5582/Astral Flux: Puzzle Pieces

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Astral Flux: Puzzle Pieces
Date of Scene: 17 October 2018
Location: Triskelion Training Yard
Synopsis: Aaron Grant is interviewed about the telepaths and his portals.
Cast of Characters: Shadow King, Derek Khanata, Wiccan, Spider-Woman (Drew)
Tinyplot: Astral Flux

Shadow King has posed:
    The various people the SHIELD has obtained related to the telepathic attacks are grouped together, but none of them have access to each other. There were four cells, but now one is standing empty, ever since Dr. Ken Arnold somehow got to his lab tech and simply walked out.

    Several new lab techs are present, and the security around the telepathic prisoners is very tight. Nobody much interviews them in person: it is all done through a digital video interface. A single room has access to speak to either Madison Nikols or Heather Lee, and another room has access to speak with Aaron Grant and the cell that Dr. Arnold was formerly in.

Derek Khanata has posed:
"Okay, Bill, here's a quick sitrep before we roll in: we're here to gather intel from a number of telepaths we have in custody at the Triskelion. You're here in case things get heavy, and Agent Pandora Peters of WAND will be on hand if you need backup. You have any experience playing good cop?"

Derek Khanata pats Wiccan's shoulder and gives a comforting grin, "C'mon, kid, hero time. If you've got any mystical protection you can provide, slap that on us before we accidentally call up the big guy, and keep your eyes peeled for any astral traffic headed our way. Simple enough. You ready?"

Wiccan has posed:
Wiccan wore civvies to this meeting, as he was told when asked, but he's also wearing one of his signature hoodies. Just in case. Not that it's a huge secret who he is, but he'd rather not be tracked down by people held in SHIELD detainment if they somehow become free again. There's a little relief when he finds that they won't be face to face with the people in the cells, but he also can't help a wince at seeing them detained. That must be...awful. "Good cop? Uhm. Not really, but...wow. I've never seen people imprisoned before." 'Good Cop' should be fairly natural.

"Mystical protection...for talking through video? Or do you think that us talking will call down the big guy or something? I'm not sure I can keep an eye on the Astral plane -and- play Good Cop though. But maybe..." he looks around for a moment before making a few gestures to set up a simple Astral Alarm system. Maybe.

Shadow King has posed:
A visual into the cells provides what the three are doing:
    Aaron Grant, who is barely twenty-one according to his information, is watching television. He's watching some old discovery channel adventure in the arctic. He isn't otherwise very interesting, just relaxed there, some books near him on his cot.
    Heather Lee is pretending to nap. She's not actually napping, says the scans nearby. So perhaps 'resting' is a better description.
    Madison Nikols looks very much like she usually does, unconscious and staring at nothing at the ceiling. Readouts suggest she's probably not even dreaming very much.

Derek Khanata has posed:
"Well, no pressure, kid. If things get too out of hand, remove the brain from the stem and you cut Shadow King from the conduit through which he's piping power. Not ideal, of course--consider it an incentive to do the job right."

Khanata gives a wicked grin to Wiccan, "And don't worry, you'll get to see the inside of a cell soon enough. We're going in. Our first interviewee is Aaron Grant, a mutant able to create interdimensional portals. We think he was the means through which Farouk moved the fungal biocomputer into the Astral Plane. Our job is to determine what he knows about the interplanar network that allows the fungus to operate in both worlds, and your job, beyond running security, is to be the kinder, gentler face of SHIELD."

The African straightens his tie and, after any protection spells have been cast, walks into the cell of Aaron Grant, "Mister Grant? You can call me Derek, and this is my partner Bill. We're here to ask you a few questions, if you have the time."

Wiccan has posed:
"But I thought...the video room...and I'm not killing anyone!" but Billy follows the older agent into the cell, his lips moving to quietly set up a protection spell. "I thought we weren't supposed to actually go in," he says a little louder to Derek but then falls quiet again as they're introduced. "It's Billy, actually...'Bill' sounds like I'm some old, balding guy..."

Shadow King has posed:
"I... yeah. Sure. Agents," Aaron greets them. He is surprised. People don't just walk into his area. They use the video monitor. He grabs for the remote and mutes the television, then thinks better of it and shuts it off. He rotates to sit up on the bed more fully, cross-legged, but a little slouched. He has the aspect of someone that's pretty beaten and low, but he's curious about them. "Time is something I have lots of."

tAaron really needs a haircut, from the months of time here, and isn't aggressive about keeping his shaving in line. Maybe every few days, and he has a strong 5 oclock shadow of light brown beard. It goes well with the somewhat hollow look around light brown eyes. "How can I help?"

Derek Khanata has posed:
Khanta scans the cell with a critical eye, his gaze finally settling on Aaron, "You've looked better, son. Before the interview begins, you want to take a shower, get yourself cleaned up?"

He pauses, hmm'ing, and taps his left toe against the tile floor, "Frankly, you really look like you need some time in the training yard. Those collars are far from comfortable, but some sunshine would do wonders. How about we get you suited up and do a couple laps around the track, help shake some of that fog you're living in?"

Wiccan has posed:
Wiccan isn't entirely certain what he's supposed to be doing, but he also glances about the room, although his eyes are trained more on what might not be visible to a non-mystic's senses. He'll offer, however, in trying to be the 'good cop', "It's actually a pretty stunning October day. I mean, it even -smells- like October, which is rare in the city."

Shadow King has posed:
    Aaron looks down, adjusts where the edge of his pants leg is against his ankle. It's a calm light teal color. Everything in the cell is very overly calming in color tones. Including the gear he's given. "Shower? It's okay. I don't know. Maybe it's safer in here," Aaron says, with a withdrawn quality. There's a weird embarrassment, possibly. He's masking it, but the guy is pretty obviously very depressed. "I mean. I don't know that it matters. But I'll still help if you have questions." It's like he's on death row, but taking it somewhat well: he's not combative about it.

Derek Khanata has posed:
"Mister Aaron, I have two teenage daughters. I assure you, I know what depression looks like. Now, on your feet. You're going for a run whether you like it or not--I certainly have the authority to make it happen, so let's not make a thing of it."

Khanata adopts his best 'dad face' as he commands the prisoner, though there's a playful look in his eyes as he does so. He whispers into a lapel microphone, arranging to have security personnel arrive with a psi-nullifying collar.

"While we're waiting for our escort, let's start from the beginning: how did you first get involved in all of this?"

Wiccan has posed:
Wiccan blinks at Khanata, "Run?" At least he didn't use 'We' for that. Billy's vans aren't meant for running and he's not really athletically inclined. His slenderness is genetic, thankfully! He'll look around some more as if trying to catch a trace of anyone or anything else looking in on the prisoner. "It might feel good to get moving a bit."

Shadow King has posed:
    There's a spark of rebellion that Derek will no doubt recognize due to those teenage daughters, but it doesn't last. He gives in. "I guess." Aaron gets up, uncomfortable with the situation, but there's some curiosity here. He wants to see where this exactly is going. And it's different than his usual 'watch tv all day' schedule. There's a curious look sent to 'Billy', too. As if checking quickly for a clue on if he's going to a gas chamber or not.

    "They tell me Superman found me and brought me here. I don't remember having met Superman at all; no autograph." The joke feels lame, and is lame: he's not happy. "Then I was here, and blamed for some sort of giant portal sky-rips that the mushrooms were using to travel," Aaron answers. He isn't stupid: that was possibly a dodge, to answer in those terms. He's being careful about what he's saying for some reason or other. Or he's assuming. "I don't remember them and I don't know how they happened." There's a tiredness: he's talked through the 'giant portal thing' over and over.

    There's no hints of anyone or anything interested in the prisoner. It appears, in the nullified room, that nothing psychic or magic is afoot, beyond the wards placed by WAND or Wiccan himself.

Derek Khanata has posed:
Two SHIELD prison guards walk in with a large, uncomfortable-looking mechanical neck brace and begin fitting the bulky apparatus to the prisoner. Khanata watches them work impatiently, but continues questioning Aaron, "I see. And were you previously aware of your mutant powers?"

Wiccan has posed:
"Rescued by Superman? That's kind of awesome..." And Billy really seems to mean it! "Sad that you don't remember it though. I mean, I certainly wouldn't want to forget it if I met him..." but that's not what this interrogation is about. Right. There's another frown at the collar, "Is that really necessary?" Is he playing his role or genuinely concerned?

Shadow King has posed:
    The collar has a strange effect on the prisoner. He turns colors a little bit. White at first, then extremely red, and has a hard time holding any eye contact. He's absolutely humiliated by it, but doesn't fight. "Sure, yeah. I mean, since I was eleven. I don't use them much," he says quickly. Guessing that the guy doesn't like being a mutant and the whole situation would be pretty accurate. "I'm really not dangerous. I know nobody believes me." He gets very withdrawn and stares mostly at the wall. Billy's comment about it being necessary causes Aaron to sort of fold his arms over his stomach, embarrassment tangible. The small look that follows is deeply apologetic to Billy. Aaron is sorry too.

Derek Khanata has posed:
"Trust me, Bill, we're not happy about it, either. Unfortunately, Mr. Aaron is considered to be a likely HVT for Farouk, so this is for his own protection."

In a rare moment of genuine empathy, Khanata kneels and squeezes the prisoner's wrist.

"Once this is over and done with, I've made arrangements to see that you get the help you'll need to fully recover and reintegrate back into society. You're undergoing an extraordinary trial, Mr. Aaron, but there's a life after this."

"Now," he helps the prisoner stand, "Let's get a taste of it, shall we? Need to get that blood pumping."

The African pauses, lips pursing in thought, "If you can create these portals, can you sense them, as well?"

Wiccan has posed:
"I believe you," Billy offers, glancing over to Khanata. "There's nothing wrong with being a mutant though. I mean...people say there is, but really...we're just people too." Yes, 'we'. He asks of the older agent, "This yard is enclosed, right? We're not going to have people gawking because my running stride is ridiculous." As if asking for his own sense of dignity.

He also gets a thought and asks, "Do you create the portals or do you find ones that are there that others just can't really see?"

Shadow King has posed:
    Information. Aaron's not asleep: "HVT? What's an HVT?" Aaron asks, spookable. He gave no recognition on the name Farouk, also. Completely over his head. Most of it is. He comes along, though: he can be led, even if he's hesitant about it all and his body language reads that he doesn't like going outside the cell into the unfamiliar. He avoids eye contact with security or lab assistants. But Billy gets a surprised (and a little skeptical) look from Aaron about 'we'. Hmm.

    Aaron doesn't answer Derek. There's that distance. But Billy asks another version of the question, and Aaron relents. "I connect space between places. I make them. I don't find them or sense them. I call them, um. Bridges." Quiet.

Derek Khanata has posed:
"Bill, I am what most Americans would consider 'horribly disfigured', and Jason here is wearing a neck brace out of Cronenberg's 'Crash'. I assure you, no one will notice your poor running form."

"Besides," Khanata straightens his shoulders, "you can't let some idle talk slow you down. There will always be those who seek to undermine you for their own benefit, and if you concede an inch they'll control you forever. You, especially, would be wise to consider that."

Once the neck brace has been fitted, Khanata dismisses the two guards and the three of them begin making their way to the training yard. As they navigate the labyrinthine halls of the Triskelion, the African answers Aaron's question.

"It appears that we've kept you in the dark more than intended, Mr. Aaron. The being behind your possession is a man known as Amahl Farouk, aka the Shadow King, and we have reason to believe that he may have further uses for you yet. That makes you an HVT, or 'high value target'."

"Our files on Farouk indicate that his modus operandi is to seduce mutants via telepathic whispers, tapping into the dark side of his victims' natures and bringing it to the forefront."

There's a pregnant pause as Khanata closely scrutinizes Aaron's reaction to that before he turns his gaze away, "I can only imagine what that must be like, having someone play games with my head, turning me into the worst version of myself. You're lucky, Mr. Aaron, that he used a brute force approach instead."

Wiccan has posed:
Wiccan gives Derek a 'look'...he was trying to be sympathetic here! Playing the Good Cop! But his attention goes back to Aaron's explanation, "Ok, that's really kind of cool. And once they're made, do they stay made? Or do they automatically close? Or do you have to close them yourself? 'Bridges' is a pretty neat term for something like that. Do you have to know where you're going? I'm sorry, but this is pretty cool. I can do some teleportation myself, but not like what you're talking about."

Shadow King has posed:
    Aaron scowls at most of the explanation. "So Madison was right, if what you say is true," Aaron says slowly, uncomfortably. "She kept insisting something uninvited was in our network, that some of the others were acting really off." He drops his gaze. "Originally there was a group of them that were all going to stop the mushrooms. Because they could mind-control them. Ron, Harry, Madison. Paul. They recruited a bunch of the rest of us to help out. I wasn't one of the first. I'm not really even a, um, telepath. Not really. Harry's just ridiculously good at mind-linking, so it didn't matter how shitty at it I was."

    Back to the bridges. "I do have to know the goal, yeah. I have to see it. I focus and open the bridge. While I concentrate it's open. I can do a bunch of them. I know I was recruited just to move the group around globally. It was okay at first. Then I really felt ? used." He sighs. "Some of them got really awful about it."

Derek Khanata has posed:
Khanata nods as they walk and talk, concentrating on steadying Aaron as they go.

"Interesting. I wasn't aware that there was a team at play."

"I wouldn't judge your teammates or yourself too harshly for what happened. Sounds like Farouk already had his claws in all of you."

The African agent clears his throat and continues, "When... Harry, you said? When Harry first connected everyone together, was it through a--a chat room, for lack of a better term? And, if so, were you aware that the network was part of the fungus?"

Wiccan has posed:
Wiccan shakes his head, "Ugh, I'm sorry that they used you for your powers. That really sucks. And then all this mess happened and you got tossed in here..." He trails off and listens to Khanata, "Maybe it was Farouk using you through them..." even though he sort of just said that. He'll fall quiet though and mostly observe and listen...and keep a mind's eye out for any astral presences.

Shadow King has posed:
    "When I was added, it was just like--- everyone was in front of you and you could talk mentally. You could think at anyone, or show images if you were good at it. So they'd show me places to open bridges to and from," Aaron answers slowly. "What do you mean, fungus in it?--- Fungus doesn't chat at all?... It just follows orders like a robot. I mean. That's what the others did. I didn't interact with it much. I just would pitch in a little if they needed to like, come back from Norway or whatever."

    Aaron is being led around the little track area at the Triskelion, and yes, some agents are staring, but not too much. Aaron is pretty clearly a prisoner, with the combination of light teal sweats, frumpy hair, nullifier collar, and escort of agent Derek and consultant Billy (Wiccan).

Spider-Woman (Drew) has posed:
Being in the right place at the right time is a talent, or a stroke of luck, that some people just have. People that aren't Jessica Drew. She's been trying to get in to see Aaron Grant for weeks. Months, maybe. But her timing was never right. And God forbid she should request for Agent Khanata to come with her. He had a penchant for killing people she tried to help, it seemed. So when she sees Khanata leading Aaron Grant outside, she follows. Black slacks and boots, a black top adorned with a gold spiderweb, and a tan leather blazer. She doesn't look the part. And she doesn't part with her Mocha Latte. She simply carries it outside with her, swirling it slowly as she holds the white lidded cup by its paper sleeve, and she listens to the conversation as she approaches and slowly catches up. She's already bristling at Khanata's presence, but she's determined not to make it worse.

With a headtilt, she watches them walk past, with the collar fastened around Grant's neck. "Did they appoint you to take the prisoners out to potty, Khanata?" Shit. So much for not making it worse.

Derek Khanata has posed:
"Okay, back straight, knees up, here we go."

And they're off--to a light jog, at least. Khanata's changed into dark navy gym shorts and a tee with the 'SHIELD' logo emblazoned on the front. He's doing his best to keep Aaron steady on his feet despite the ungainly nullifier collar.

"Our current intel indicates that the mind-link was actually maintained through the fungus; it was essentially a biological computer of alien origin, designed to be controlled through telepathic means."

"Okay, go on. You and this team of telepaths are hopping around the planet, trying to deal with the fungus. People start turning on each other. What happened then?"

The African agent's focus is interrupted as they round the bend and spot Drew. He does not bother to hide a look of contempt as they near. "Shouldn't you be in a padded cell somewhere, Agent Drew? Or do you and your Avenger pals get to skate free from reckless endangerment charges?"

Shadow King has posed:
    Aaron doesn't really want to jog and is acting like a grumpy cadet. He's doing it, but is embarrassed and uncomfortable. "Well I didn't see or talk to fungus in our group thing," Aaron answers, with a bit of irritation common to innocent people that are being told they're lying. "I'm not lying about it," he says. "Just then, the others started acting strange, Madison got paranoid, and then the screaming..." he trails off, jaw clamped.

    Agent Drew's arrival embarrasses Aaron at first, he flushes, and then it gets 'worse'. "Avenger?" he echoes. Stares at her. Then gapes at her. A hero!

Spider-Woman (Drew) has posed:
"Did it ever occur to you, Agent, that whatever was hollowing out telepaths and using them as puppets - strong-minded individuals of extraordinary mental talent - that it can do worse to those who lack the powers that telepaths have?" She stops short of calling him out entirely. That's not something to do in front of a 'prisoner,' or anyone else. "You got me. I have no telepathic abilities. Nor had I any superhuman resistance against it. If you'd like to continue to personally insult me, feel free to do it at the water cooler, yeah? Now isn't the time or place. I've just wanted a chance to talk with Mr. Grant for some time. I finally saw my chance."

Derek Khanata has posed:
"Chin up, Romeo. She puts her pants on one leg at a time, like anyone else. C'mon, let's double-time this next lap."

Holding the prisoner with a grip on the shoulder, Khanata quickens their pace, forcing the kid along with him. As they move past Drew, the Wakandan smirks, calling out, "Glad to hear that you're not just here to gawk and make excuses, but we're here to run. I'll understand if it's an Avengers spa day, but if you want to question Mr. Aaron here, you're going to want more appropriate attire."

As they continue down the track, Khanata focuses on his breathing for several paces before speaking again to Aaron, "I don't think you're lying, kid. I think you and your friends didn't entirely know the score going in, just wanted to be heroes. There's worse crimes."

He concentrates on maintaing their pace for the rest of the lap, giving Aaron a chance to continue to tell his story.

Shadow King has posed:
    Like many people, Aaron Grant is enamored by heroes, and meeting one. And makes a guess based on her attire. "Spider-Woman?" he asks. Distraction is complete. "I - can I ask? What's Thor like when he's not being all god-mode? Is Iron Man actually a nice person or is he really like what he seems? Does Hawkeye ever miss a shot?" Aaron wants to know. All of that was piled into the section when they were moving by her. He wanted to slow down to ask his questions but he's getting dragged along.

    "Hero, maybe at first. I just wanted out after.... After things went bad. And the screaming started. All the time. Just screaming in the back of my mind. All. The. Time. I couldn't take it."

Spider-Woman (Drew) has posed:
Thor. Pfft. Jessica takes up the pace with the other two. With her stamina, she could keep this up for days and not be out of breath. Three-inch heeled boots and all. "Spider-Woman," she replies with a nod. "Thor's god-mode 24/7. And the rest of the time he's swiping left. Tony is..." Jessica smiles. "Tony's even greater than he seems. And Clint, well. I've never seen him miss a shot." Spa day, indeed. Everyone knows Spa days are on Mondays.

But she's processing the information that Aaron is giving. What little she's been present for. "I take it...you're off the grid, now? Is it because of the negating equipment, or did you get out of it somehow on your own?"

Derek Khanata has posed:
"Been there, kid. The screaming's no joke."

Khanata continues with Aaron for several paces before continuing, "That's a tough break. I know this is difficult to go back over, but did you recognize the screams?"

Khanata's eyes visibly roll at Drew as she rolls up, talking up her teammates, but he doesn't comment on the matter. Instead, he leans over to her and whispers, "Let him tell it at his own pace. We'll get there eventually."

Shadow King has posed:
    "Literal screaming. Madison thought it was Harry. Since Harry would not answer us, but the mind link was still up. I chose not to assume anything," says Aaron, really uncomfortable. But he WANTS to answer questions for the Avenger. Clearly he does. He's blushing again.

    "I'm not on the thing anymore. Some lady with purple hair that I can't remember the name of came in and shut it off for some of us. I'm not sure who. Nobody told me." He's in the dark, naturally. "It's kind of weirdly lonely," he says, and coughs. "I mean. Better than the screaming." But he'd had people in his head for many months, then screaming, then silence.

Spider-Woman (Drew) has posed:
"I know this is hard for you, Aaron," Jess says with a sigh. Because she's not out of breath. "I had enough trouble with someone /getting in/ to my head, and that was one someone. Twice." Maybe three times. "I know the change from status quo has to be rough, but you know you're better off without them in there, right? It keeps you out of their danger zone. But all of this doesn't come without danger, anyway. The Gatekeeper could just get ahold of someone not on the network and send them after you. I hope you understand that all of this is for your own protection, too. Agent Khanata is right, though. We /do/ know this is difficult. But we also know the consequences if it's handled badly. I don't..." She pauses, shaking her head. "I don't want anything to happen to you, Aaron."

Derek Khanata has posed:
Khanata frowns as Jessica starts to get weepy, and claps Aaron on the back.

"We're getting ahead of ourselves, and you're falling behind, Aaron. Steady your breathing, focus on staying in your lane. There you go, keep at it."

Several paces of silence.

"Feel that crisp air, the sun beating on your skin. It'll still all be out there once we get you home."

Several more.

"Okay, so we were at the screams. What do you remember past that point?"

Shadow King has posed:
    "People started to--- I need a break," Aaron says, forcing the stop. He'll sit down on the track or in the grass if he has to, unless they actively DRAG him. "people started to, um, drop from the network. Ron was gone really early. Some of the others got really aggressive about bridges - my portals. Then the fungus was killed, and um, Peck died I guess, and things have been quiet. Other than the screaming. Madison was trying to figure out how to stop it all, I just tried to pretend it wasn't there. I think she put a target on herself by trying to stop it." Aaron sighs. "If I were going to say it was one of us internally to 'blame', it'd be Dr. Arnold. He was always capital C on the creepy, in how he thought about things," Aaron explains. "He knew stuff that was private, a lot of the time. Rich asshole."

Spider-Woman (Drew) has posed:
Jess pauses, her gaze going distant for a moment before she crouches down next to Aaron. She isn't looking at him. On the contrary, her gaze is still faraway. The gears are turning. "But you know things. Some things. The ones who were insistent about the bridges. You know where they were to. Where they were going, and when. You're the ONLY one that knows some of that, now." She finally turns her gaze back on Aaron. "If we were wanting to get everyone out, and take that network down. Take down the one behind it all. Even if you don't know /who/ it is, you know where some of it was operating...Would you help us get the others out?"

Derek Khanata has posed:
"Bast. I'm dying for a cigarette, anyways. On your feet--we'll cool down, walk this last lap, and then do some stretches. Given your condition, you're liable to cramp otherwise."

Khanata offers a hand, grinning encouragingly, "C'mon, sport--don't want to look weak in front of the hero. Almost there."

Khanata's jaw works silently as Drew pushes ahead to the recruitment. He's working hard to keep his face neutral, but when he speaks next, there's steel behind it.

"We're not asking for any further direct action on your part, you understand. Agent Drew's right, though--I was hoping that, after we hit the showers, you'd be willing to talk about when people started getting 'pushy' about the bridges, figure out if any of those were still left open."

Shadow King has posed:
    "Ugh, Heather was obsessed with those things. Cigarettes. I don't miss that in my head," Aaron 'jokes' a little. He sobers. "She was here, wasn't she? Is Heather okay? If she's not a bitch, she's not okay," he says, with a smaller smile, for some private joke, probably. "If she's nice, check for the knife." He' smiling still.

    "I'm not sure if anyone is still on the network at all. I don't know anymore. I did see a lot of places. Dr. Arnold had these ridiculous mansions and summer houses that were used a lot."

Aaron looks to Derek as he asks about the bridges. "I hold them open by concentrating. I don't have any open now; you'd know it. They're big and glowy. And yeah, I guess. I can try to make a list of all the bridges I made over the period of it, but it was a lot of them," Aaron says, unsure, but trying. He doesn't want to look bad in front of the Avenger and gets up, and then bends over, nearly vomiting. He was trying too hard. He grabs at the neck-nullifier and coughs heavily against it. Ugh.

Spider-Woman (Drew) has posed:
"Hey, you okay?" Jess looks concerned. She stands near him and places a hand on his shoulder. "Just breathe. Take your time, okay?" She shoots Derek a look over Aaron's shoulder. "We will talk with Heather when circumstance allows," Jess assures. "For now we want to know if, and how, we can help /you/.

Derek Khanata has posed:
"Steady there, catch you breath. We're going to take this one nice and slow."

Khanata helps bring Aaron to his feet and guides him at a slow walk, "Almost there, champ."

The African agent returns Spider-Woman's look with open hostility, mouthing 'spare me' before turning his attention back to his charge.

"Sounds like the first thing you need is more time out of that cell, get you in decent shape. You could probably use with some socialization, too--would you have any interest in seeing Madison or Heather?"

Shadow King has posed:
    "I'm ready to go back in and get a shower and this thing off. I feel like a freak with it on," Aaron says quietly, a little flinchy when he's touched. But he manages to keep his lunch down, evening out his breathing. "They're both still here? Yeah, I would. Madison is my friend. I don't blame her for what happened, she just wanted to help her dad." There's some avoidance related to Heather, but that can't be any surprise with his previous assessment of the woman.

Spider-Woman (Drew) has posed:
"Sure thing. Let's get you back inside so we can get it off of you." She wonders idly if Agent Khanata is going to catch her unaware and shoot her in the face, too. "If Agent Khanata says he can arrange it, you can trust him at his word."

Derek Khanata has posed:
"She's not wrong--arranging things is what I do, Mr. Grant."

Khanata directs a brief round of stretches, gently correcting Aaron on his form, then they make their way back to the Security wing.

"Well, it could've ended a little better, but it was nice to get outside, catch a bit of fresh air, wasn't it? Next time we'll have to have Madison join us."

Once in a 'shielded' zone, the African agent unhooks the nullifier, "Okay, here we go, just about--ah! There we are, free once again."

"Before you hit the showers, let me ask you one last question--could you walk me through the last day you clearly remember before your blackout? It would really help with our case."

Shadow King has posed:
    "It's okay. I know I should get out here more. I just feel like um, I should be wearing orange, and paying for the things I've done. We were just trying to help. At least, I was." Aaron smiles a little at Jessica, and then once he's led inside, there's the heavier question.

    "Yeah, right before that was a bunch of stuff related to Latveria. I think Dr. Arnold was mostly doing that. One of the countries there was paying him a lot of money to move the fungus into Latveria. He hoped Latveria would pay even more to have them destroyed. I think Peck was on that job too; I know I sent Peck out that way. Ron was missing at that point, so Madison was all over that problem. That was just the week before. The screaming was going on then."

    "If you mean like, what was I doing RIGHT before I woke up here? There were riots or something going on outside. Lots of screaming. It was Sunday so I was doing laundry. I don't remember after that."

Derek Khanata has posed:
"You're not a criminal, Mr. Grant, and while it may not feel like it, no one here considers you to be one. You're in protective custody."

The two enter the shower room, Khanata a respectful, but conversational distance from his charge as they clean up.

"Tomorrow, we'll work on your tan and do a bit of strength training. How's your diet, anyways?"

The tall African lathers his chin and tosses the bottle of shaving cream to Aaron, "You could use a haircut, too, get you looking like a real human being again."


"In the afternoon, we'll go over a more complete chronology along with bridge locations, so you're going to want to start giving that some thought now, get together a few rough notes."

Khanata tosses Grant a towel, "Okay, let's get something to eat. I'm starved."

Shadow King has posed:
When the guys return, with Aaron looking a lot better having shaved and his hair damp and slicked back, he does look more human. Just being around people and talking is actually what's doing it, more than a shower: but a shower helps, even if he just puts on a similar version to what he just had on. At least it's not orange. He rubs his neck a little bit, even so.

    "I know I need to stay here, but. It's weird to not have my... abilities 'on'. It's like having cotton jammed in your ears after you could hear," he sighs. "Can I see Madison today?"

Spider-Woman (Drew) has posed:
Jessica looks at Derek and shrugs." I don't see why not, unless Agent Khanata objects?" She looks back from Derek to Aaron and smiles. "You clean up good. And you won't have to wear this stuff forever. We're working to make things safe for you to return to normal life. Go out to dinner. Catch a movie. Breathe free air again."

Derek Khanata has posed:
Khanata considers for a moment, appearing reluctant. Finally, he says, "I don't see why we couldn't, but I'm going to have to brace you before we go in there, Mr. Grant--she hasn't fully recovered from the psychic damage yet. We have specialists who are working to help her heal, but most of the time she's still comatose. You shouldn't expect her to be conscious when we visit. You going to be up for that?"

Shadow King has posed:
    "Catch a movie? Heh. Well. If you want to," Aaron says, daring to DARE flirt with the Avenger. It's a fanboy style shyness but hope, too. He has nothing to lose, really: she just watched him nearly vomit while wearing a nullification collar. Only one way to go: up.

    "/What/?" Aaron asks, sharply, when told Madison isn't okay. "Comatose?! Let me see her, I'll see if she's been hurt," he advises, with some apparent concern and agitation. "Or check yourself, if I'm still 'dangerous'. She's touch based. She'll probably respond if you touch her."

Spider-Woman (Drew) has posed:
Jessica laughs and shakes her head at Aaron's response. But she might be blushing a little too. Then comes the reaction to Derek's information. "That's sort if why I hoped you could see her soon. I didn't know if perhaps....perhaps you could help her."

Shadow King has posed:
    Some investigation into whether Madison is accessible ends up being that a few hours are needed, some of the psy-team is in with her now, and are in the middle of something. So it will be a little while later. Aaron is unhappy about it, but glad that he'll get to see her later that evening. If she'll be responsive, well, they can only hope.

    Aaron settles back into his room, to rest from the busy day. And goes back to watching his tv, checking out mentally again, as usual for him. Letting the stress recede.