5911/Winter Dance Committee

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Winter Dance Committee
Date of Scene: 04 December 2018
Location: Riverdale High School
Synopsis: Glitter is not a condiment. The gang work on the Winter Dance decorations.
Cast of Characters: Supergirl, Jughead Jones, Sabrina Spellman, Darkhawk

Supergirl has posed:
It's that time of year. The cold is in the air. The holiday break is coming up. The kids are all dying to get out of school and have a week off to do nothing but sit around the Chock'lit Shop and ponder what they might be getting for the holidays. They are all a mix of religions and beliefs so the option was a Winter Dance so that no one was left out. Thus the Winter Dance Committee had been born. Their duty? To come up with the best dance decorations possible and a lovely theme.

Zombie Winter Wonderland had been voted down by a small margin.

Whoville had won.

Thus the committee members were spending their afternoon all piled in the gym where they were working on the decorations for Whoville! Kara is there, brown hair pulled back in a ponytail, glasses in place as she works on painting one of the backdrops that looks like a house from the book as opposed to the movies.

Jughead Jones has posed:
Jughead is late. Sort of. Well, okay, he's late. But it's not without reason: the reason being? several bags that overload his arms making it very difficult for him to navigate the doors and hallways.

There's a knock on the committee door with a booted foot, as the young man calls out in a muffle, "Opfen the doo-errr"

Of course anyone else would have put the bags down first, sensibly, and then let himself into the committee room and gotten help dragging his bounty inside.

Sabrina Spellman has posed:
    Bringing in another bag, Sabrina sighed as she looked around Riverdale...her new school. "She had brought a goodly amount of cotton, mostly to simulate snow in some backdrops....and some glue as well, but that was just the start, since she brought in a huge bag. "Where do you want me to unload this?"

Darkhawk has posed:
Chris was late, but for an altogether different reason. He had to look after the twins, Jon and Jason, until their mother got home. With them now safe and secure with adult supervision, he made his way back to the High School.

When he entered the gym, he was still rubbing his hands together. There might not have been snow on the ground, but it was expected to be a cold one tonight. He made a bee line to the refreshments table, pouring himself a cup of hot chocolate, and mixing it with a hefty portion of cream, to cool it down. He liked it warm, just not so warm that it'd burn his tongue.

Following in after Sabrina, who seemed to have a lot of stuff, he offered, "hey, need a hand?" And when he caught Kara's eye, he smiled from across the room.

Supergirl has posed:
Hearing the muffled voice from the hallway door that led off toward the locker rooms, Kara glanced that way with a confused frown. She hopped to her feet and trotted over, opening the door to find Jughead with his plethora of bags. "Should I ask what all this is? I hope some is glitter. We don't have nearly enough glitter for the snowdrifts."

She holds the door open for him as she glances to the other doorway as Sabrina and Chris enter. They get a wave in greeting.

Sabrina Spellman has posed:
    "Hey Kara!" Sabrina says as she trots her way in. "This is going to be one heck of a party, isn't it?" She says as she puts the bag down. "ugh. Lemme catch my breath here. Then I'll do my part here."

Jughead Jones has posed:
Now that he can get in, Jughead drags his bags to where everyone else is gathered. "Heh. Looks like I'm not the last one after all. And look! Donations."

He gives a lopsided grin. "I figured I'd hit up the local establishments and see what they could give us. Told them it was for a good cause. Oh, and that we'd give them all a blurb space in the next Register."

He peeks, and sees Betty isn't there. "I'll tell her later. No clue what I've got here."

The bags are put in a central location for all to have at.

Darkhawk has posed:
When Sabrina doesn't seem to need any help, Chris just casually slips his free hand, the one that didn't have the hot chocolate, into his pocket, totally being smooth, and not at all looking like he'd been snubbed. Yep, he's so smooth at this sort of thing. Making his way towards the central location, since he was across the other side of the gym, he meets up with the others, and begins looking over some of Jughead's goodies. The first two he opens prove to be pretty routine, corporate office kind of help. Probably some left over Christmas decorations that otherwise would have been kept in a storage closet. But the third one is from Pop's. "Burgers, fries, milkshakes, Jughead, you just hit the jackpot." And of course it had nothing to do with the fact he was still cold from the walk over here, and some hot food would do him good.

Supergirl has posed:
"So. Much. Stuff!" Kara seems like a kid in a candy shop as she starts going through the bags. One of the spring leis is looped over her own head and hangs right there against her sweater with reindeer on it. Don't point out that it doesn't match! She's happy about it.

Then she finds the bag with glitter. More glitter than a person will ever need in a lifetime. She lets out a little gasp and pulls out containers of every color under the rainbow. "YES!" Then she looks at the others with a little ahem. "Sorry. I mean, this will do nicely. Oh, Sabrina, more snowdrifts! Perfect! Thank you." Then heads back for the house she was painting (taking the bag o' glitter with her), plopping back down to work again.

Sabrina Spellman has posed:
    "I'm sorry, Chris. I didn't hear you." Sabrina says with a laugh. "Was really out of breath." She says as she finally catches her breath, and gets to work. "You're welcome Kara." She says as she moves to another table. However, while she works, she's perring all over the place.....for some reason.

Jughead Jones has posed:
Jughead grins, and quickly grabs up a burger from the Pop's stash. "Pop's says we can drop in afterwards and the shakes are on him." Nodding with his chin at the other bags. "You wouldn't believe what people were willing to give me. It's like Christmas."

He, of course, grins at his own joke.

"So how are we doing this?"

Darkhawk has posed:
"Don't worry about it Sabrina," and it was forgotten as quickly as it had happened. Besides, he had a burger, a hot chocolate, and some fries. He was about to become all fuelled up and ready to work... likely right after most of the work had been done. Whispering an answer to Jughead's question, but in a way that could clearly be heard, superhearing or not, "we wait for instructions from the bosses," and he winked in their general direction.

Supergirl has posed:
"Depends on your skill set," Kara responded, pretending not to hear Chris' comment. "If you can paint, you can work on some of the background. If you want to do the Christmas tree decorations, there's that too." She points to a stack of Seuss books that tell the tale nearby. "Pick a book and start making things that match the pictures inside."

She may regret that instruction in the future.

"We want it to look like the outdoor Whoville scene and on Friday before the dance, we'll put up the Tree in the center of town. Although we have to make the decorations for it though most will just be things that were donated."

Jughead Jones has posed:
"My man," Jughead tells Chris, while shaking his head. "You know if they hear you saying that, I am totally going to play Switzerland, right?"

He snakes a fry from Chris' packet and grins over at Kara, who he has no clue has heard the entire interaction. "Whoville, huh? Probably just as well, as my drawing skills are about on par with a five year old. But we're in luck. There's a whole bag of poster paints in that pile of bags I brought in. Plus Stewart down at the paint store said if we came back later in the week he'd have some stuff suitable for window painting for us. Said there's a special blend they provide to businesses that's easy to get off later. We can have the testers and the batches that didn't get picked up." Of which there were always many, given that sometimes colours were off, or plans changed.

Sabrina Spellman has posed:
    Sabrina took that time to actually eat a burger herself. She was famished. However, she was also planning on how to do the manilla paper green chains that high school usually put up this time of year. But she was determined to not use her magic on this....no matter how much it would benefit....

Darkhawk has posed:
Chris continues to eat his very late lunch, or was that an early dinner, but he does eye up the Christmas tree decorations, and between mouthfuls, indicates that he'd like to tackle some of that. "Switzerland, so you're going to open up a bank, and use your profits to make really useful knives?"

When the fry gets snacked, Chris says in mock shock, "hey, I thought you were Switzerland? The Swiss never take people's stuff." Moving over to check on Kara, and avoid losing more of his fries to Jughead, he offers her one of the burgers, "a word of warning, as nice as it'd look, I don't think glitter would be a good condiment."

Supergirl has posed:
Kara giggles despite herself. "I wouldn't go that far! Although it probably doesn't help that I have this urge to glitter bomb everyone in the room right now," she warns as she takes the burger. She sets the wrapped bit of yumminess down for a moment so she can cover her paints. Then she picks up the burger and unwraps it so she can enjoy her own meal. It's been a while and she tends to have a healthy appetite. She's much like Jughead in that respect. "I just can't wait. Two more weeks and we get off until the new year!"

Sabrina Spellman has posed:
    "Just don't glitterbomb the burgers, okay? the burgers are to eat, not to decorate." Sabrina throws a pun in there for good measure.

Darkhawk has posed:
Chris, having finished his food, checks something on his phone. Probably social media. Nothing happens immediately, but with the paints capped, and Kara talking about glitter bombing everyone, well, he just got a neat idea. He starts off slowly, not having the pipes of Archie, and certainly not Josie, but he's got a decent enough voice. And the selection helped. He began speaking, and started to sing after a moment, "I am flesh and I am bone, rise up, ting, ting, like glitter and gold. I've got fire in my soul, rise up, ting, ting, like glitter... like glitter and gold."

Jughead Jones has posed:
Jughead salutes Chris with his burger before taking a huge bite and chewing thoughtfully. "I'd have to have money to put in the bank. Pretty sure they don't take pennies." Not that many places still deal in those things. There's an easy, loping grin for the protest over the fry stealing. "Service fee."

Kara gets the remainder of that grin. "Glitter bomb, huh? You know how bad that stuff is for the environment, right?" Well, most of it was now biodegradable these days, but some of the old never goes away glitter still lingered about. "Two weeks." His return isn't as cheerful and easy as his grin might suggest. "Christmas holidays. You don't have to tell me." Nope. It was one of those things written on his internal calendar. You kind of remembered those things when you were living like Juggy did.