4385/When a Strike Has Nothing to do with Baseball

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When a Strike Has Nothing to do with Baseball
Date of Scene: 04 May 2018
Location: Riverdale High School. Riverdale, Starling
Synopsis: A bit of support for the teachers.
Cast of Characters: Archie Andrews, Darkhawk, Veronica Lodge, Supergirl, Yin

Archie Andrews has posed:
Sure...it's the future. But that doesn't mean government isn't government and that the promises of 2018 or 2020 are still being followed to fruition in 2026. And so the story on campus is that the school will be out tomorrow as teachers prepare a day to strike to get the point across. Archie, never one to shy away from a chance to affect social change or, at least, be around some sort of scandal or topic of conversation, is in the gym helping make signs for students. His current sign that says 'We Want Books, Not Political Crooks' is sure to be popular with the hometown crowd as he's coloring in some of the letters he's already got blocked. Nothing fancy...but it should get the point across.

Darkhawk has posed:
Christopher "Hawk" Powell returns to the gym, carrying a couple of brown cardboard boxes. Inside, there's glue, glitter, markers, and some rolled up paper. He had made a supply run, and since he had his parent's credit card, it was a nice gesture. His dad made a pretty good living as a police officer, and his mom did even better as a Crown Attorney, though he wasn't as rich as the Mr. Chord (Dwayne Taylor's legal guardian), the Lodge's, or Ms. Baldwin, but they did well by Riverdale standards. "Hey Arch, got the supplies we need. How're things going here?" He wore a grey t-shirt with the picture of the Tyrannosaur Rex from Toy Story, and the words 'inevitable betrayal!' written below it, blue jeans, and his school jacket over the shirt, though it was undone, so the shirt could be seen.

Veronica Lodge has posed:
Veronica Lodge of course is doing what she does best. Telling other people what to do. She's directing. Volunteers are being sent to teams that need help with their signs. She's directing people bearing supplies around, sending runners to gather more supplies, whether it be markers, glitter, posterboard, cheap wooden posts, or anything to use as a handle really. "No no no. Those go over there. They're crafting the scathing signs. They'll need to be dispersed to the teachers and students evenly so they're not too clustered. Don't want an angry mob type... thing. Just want to get the point across. And yes those posterboards go over there. Good! Looking good everyone!" She has a poster of her own of course, that she works on when she can. Can't be seen not to be doing what she's commanding everyone else to run around and do as well. "Christopher! Wonderful! Can you bring those supplies to the table over here so they can get divided up and distributed? You're a doll!" She looks back over in Archie's direction. "Archiekins? Anyword on that scrap wood from your father's construction site?"

Archie Andrews has posed:
Archie is having fun helping with the slogans and walking past one of the guys from the track team he puts his hand up for a high five before taking it all the way around for a low five a-la Top Gun cause some things just never go out of style. Unfortunately for Ronnie, other than that everyone is all dressed - no oiled up volleyball scenes here. "Hey Hawk...we're good. At least I think we are. You'll have to ask Her Majesty how we're really doing," he says, quietly, so as not to be heard even though this is a comic book game and invariably, if you say something you shouldn't say, the accoustics of the gym will change to the speed of plot and of course you're going to be heard. Dummy. "What? No change since you asked five minutes ago Ronnie. They're on the way 25...no...now 20 minutes ago. I could call CSIS (the Canadian Intelligence agency) and see if they could put a tracker on it for you. Maybe get some of the superheroes in the world to intercept the truck and fly it here? Whatever you need..." he says...and then you know...adds a smile cause somehow that's going to make it all better.

Darkhawk has posed:
"Sorry Arch, gotta run," yeah, when Veronica called, everyone listened. She was kind of the ideal boss, firm and efficient, but warm and understanding. She led, but didn't force or create animosity with her tone. She had a role to do, and expected people on the team to do it. Chris didn't envy Archie for having to deal with her on such a close, personal basis, but she was one of his closer friends, so it was great that she and one of his other besties were together. Laughing at Archie's jokes about CSIS and the superheroes like Alpha Flight, especially with how close to the mark he had come, Chris brings the supplies to the table Veronica had directed him to, unloading them from the boxes into piles so they could be moved to wherever they were needed. "What's next?"

Veronica Lodge has posed:
Veronica Lodge just turns to regard Archie with a single dark brow rising. It arches upwards in a clear 'did you really just?' sort of expression. She even mouths something at him. 'Your majesty? Really?' Yeah, he's going to pay for that one later. Veronica is dressed in an easy outfit to move around in. She, like the other Vixen volunteers is dressed in their practice outfit. The short little dark shorts, knee high yellow striped socks, and white and yellow half sleeve t-shirts. And it's a good thing too, because the River Vixens need to move. They're bouncing all over the gym, pitching in where help is needed, offering encouragement and support all around. They're being cheerleaders. Ronnie isn't doing as much running around as the others, but she's still doing more than enough. Archie gets a flat stare from her at his continued sass at her. "If you would prefer to step over here and organize everything you are more than welcome to step into my shoes Archie Andrews." She busted out the last name too. "I will happily just decorate a sign and stand around throwing sass everywhere." She's good at throwing sass after all. Very good at throwing sass. She narrows her eyes at him. Better watch it buster.

"Thank you Christopher. As said, and now confirmed, you're a doll." Almost as soon as the stuff is down on the table there's people there to run it off to where it's needed amongst the students helping make signs. "Hm. Well Archie could probably use your help. Since he's spending so much time throwing shade I'm sure he's behind on his signs." This time there's a smile from Veronica in Archie's direction. But not like... a smile smile. More like... a shark that's getting ready to open wide and swallow something up.

Supergirl has posed:
Late. Again. Kara had been called away for other reasons and only just got back into town a few moments ago. Long enough for a quick change and she's in her Vixen's practice outfit, entering the gym with a large roll along cooler. She seems to be struggling a little with it due to the size and weight, even though it's on wheels. "Drinks for everyone who is working hard!" She glances over to the side and sees Irving who seems to be putting glue on his fingers and peeling it off. "Which excludes you, Irving. Are we in first grade again?" She smiles when she says it but he gets the point and hurries to get back to work.

Inside the cooler is water, gatorade and some sodas. She pulls it toward a spot kind of central to everything going on, so it can be easily accessed.

Archie Andrews has posed:
Archie's dressed as...well...Archie. Red t-shirt...blue and white flannel...jeans. He's as All-Canadian as it gets. Right down to the occasional slip of the accent where when he goes to say get out it is pronounced more 'get oot.' But today there's just a grin on his face as he looks back to Ronnie and says, "Have I told you that you're very cute when you're bossy?" He grins, giving a wink and a smile, that get out of jail free smile of his but she is the Queen B and one way to appease the queen is flattery. Trust me, this is not the first time those hiking boots of his have ended up in his mouth. Foot...meet face...frequently. "We can always use help making signs. What about this one? An Apple a Day is great...but we want da chedda!" He grins a bit, knowing how horrible it is but that doesn't stop him from suggesting it. "Full Funding - Not Empty Promises." He seems to like that one and gets to writing again lest he draw the ire. As Kara brings in a drink though he pushes his luck as he looks to Ronnie. "Water break, boss?" At least he has the smarts to still be writing as he asks?

Darkhawk has posed:
"I'll do my best," Christopher replied to Veronica, "though I'm pretty sure I cast a larger shadow," since he had 14 centimetres, or about six inches on his ginger teammate. Both were still growing, though Chris had recently experienced a nice growth spurt. Archie had filled out for the most part, while Chris had some weight to gain as he adjusted to his increased height. He was 5 kg lighter, or about 11 pounds. These kinds of things were pretty constant, since they measured everything on the sports teams. He had more speed, and a better vertical leap, but less strength. Eventually, the boys would grow out to the measuring contests of youth.

Seeing Kara come in with the cooler, Chris makes a beeline to it, his left hand briefly touching her waist in a PDA, or public display of affection, before he helps her to hoist it up onto a counter. He reaches in and fishes out a fruit punch Gatorade, before it's all gone, which he opens and takes a nice sip of. "Thanks Kara." He'll also grab a Wild Cherry Pepsi, tossing it to Archie. "Careful with that one," since it did get tossed, but should be fine. For Kara, he sets aside an orange Gatorade. "Ronnie, what's your poison?" He'll also take a Chocolate Protein shake, "Moose, go long!" And he'll toss that one like a spiral across the gym. Pretty good considering he's actually a wide receiver on the Canadian football team. And he prefers soccer anyway, where he plays as a right winger.

Veronica Lodge has posed:
"Glad you could make it Kara!" Ronnie calls out to the girl as she totes in the drinks. "And glad you thought of something I didn't. Drinks!" She's thankful for that, the wide smile that she flashes at the other girl is proof of that. "Wanna come help me finish my poster? I've been working on it forever, but been so busy directing everyone that I haven't finished yet." She turns to regard Archie, expecting some sort of sass from him. But then she gets a.. compliment? Well... it's hard to be angry at peole that are complimenting you. Which doesn't mean she isn't exactly aware of what he's doing. "I'm always cute Archiekins." She remarks in a smug tone as she looks at him. "Hey, as long as it's not offensive, and gets the message across it can get waved around. Hopefully we can get the teachers more money." Does she care if the teachers get more money? Questionable. But most of her friends care, so dangit she's here to support them. Or well... boss them around. "Just water for me please Christopher thank you!" She calls over to him, and will catch a water bottle if it's thrown her way. She unscrews it and takes a deep drink from it before capping it and putting it down, then getting back to work on her poster, only to look up as another question is lobbed her way from a group running out of posterboard. "Moose! Can you go get another stack of posterboard from the store room? Pretty please and thank you!" She goes back to postering after that, a glance around the gym to make sure everyone is still settled as she tries to color in some of the block lettering she's laid out.

Supergirl has posed:
Christopher is given a bright smile as he helps her hoist that cooler. "Thanks!" Then she sees he has set out an orange Gatorade for her and that makes her smile even more. He knows that's her drink of choice when she's been working out. Or working. The other kind of work since he knows about it. And with her delay, he probably figured it out. A group of thirsty teens invade and claim quite a few drinks out of the cooler before returning to work on their posters.

At the call from Ronnie, she glances over. "Sure thing!" A light touch of her hand on Chris' arm then she moves to sit by her fellow cheerleader, looking at the sign she's working on. "Any particular colors you were wanting?" She picks up a marker as she asks, prepared to practice her coloring inside the lines skills.

Archie Andrews has posed:
"Thinks size matters, do you?" He teasingly looks at Chris and gives a little amused shrug cause to be fair, Chris -is- taller and faster so that's about it as far as snappy comebacks go. "You'd be loonie not to pay us..." he says as he sketches out another one before cracking open the Cherry Pepsi he got from Chris. Of course, that's after he tapped the top so there wasn't a soda 'splosion all over the nice poster. Taking out his phone for a moment though he catches some of the guys and then some of the girls, especially focusing on Ronnie and Kara. Why? Cause he is no marketing genius but he knows what guys like, and he knows what sells and those two in their cheer practice outfits are going to get more guys in here. "Smile girls," he says, waving to Kara and Ronnie. Cause...sexploitation is totally legit if it's for a good cause.

The sound of some honking from the back of the gym gets his attention and he calls out just as Moose is setting down the posters. "MOOSE! Come help me grab my dad's wood," he calls and then there's the sound of snickering cause...teenagers. "Oh grow up..." he says, shaking his head but he smirks too at what he basically yelled across the gym. Chris is given a nod as well in case he wants to help bring in the posts for the signs.

Yin has posed:
Brooke drifts in quietly with a roll of white fabric under an arm, looking around at the crowd. "Nice." She hmmms, looking around for people she knows, but well. It's been a bit. "Who is in charge here?" She questions a couple random people, then drifts over toward Ronnie.

"Hey." Brooke waves a bit. "I kept seeing people talking about posterboard. Is anybody making any banners? We had some fabric left over." She smiles, all flowing softness.

Darkhawk has posed:
Water is carefully tossed to Veronica, much more carefully than the drink was sent to Moose, and Kara's smile is returned, he even blushes a little when she places a brief hand on his arm, even if it is fleeting as she heads over to help Veronica. "It's not the size, but uh, how you use it." He replied to Archie, blushing as he gave Kara a wayward look. He hoped she didn't hear that and wince, or worse, glare at him. He might have been taller and faster, but he wasn't broader. Archie had bulk on him, especially given the height disparity. "There's a reason I prefer to be on the soccer pitch than the wrestling mat." And yes, Chris is among those giggling as Archie talks about his dad's wood. "Need a hand with that... wood?" He asks, in case Archie wants more than him and Moose. Seeing Brooke, who he recognised from his efforts as Darkhawk, he said, thankful that his voice is masked as the hero, "best to talk to Ronnie," he gestured to her, "the dark haired cheerleader over there. Glad you could come help."

Veronica Lodge has posed:
"Nope. Nothing in particular. Bright and noticeable, that's really it. I'm sure whatever you pick will be fine." Ronnie even starts to outline her letters with some glue, and goes after the glue lines with some glitter to give them even more pop and pazzazz. "So just go with whatever you want and... hmm?" She asks as Archie says smile. She looks up at him with his phone, then ohs, catching on quite quickly. "Sexy pose time Kara. Archiekins is going to lure guys here to volunteer with pictures of cheerleaders." She herself doesn't go /too/ sexy. She just cocks a hip out to the side, showing off legs well toned from cheerleading and smirks in the direction of Archie's phone, looping an arm around Kara's shoulders as she hopefully at least smiles at the camera. "Exploitation yes. But if it gets people down here to volunteer then I will make that sacrafice." Then the picture is snapped and there's the snickering going around. Even she can't help but smirk a little at Archie stepping into that. "Come on now. All you big strong sports types should go get some of Mister Andrew's wood. Shoo! Go on!" She waves the football players that away to go help get some scrap wood for the signs handles. "Archiekins thank your father for me please! I'll know if you didn't!"

Those several people would point Brooke in Ronnie's direction. She's in charge. "That would be me by means of taking the reins of the chaos that was going on in this room." Veronica smiles, though she blinks at the mention of making banners. "Vixens unite! We have banners to make!" The girls whoop and come running over from wherever they are to congregate around the fabric. "We didn't have any fabric so couldn't really make full banners. But we can now. Thank you so much." Ronnie steps to the side as cheerleaders swarm the bolt of fabric trying to figure out what lengths to cut it to or whether to try and make one huge banner. "Veronica Lodge. Nice to meet you." There's an exasperated sigh at the boy's antics. "Christopher, stop comparing sizes with my boyfriend and go help unload the wood. Please and thank you." She looks back to Kara and Brooke and just shakes her head. "Boys."

Supergirl has posed:
The red marker is uncapped and Kara gets to work on the sign, coloring in letters. Only to be interrupted but the need for a photo. She gives a bright smile and puts her arm around Ronnie's waist but if there was supposed to be sexiness to her pose, she fails utterly. At least she might look cute in the image. Hopefully. Then she settles back in to work on the poster. Once she does a couple of letters, spaced apart, she reaches for the blue. A couple more letters. Then the yellow. Wait. No, definitely not the yellow. She picks up a purple instead then pauses as the boys discuss wood.
    There is much giggling and laughing going on yet Kara is a little oblivious. She's not quite sure what is so amusing but she makes sure to giggle along with the others when they do before glancing up when Ronnie is greeted. She gives a smile to Brooke and is about to go back to work when the rally call for Vixens is raised. She doesn't opt to help with the fabric, leaving that to more capable bodies.

Archie Andrews has posed:
"Post a picture? Exploitation? Heck, that one's for my personal file," he says, giving Kara a wink that says he's totally kidding and smiling to Ronnie, properly bending down to kiss her on the cheek as he runs past to get to the wooden posts that need to be brougth in. See, if one is going to tease the Pricness, one must also pay tribute lest ye be cast out with the peasants. Archie, knowing the value of a happy girlfriend, happy dating life...does his best to balance out the teasing with ways to remind Miss Lodge that she's important to him. And so the wood is handled...properly, and platonically, as it is brought in and Archie heads over to the cheerleaders, giving a wave to Brooke as well. "Dad needs me to head back and help out at the site a bit. I'll pick you up in the morning and we can load up the truck and head to the Town Hall building with all the signs and everything?" He waves about, "Have fun everyone!"

Yin has posed:
Brooke shrugs one shoulder. "Brooke Harris. Glad to help, better schools make a better world. Yeah, I don't understand guys.." She smiles as the fabric is swept up and used, glancing around at everyone with a little bit of bewilderment mixed with good cheer at seeing everybody gathering together to accomplish good things.

"Anything else you need? I'm not quite sure what all is going on here yet.." She nods at Archie and waves back amiably. "Later, you."

Darkhawk has posed:
"Send me a copy," Chris whispers to Archie hopefully. And for the record, he thinks Kara's as sexy as any other cheerleader. She's just also got that cute and adorable thing going on as well. Helping with the wood from Andrews Construction, though Moose does a lot of the heavy lifting. It was great having friends like Moose for these kinds of things. Tall as Chris was, or strong as Archie, Moose easily outdid them both. He wasn't nicknamed Moose for nothing. "Thanks Arch," he says to his friend who has other work to do. He'll take some of the wood towards the banner, getting it ready to give it some framework. And just as he does, he overhears Brooke's comment, "we're not too bad, once you get to know us. We just... like to enjoy the scenery of the... maturity highway." In other words, girls mature faster than guys.

Veronica Lodge has posed:
Veronica Lodge happily takes that kiss on the cheek from Archie as he runs past, a warm smile at him as he hurries on. She might give him ALL the sass. And he might tease her rather relentlessly. But there's genuine warmth and affection there. "Go on and be manly and burly and help your father." She winks at him, then turns back to the group. "Well it's nice to meet you Brooke. Anyone willing to help out is welcome." She does arch an eyebrow slightly though. "You know my Archiekins?" She asks, glancing in the direction the boyfriend departed in, then back. "Old friends?" Yeah, there's curiosity there as well as prying. "Christopher Powell." She narrows her eyes at the other boy, but it's half amusement and half exasperation, no actual annoyance. "Boys." She gruffs again and rolls her eyes.

Yin has posed:
Brooke shrugs a little. "I'm not *complaining*, I just don't *get* guys. If that makes sense?" She shrugs some. "We had a conversation in passing. Our workout routines crossed. I couldn't get him to shut up about his girlfriend, and I'm not looking, but it's always nice to have somebody to talk to while you're hitting the cardio. Anyways. I just remembered we had that fabric lying around, and I wanted to be able to help out." She smiles some and stretches a bit. "Let me know if there's anything else I can do to help, right?" before floating, silky smooth, out of the gym to leave the crowd to their signmaking.