4422/Lions, Tigers, and Killer Crocs

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Lions, Tigers, and Killer Crocs
Date of Scene: 16 May 2018
Location: Gotham City
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Havok, Ravager

Havok has posed:
It's late and there was a noteable disturbance just east of the Gotham Zoo. The 'disturbance' disappeared behind the zoo walls and witnesses called the police. However, it'll be a while befor Gotham's finest arrive on the scene.

The Lions, Tigers, and Bears are sleeping soundly within the confines of their enclosures and all seems peaceful and nice within the zoo.

Pursuing the disturbance is a very lost Havok. He took a wrong turn at Albuquerque and ended up in Jersey. He believes that no one goes to Jersey intentionally. They accidently stumble into it and are trapped forever. He was trying to escape when he came upon something untoward. Now he follows it, keeping a safe distance.

Our hero is last seen wearing his super suit and climbing over an obscure portion of the fence leading into the Gotham Zoo.

Ravager has posed:
In this case the 'disturbance' is in the form of a person. Black smoke is still rising from the charge set off on the east side of the zoo, quickly filtering out into the neighborhood. A distraction, of course. Clad in her trademark costume, Ravager uses the cover of smoke to slip into the zoo itself.

Her purpose here is somewhat esoteric. An anonymous employer hired her to retrieve a few, very specific souvenir materials. And Rose didn't particularly want to fly to Africa to get them. A gazelle horn, handful of lion's mane, rhino horn, crocodile scales.

At least no monkey reproductive fluids.

Swords across her back and messenger bag over one shoulder, she searches the directory while emergency personnel evacuate for the 'fire'.

Havok has posed:
Havok hits the ground on the other side of the fence/wall. He stops, listens and looks for the disturbance. A few moments pass while he breathes deeply, though slowly. He then decides on a direction and his rubber soled combat boots move quietly through the underbrush and onto a small walkway. His black costume keeps him hidden in the darkness, especially with the jacket zipped up covering anything that may be glowing on his uniform beneath.

Ravager has posed:
While Havok is moving like a commando, Ravager is reading the directory like a tourist. Everyone else in the zoo is running towards the exits, after all. Who's going to notice a masked, armored woman wearing swords?

Finding the pens she's looking for, the young mercenary picks the closest one and plots the most efficient course to the others in turn. Lions first. Off she sets at a run, but rather than trying to move against the flow of the crowd towards the back of the zoo she angles off through the underbrush.

Havok has posed:
He catches glimpse of her as he rounds the corner and she's sprinting away. He thinks to himself .oO(Damn she's fast.) before he starts to move quickly in pursuit. He'll never overtake her, but he'll catch up with her when she finally does stop or reach her destination. He's also doing his best to remain silent. Surprise is probably the best thing he has on his side. For now.

Ravager has posed:
With her enhanced physique Rose can tour the whole zoo at a dead run, and the woman is stretching out her stride right now to do that. Hurdling a row of hedges without breaking stride, she's moving not unlike one of her quarry... the gazelle.

On her way to the lion's enclosure, Ravager preps and loads a tranquilizer pistol. Pulling up at the fence surrounding the wide, concrete moat, there's no hesitation as she vaults over and lands with a diving roll.

Havok has posed:
Havok makes it to the fence of the enclosure. He stays low and watches his 'prey'. She jumped the fence and the moat. There's no way he could do that, not without making one hell of a noise with his power. So he waits. He looks for her exit, expecting it to be in the same location, and will ready himself to spring upon her when she exits. If she exits the same way she entered. His intent will be to watch, wait, and then try to tackle her if she passes near enough to him when she is done with the lions.

Ravager has posed:
Once down in the moat, Ravager vaults up the steep, smooth side to land amongst the lions. There's a reason why she chose to do this in broad daylight, of course. Yes, lions are dangerous but they're also noctournal. There's no hesitation as she selects the big male and tranqs him. The others are starting to stir, a couple of them rising as the big cat goes down. Giving a quick scan over the rest of the pride, Ravager draws a knife and smoothly removes a patch of the mane. Into the bag it goes, the knife barely back in its sheath before she looks to make her escape. One of the females looks curious, even taking a couple of bounding strides as the woman sprints to the moat. And jumps it.

Havok has posed:
As she jumps, Havok will wait that split second before he also leaps into action. A flying tackle to knock her off balance and take her down his his goal.

Ravager has posed:
Ravager may be strong and quick, but she just isn't very big. The flying tackle accomplishes its goal, and the two tumble together. He gets an elbow to the temple and another to the back, the white-haired girl kicking violently to get free.

Rolling to her feet, the mask obscures the upper part of her face but the scowl on her lips offers enough expression to read. "Big mistake." she hisses, reaching up and back to draw both swords.

Havok has posed:
He too rolls to the side. Though less graceful than her own departure from his grasp. Instead, Havok squares off with her and his hands immediately begin to glow white hot with superheated plasma. He intones in an annoyed voice, "I don't have a clue what you're doing here, but I'm guessin that it's not above board and it ain't happening while I'm here."

Ravager has posed:
Glowing hands. Wonderful. On the other hand, this isn't exactly Rose's first time dealing with powered opponents. And taking them down. "You make a habit of accosting -everyone- who wants to see the animals?" One sword point is extended towards him, the flat of the other blade resting upon her shoulder. "Might have to report you to the tourist bureau." She could run, of course, but that'll probably just get her shot in the back.

Havok has posed:
"I think your definition of 'seeing the animals' isn't quite what you think it is." responds Havok with a slight grin to his unmasked face. "Anywho..." He raises his right arm, launches a streak of the very bright, very loud, flaming hot plasma into the sky causing the area to be suddenly illuminated by the flash of white light and the resounding FOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM! that accompanies it. "I'm sure that'll help the authorities find us."

Ravager has posed:
When he raises his hand to shoot up the plasma flare, that's when Ravager moves. And since he wasn't shooting it at HER, she rushes him. Left sword is point-first, then she'll pivot to swing the right blade through a downward slash. "I've done nothing." she hisses, while attacking him.

Havok has posed:
The blast was from his right hand straight up. As she rushes, his left hand will rise while he falls backwards - intentionally. He responds, "You should add 'yet' to that remark." His right foot comes up to kick at the underside of her sword wrist while his left hand focuses on her abdominal area to release another blast of the pseudo concussive, fiery hot plasma. The intention isn't to blast her into two parts, but to knock her back and up several yards with a resounding FOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM! <he is now on his back>

Ravager has posed:
She expected -some- sort of energy blast from his other hand, and Ravager twists mid-swing to dodge it. It's a near thing, mostly because she was waiting for the last minute for him to deliver it. As it is, the girl's armor takes a glancing blow and it throws off her slash. The *whoosh* of the blade arcs over his face as he goes down on his back, then she's bringing the other sword around for a downward stab.

Havok has posed:
Rolling to the right, letting the blast give him some intertia, Havok avoids the downward stab and moves back to his feet to make space between the two of them. "You're faster, more skilled. But I have this..." and he spreads his attack into a broad cone of plasma in her general direction. FOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM! is the word of the way that accentuates the omnitopia it is. The area attack is less strength, but will offer significant knockback without actual damage.

Ravager has posed:
Okay, so that's gonna be harder to dodge. Like impossible. Ravager takes it full-on and rolls with it, tumbling onto her back. She summersaults a couple of times with the momentum, riding out the knockback and coming up on her feet. Quite a ways away. "You forget I'm also smarter." she calls back. Then she bolts, dashing away and tucking in between buildings.

Havok has posed:
"Oh snap!" he intones as he spies her taking off after the whole blast back ordeal. "I really need to learn how to entangle with my power. I mean the Human Torch does it all the time. Why can't I?" - asking himself rhetorically while starting to pursue her into the structures and deeper into the zooscape.

Ravager has posed:
Ravager isn't exactly fleeing this time, however. She's had the chance to get a good look at the Zoo's layout, and she's -leading- him. Around the buildings, she dashes out into the open across one of the wide roads before ducking in behind others again. It's a game of cat and mouse, the young woman dodging in and out of sight.

Havok has posed:
"Oh come on.!" he calls out as he has lost her in the tangle of buildings. He comes to a stop to look about and discern traces of her. None of course, he's not Wolverine or James. He can't track worth a damn. He just gets lucky sometimes or the bad guy makes mistakes. This bad-girl isn't likely going to make mistakes.

Ravager has posed:
No, not likely. For a little while she stays just ahead, letting the rustling of her passage guide him whenever he can't see her directly. That, alone, might be a bit disconcerting. This little chickie could -kill- him in a sprint. Or even in a distance run. And yet he's only a little bit behind?

That's about the time he might realize that everything's gone quiet around him now.

Havok has posed:
He gives pause, not hearing anything - but also not expecting her to have departed completely. Instead, he challenges her presence, "Come out, come out, whereever you are. I know you're here, somewhere, being all ninja like. I know a few ninja.. this is the tactic they use. So you may as well just come quietly out of the shadows... the police are on the way."

Ravager has posed:
Except Ravager isn't here to fight heroes today. She's here to retrieve a couple of very specific items for a high-paying customer. The mercenary has led him over to a remote corner of the zoo, and then disappeared. As he's calling for her, Havok hears a disturbance from the pens not too far away.

The antelope pens. Another trophy collected.

Havok has posed:
"Son of a bitch..." he intones to himself knowing that he's been duped. He takes off in route to the disturbance afar. "What is this girl up to?" He slows to a jog as he thinks he draws near to where he heard the noise.... watches, listens, it's friggn dark except for the security lights. Where is she???

Ravager has posed:
She's waiting, that's where she is. While he's heading towards the noise in the antelope pens, Ravager doesn't move on to her last target. Not right away, at least. Slipping between a couple of buildings, Havok is greeted by a rapid-fire explosion of sparks as a hail of bullets explodes into the concrete wall to his right. The gun is silenced and the muzzle flash-protected, of course, so all he sees is the result. And apparently the girl just emptied the clip at random; if she hits, she hits.

Havok has posed:
Oh, she hit alright. Luckily he wears a small arms resistant jacket. The slugs slam into the sleeve and chest pieces and will leave bruises as well as cause him to snap back quickly under cover. "Oh hello! That's not playing fair." He intones with a chuckle (nervous one) that reveals he was totally caught off guard by the gunplay.

"Surrender now and I'll keep the bruising down." he calls around the corner.

Ravager has posed:
Annnd, then she's gone again. No glimpse of her fleeing form, no sounds of her passage. Nothing. Yeah, the barrage was intended to be a distraction and to slow him down. While she heads off to her next destination. Somewhere off to the left she's laughing. Playing with him, no doubt.