4772/Not My Circus...

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Not My Circus...
Date of Scene: 30 June 2018
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Carrie Kelley, Harley Quinn

Carrie Kelley has posed:
The dust has barely settled, but it will settle. For a moment Carrie just stares at the felled giant shroom from where she'd dove for cover behind a bench. It was starting to sink in what all had transpired. Plus the fact that she'd been a part of it. Her ears were still ringing.

Carrie sits up and looks around to ensure no one else was left that might need help. Even the woman that was being dragged in had fled by now. That really only left... Harley. On the ground. Her face contorts with a torn expression at this realization seeing the trouble she was having with her ability to stand. She pushes to her feet to stride over toward the downed Clown Queen, eyebrows drawn tight together. ... "I'm probably going to regret this, but do you need some help? You did just try to help fight the Alice in Wonderland rejects so..." Her throat clears lightly. "Seems only fair."

Harley Quinn has posed:
Harley stares at Carrie open-mouthed, and a little dumbfounded. Her white makeup has been smeared and thinned by water and battle. Black lipstick? On point. Domino mask still in place. "This is a trap, isn't it?" she finally asks, blue eyes narrowing. "You offer to help me and in the next scene you're draggin' me off in a burlap sack."

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley lets out a sigh, but she crouches down near her feet reaching out to gesture at her ankle. "Lemme see," she requests simply. "Trust me, I was a Girl Scout. I can probably get you up to walking again even if it's just limping." Green eyes regard Harley from behind her glasses as she adds, "And have you ever seen me before? I'm a newb. I probably shouldn't have even been here to be honest but this seemed kind of like an 'all hands on deck' sort of situation. Space alien mushrooms taking over the world and all." Her head shakes, eyes shutting with another sigh. "Trust me, I'm kind of torn over this as well, but I don't really... Ugh. You were doing something GOOD here. I can't just be all 'citizens arrest' on you after that. Doesn't feel right."

Harley Quinn has posed:
    "Bullsh--wait what? I was doing--oh...right! I was doing something good!" Harley looks exceedingly relieved. Probably because this kid had no idea what Harley -was- doing. "I mean y'know, this whole mess ain't my scene. But I had to help. For the children." She nods solemnly. "You think you can fix it? I'll know if yer pullin' a fast one. I've seen enough cartoons to know how the world works."

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley narrows her eyes at that hesitation. Rolling her eyes skyward she shakes her head at herself. "You're already making me regret this. What were you trying to do? Make them pets?" Or guard dogs more likely. Even though Harley had outed herself, Carrie does reach down to gently feel over her ankle trying to see what the issue was. "Hm. It's just dislocated. Probably can't wiggle your toes huh?" She doesn't really wait for an answer though. Instead she turns the topic to a rather risque question of, "So you ever wondered if the Batman wears boxers, breifs, or ...? Personally I'm guessing a thong given how he stands like there's something up his butt."

And that's when she jerks Harley's ankle back into place while, hopefully, distracting her with such ridiculous banter.

Harley Quinn has posed:
"Oh yeah, I'd lay money on a thon---SHIT!!" For a world-wise cartoon aficionado, Harley is REALLY gullible. "YOU BROKE IT AGAIN!!"

Carrie Kelley has posed:
"You're fine. It was out of place and now it's not. It'll be sore and swollen for awhile, so ice it. Twenty minutes of ice on, twenty off, no quick fix to it unfortunately." Carrie remains calm in the face of the screaming at least. After standing up she reaches out to offer a hand for Harley to get up. "Just be careful. That's all I can do for now. I should get going before the actual professionals get here to clean up this mess."

Harley Quinn has posed:
"You were all over this crap, I saw ya," Harley replies. "Can't pretend yer not bigtime. Nobody who wasn't bigtime stuck around to help take down the big shroom." It goes without saying that Harley herself also didn't help to take it down. She probably isn't bigtime either.

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley looks down at herself. She was the one wearing a dancers bodysuit, two belts looped through with zipties and cans of Tinactin (and some other brands), and weed killer. The only mask she has to speak of is one of those dust masks they wear in Asia for smog filled days. Looking back to Harley she chuckles. "Hardly, but thanks. I just live here. I'd kind of like to keep living here. Better to fight to keep your home than to sit and wait for it to be overrun by ... Mushrooms. Of all things."

Harley Quinn has posed:
"Well..yeah I mean." Harley gestures vaguely as she tries to get up, and she whimpers when she does. "They're just mushrooms, right? Yummy on pizza? Mario squished a TON of those things."

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley reaches out to take her arm helping her up silently. She wasn't going to help her out of here, by gosh, but she at least got her fixed up enough she could probably gimp out on her own. Maybe not fast though. Maybe the police would get her and she'd be free of this moral dilema. "Right. If Gotham's going off the map, at least it's gotta be from something cooler than mushrooms."

Harley Quinn has posed:
"Mistress?" comes a gravelly voice from the shadows off the path, as Carrie takes hold of her arm. Green eyes are glowing intently, about three feet off the ground. Whatever it is, isn't tall.

"It's all right, I'm--" Before Harley can finish, there's a small figure emerging from the darkness, dressed in...apparently bubble wrap. He waddles up, looking rather goblin-like, and gives Carrie an uncertain and lingering look, before starting to wrap Harley's ankle in bubble wrap, as well.

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley stiffens a bit at the glowing eyes staring out. A shiver runs up her spine, but she remains resolutely still so as to not just ditch Harley and run. When the... thing comes out... she just stares a moment before her eyes swivel back toward Harley. "Friend of yours I take it," she remarks dryly. A little nervous laugh comes though as it seems the creature is more focused on helping Harley than doing anything like attacking. "I think this is where we should part ways for now. Seems like you'll be fine."

Harley Quinn has posed:
"Yeah, okay," Harley concedes. "He's yeah...Oh wait!" Harley fishes around in the pockets of her coat and finds what she was looking for: one pristine, individually wrapped lifesaver. Cherry. "Here. You saved my life" And with that, Harley turns and limps off down the path, in the opposite direction from the approaching police. The Darkling watches Harley go for a moment, then turns doleful eyes up at Carrie.

"I don't got 'ny candy," he explains simply, and trots off to dive into the shadows, those green eyes floating along behind Harley as she is swallowed up in darkness, as well.

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley is left standing there with a look of surprise, and mingled confusion as she stares at the lifesaver in her hand. Huh. That was unexpected. The sirens though garner her attention, too, and she turns to lope off into the zoo also away from the sirens. No, she wasn't really planning to stick around and explain being an unknown vigilante-in-training. Nope.