3847/In the Night Garden

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In the Night Garden
Date of Scene: 10 February 2018
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Thor and Wanda share a drink and some conversation, coming up with friends and an.. open ended invitation?
Cast of Characters: Scarlet Witch, Thor

Scarlet Witch has posed:
The day had been neither long nor short. It merely had been. Or perhaps it was only that way to her perception. There were times where she felt outside of reality as much as she was the embodiement of it. Where it felt like the world had moved on and shifted without her, and she was merely a spectator in orbit.

Today had been one of those days. A day where thoughts had lain heavily upon her. If only because those she had spent time with had reminded her of why she had left. And why she had returned. And again, she had no easy answers. Though for once she had no further questions.

It seemed something of a victory.

Night had fallen, and the drizzle of earlier in the day had turned to a soft falling snow of fat, lazy flakes that drifted to the ground with a boring ease. Everyone had gone to bed. The monitors were dead, the buzzing snow of no transmission turned off for the interim - or at least until Tony's idea became fruition.

Really, Wanda had little to keep her here, or awake, other than there didn't seem anywhere else she needed to be, and for what it was worth, this was as much home as the place where she actually resided. A realization hitting her that her roots were too shallow. A thing she had no answers to. But she had a comfortable chair. And a drink. A book she wasn't really reading, open to a page she'd scanned for over an hour now without flipping the page. Lost in thought.

Thor has posed:
    It's early in the morning, or late at night. It's hard to tell in this lazy weather and as such, parts of the mansion are absolutely silent, while the library somehow is becoming more and more loud as the God of Thunder is using his tree trunk sized legs to march into the large study with walls filled and lined with books. In his hands he holds a tower of books near his thigh and with his chin lifted he's careful to keep them from sliding out of place.

    Thor steps with his boots clapping loudly that they would ever seem in the normal day hours, but at this time of night, they seem somehow mystically louder. "Wanda, well met, but what is it you are doing at this hour -- Reading." He says deadpaned at his own idiocy and then shrugs before he closes his yapper and turns to continue walking deeper into the library with the stack of books in his hands.

    The man smells like a bar, as he was out all night getting better acquainted with one of the newest alies to have made the team in an odd team building exorcise. This is not something he regrets.

Scarlet Witch has posed:
It is with mild amusement and gentle rebuke that Wanda turns her smile and gaze upon the man. "Perhaps it is only that I wait for you, no? Or maybe it is only that I have forgotten to sleep."

There's a gentle rise and fall of her shoulders. "It is no matter. But you? Why are you so late. Come from reverie?" Teasing, then, "Smelling of a bar. See? I think, perhaps I should insist you take me next time. Still, no matter for it now. Come, sit? You have time to sit? Or do you wander to bed now?"

Her book is folded closed with a finality that says she had no more to give it, and it nothing to give her.

Thor has posed:
    Thor bends his back to raise up the bottom of the lowest book so he can set the stack on the lowest table and he does so with a heavy THUNK. The god shrugs his own shoulders as well. "Next time I will drag you kicking and screaming if I must, and I will carry thyself back here as well. Very few things are as wonderful as drinking with friends."

    Thor moves over towards the high wingback chair next to Wandas and he sits down on it with both hands on his knees, and the chair protests his weight with a series of creaks and groans. "I have come for books to warm the fireplace in the common room. The night has drawn chill into the mansion. Sleep is not my goal at this time." No he doesn't realize the offense that would cause every librarian ever.

Scarlet Witch has posed:
Wanda's smile is a small thing, even as it acknowledges what he says. "Perhaps not so much kicking or screaming, yes? I am thinking I dwell too much alone with my thoughts. I forget what it is like to be with those who make me laugh. But you? You have had a good evening, no?"

That smile on her lips grows to something bigger. "Perhaps we do not burn the books, but we could share some drinks, yes? It might not be a bar, or so many things as you would like, but I think I could be some company. I will try to remember to laugh at your stories, no?" Her words come with a crinkle of nose and a wink. Most definitely teasing him.

Thor has posed:
    "I maketh thou laugh?" Thor says with both of his eyebrows lifting high upon his brow but then he leans back deeper into the comfy chair. "It was a marvelous evening. Rogue is an incredibly lightweight with her drink. This was a surprising discovery for me." The man explains his evening.

    "I feel like drinking with you would be more dignified, at least in the beginning, and the music will not be as, loud nor annoying. I welcome this idea and development." The god remarks, his blue eyes resting on Wanda's eyes in that soft kindness that the chissled man has always had. There's an incredibly soft spot lurking within the golden haired giant.

Scarlet Witch has posed:
The green of Wanda's eyes twinkles, meeting the blue of his own. "It is a library," she remarks, terribly tongue in cheek. "But we could have music and drink. Some laughter. And you make me sound so serious. Like I am old before my time."

Indeed, she both is and is not old. Perhaps only a god could understnd that. How her years number a thing so small, but the soul of her is so large and immense that at times it seems she carries the weight of all worlds upon her. Makes it seem she is old beyond her years. It is the juxtaposition of these things that lends such an innocence to her. And makes it ever the more frightening when she lends her power to a position.

This moment, though, she is nothing more than gentle, and relaxed. Expending moments upon someone she considers, if not a friend, at least close enough to almost be one. And someone she would invite to become closer.

"I should shake a finger at you, no? And be all the jealous. Say things like, 'why do you not invite me?', only I think perhaps it would be nicer to say, what shall we drink? And do we wish music?"

There is a small furrow of her brow as she considers, "I wonder, are you happy here? I confess, I do not do this thing, this.." She gestures with a hand as she flounders around the wording of 'bars' and 'hanging out' and 'clubbing' or some notion of those things. "I think perhaps I was born in the wrong place to truly understand. Or time? One of. It is a thing of the language. Time or place."

A smile is allowed again as she looks to him, and murmurs, "I think some music. And wine? Yes? You like wine? Or do you wish you should provide the drink?"

As she speaks, a low, gentle lulling of sound carries over the room. A mixture of classical violin and piano. Only loud enough to be heard; not so loud as to interfere with conversation. Wanda's gaze carrying both hints of amusement and challenge.

Thor has posed:
    "You art allowed the emotion of jealous. I would be jealous if I were in your place. I would revel at the chance to go drinking with myself." The god of thunder teases in return, falling more and more comfortable with the situation and with Wanda being back in the Avenger mansion.

    Thor remains seated as the music begins. "I think I am enjoying myself, but my happiness is elusive. I feel like a man of two worlds and am not whole in either one." The man says, opening up in an emotional way very few have ever been privy to. "If you're pouring, I will be drinking anything you hand me. I am trusting you to not try to drink me under the table, but instead enjoy ourselves and our company." Thor says with a kindly smile as he looks at Wanda still, as if she were the only thing in the room even worth looking at because his steel blue eyes have not once waivered away from her gaze.

Scarlet Witch has posed:
She is a pause of thought. Poised on the edge of merely human, and what she is. Then, seemingly, with a deliberation of thought, and a nod that seals it, her hands press together, palm to palm.

"What does one give to a god? Hm?" She considers her hands the way a magician considers his own in front of a captive audience. Only he is not captive, and she is no magician. What she wreaks will be. There is no stage show. Only the reality of what she allows.

"First, we must promise this is only between us, yes? Such secrets for sharing among friends."

Her voice is a calm lull of sound as her hands move apart, and where empty space shoudl be, there is, instead, a decanter.

"So. I am no god, so there will be no nectar for you. But close, yes? This, this is the liquour of the almond. Sweet, but not cloying. Strong, but not so much that you froget yourself. Only that you remember you are with a friend, and that there is so much good to life, yes?"

As the decanter appear, so, too, do glasses with which to fill. Though they seem for all the world to have always been there. She had had a drink, but that glass is now empty and joined by a twin. A twin she fills first, before her own. Each a few fingersfull of measure, and then the decanter is stopped and put back down.

His glass is offered over. "These tables are much too small to drink under. Perhaps we drink aside one another. As to your feelings? I think that perhaps I, among so few, would understand. There are days where it is all so heavy. I wonder, what am I? Am I all, or nothing? But first, we drink to.. what do we drink to?"

Thor has posed:
    Thor takes his drink in his hand, making the glass seem much smaller than Wanda's hand does, and so with the booze in his hand, Thor stands back up to his feet and takes a single step over to stand in front of Wanda and he extends a hand down to her.

    "A toast then!" Thor bellows with a laugh, lifting his drink with his other hand still held out, offering to help Wanda to her feet. "To finding ourselves, or at the least, enjoying ourselves!" The god chuckles offering a cheers with a clinking of drinks before starting in on his nectar and continuing the night's party.

Scarlet Witch has posed:
Wanda's glass is a light touch upon his after she is helped to her feet, the sound a clear reverberating tinkle in the room. A sound that is echoed by her soft laugh. "To journies, then. May we both find perhaps not what we expect, but what we need."

She lifts her glass in the air, after their rimds have touched and the bell-like sound of crystal fills the room, only to fade as the sound of her voice melts away, so that when she sips, it is into the near-silence of the soft music that surrounds them.

"Not so much a party. I apologize for that. But maybe this is better. Not so much bravado, and a little more where we can laugh with real sound?"

And as if testing that, she laughs, the sound bright and clear, a counterpoint to the mournful violon in the background. "I feel like perhaps we should should be dancing now. Only I have no bll gown or slipers. And there are so many furnitures in the way. But we can pretend, no?"

Thor has posed:
    Thor tilts his glass back and the contents pour into his mouth without protest. The man cants his head and lets out a soft moan. "Hmm. That is an interesting flavor. I like." He says, but doesn't smash the glass, instead he holds it in one hand.

    A single blond eyebrow lifts up and his hands are carefully and slowly reposition themselves into an invitation for Wanda to step up into him and begin a walts. He doesn't promise to be a quality dancer, but he does promise with his motions to at least try. "I would laugh, but I don't need Stark or anyone else barging down here and interupting our time to know each other."

Scarlet Witch has posed:
Wanda, likewise, drinks from her glass, but does not drain it. Instead, she savours the amber liquid and the slow burn it provides down her throat. "I would scold him if he did so. I already told him if he undoes what I healed I will make it so he does not walk until the rest of him is well." She shakes her head. "He is like a grown child. So much brilliance in that mind, but so little thought for others. Or for what is good."

She sighs and makes a helpless gesture with the hand that is free, setting her glass aside when a waltz is offered.

It might be coincidence, or it might be merely the fact of her, but the music slows as they fall into the classical position of a waltz, Wanda letting Thor lead her.

"It is alright. the dance is not so much for how the feet move. It is how the body feels. And where the music lives, yes? Here."

She moves a hand free to tap his breastbone.

"There. That is where the dance matters. Only there. Where the heart and the body meet. Not so much the soul. The sould is.. It feels the music. It knows it. But it is just as happy to sit with your eyes closed and let it be like rain that washes over you. But the dance, the dance wants you to live a little. Even if you only glide on the floor. It says, see? You are the music."

And somehow she manages to lead him through the steps of the waltz, all the while making it seem like he is leading her. That his footsteps are unnerring and perfectly timed to the music.

Like a gracious host, she allows him this, all the while orchestrating the moment so that it might happen.

Thor has posed:
    And here he thought he was being the good man the gentleman Friya taught him how to be with women, especially the weaker softer mortals and all along she was accomodating him.

    "You know a lot about everything so it seems." Thor says, trying to pay a compliment to the vastly powerful mutant in his arms. "So you art telling me to close my eyes and trust in my heart to make the moves it wants? That could be a very dangerous situation for the two of us." The god warns the fellow Avenger. The glass in his hand brushes against her back before he leans over her and his hand extends to find a table and set it down so he can place his large palm against her back and pull her even closer to his stone hard chest.

Scarlet Witch has posed:
If there is inherent danger or threat in anything he says, she does not react. Wanda remaining nothing but a calm in his arms as they glide about the small space afforded them by the furniture in the library.

"You say that like there is something to fear. How should I fear you? Hrm? Is your heart such a danger, then?"

When he leans her such that her can place his glass down, she arches her back, remaining a pause in his arms, and then, as though not moment had passed between one breath and the next, her movements ease into his again when the glass is down and the dance resumes.

"Or do you say such things to all the women, so to scare them away?" An amused quirk of brow punctuating that before she adds, "Perhaps I know less than you think. Sometimes I wonder if I know anything. Maybe that is really all life is. To realize how little we know. How much we will regret when it is over."

Thor has posed:
    "Wanda, I am a warrior. My heart belongs and yearns for the battlefield." The god says with a soft sigh, as he admits what he is for the first time since returning to Midgard. "I can get restless and there is an unrestrained bloodlust within my heart that I try to keep contained and hidden away from the worlds."

    A soft inhale extends his chest against her as he looks upwards to finish his breath before he looks back down and lowers his gaze back into Wanda's incredibly close eyes. "I know that as long as I'm helping my friends and protect the innocent. I will have no regrets."

Scarlet Witch has posed:
There's a pause to the dance where, even without removing her hand from his, or the one that lightly sits upon his waist, there is the sense that she cups his face. "You say that though you are warning me off. Or that I do not understand what it is to have a warrior heart."

Her laugh, following, is a gentle thing. Almost admonishing. Almost disbelieving. "Do you not know what I can do? And you say to me you have a warrior's heart. As though I could not stand upon a battlefield and say *be not* and have all fall before me? Do you know think I know what I can do?"

There is a soft clucking of tongue against her palatte.

"You say these things as though you are the only one to understand them. When, in fact, all you are is just another who feels the same. The only difference between you and me is that you act upon these things, and I stand there and think how I can not. Because you are a force in the universe that is for such chaos. You are like.. how rain comes in spring. So hard. And fierce. It washes aways the leaves, and the mud, and it leaves all the earth ready to spring forth with life. And I? I am like the fall. How the leaves lay upon the ground and bury the seeds and the shoots. I shush them into waiting for the spring, knowing that if I called them to life now, they would be beautiful.. but ultimately they would die."

She closes her eyes and shakes her head as she speaks that, only to reopen her eyes and give a soft shrug. "Or is it only that you fear your own self in this?"

Thor has posed:
    "Wanda, your speak wise and beautifully. A wisdom beyond your years." Odinson speaks softly, a hand moving from her back to gently cradle her chin and lift up her face to look up at his instead of being level with his broad chest. "You make it sound like we are the opposite sides of the same universal coin. Poetic." The god says, a smile wanning across his face briefly before he nods in finality. "But I do indeed fear myself more than I fear you. However, I wouldn't change this moment in the slightest... Well maybe one thing." He says with a chortle and a wink, as he tries to change the mood to a more chipper one.

Scarlet Witch has posed:
While her face is cradled, she bears the touch without flinching. A solemn regarding of him as his words wash over her. Watching his nod. How he chortles and winks. And when it is over, she nods, inclining her head, only to answer, "Perhaps not so much wisdom as too much time with my own thoughts."

Her smile brushes over him like a touch. Much as he's cradled her chin.

"In a different place, perhaps we would have been more to one another, no? Only here you are.. and I am.." She gives him another smile that says things are inexplicable. That there are no words. "But you should not fear yourself. I do not fear you. Except perhaps that you tease, yes? This thing you would change. Speak. Confess. What is it?"

Her own tones lightening to match his.

Thor has posed:
    It's then his face grows more bold and in an instant his hands are off and he's bending over at his waist, bracing his shoulder against her waist and with arm arm around her, he stands back up and is now holding the woman on top of his shoulders and he holds her there with his arm on her back.

    "I would be far more bold and maybe have more drink within us!" The man says, carrying Wanda over to the table with the decanter on it and he takesa the cork out and takes a quick long sip from it with a great gasp as he pulls the bottle from his lips and then twists his arm behind himself offering the glass container to Wanda.

Scarlet Witch has posed:
He's taken her off-guard, that if for certain, and yet, for all that, Wanda is nothing but laughter when she is slung over Thor's shoulders, and hoisted like a sack of potatoes.

"I begin to see why you are single, no?"

Teasing, of course. Not only because it's a gesture of playfullness, and not one of flirting, but also because there is suddenly such a lightheartedness to the moment that to scold would change the tenor irrevocably. And ultimatley, she does not wish to mother him. That, and there is something girlishly pleasing about being hoisted. Another might protest, but Wanda knows her place in the universe, and what she could do to even a god - she has no ego that needs to complain.

When the bottle is offered her, she takes it, taking a hearty swig which only makes her cough some. "We should have a pirate ship. That is all that is missing. Only, I think I would want to be the Captain. And you might not like to be thrown on my shoulders."

Her tones light. Teasing. Certainly chipper.

Thor has posed:
    "We may never know." The man says with a laugh and his hand spreads across her back to keep her on top of his broad shoulder and his other hand waits for her to return the decanter to its palm so he can reset it on the table and he moves deeper into the library room with the woman on top of him.

    "Now seems as perfect a time as any." The man says, rolling the woman forward off his shoulder and dropping her into a sitting position on the top of a table and motioning his arms wide to gesture to the room. "Let us discover if you are as capable of carrying me around like a proper mate as I do you!"

Scarlet Witch has posed:
Wanda remains in her perch atop the table, regarding Thor with amusement. "Ah, see, now there is a question first. If I take you and carry you like a proper mate, does that mean that we are now mated? Or only that I am worthy?"

She purses her lips over an amused smirk, eyes gleaming. Regardless of his answer, she has chosen to take this in her stride.

Thor has posed:
    "Do not ask me abotu the ways of Midgard mating rituals. You people make the Greek gods even cringe." The blond man says with another wink of his left eye before he takes another step back, giving Wanda room to work her magic.

    "Or the option exists for us to stay where we are and explore possibilities when and how we'd like." Thor says before he wanders off slightly to go back to the wingback chairs and grab the decanter again and brings it back towards Wanda with another pause to take a sharp drink from the mouth of the glass before offering it back to the witch.

Scarlet Witch has posed:
She's content to merely sit upon the table while Thor rearranges the dynamics of the room by moving away from her.


Of course, then he is offering her his glass, a glass she takes willingly and brings to her lips for a considered drink, again letting the liquid burn down her throat as she swallows.

"I am hardly you people," Wanda complains. "But I understand. You see us as so different. Only, I think we are not so removed. But tell me, if I were to slip from this table and lift you, would you be frightened, or glad? I may still wish to make up my mind. I would hate to disappoint."

Thor has posed:
    "It would be an unusual experience, but no, I do no fear thee Wanda Erikdottir." Thor says with a cackle bellowing from his throat as he leans against the table and seems to find a hand on the back of Wanda's hand, yet he doesn't recoil nor pull his hand back.

    "I invite you to explore your mind and personality as much as you crave. It would be a welcome change to the usually quiet and nearly terrifying version of the Wanda I tend to encounter."

Scarlet Witch has posed:
Wanda's gaze drops again, falling to her hands. To where his lays upon her own. "Am I so frightening, then? Sometimes I think there is no way to be.. to merely be."

When her eyes lift back to his they are neither guarded, nor amused.

"Sometimes I think, what if I were someone else. Not this person everyone knows. Or think they know. Even you. Quiet and terrifyig. That is is how you see me. Quiet and terrifying."

Thor has posed:
    "Because you are quiet, and no, I said nearly, you do not terrify me." Thor says, removing his hands and taking another drink from the disaronno bottle with a smack of his lips.

    He passes the bottle back to Wanda and cants his head. "Like I said, explore yourself. I am no cosmic judge, I am merely a warrior in good and easy company." Thor says bluntly with a hand falling onto Wanda's shoulders. "I seek a good time by any means I have access to!"

Scarlet Witch has posed:
His answer surprises her. "I am quiet?"

But of course she is. Even if that isn't how she sees herself. She is, most often, the silence in the room.

The bottle, handed bck, is sipped from. Once. Twice. Held as she considers, his words.

"I have sat with my thoughts for too long. All my thoughts say is that there is something missing. Only they do not say what." Quieter, she adds, "And they tell me I have failed."

His hand upon her shoulder earns no reaction but an unconscious lean in that direction.

"What would you say if I told you I helped my father escape? That I harmed another to let him go free?" Which isn't *entirely* how it happened, but close enough that her words ring with truth.

Thor has posed:
    "I would say that makes you human." Thor says, his thumb rubbing against her collar bone. "There is little wrong with that fact that you would do a lot for your father. You give him a chance. Just as I would, and have, or even Stark would. It is only natural." Thor lifts his hand from her shoulder to cup at her cheek and again urges her to look directly at him.

    "There is not fault or guilt to be levied.

    Thor takes the alcohol and takes another pull. "In my experience, you miss conflict and combat, but that's my warrior's heart."

Scarlet Witch has posed:
Wanda's fingers let go of the bottle without protest. As he takes the thing, and swigs, she looks to him. "But he has done so much harm. So many of us hurt because of him. How can my love for him be acceptable when I know what he is?"

She shakes her head, much as if dismissing her emotion. "How. How can good emotion be better than angry ones? How when my love let him be free? What is the good in that?"

A hand reaches out for the bottle. An unconscious gesture that she notices only when her hand is outstretched between them. A gesture she allows. It seems the eve for such things. The company is right.

Thor has posed:
    Thor puts the bottle in Wanda's hand without resistance and shrugs his shoulder. "Giving someone a second and third and as many chances as you can allow will never make you the bad guy." Thor explains as he leans against the table and with a shrug he moves to hop up on it and sit next to Wanda on the research table. The legs groan for a brief moment before two loud poping sounds and the legs snap under the sudden weight.

    Thor's backside hits the ground while his arms move during the short fall to wrap up Wanda and protect her from the perceived threat!

Scarlet Witch has posed:
There's a loud *CRACK* of sound, then a short *whoosh!* as Wanda, table, bottle, and Thor go down. And for a moment she's startled. Enough so that there is a second where all is held suspended in midair. Everything paused and held in place.

The moment is singular, though, and then everything returns to normal. Gravity as usual. Broken table, people, and alcohol all falling. And though she could easily have stopped or cushioned her own blow, Wanda allows Thor to wrap her up and absorb the blow.

Perhaps even welcomes it.

Cradled as she is, there's a silence. A silence broken by a soft, "How does allowing evil to exist allow one to call themselves good when they can stop it?" Even if stopping it holds the possibility of turning them into the very thing they stop.

Thor has posed:
    With Wanda in his arms and safe, Thor cant help but lean back all the way until he's laying on the broken slanted table top and rolls slightly so that she's resting on him. "How can you call yourself good if you do the same things that evil men do?" Thor asks, somehow substantially deep and existential. Incredibly out of character for the brawn before brain kind of man.

    "This is why I look to other men to be moral and I do what I feel is right."

Scarlet Witch has posed:
Wanda nods as her question is reiterated.

"I could. I could stop him. I could make everything he could possibly do never happen."

She leans back against him, taking shelter in that brawn. "Only what would it make me? I would be beautiful beyond compare. And wonderous. And terrible to behold. I would come to believe as he does, that the means are the end. That if the end is good and just, then how you get there is not a consideration. Even if in your wake you lie bodies and sow fear."

She smiles a small, bitter smile. "Quiet and terrifying you called me. Only I would be loud and horrific then. But sometimes, sometimes I think.. I could fix this. I could make it all go away."

"I would have carried you," she murmurs. "I am not so weak as you think. Also? I cheat."

Thor has posed:
    "Then you would be as bad or worse than him." Thor says with a soft sigh as he realizes that his shirt is now soaked in booze and he sighs softly. With his powerful arms he pushes Wanda up onto her feet and away from the broken table and the smelly Asgardian.

    "You seem to worry too much about turning into your father. This isn't something you should worry so much about. Live you life the way you think is best." Thor slowly clambers to his feet and reaching to his waist, untucks the black t-shirt before slipping out of his black and white checkard flannel shirt before taking off his black undershirt and frowning at his sudden wetness on his chest. Being half nude doesn't bother him in the slightest. "Show me howest thou cheats Erikdottir. I am curious now."

Scarlet Witch has posed:
It's not just his pushing her that has Wanda on her feet. The options are to be pushed, to stumble, or to find herself upright. As always, when the options tumble about and come up chance, they come up in her favour.

Wanda finds herself standing.

"I can not be as bad as he is."

The statement is firm and profound, resonating deeply. As though she's struck a chord, and the vibrations of that spread out from her to places unknown. Through all of time and reality. Any place where she has any presence or being. And in all those things, she reaffirms that she will not be the worst of what she might be.

It shifts things. Makes a momentary brightness where there was once a shade darker. Imperceptible to any eye but those who see things in potential. And those are few and far between.

it is an epoch moment. A test. A thing she has passed through, and her being is more solid becuase of it.

That Thor is shirtless isn't even on her radar. It's as though shirt or no shirt, his being is the same. He is a reality. A gestalt of Thor. And while he may be used to others fawning over the fact of his semi-nakedness, to her he is only what he always was.

And what he always was, is a tease. A tease she intends upon giving a lesson to. A mild lesson, but a lesson. After all, she has risen to his challenge and told him she cheats.

Which might make her something of a liar, or less than she purports herself to be, but she thinks the universe will forgive her. There is something of lightness and fun to what she will do.

POf course, she must grunt. Because if you are to lift a god, you must make it an effort. And, of course, of all the gods, and all the egos in all the realities, his ego is great. There is only one ego that might rival Thor's and that ego she has been babysitting and already threatened within the last twenty-four hours.

"Now, try not to squeal like a little girl." The words rae given with utter sincereity, but the glimmer in her eyes give her away as she approaches him, intent on hoisting him. Or trying. And unless she employs her powers, trying is all she'll manage.

Thor has posed:
    Thor drops his shirts on the ground with a plop and he looks down at Wanda with a click of his tongue. "Oh, you are doing this right now Wanda? I do hope if you're successful you will not be shy about what comes after carrying the god of thunder through the library, or wherever you teleport us to with your stupendous powers."

    The god of thunder remains standing, waiting patiently with his hands dangling at his sides, waiting to see what magic Wanda will employ.

Scarlet Witch has posed:
His taunt only causes Wanda to laugh. It's a light thing. A free thing. As though his words have absolved her of a certain portion of her guilt...

Not that she doesn't intend to cheat. He did, after all, challenge her, and far be it from her to deny a god his just dues in such a thing. She is, after all, no mere mortal.

"I think if I were to do this properly, I would dress you in a tutu. No. A duck. A life preserver, like a duck. And a little pillbox hat. Just so."

Her hands make a frame and sqaure over his head as she looks at him, one eye squinched shut as she does so.

"But you are not to squeal like a little girl. I might have to drop you."

Her words are an amused challenge to him in return, and herald her approach to him, as she considers just how to pick him up.

In the end, what strikes as most expedient is how he carried her. Only, as she says, she cheats. He becomes a mathematicl problem. Numbers on a wall. A chalkboard in her head. And when she reduces them down, they are miniscule fragments of themselves, so that when she bends to take him, shoulder near his crotch, and hoisting him so his head hangs down her back and she holds onto his thighs against her chest, he is barely a pittance of what he truly should weigh. In her mind, though, all he is, is a small equation.

Little numbers.

A thing easily overcome.

Thor has posed:
    Thor lets his arms dangle after a brief moment of his legs flailing about in the air with a bit of surprise and shock. "Erikdottir! You ... certainly cheated!" The man says with a laugh as his hands dangle down past her backside and even brush against her thighs, maybe down to her knees.

    "I admit I am surprised Erikdottir, I did not know you had it within you to lift me so easily."

Scarlet Witch has posed:
"I only cheat a little," Wanda says with a smug little grin, carrying Thor over to one of the wingbacked chairs before depositing him down. She refrains from doing a little flexing to show him how impressively strong she is, because, well, cheating.

That dangle of hands though, it's left its mark in a crimson flush upon her cheeks. A flush she works to hide by looking for their drinks. "Perhaps I was too much."

Thor has posed:
    "Wanda, you did just enough." The god says as he sits down as awkwardly as possible in the wingback chair and smiles as Wanda wonders off to get more liquid courage.

    "Are you cold or incredibly drunk already?" The blonde god inquires as he leans further back into the chair, but still seems somehow too big for the thing as he lifts a leg to cross over and rest an ankle on his knee.

Scarlet Witch has posed:
The decanter is found, along with the toppled over glasses, which she bends down to retrieve. By the time she turns back, only the faintest of rosy hues brushes along her cheekbones. "No, it is, how do you say it.. you have surprised me, is all. it is not often I carry gods about on my shoulders."

She brings the things back to the table, and setlles them down, before taking her chair again. "Please. Where were we?"

Thor has posed:
    "I believe we were becoming fast friends Erikdottir." Thor says with a large toothy smile smeared across his face as he extends his hand out to take the tumbler from Wanda's hand. The god will then hold it out towards her to fill it up and his blue eyes linger still upon her cheeks now. "If I didn't know better, I'd think you were hiding something. Wanda." The god says coyly.

    When did he learn to be coy?

Scarlet Witch has posed:
Wanda nods, ducking her head with that sudden shyness that seems to accompany her innocent side. "Yes. We were becoming friends. I had forgotten what that was like, I think. Too much too long in my own thoughts. Too many worries of other things."

The tumbler is released with ease, and her gaze drifts back to watch him fill it. "Me? Hiding things?" What had she to hide? Other than breaking her father out of SHIELD and running away - but surely he didn't know about that. "No, it is just that you surprised me. Your kind words." Those light touches where she wasn't sure she'd had lingering touches before and didn't know how to respond to.

As suddenly as the shyness, there's a flash of the impish. "You did not mind that I did cheat? I confess, I was not sure if it would work. You are a very large man."

Thor has posed:
    Thor's eyebrows lift up at the slight shift in Wanda's demeanor but he doesn't recoil any further. "I welcome you and invited you to do what it was you had to do in order to achieve your goals. I do not consider that cheating." The god says with a playful wink of his left eye.

    Lifting the tumbler to his lips and taking a much smaller drink than normal, indicating he's enjoying her company, and learning her customs, Thor asks, "The reason for your red cheeks. It seems to be something you don't want to explain, so of course I'm curious."

Scarlet Witch has posed:
Wanda's impishness remains as her cheating has been found, well, if not worthy, then at least acceptable. It's a fine point in definition, but one she's finding she can appreciate in this instance. "Then I would enjoy, perhaps, opportunity to cheat again some day. But for now, we enjoy our drinks and become friends. Yes?"

Like him, she ships her, enjoying the heady amaretto flavour, letting it linger in her mouth to warm before swallowing. Especially as she considers the rest of his words.

"Ah. My cheeks. You surprised me, is all. It was nothing. Not really."

Thor has posed:
    "I tend to do that!" Thor says matter of factly before he finish his drink abruptly, suddenly not in the lounging mood. "I'm not sure how different Midgardian women are from Asgardian, but a blush like thine own, indicates one of three things."



    "Or arousal."

    Thor lists them out slowly and carefully before looking back over in Wanda's direction with a knowing smirk on his lips. "But we know you're not Asgardian, so I am wrong again."

Scarlet Witch has posed:
Wanda's gaze falls for a moment, to hide a flicker of that shyness again. "I may not be Asgardian, but those are the same reasons any woman blushes."

then she laughs softly at herself, and returns her glance his way. "If I had been thinking quicker, I would have told you instead, No! But I am something better. And maybe to give one of those winks of yours."

"So, tell me, these women of yours. Are they so very different from us?" Not that Wanda is in any way, shape, or form an ordinary women. All thor has pegged rightly is that she's not Asgardian.

Thor has posed:
    "I have no experience with you Midgardian women. I can not give an honest answer." The blonde man says with a simple enough shrug as he's in the middle of reaching over to grab the decanter and pour himself another slow drink and puts the cork back in with a soft sound.

    He swirls the amber liquid in his glass for a moment looking down at it and speaking further. "Different in that they are much more forward with their words and actions, and much physically stronger, though you Midgardian's seem to be much more powerful or strong in the minds."

Scarlet Witch has posed:
Her smile is considered as his words are taken in thoughtfull. "See? I do not think of us so very different. And rightly, I am not truly Midgardian. There are too many things.. It doesn't matter so much."

That light, impish smirk returns. "Besides, how many Midgardians would think to throw you over their shoulder and toss you on a chair like a sack of potatoes brought home for dinner." There's a twinkle in her eyes that suggests the quality of a wink. Did she just make a joke ... with innuendo?

Thor has posed:
    "I'm not sure how many I would ever off to try and heft my line thyself just did." Thor says, his glass climbing back up to pour another drink past his lips and he allows it to linger on his tongue for a time.

    After he swallows, Thor looks back to Wanda and with that impish grin of his own. "I wouldn't have objected to anywhere you would have takeneth me." The god says with a short twitch of his eyebrows in a kind of waggle.

Scarlet Witch has posed:
She laughs then, the sound light and suddenly relaxed, even if she is quick to murmur, "See? This I know. Though it does not seem so bad when you flirt, like some. I should thank you for that. Sometimes it feels I do not always understand these things."

Wanda's laughter settles down to a smile that carries notes of her sudden happiness and lightness. "It was good that you came to talk to me. I think I was doing the wallowing. Too deep inside my own head. It is not always good to live there." She looks thoughtful. "A friend said I should listen to my heart more. That it knows what I need to do. I did not think he understood, but perhaps it was I who did not understand. And you are kind to make me laugh."

She sips again, and noting his linger, tells him, "The warmth, it brings out the notes of the liquour. The flavour of it is much stronger when you do that. There are better liquids if all you seek is revelry and drunkeness." Adding, "This is nice."

Thor has posed:
    "I doubt very much I would ever, or could ever get drunk on Midgardian ales." The god says before he takes another sip and follows her advice to let the liquid linger on his tongue for a time before swallowing. "That is much more flavorful." Thor notes before he sets the glass down on the table, obviously done with the drink and slowly with his hands on the arms, the chair protests his movements as he rises from the piece of furniture.

    "You're welcome to join me outside of the library anytime you want Wanda. I would not turn your company away." Thor says with another wink as if were an invitation to follow should she so desire. With the wink delivered, Thor starts to move towards the doorway and out of the library.

Scarlet Witch has posed:
"It's the aromatics," Wanda tells him. "They need to reach your nose for full flavour." Her head cants ever so slightly at an angle then, watching, "You know, I think this is the first time we've ever really talked. Not just you being your usual. You're very nice like this. I have enjoyed."

She puzzles for a few before hesitantly murmuring "I wonder just what it is you are saying, or if I will regret to come or to stay more."