4205/Randon Ninja Attack Go!

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Randon Ninja Attack Go!
Date of Scene: 05 April 2018
Location: New York City
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Gorilla Grodd, Crusader, Rift

Gorilla Grodd has posed:
The warm spring breeze crosses over the water and makes the situation slowly calm. Decepitely calm in the essentially nameless park in Queens that has a peaceful afternoon scene. Suddenly, a flash mob starts staging a ritual combat taken from Game of Thrones. Overcoats and other garments are tossed aside and a full panoplay of Melee with ratan weapons breaks out to the delight of those who can watch. Delight, that is, except for the Annual Clan of Adherance to Silence, a rather obscure ninja clan that no one has heard of, by dint of....silence. Until now.

They stare at each other, offended at this mockery of their way of life. And...in the blink of an eye a pavilion full of normal looking surbanites are dressed in ninja outfits, weapons drawn. The cosplayers continue their scene but look on at the ninjas not remembering having rehearsed this part.....

Crusader has posed:
Bjorn absolutely loved visting parks when not manning the store. Each park seemed to always have something a little different to it. Some are known for their random flash mobs, others for their picnics. ANd so Bjorn choose a random one to visit...and wouldn't you know it! A flash Mob!
    The large hulking old man voice booms in laughter at the scene. As the play out fight begins. He watches from not too far away, was infact just sitting on a bench enjoying the mock sparring. He cants his head as there are suddenly MORE ninjas! He claps with Joy - as to him this simply seems like an extreamly well coordinated Flash scene - unaware of just how bad things were about to get!

Rift has posed:
A portal tears open thirty feet in the air, just above the trees, and a glowing red female mutant emerges, floatnig above the park. She likes to emerge above the trees so as not to accidentally damage anything, and people generally don't look up. She sees the flash mob, nodding. It's a neat looking battle as she goes to the tree and lands in the branches, starting to climb down, still glowing.

Gorilla Grodd has posed:
The swords the ninjas draw are only too real. They will, silently, and by accord, go to first blood to compensate for their annoyance but the cosplayers don't know that. They just know that a bunch of ninjas are charging them. Some panic. Some run. Some think its part of the act and charge back until one is nicked in the arm and shouts, "Oh my god! These are real blades!" Only some of the park heard this though and some thing Rift is part of the show.

Crusader has posed:
Bjorn perks and slowly stands. His extra sensors were now going off. Increased blood rates, the specific scent of the 'fear pheromone', increases in heart rate. It was all fireing off to mean one thing - Panic! This was no longer a flash Mob. There was far to many people around for him to just change - so just Bjorn will have to do...and in this case should be enough.
    With reckless abandon, Bjorn charge into the panicked crowd - the real ninjas would for the most part easy to tell apart from the fakes. They were calm, and that all he needed to know. With quick feet Bjorn grabs a man who about to be stabbed and shield him - the ninjas blade breaking when it hits him. He says to the man "Go, git oot of here!" Before turning, no doubt that interference was bound to draw in more.

Rift has posed:
Rift flies above the crowd, hovering in the middle of the crowd twenty feet up, glowing bright red. "Alright - no more bloodletting today!" she calls as a red circle forms on the ground under her, expanding rapidly, and anyone in the circle would suddenly feel their weight triple, making it hard to move. Turning so she's 'standing' parallel to the ground, she looks down. "What is going on?" She is trying to encompass the entire crowd in the high-G field.

Gorilla Grodd has posed:
The ninjas don't know what to make of this, but will simply first blood the idiots attacking them too. They try to cut Bjorn and likely do not succeed, not so much that they can't hit but...well....they're normal swords. Those in the circle start moving....super.....SLOW and then don't move at all.

The silent ninjas....remain silent.

Crusader has posed:
Bjorn grins through his white beard and gives a boisterious yet good humored laugh "Yer swords have no power here!" he claims! Of course....than weight begins increase. Bjorn may be super strong - but even he can notice and feel when gravity is increasing as he was among those in the crowd. Luckily thanks to his strength - he can actually stil move fairly easily
    He takes this oppertunity for disarment! He begins jogging among those in the crowd, snatching blade, staff, nunchuk, ect from any ninja he can, as quickly as he can. Essentially disarmming them - where those weapons actually go is much harder to say, as he seems to stick them into his overalls...that are apparenrly of infinite holding.

But if these are anything like real ninjas - he doubt disarming them with weapons will be sufficent should the gravity field drop.

Rift has posed:
Rift just sighs softly, looking down. "Oh, hello there. You disarming the ninjas? I think they're REAL ninjas... this is... so awkward..." She ponders. "Ninjas. Hear me. I am Rift, and I am pinning you down. You seem to be a silent lot. I will release you under the promise that you will leave this place and do no more harm. I do not wish to hurt you people. And I'm sure that whatever these people did to offend you, they didn't mean it- looks like some kind of Game of Thrones reenactment..."

She takes a deep breath. "Nod your heads if you agree to my terms. Or shake your heads if you decline. Please don't mak me hurt you. I can make it heavier for you, far more uncomfortable."

Gorilla Grodd has posed:
Gorilla Grodd is watching from a safehouse across the park. He looks out the window, yawns and pulls down the lamp shade. He pulls up a good book.

The Ninjas are disarmed. Some attempt to vanish but there is a puff of smoke and then a stuck ninja a few inches away. Some of the ninjas nod. Some scowl and look menacing.