3902/Some art in Mutant town!

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Some art in Mutant town!
Date of Scene: 17 February 2018
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Kaydin LeGraize, Colossus, Rift, Magneto, Kid Omega

Kaydin LeGraize has posed:
    Kaydin was next to a building spray painting the nearby building. The picture, shows the X-men and Magneto fighting against giant robots with purple armor. He continues spray painting and when he finishes he looks over the art. "Man with a can and a plan." He says with a grin as he looks to see if anyone will notice.

Colossus has posed:
Piotr Rasputin is in the area for outreach. He has been helping provide food and support to a Mutant Youth Center. Nothing big, really...but every little bit helps. The man makes his way down the street from the lot he parked his car. He's dressed in boots, jeans, a turtleneck and a comfortable jacket. The big man carries several large bags of food and goods with ease. He hasn't spotted Kaydin and his 'art' just yet, but is getting close!

Rift has posed:
Kitora Alua was hovering on the opposite side of the building that Kaydin is decorating, doing her own. On the upper story, she is... trying... to paint an ivy vine with flowers. It doesn't look very good, but it's somewhat pretty. She sighs and shakes her head, hovering there, glowing red as she hovers. Not an unusual sight in Mutant Town.

Magneto has posed:
     In the dark of a shadow cast by a tall billboard a figure waits in silence arms folded one over the other. He waits cool blue eyes drifting across the world below. His cape billows softly in the wind his helmet hiding his face from the world as he takes his time planning out his next move. Boots hover 2 feet off the ground rising and falling softly in the dark.

     Down on the street a man covered in green scales walks carrying a large metal box. He struggles with the weight of it trying to move as quickly as he can back to the apartment. Taking one wrong step over the cracked sidewalk he trips dropping the box in front of him. Only instead of crashing to the ground the box merely floats in place for a few moments, giving him enough time to grab back a hold and not think twice before carrying on to his apartment.

     For Magnus the trick was little more then a light flick of his wrist, barely more then a thought given to the action to stop the crate from smashing on the ground. It was a little thing but anything he could to in order to help his fellow mutants without getting in the way of his grand design was a worthy use of his time. After the box is collected he allows his gloved hand to fall back onto his elbow resting his vision returning to a glance from one side of the street to the other taking it all in.

Kaydin LeGraize has posed:
    Kaydin looks up to Kitora. "How you doing up there?!" He calls to Kitora before looking around. He blurs appears next to Piotr. "Professor Rasputin, always good to see one of the teachers out of the school. Do you need any help?" He asks curiously as he looks around for Kitora.

Colossus has posed:
"Hm?," Piotr asks as someone calls out to him. He glances over at Kaydin, and looks like he is about to comment before he notices the art. He sighs softly and makes his way closer. "Aw, molodoy chelovek...why do you do these things? Were you given permission to paint here?," he asks. He glances over as he watches the crate stop falling, and he squints. The big man glances about for a moment before returning his gaze to Kaydin...and now the floating girl as well. "And you as well!"

Rift has posed:
Kitora Alua noticed the floatnig box and frowns. She didn't do it. She shrugs as she descends to the ground. "Art isn't really my thing. I mean, I think it looks presentable..." She then blinks. "Kaydin told me it was a good idea and I'm trying to help..." She then frowns. "I didn't mak ethat crate float by the way. It is a metal crate..." She trails off, quite sure that the other two could connect the dots if they haven't already.

Magneto has posed:
     From his perch high above Magnus slowly raises a brow at the sight of the work of art which finally catches his attention. He floats to the edge of the building looking it over. One hand is lifted up to scratch at his chin in thought as he gives it a good moments consideration as to his next move. As he watches eyes focus firmly causing the straight metal siding of the building to twist and contort into vines across its surface, loose bits of scrap lifting up and beginning to shift together molding into roses along the vines.

Kaydin LeGraize has posed:
    Kaydin chuckles. "Well its mutant town, no one really cares what happens here. Besides if people dont really like it, then I will come back and clean it." Kaydin says as he nods as if this was something so easy. He then looks to the rose. "Hey look." He says pointing up at it.

Colossus has posed:
"People -should- care, Kaydin. And acting as if people shouldn't does not help the plight. Trying to improve lives does. Trying to show why people should care," the big man states. His accent is thick, but understandable. He carefully sets the bags down and sighs softly, making his way over to admire the work. "You have talent, clearly," the art teacher and artist states. "But...perhaps we could find better ways to help you show it?" Always trying to better lives. He glances over at Kitora, and then he narrows his eyes when the metal bends and twists. "Lorna?," he calls out.

Rift has posed:
Kitora Alua frowns as she floats up, staring at it, pondering, then descends again. "Either that or her father." She sighs softly. "Which admittedly is kinda creepy." She ponders as the bags of stuff start floating. "I do help... when they need heavy stuff moved I come do it. I can move 5 tons and can be here very fast."

Magneto has posed:
     "Well you're half right Piotr." A familiar voice calls out calmly, giving credit where it's due. From high above as more roses begin to form out of the idle scrap metal left laying about the street and the alleyway. The craftsmanship is exquisite with detail one could only really see normally on a real rose, down to the little veins on each leaf. He's taking his time to make sure that they look just right on the vine. "Unfortunately fifty percent is still a failing grade." He adds on, looking towards the flowers as he stands mostly still at the roofs edge still cloaked in darkness. "And in swoops the help to salvage a passing grade."

Kid Omega has posed:
The owner of the recently decorated building emerges, his magenta mohawk and matching coat marking him as none other than Quintavius Quirinius Quire, Quentin for short. He sees the little colloquy of mutants and heads in their direction, pausing only once to glance at the mural painted upon the wall of Club Omega and it's accompanying metal work. There is a moment's consideration given before the delinquent turned dubiously legitimate club owner carries on to meet with the others of his kind. "Alright, just who in the hell though they were oh so hilarious, by painting on the side of my club?" he asks looking between the mutants.

He doesn't notice Magneto right away, his mind on five other things besides dealing with the painting on his club walls.

Kaydin LeGraize has posed:
    Kaydin sorta chuckles at the man as he comes out of the building to complain. "Yea about that." He says as he zooms off in a flurry of moving feet. Kaydin comes back with a scrub brush and begins to scrub at the painting, muttering about philistines.

Rift has posed:
Kitora Alua shrugs and just stares at Quentin. "Because with you as an owner, this building needed some class to it." She shrugs, havnig zero respect for Quentin as she makse no effort to remove the decoratoin she added - not that she could anyway with Magneto having 'enhanced' it.

Magneto has posed:
     "Do you have a problem with my work?" Magnus asks very firmly, before stepping off the side of the nearby building. His cape billows in the wind, the sun shines behind him glinting off the metal of his helmet as he descends down towards street level. As he drifts slowly down his arms are held outstretched to either side. His cold blue eyes glare down at the other mutant. "If that's the case I'd prefer to be informed directly." The tips of his boot toes touch the ground first before each foot flattens out against the ground his face still partially concealed by the shadows of his helm.

Kid Omega has posed:
Quentin hadn't made up his mind about the work, so when Kayden moves to scrub it clean, he reaches out with his mind and stops the brush before it can begin, gripping it tight with his telekinesis. < Slow your roll > he projects into the speedster's mind. < Didn't say I hated it > Telepathy was so much more dignified than shouting, wasn't it?

The grip on the brush crumbles under Quentin's surprised by being confronted by Magnus himself right here on American soil. The brainy mutant recovers swiftly, sparing a glance for his club, "As I was telling the speedster, I haven't decided to object to the work yet. But, the if the metal work is a Magnus original, then how can I refuse? Though I don't look forward to the work I'll have to do to protect it when word gets out you're the artist." A grin plays across the young mutant's features.

"So what are you doing here?" he asks Magnus. "If you're looking to kill another President, we still keep them in Washington."

Rift has posed:
Kitora Alua just stares as she just lands on the ground, still glowing with her eerie aura of power, her entire body and clothing a dull red, with bright red lights visible inside her arms, legs, chest, and head - with glowing eyes. She just watches for now as she is preparing an escape portal.

Kaydin LeGraize has posed:
    Kaydin stops when the telekinesis comes out. He then looks to Magnus and raises a finger. "Hey your the ruler of Genosha, Magneto." He says calmly as he approaches, blurring over there in a blink of an eye as he looks the mutant over. "Word is you are the strongest mutant on the planet."

Magneto has posed:
     "Don't worry, I didn't sign my name." Magnus assures allowing his arms to fall down to his sides, as he takes a few steps further towards the small group. "You know what they say about American Presidents: Can't kill just one." Spoken with a heavy sarcasm to the words as he takes another long look over the work of art on display. "I was thinking I'd stop at the eighth one or so you know really refine my work"

     It's fairly clear he isn't exactly happy about the commentary over his reported murder of the president. He pauses a long moment as the speedster makes his way over, his motions reserved and small, not wasting much in the way of energy for his movements. It becomes clear that he's not even really bothering to walk, instead hovering just a few millimeters above the ground. "There is a reason I remain ruler of Genosha." His only response to the claims of his being the strongest mutant on earth. "And is it so outside the realm of possibility I simply decided to pay a visit to the states and leave my mark?"

Kid Omega has posed:
Quentin's is something of a master of multitasking so even as he talks to Magneto he notes Kitora. "Ah, Kit, how goes?" he offers his former schoolmate.

"And second powerful if you ask me," Quentin says with a smirk that makes it hard to tell if he's joking or not. As for Magneto's ire, he faces it with aplomb that he doesn't quite feel. "Oh don't get cranky about a joke about a dead president, the rest of us here have had to live with the fall out of a real deal," he say before he asks pointedly. "How is Genosha this time of year, anyhow?"

Kaydin LeGraize has posed:
    Kaydin smirks when he looks to Quinton. He then shrugs. "I am not a mutant, metahuman. Same thing really." Kaydin says as he watches them and blurs off. He comes back with a bottle of soda and sips it, watching the goings on. The question about genosha gets a curious gaze.

Rift has posed:
Kitora Alua sighs softly, shaking her head. "Well... Kaydin, would you like to go back to the school?" she asks. "The air here is rather stagnant." She stretches as a portal tears open in front of her - looking through it would see the outskirts of the city.

Kid Omega has posed:
Quentin gives Kaydin a shrug. "Nobody's perfect," he says with a grin. Kitora's portal gets a brief glance, "Leaving already?" he asks.

Kaydin LeGraize has posed:
    Kaydin looks to Kitora, and seems to be considering her. On one hand he could go with Kitora and head back to the school through her portals, but on the other hand, this was THE magneto! it isnt often he is talkable and hangoutable. He decides to stay and waves to Kitora. "I will catch up." He says with a grin to the girl.

Magneto has posed:
     There's a pause from Magnus as something of a fire ignites behind his eyes. His expression, and exterior is calm as he says the words. "I'm sorry?" And what happens next does so in a flash, the metal vines rip down from the walls and the world seems to shake. Like snakes the metal vines strike wrapping quickly in an effort to lift Quentin off the ground. Metal spikes protrude from the vines just far enough to where they can almost touch the skin of his neck.

     The fury emanating off of magneto is almost palpable in the air around them. "In my old age my hearing must be failing me." He takes a step closer, looking Quentin dead in the eyes his voice cold as a man who could kill without a seconds remorse. "Could you say that again?"

Rift has posed:
Kitora Alua decided that discretion was the best part of valor... and as soon as Magneto started to lose his temper, she jumped through the portal and slammed it shut behind her so hard it might create a small gravity flux behind. She has to remember that Magneto is an apparent sociopath who can occasionally act like he is a kindly older man.

Kaydin LeGraize has posed:
    Kaydin moves quickly tries to pull one of the metal vines off of Quinton. He grunts as he tries to make the metal move but strength isnt the speedster's powers. He then turns to Magneto and watches him now.

Kid Omega has posed:
Quentin doesn't see the attack coming, one moment he's staring at Magneto with his characteristic defiance the next he's wrapped in steel subject to the full force of the mutant's fury.

Quentin glances away even as his marshals his telekinetic might to defend himself. "Let me go!" Quentin shouts, a touch too much panic in his voice for his liking, he reins it in as he continues. "I was just saying what everyone else is too chicken shit to, you left us high and dry after the President was murdered.

Magneto has posed:
     There are people staring now, of course they are with a little outburst like that. Magnus doesn't tighten the metal bonds any but he does keep them in place even as his attention drifts for a moment to the speedster, and then back to Quentin. "That's what you think happened?" His eyes narrowed down heavily. "Everything I've done, everything I'm doing is for the betterment of our species, I would never and have never abandoned anyone of our kind." His hand shoots out to one side to emphasize his point with body language.

     His face is a flat expression, having exerted a fair amount of force to act with as much speed as he's shown. "I have spent my whole life building a brighter future for our kind no mater the personal cost, to abandon you would put that all at risk." He takes a few moments to try and let his words sink in. He motions with his hand and the vines lesson their grip enough for the speedster to force them free of the shopkeep. Soon their crawling back up the wall to their prior positioning."You would do well to learn that."

Kid Omega has posed:
Released, Quentin floats himself to the ground with a little dignity, people were watching, more than that, the people of Mutant Town, /his/ people were watching. Feet on the ground, he dusts off his coat and looks over at Magnus. "Noted. Though keep in mind, perception is reality for the most part, and I am not the only one who has felt abandoned." His tone though is more respectful. If not exactly deferential. "Advice, not criticism. I know what you've done for us."

A moment of awkward silence passes between them and then he says, "Thank you for the steel work, but you'll both excuse me work to do and all of that. Oh, and Speedster, stop by the club sometime I may have some work for you."

Kaydin LeGraize has posed:
    Kaydin nods to Quentin and then turns to Magneto and watches the man. He stands there for a moment and he decides to take his life into his own hands. "How would I go about visiting Genosha without being attacked?" He asks curiously.

Magneto has posed:
     "You buy a plane ticket and have a valid passport." Magneto states rather plainly. Watching Quentin go. "Failing that you just need to find the right people to ask. Genosha is always welcoming." With one last smile he starts to walk back off down the street in plain view of everyone around the street, as if he had nothing to fear from any of them.