4582/Strangers In The Night

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Strangers In The Night
Date of Scene: 05 June 2018
Location: Gotham City
Synopsis: Batman and Scarlet Spider meet up in Gotham Batman didn't try to run him off!
Cast of Characters: Scarlet Spider, Batman

Scarlet Spider has posed:
In the darkness of the night, perched on the end of a gargoyal, the form of The Scarlet Spider crouches, his costume altered to a black with grey webbing and spider, he ears on his back something that he generally leaves at home, a black leather shoulder bag, previously filled with infrared camera's that he's cobbled together from broken cellphones.

    Webbed to various parts of old gotham and streaming to his HUD, Scarlet Spider calmly looks to see if there's any trouble going on, both to break it up, and to line his pockets with some needed income..

Batman has posed:
     The Gotham night was Batman's domain, and didn't take much kindly to others invading his turf.

  He was standing atop the higher buildings in Crime Alley, a place that held an unfortunate place in his heart. He raises his left arm, looking at the holo-display in front of him, scanning police frequencies it seems. Looking for anything that will go wrong, or that has.

Scarlet Spider has posed:
     With The Bat's advanced tech, it wouldn't take much for his scanner to pick up on the couple of dozen camera's set up throughout old gotham, set in places that gave the longest view down the alleys and streets, full audio playing as well. It's on one of these camera's that what looks to be a mugging in process starts to happen, but then is rapidly and quite violently stopped, something from out of the camera's field of view comes flying in, a white ropey material, catching the would be mugger in the back, he suddenly goes flying up out of camera.

    Scarlet Spider of course is involved, knocking the mugger out, and saving the video clip to a memory card, he adds him to the pile of five more thugs he's captured tonight, adding another layer of webbing around their chests. Once the night has finished he plans on leaving them hanging outside of a police station broke with an SD card webbed to the forehead of one of them with all the evidence GCPD will need..

Batman has posed:
     Batman had traced the source of the cameras to their origin, Scarlet Spider. He wasn't too amused at the collection of bad guys Scarlet Spider has amassed so far. With perfect silence, he examines as much as he can see. "I hope you're planning on leaving them with the GCPD." He pipes up, loud and authoritative, behind Scarlet Spider.

Scarlet Spider has posed:
     Scarlet Spider jumps! "Hoahgack!" he exclaims leaping up and away landing a good six yards away from Batman. "Holy Heckin heck." he says "Anyone tell you you could give someone a heart attack doing that?" he exclaims before turning to look at his pile of baddies. "Webbing lasts an hour before it evaporates, I caught mook number one about three hours ago, and mook number six about fifteen minutes. When I figure I've caught my quota of fish I was gonna leave them pantsed outside of the local station with incriminating evidence." he explains. "So you're 'The Batman' of Gotham City?" He asks curiously.

Batman has posed:
     The advanced tech of his suit shows off the muscles of the man underneath. And the bat symbol gives him away. He doesn't say anything in retort yet, opting for silence.

  He watches the criminals that Scarlet Spider has collected so far. He claims the first one was captured three hours ago, but his webbing only lasts an hour, interesting. He continues to analyze the stuff, for science.

Scarlet Spider has posed:
     Scarlet Spider clears his throat in the silence as it stretches. "So...." he says rocking on his feet and clapping his hands a bit. "I'll just.." he points away "Take these guys and drop them off at daycare." he offers pulling out a sharpie from his satchel to start numbering the mooks in order a small red webbed envelope coming out of his utility belt and an SD card ejected from his bracer sized web-shooters is soon superglued to the chin of mook number 6..

Batman has posed:
     The Dark Knight makes a mental note of what Scarlet Spider is doing here. Seems like a good enough guy. The golden bat symbol on his chest flexes as he moves, before he looks over Scarlet Spider and his gear loadout. "Stay out of the ganglands. I'm observing their activities and need them to be allowed to think they aren't being watched." He warns, messing with the Batman's investigation, not a good idea.

Scarlet Spider has posed:
     Scarlet Spider salutes. "Aye aye cap'n" he says as he quickly reapplies a generous amount of webbing to the mooks, all six quickly and easily picked up with one lithe arm. "Happy hunting Bats!" he says cheekily fireing off a webline to a near by taller building and lifting off, the bundle of badguys temporarily tossed up like a toy bal before it's webbed up and dangling from his shoulder and under him like an air lifted crate under a helicopter. With both arms free he starts to sling around towards the nearest police station.

Batman has posed:
     Batman shoots his grapple up towards a tall building, beginning his own swings to reunite with the Batmobile. He'd make a note to check up on this one in the future.