45/A Bat outta hell

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A Bat outta hell
Date of Scene: 14 April 2017
Location: Gotham City
Synopsis: Autumn gets a visit from Batman who comes offering her a more permenant solution then just crashing at a motel for a week.
Cast of Characters: Arnim Zola, Star Shimmer, Batman

Arnim Zola has posed:
     Pitch black night covers the city skyline blocking out any memory of what had been a joyful heyday in the rotten apple. Fog slips its way in and around the many twisted spires of brick and steel, the mortar stained with the debts of its citizens.

     Lights flicker out in the darkness doing little more then adding to the rather eery atmosphere abound. In the dark of alleyways the homeless set bottles in their hands huddled round the embers of dieing trashcan fires.

     The streets are quiet, save for the cries of the forgotten the occasional shout of a marriage on the edge of collapse, mixed in with the song and merriment of the drunk and disorderly. The shouts a mix of Italian and Latvian origins all molding together to form the backing of another day in paradise.

     Mixed within the rusted out shells which once held cars are the occasional top of the line motorcar, spotless, pristine in its nature. Behind windows of glass men in fancy suits celebrate another day, and another dollar earned off the backs of bloodshed, dealers peddle their ways in the faded light of the moon.

     A cold chill fills the air, carrying the smells of fine dining from the assorted restaurants, mixed with the stench of death, of desperation, of failure.

     Stumbling in the darkness a lone figure walks dressed in little more then rags. His once fancy suit now little more then tatters as he stops at the window of a fancy Italian restaurant, eyes sunk into the back of his head, features gaunt from starvation. He presses his face against the glass.

     A lone mother walks the sidewalk, pushing a stroller. The contents empty, save for a lone photograph of a child resting atop the pillow. Her once flowing white wedding dress stained by the fog and smog.

     A boy no older then ten sets against the wall, with hands in his pockets watching the cars roll by. He's dressed in a plain set of hand me down clothing, expression cold and distant, as he tries to remember why he's even here.

     This is Gotham, and this is where the scene begins.

Star Shimmer has posed:
Amidst the darkness and the night bustle of Gotham, The sound of music rings out. The sound of a guitar and a rather sweet mezzo-Soprano voice which blend very well. Standing in a streetlight, A rather androgynous woman with several bruises on her face.

Softly her song rings out. She's playing an old Bob Marley song. Her voice sounds remniscent of a Lullaby. "Don't Worry, About a thing. Because every little thing, is gonna be alright." Why that song? Well it makes her feel good. She quietly hopes that it helps others as well.

At her feet, an open guitar case. There is a little money in there. Its not much. Maybe thirty dollars. She does keep an eye on it after all, thats her way of survival.

Batman has posed:
"I'll be watching you, Ray." The voice is a deep, gravelly growl, and it originates from a shadowy figure in a long black cape standing on the roof of a baroque structure. In one of the figure's hands is the end of a rope.

The other end of the rope is wrapped around the ankle of a terrified man who lies on the roof, his limbs sprawled and his chest heaving. He stutters, his face red: "I-I-I-I swear, I swear, I swear...I'll--"

The man blinks, and when his eyes open again, the shadowy figure is gone. A moment later, a block away, the figure swings along on a taut thin line, its cape outstretched behind it like a pair of great black wings.

"Alfred," the figure mutters in its growl. "Top prediction for activity tonight?"

A British voice responds, quietly, into a receiver in the figure's ear. "*Sigh* ... just a moment, sir. The analysis is just finishing now, thanks in part to the information provided by your most recent dance partner."

"Hh," replies Batman as he finishes the arc of his swing, pulling himself forward as he retracts the line on his grapple-gun. "Keep me updated. I have a stop to make."

Then, the caped crusader makes his way toward the soft sound of singing and accompanying guitar.

Arnim Zola has posed:
     The boy leaning up against the wall, with hands in his pockets eyes locked on the ground starts muttering quietly, in a graveled voice. "Every little thing" Just barely above a whisper carried in the silence of the night.

     Watching as food is shared and song on the other side of that window the gaunt man in his business suit places his hand firm against the glass. When the pass back around hits he joins in a quiet but graveled voice his own reflection catching his eye. "Is gonna be... a-alright." Voice wrecked by years of hard drugs and smoking, as he chokes back the tears.

     The woman in her wedding dress with that empty stroller just pauses mid walk. A lone gloved finger caresses the photograph on the rather expensive silk pillow of the stroller in silence, paused just by the fire. Yet after a long moment she too joins in.

Star Shimmer has posed:
"Rise up this morning, Smile with the risin' sun. Three little birds, pitch by my doorstep. Singin' sweet songs of melodies pure and true, Sayin', This is my message to you-ou-ou!" The young girl's voice continues to ring out. There is a soft smile on her face as she continues. Dispite of the darkness. Dispite of the pained city all around her. Dispite of the things that had happened to her just a few short days ago. The only thing that matters to her right now is hopefully turning peoples sadness to joy. If she makes a few dollars doing it, so much the better.

She keeps singing. Her heart is definitely in it. Her voice fades as the music continues. She even throws a few little accents in there just to make the tune her own. Then she starts in again, singing and just enjoying herself.

Batman has posed:
A short distance away from the singer, Batman alights quietly on the sidewalk, his cape draping about his form. Moving toward the musician, he slips his hand to his belt and allows a folded-up bill to fall into the guitar case.

"I understand you've had some trouble recently," the dark knight says during a lull in the tune, the growl in his voice subdued just a bit. He looks about from the corner of his eye toward some of the other figures nearby who had sung along. "But it's apparent your skill is creating some fans. I've come to check up and see ... if you wanted any help. If you needed any."

Arnim Zola has posed:
     While not right nearby there are still a fair few people who have managed to join in with the singing. From druggies setting with needles still in their arms to a few men in very nice suits, and just about every walk of life between. The one thread tieing all the people together seems to be that one bad day, or that series of bad days that lead them right to this point where they're just singing with strangers.

     It's not even a conscious effort on most their parts just something that happens. When Batman shows a few of them go completely silent, the more criminal among them taking the moment to hide their faces or shurk down as if in the presence of a scolding parent, or perhaps a nightmare in flesh.

Star Shimmer has posed:
Autumn Stillwater smiles a little as she hears the voices singing along. She whispers a thank you to batman. Then she does a double take. That is not the person she expected to see. Her voice is soft, "I umm. Yes. I can talk in a few moments." She's honestly not trying to push away help. Heaven knows she needs it right about now.

A moment or two passes as the song does come to a close. She doesn't stop playing though. She simply changes tunes. She starts playing Hallelujah by Lenard Cohan. This time she doesn't sing. Its just the guitar singing out. "Sorry. I umm... My dad sorta... He's never done this before. I really don't know what I'm supposed to do. I love my dad. I don't want to get him in trouble. Its not like he raised a hand to me before. He was drunk and stuff. Star Sapphire helped me with a motel room for the week. I just dunno." The guitar keeps ringing out. Even though she's talking and emotional over the whole thing. The guitar seems to act like a sponge. Its soaking up those emotions and just spilling them out through the music.

Batman has posed:
With a slow nod, Batman exhales. "I see. If you like, I can find accommodations for you that will last longer than a week," he offers quietly, his voice not much louder than the sound of the guitar.

Batman leans in close to Autumn. "I would recommend you come with me. Something's not right," he adds, his jaw setting as he speaks. "Sing-alongs don't happen. Not here. We can talk about your father if you want, but we need to do so elsewhere. You're not safe."

Star Shimmer has posed:
Autumn Stillwater looks at Batman and nods slowly. Quietly she finishes up her song and puts her guitar in its case, leaving the money inside there to be dealt with later. One or two people do come up and give a few dollars but largely she is good to go.

"Okay where to, Umm... Batman?" She may be just a little nervous. After all she has her own history which has some petty theft in it. Never enough to draw the ire of the bat but its still there.

Batman has posed:
Batman allows himself another thin smile. "At first? Up." His hidden arm reappears, grapple-gun in hand. He points it out toward a nearby building, while he reaches out to Autumn with the other.

"You'll need to hold on tight to that case. But the trip won't take long." As he speaks, Batman fires a hook-and-line from the gun, which sails off into the night, a soft 'kchnk' sound echoing from where it makes contact.

"Don't worry--the team of Batman and Autumn can't lose." Batman's hand remains outstretched for the girl, while his eyes keep scanning the area for the assorted singers.

Star Shimmer has posed:
Autumn blinks a few times and nods as she takes Batman's hand. This is the exact opposite of everything she thought about the bat. Being a Gothamite herself she'd heard plenty about how The Batman was a Vigilante who kicked the tar out of those who did evil. Everytime she had to resort to theft she feared that she'd be on the receiving end of one of those ass kickings. This though. He Smiled! This guy is not as bad as she thought he was.

She smiles a little and slings the guitar case on her back. Not hard for a gig bag. "Okay, Up we go then!" She then giggles a little. "Batman and Autumn?! Okay Cool! Lets do this!" She smiles bright and braces herself.

Batman has posed:
It's a swift, if brisk, trip above Gotham's streets, with Batman deftly managing to retract his grapple-gun line as the pair reaches the apex of their swing and finding purchase with another anchor point before they drop too far.

"I'm taking you to a home. For young people, most like you--that is," Batman says, his gravelly growl soft, "people in trouble and need. You'll have a bed, food. The staff can help you find work, if need be. Legal representation, too."

He clears his throat. "Word reached me that you could use a hand. You're making the right choice in accepting it. But it's only for as long as you want it--you're not going to be forced to do anything. Not anymore."

As he speaks, the costumed vigilante allows the pair to slow before, on the downward arc of a swing, he releases the grapple-gun's anchor to drop the pair onto the sidewalk. Less than half a block away is an apartment building with the sign 'WAYNE FOUNDATION HOUSE' over its entrance.

Star Shimmer has posed:
Autumn Stillwater looks at Batman a little nervous now. "Like an Orphanage type place? I umm. They aren't going to put me with a bunch of guys are there?" There is a bit of fear in her eyes. "I mean. I don't hate guys or anything... I just..." She sighs and rubs the back of her head.

"You see, I'm a Transgendered girl. I take medicine every day that keeps me from maturing as a boy. Its sorta why my dad sorta... snapped." She looks down. She does hate the fact that she isn't a normal girl. It just eats her up inside. "I sorta get teased about it all in school. Its why I wear the clothing I do because I can hide for now."

Batman has posed:
"Not an orphanage," Batman replies. "An apartment. And a supply of groceries. And security on-site." As they land, he relaxes his grip around Autumn's waist.

"This is a place of acceptance and safety. The staff is ... trustworthy," he says, punctuating his statement with a nod. "It's up to you as to how much you want to disclose to anyone. But you can be assured that the residents here are survivors, and they're looking to get by--not to make life hell for others."

The dark knight stands straight. "I won't make you try it. I'll only ask. And now you know it's here, should you decide to return to the motel."

Star Shimmer has posed:
Autumn Stillwater nods and smiles, "Thank you. Really! This is a huge thing. I know I'm still a student and stuff. I just couldn't go to school the past few days. I'm trying to recover from everything. I think... I might take you up on this. I'll have to go back to the motel to get a few things but, I will definitely go here for the time being. I love my family but I don't want to be on the receiving end of my father again. Besides he kicked me out."

She nods slowly, "I won't tell much. I'm going to graduate this year and I'm going to start making my way in life!" She smiles brightly as she unslings her case and takes hold of the handle. "I'm a musician and I am really good with computers. I just wish I knew better about all of this. I'm actually smart it just... It all caught me off guard is all."

She sighs, "I think maybe one of the most difficult things about the other day, All I could do was cower. I couldn't make it stop. I knew he was drunk. He wasn't in his right mind. But I couldn't stop it. All I could do was run and I did as soon as I found an opening to do so."

Batman has posed:
In response to Autumn, Batman nods again. "In addition to the resources I've already mentioned, the staff here can make sure you get training in personal defense. The martial arts can be useful not just for honing the body but the mind--and spirit--as well."

Batman turns his head just slightly and then speaks quietly. "Alright." He looks to the girl. "I'm needed elsewhere," he says in a louder voice. "You'll have a taxi arriving in two minutes to take you back to the motel room and back here, if you like. Gothic Cab Company.

"And, Autumn," Batman says as he raises his grapple-gun once more to the night sky, "you're making the right decision. Family doesn't act that way. When you find yours--the family that treats you as you deserve, that loves you--hold onto it tightly."

With a soft *paff*, the grappling hook launches up, and a moment later, Batman soars upward behind it, disappearing into the shadows cast by Gotham's looming buildings.

Star Shimmer has posed:
Autumn smiles to Batman, "Thank you again. I will wait for the ride." She smiles a little as she looks towards where her future home will be. She has no idea what her apartment will be like but, it's bound to be fun.

She looks to Batman when he tells her about family. She looks in those eyes and smiles. "I still love my mom and my dad. They raised me and taught me a lot. My dad screwed up. It doesn't mean I don't love him anymore. I just don't like him very much right now. On top of that I really don't want to stay with someone who is one drink away from beating the tar out of me." She smiles bright. "I will do my best to learn to protect myself though.

As Batman grapples his way out of ther, She gives a soft smile. The cab would be there soon. Her voice begins to ring softly, "Don't Worry about a thing, because every little thing is gonna be alright..."