally insane and likely to try and eat your face off. Sometimes literally. But this guy seems less 'Killer Croc' and more 'Dude Turtles from Finding Nemo'.
"Stephanie," she manages to say, nodding to the reassurances of the guy, "I mean, I'm in New York, so it's...different," she says. She follows the attention to the ruckus outside and goes to peer herself. It does, indeed, look like Power Girl - holy crap, that's Power Girl all right, in all her glory. Nothing Steph could do that PG can't handle, that's for sure, although she finds herself slipping a hand in to check on her brass knuckles. Just in case.
- Power Girl has posed:
Power Girl had, clearly, caught up to the car during the chase, and with one leg, she'd forced the thing to a complete stop. To think that one six-foot-three blonde woman called a halt to a musclecar with one leg and apparently zero effort is a difficult one to wrap one's head around. Regardless, after a minute or two of speaking to the police, the blonde seems to be headed into the parlor.
That two people are apparently present and aware of her... Well, of her presence is something of a standard thing- she doesn't necessarily do much about it, waiting to be addressed before butting into a conversation that is clearly going on.
Instead she makes her way to the counter, pulling a small wad of bills from... Well, the only place on the costume that she'd keep anything. It makes sense- it's not as if it's uncommon, really, to store things there.
"Go ahead and put a pie in the oven. Medium, uh.... I'll take sausage. I said I'd watch the car while the trucks come in. Give the cops a chance to go home."
- Michelangelo has posed:
As Power Girl breezes straight past Mikey and Steph and enters the pizzeria, the turtle just looks up with shock and awe. Mostly awe. O___O Although he was asked to suss out what had happened from the police, Michelangelo seems to completely forget that directive from the pizza chef and follows the Kryptonian woman back in.
Poor Stephanie is near completely forgotten about for the briefest of moments, before he soon snaps out of the initial 'I've seen Power Girl trance'. "Steph," He's already shortening her name! Such bravado. "...do you think that's Power Girl sitting at the counter? ...where did she pull that cash from?!" Oy vey. It's hard being a teen guy sometimes.
Meanwhile, the cooks nod a little at what Power Girl orders, just as Stephanie's combo order is completed. "Twelve stick combo for the lass?" The older cook calls out to Stephanie, handing over a tray with her precious breadsticks and a slice of cheese pizza to go with it. And a drink, of course! "Sausage medium coming up."
Unlike Mikey, the employees appear largely unphased by Power Girl. This wasn't their first rodeo when it come to famous superheroes, it appears.
- Spoiler has posed:
Stephanie Brown nods, "Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, yeah, duh, of course it's Power Girl, I mean, look, she's a girl, she's...powerful," she says, gesturing vaguely towards PG.
She does her best to seem cool as she comes up to get her breadsticks, a rogue lock of blonde spilling out from under her hood to dangle in her face. "Excuse me, just getting my breadsticks, also you're totally amazing and awesome and I love you and I'm going to go eat now and not bother you the turtle guy seems nice don't worry about him," she says, most of it in one breath as she tucks the cheese sauce under her chin and scuttles to a table quick as she can.
- Power Girl has posed:
Power Girl is handing over cash. Almost-silently, she speaks to herself. "Yeah. That was a turtle. That's pretty new." she states, setting her cash back where she had it initially.
Her attention shifts, and she sees Stephanie coming to pick up her order, and she smiles at the girl, in greeting. Then, the other blonde sort of disgorges information so rapidly that Power Girl raises her brows, and blinks a couple of times, watching Steph hurry off to a table.
"Okay, hold on. I can move at post-light speeds, and that requires my perception to slow down time, in a practical sense of the phrase, to a crawl, and I -still- didn't catch all of that." she states, looking over towards Michelangelo for a moment. Now that she's had time to prepare before properly addressing the giant turtle, it's almost as if such a being isn't particularly weird or abnormal. "Did you catch that?" she asks, making a little light of the situation.
She makes her way over to the table that Stephanie now inhabits, and sits down. "Come on, let's go over it again." It's a series of statements from, probably, a position of superiority. But instead of taking a tone that lords it over someone, the way she talks is almost the conversation equivalent of her leaning down and offering a hand.
- Michelangelo has posed:
"She said I totally love you and thinks you're amazing and awesome AND I TOTALLY THINK THE SAME TOO OH MY GOD YOU MOVE AT LIGHT SPEED?!" Michelangelo not only repeats what Stephanie said in near-replica speed, but he's close to squealing at the end in excitement. As Power Girl makes her way over to Stephanie and sits at her table, Mikey remains standing at the bar area, panicked.
"Oh man oh man oh man -- what do I do?! Raph is never going to believe me," Raph being the brother that has pictures of Power Girl on his wall. "Pop! What do I do? Huh? Give me some of that old man wisdom!" Rounding on the cook, all he gets is a chuckle and a medium pizza. "What you can do is take this over to her, pee-brain. And don't drop it, or I'm charging ya." With an audible gulp, Mikey delivers the pizza to the seated Power Girl, standing next to the table as he places it down opposite Steph's combo breakfast. Nervously he glances from her to Stephanie.
"So, uh, Power Girl," He begins. "...think you can sign my shell? It's totally for a friend." >___>; That doesn't really make sense. The poor teenage mutant ninja turtle is a bit confused and not thinking very straight. His voice trembles as he digs out a thick black marker. "I have this pen you can use."
- Spoiler has posed:
Stephanie Brown blushes a bit as she's called out for her overenthusiasm, but luckily Michaelangelo breaks in to outdo her in sheer levels of manic and hyperactive. She takes the opportunity to fortify herself with carbs, quickly munching down a breadstick while the turtle boy is waving a marker around.
"Yeah, um, I think he explained it pretty well," she says, "You're just...you're really awesome and I'm kind of amazed to meet you. I'm from Gotham and, well, the heroes in Gotham are a little...different," she says. "They're not exactly personable. Or pretty. Well, there are a couple of pretty ones, but most of them wear masks, I think," she says.
- Power Girl has posed:
Leaning back in her chair, Power Girl senses a mild mistake as she hears Mikey's frantic response to her statement. She never really considers herself very famous- in fact, she technically gets less screen time than most of the other Kryptonians in Metropolis, specifically because she kind of gives a bad interview.
Clearing her throat, she listens to the statements and offers a nod. "Yes, but only outside of the atmosphere. If I break Mach X in atmosphere there's a chance I might end up breaking a few things I'd rather not."
Returning her attention to Stephanie, she offers a chuckle, and then a small shrug. "I don't know. I've met Batgirl, and she seems pretty excellent. Personable, too. Maybe you'll get a chance to see her one of these days."
Then suddenly, her pizza's there! And Mikey's asking for a favor! She offers this small sigh, "The things I've been asked to sign..." she feigns- frankly, this is the first time she's ever been asked to sign, well, anything. Popping the cap on the marker, she does her best to sign something as bumpy and uneven as the shell of a turtle, and does a pretty okay job of it. "That's the... best I can do. I'm sure they'll believe it. If they don't, just point out that you could not have signed it yourself."
- Michelangelo has posed:
"You came from Gotham?" Stephanie's reveal draws some of the attention away from Power Girl as Mikey looks at the purple-clad hero. "Dude, that's awesome! That place has some awesome buildings to jump around on. One time when I went for an excursion, I had to chase these ninjas - and, well, it was just so easy cause of all the hooks and things I could jump off of!"
And then? His shell is getting signed! Biting his lower lip in anticipation, the turtle takes back the marker. "I'm sure it's awesome. It was awesome meeting you, Power Girl! You too, Stephanie. I like the colour of your hoodie. Purple is nice. I mean, orange is better - but nobody's perfect, huh?" The teenager beams a smile, before heading to the door. "I gotta jet back to the lair. Later everyone! Happy New Year." The cooks spare Michelangelo a departing wave, before going idling once more.