520/Money Making Scheme

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Money Making Scheme
Date of Scene: 20 May 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Miss Martian, Star Sapphire

Miss Martian has posed:
M'gann has learned a lot since she arrived on Earth. One thing she has found is that one needs money around here. She has decided there is a way to make money. Human technology is primative, someone could learn a lot by studying her ship...and since it is currently out of fuel there is not mucvh she can do with it. So if she offers it to the right company, it could be a mutually beneficial arrangement. With some research, she has settled om Ferris Air as a company to contact. She has sent in an inquiry by email about the possibility of them looking over, "an unusual flying craft design" and is eagerly waiting a reply.

Star Sapphire has posed:
    Carol Ferris can hardly pass up the chance to study alien technology. She doesn't really need the money any such patents would bring (not to mention the exposure to corporate sabotage from your Roxxons and LexCorps of the world), but the potential for discovery is intriguing, and if it brings money along with it? Well, there are always more charities who could stand a check. She meets the alien on the landing field, dressed in business sharp; a crisp, white, silk blouse, a black jacket, black slacks, and polished pumps. Her ring isn't on her finger but on a necklace chain, hidden under her shirt, the Queen Aga'po AI creating a psychic shield made of simple thought-chatter to throw off any potential telepathic reading. Carol regrets that she has to keep Star Sapphire a secret, but the time is just wrong to reveal her.

Miss Martian has posed:
Once she got an appointment, M'gann flew to the west coast...she stays subsonic though, so it takes her about 5 hours. Not that she could not get there faster, but the sonic booms cause problems for people at the levels she has to fly to go that fast. Of course...she was carrying her life Ship and hit it iun the mountains nearby (even she is amaxed sometimes how strong she is on Earth) She arrives at the front desk of the office and says, "Megan Morse, here to see Miss Ferris."

Star Sapphire has posed:
    Carol doesn't play games, like making a visitor go through underlings and wait for an appointment to psychologically establish who has the upper hand. She's waiting at the front desk when Megan arrives, hip and elbow leaning casually against it as she chats with the receptionist. When M'gann walks in out of the wind and sun, Ferris straightens up, flashes a brilliant smile made of sleek lips and perfect teeth, and starts walking toward the entrance to meet the young woman halfway. Her heels click briskly on the marble tiles, and her hand is extended to shake from two steps back. "Miss Morse!" she greets heartily. "Welcome to Ferris Air. I'm Carol Ferris; please, call me Carol. How are you?"

Miss Martian has posed:
M'gann is a powerful telepath, even though not very experienced. She an tell a mental defense when she encounters one, but also elects not to pry, "I am doing fairly well. Did you wish to review the schematics and technology first, or would you prefer to see the model first?" M'gann sees no particular reason to beat around the bush (as they say on this world). She is not great at conversational skills either...

Star Sapphire has posed:
    Carol's been doing this too long to let her sigh out. She gamely holds it inside and keeps her smile on her face, and she uses the little salesman's trick of extending her forefinger as her hand closes around Megan's to rest against the delicate web of veinwork in Megan's wrist; a piece of biological psychology that's almost guaranteed to make the heart rush with excitement and a sense of intimacy. You never know, it might convince Megan there's something to be gained from friendly discussion. But she withdraws her hand after a firm shake, and asks genially, "Where would you prefer to begin, Ms. Morse?"

Miss Martian has posed:
M'gann says, "If you are up for a little hike, I will take you to see the model first." Touching humans is difficult, most of them have little mental control...and they are SO fragile while compared to here hear on Earth. Showing the ship will help, she had to black-box some systems in the design because humans can not use some interfaces intended for Martians.

Star Sapphire has posed:
    "As you wish," Carol agrees, tucking her hands into the small of her back, wrists crossed. It's disappointing, but she remembers being a teenager and acting like this too. She holds on to her pleasant smile, though.

Miss Martian has posed:
Megan leads Carol out into the foothills nearby, it takes a bit, but they reach an empty seeming valley. She says, "Camouflage off." A Ship wavers into visibility, it is a sleek design, it appears almost organic (actually, it is mostly organic). It is a small craft built to carry about six creatures taller and thinner than human.

Star Sapphire has posed:
    It's slow going for Carol, who's wearing heels, after all. Still, she does her best to keep up and to not sound too winded as she asks, "Is there a reason you prefer to hide your ship here rather than land on the landing strip?"

Miss Martian has posed:
M'gann says, "It is not exactly licenced to fly, nor am I. Also, it is nearly out of fuel, I have yet to find a supply or learn how to convert to locak fuels. I had to bring it here by...other means than under its own power." M'gann is not sure how much to explain or in what order.

Star Sapphire has posed:
    "I see," Carol lies. "So what fuel does it use?"

Miss Martian has posed:
M'gann replies, "It is a complex chemical that breaks down into monatomic particles under the right conditions. I can give you the formula, though I am not sure you could synthasize it. I have not been able to yet, I only could find a small amount when I built it in the first place..." Her mind drifts back to Mars, to finding the repair manual for the ship somehow overlooked in the desstruction, to spending years finding the parts to build it, to locating a fuel supply but not knowing if it would be enough to land on Earth after the long flight...

Star Sapphire has posed:
    Carol paces around the valley. The movement may seem restless, but really, it's just to keep her shoes from sinking too deep into the soft earth, as they will if she stands still. "So what are you hoping to do here, Ms. Morse? To give me this ship and the formula I need to fuel it?"

Miss Martian has posed:
M'gann says, "I will have to explain to you." She shifts form to her Green Martian form, "I am M'gann M'orzz, last daughter of Mars. I have learned that living on Earth requires things I never learned about in the ruins of Mars. Things like money. I need a way to make a living. My only real resource I have is this ship, the Martian Lifeship I used to get here. It contains technology crafted over a hundred million years of Martian civilization. I am hoping that I can show your company how it is built, and learn in turn about human techmnology that could let me adapt it to local fuels and the like."

Star Sapphire has posed:
    Carol doesn't show any particular response to M'gann's shifting. "I see. So we'd only be allowed to look at it? Visual inspection only, and in exchange for that, we develop fuel for you?"

Miss Martian has posed:
M'gann says, "I would be showing you how it is made, what it does. In turn, I would wantto learn what Earth prople do for the same type of system. Come inside, I will show you the problem." The side of the ship opens without any type of word or gesture, a thought to the telepathic circuitry. Inside here are what should be control panels and readouts, but nothing can be seen grabbed, "It is built for a Martian to use, controlled by telepathy or through a manual interface involving shape-shifting, wth feedbach for a Martian's senses ot telepathy. A human simply can not read the instruments or use the controls. By itself, it us useless until I learn how to set it up for human nterface."