5038/Bats and Magic

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Bats and Magic
Date of Scene: 28 July 2018
Location: Gotham City
Synopsis: Just an average night in Gotham
Cast of Characters: Modred the Mystic, Batman

Modred the Mystic has posed:
Modred has spent most of the last two months gettig used to this world. Things are so different, why there are more people in this one city than lived in all of England when he was a child. There are so many buildings...that boom like thunder and the flames rising from a distant building, however, can not be a good thing. Were he in his time, he would suspect a magic spell. As it is...he will just see about stopping it. He intones, "Sylph, spirit of the wind, lift me to the sky, grant to me a way to fly." The wind clows about Modred and swiftly bears him to the area near the fire. The fire is a bit large, but he should be able to deal with it, "Salamander, child of fire, stay your boundless hunger, let not your ire, make these flames to linger."

Batman has posed:
Batman moves in the shadows. He keeps tabs on everyone in the city and had suspected the arsonist might strike here again, carefully examining everyone who came and went. He leapt from building to building when the fire set everything alight and was prepared to stall the fire long enough for volunteers to arrive when it is magically taken care of. Before assessing the fire, he assessed Modred. He looked him up and downa nd then asked, "What do you know of how this started?

Modred the Mystic has posed:
Modred is a bit startled by Batman's appearance, but then realizes, "Who...oh thou art that guardian they call the Batman. I know naught of how yon blaze started...yet. Mahap I couldst inquire of the spirits. I be Modred, a wizard from distant Camalot."

Batman has posed:
Batman says, "I know of Camelot. I know someone else from there well, Edrogan. Ask them, I will have a look for myself," he begins to look around the ruins, carefully examining it, cloak flowing behind him like liquid shadows as he finds traces of accelerant and matches. "Definitely an arson.""

Modred the Mystic has posed:
Modred considers what spirits to invoke, air and fire are too fickle, he needs something with a longer memory. He looks around and finds the cornerstone of the building, "Gnome, child of the earth, a moment I seek, into the past grant a peek." He is not good at this type of soell, he sees the past, but he sees it from a stone's perspective, humans pass by so fast he only sees a glimpse of them.

Batman has posed:
Batman looks up and says, "Ask him to describe everyone who was here in the last two days," he points to a service entrance where the fire started, "As him how much they weighed and if they spoke. The vibration of their voice could have affected the stone.

Modred the Mystic has posed:
Modred attempts the feat, "Stone show me who has passed within twice the sun's crossing of the sky, what voices you have heard let us also espy."