600/To Question a Cop

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To Question a Cop
Date of Scene: 24 May 2017
Location: Outside GCPD
Synopsis: Diana Prince comes seeking Karrin, to ask about getting some assistance from Harry.
Cast of Characters: Karrin Murphy, Wonder Woman, Harry Dresden

Karrin Murphy has posed:
After the strange night, even more difficult morning, then shift back on duty with everyone calling her a scab, well... Karrin needed to hit things. A lot of things. So, she went to the dojo and trained to the point of being sore. To the point she realizes she should have wrapped her knuckles, as they are now raw. But she's gotten most of her emotions out. Or, at least, exhausted herself to the point she can probably sleep tonight.

The short blonde is in yoga pants and a teeshirt clinging to her back with sweat. She's carrying her duffle across her shoulder as she comes out the front door of the little dojo that shouldn't even be open this late, but they let her have a key. She's well known here and rather respected. She turns back, locking the door securely behind her and trying it before she slips the key down into the pocket of her leather jacket she's slipped over top that sweaty teeshirt...

Wonder Woman has posed:
"Karrin Murphy?" A voice calls out from just a few feet behind the weary officer as she locks up the dojo, the voice was accented with a thick foreign flavor. Stepping toward the dojo from the side of a black sedan that appeared to be quite expensive looking in design, is a woman who's full height is over six feet. With heeled shoes on, a deep blue dress that clings to her form and a gold necklace around her lithe neck, Diana Prince stands there, watching Karrin. "I had just been coming here to try to find you. I had been told you were exercising?" Diana asked/explained.

Diana was dressed like a politician, her black hair was in a tightly woven bun on the crown of her head and her sky-blue eyes were locked on Karrin's face. "I am Diana Prince, I am unsure if you are familar with me." Diana walked the space between them and offered her right hand.

Karrin Murphy has posed:
The short woman, a full foot and change smaller than the Amazon, blinks up to the elegantly beautiful ambassador. They couldn't be more different right now -- Diana elegant, well put together, calm and beautiful in her height. Karrin looks ragged around the edges, still slightly sweaty, utterly exhausted, her blonde hair a ruffled mess and toned frame aching from the fight. But they do share one thing in common -- strength. Power. Karrin, for all her short height and 'cute' looks, is clearly a trained warrior. It screams from every tone of her muscle, the way she carries herself with just her walk, the sharp look in her blue eyes.

"Ambassador... Prince, is it? Or...should I more rightly call you Wonder Woman? Ah...Y-yes... I'm Karrin Murphy. It... It's an honor. Damn. I mean... sorry, is it rude to swear in front of you? I'm not... used to being visited by... well... By YOU." Karrin's mind is a bit scattered tonight, still on the edge of raw emotions from the day, but she's pulling herself up tight and proper, showing all the respect due to one of the women she's looked up to since the first time she ever heard of her existence.

Wonder Woman has posed:
A smile spread over the crimson colored lips of the Princess. "Diana... is what I prefer... everyone call me. The others are simply titles. But Diana, is the name my mother gave me, and the name I am happy to most be recognized by." And for her part, Diana was well aware of the awkwardness of coming to find someone in this condition. "I owe you an apology for coming to you like this. I had not intended to do such a thing, but I have been having trouble locating people today... and since I was here and I was told you were as well, I thought I would take a chance."

Diana's sky blue eyes glanced up to the dojo then. "But if this is a bad time, I can schedule an appointment to meet you at your office?" She then looked back to Karrin and dipped her cin a little to await the other's desires.

Karrin Murphy has posed:
A gentle, immediate wave of her hand comes at the apology, "Goodness, no...no. As long as you don't mind sweat? I can't imagine you do... Or a good spar." Karrin motions back to the dojo, though she dares let crack the smallest smile across her lips, a gleam of respect and interest behind her blue eyes. "I'm almost sad you didn't come 30 minutes before. I'd see if you wanted to go a few rounds. But now? Well...30 minutes ago, I'd only be pretty sure you could kick my ass. Now I'm certain of it." Karrin gives a little wink, though it is of someone who definitely knows what she's doing in a fight. She could probably hold her own for a bit, at least.

"It's not a bad time... walk with me. What is on your mind? I...can't imagine why you're looking for some two bit cop like me." Especially being as unpopular as Karrin these days, having stayed on the force while the rest of the PD went on strike. She nods for Diana to follow her towards where she's supposed to meet her ride. At least they can enjoy the air as they talk in the cool spring night.

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana showed a grin at the talk of sparring and she gently nodded her head. "Fighting police officers is not something I have done a whole lot of. I do not wish to be arrested." She teased lightly in return. Diana would then turn with Karrin when she offered the walk-and-talk to which she obliged, keeping a bit of distance between them so she didn't have to look down upon the blonde who was more than a little shorter than she.

"Honestly, Officer Murphy..." Diana started in her oddly accented voice. "I was originally just looking to speak to an associate of yours. One mister Harold Dresden?" She asked his name, looking to Karrin for recognition of it. "But once I started to dig further into him, I became unsure of whether or not he was the right person for what I am in need of."

Diana's chin dipped as she spoke. "Which... lead me to dig deeper into you, once I discovered you were a Gotham Police Officer." A short pause then, Diana's hands came together in front of her as she walked along the side street, her long fingers inter-lacing between one another. "I have to say. I am very impressed. You are no 'two-bit' police woman. You would appear to be a diamond in the rough, quite literaly." She offered a smile then to the shorter woman. "So now I need your opinion of Mister Dresden. An honest opinion... I am searching for a recommendation, you see."

Karrin Murphy has posed:
The name Diana uses actually makes Karrin cough out a laugh, "...Harold? Oh god... is his name ACTUALLY Harold? How... That's hilarious. Harold." She cannot stop the laughter from escaping her lips, a glimmer of pure amusement in her eyes. She smirks deeply, shaking her head slowly, "*Harry* Dresden... and of course you need Dresden. The whole damn world does. But don't let him know that, his ego's bad enough as is. Wizards." She deadpans that last bit, as if it was some inside joke. Surely if Diana can be an amazon Princess and Wonder Woman, she can believe in Wizards, right?

The commentary about her not being two-bit just makes Karrin wave the woman off. She slightly shakes her head. "No, no...I'm certainly not all that. You are... sweet, though." A ghost of a smile trickles across her lips, truly not seeing whatever the Princess sees. It's awkward. She gives a long breath, though, as she's asked for a recommendation.

"...Don't...ever tell him I told you this, it really will go straight to his head. But... I don't know what you need. Whatever it is? Harry Dresden is your man. I've known a lot of people in my life, seen a lot of good and a lot of bad. Harry Dresden is one of the best, if not THE best, person I've ever met in my life. He'd lay down his life for anyone, from the tiniest pixie to an army of gods. He's always fighting for the little guy, doing what he can to protect this city, and has gotten himself nearly killed trying to do the right thing more times than I can count. But it never stops him. He... he's one of the best among us. And a stubborn ass. And probably almost here. He hexed my car, the bastard, so he owes me a ride home."

Harry Dresden has posed:
As if on cue there is the roar of an engine...ok, maybe not a roar, ore of a growl...no, a purr. The purr of an engine is heard as the Blue Beetle putters down the street. The beetle, a multicolored beat up Volkswagon Beetle...not to be confused with Ted Kord, pulls to a stop on the street and the driver's side door opens.

Harry emerges from the little vehicle, the rather tall man a contrast to the short and squat car, and glances around looking for the person he is supposed to pick up.

It has been an emotional day, and in the hours since Karrin has seen him, it doesn't look like it has gotten any better for the wizard. His hair is disheveled, the 5 o'clock shadow he started the morning with is now a good 2am shadow, and is that soot on his cheek? Other than that, he is dressed in his normal business attire of jeans and a black t-shirt, with his long duster draped on top.

"Hey Karrin..." he says as he sports her, and then his eyes move over towards the Princess of Themyscira, "...Who is you friend?"

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana just smiled softly throughout Karrin's reaction to the use of Harold as the name for the Wizard. She ahhhh'd gently when she caught the correct name to use. "I will remember that. Thank you." She said then, before falling quiet once more to listen to Karrin's extremely kind rundown of a recommendation which actually warmed the Amazonian woman's heart to hear her speak so highly of him, she could tell he meant a lot to Karrin. "I do not think I need to hear much more then, after such a glowing review." She told Karrin, coming to a halt and lowering her interlaced hands down to rest in front of her lap.

When Harry's old vehicle puttered up to the curb, the tall Diana turned her body about to look in the vehicle's direction, any smile that had been there faded as she eyed the squat car... a type of vehicle she once described as 'Oh look! Its so cute!' but... this one... looked as though it had died many years ago, and that it had been kept alive through some kind of dark and foul magic.

Harry appeared from inside of it, a man who was actually taller than she... if only by a little.

Diana had not seen any photos of Harry, so she didn't know this was him. She expected Karrin to tell her this was some kind of criminal, or some such, here to pester the poor Police officer and the 'look' she gave Karrin said 'I will fight him off if you need help.'

Karrin Murphy has posed:
"...Speak of the devil..." Karrin mutters beneath her breath as the Blue Beetle starts puttering up around the corner. However, watching him get out, it's probably achingly clear that Karrin is over the moon for the man. It's not just love. THe look she gives him is the tired, comfortable, worn in look of a long friendship filled with a lot of trials and tribulations, but the utter, soul deep trust that comes from it too. To say things between them were complicated would be putting it mildly. "...I promise his work is better than his car." Karrin mutters sideways to Diana.

Then there is Harry and she gives him a bit more of a tired smile, "Hey, trouble. You have a princess looking for you. Diana, this is Harry Dresden. Harry...uh... Diana. Wonder Woman. Ambassador of Themyscira. A way too classy lady to be in our presence, but she can choose her own friends. And-" Before Karrin can say something else snarky, her work phone goes off. SHe swears lightly and picks it up, "Lieutenant Murphy... What? No. I'm down at the dojo... I can... Just... Fuck. Send a car. No. I'll meet you. Corner of South Hinkey and China Basin. I'll be there in two. Put on the lights." She then kills her phone, slipping it back in her bag, "...sorry, looks like I need to head back to the precinct. You two... uh... Play nice. I'm sure you will. Harry, maybe 30 percent less snark? Can you do that?" She has doubts behind her voice. With that, she gives them both a brief salute and jogs up towards the far block's corner. Sirens can already be heard nearing.

Harry Dresden has posed:
Wait. Did Karrin just say this was Wonder Woman? And then ran off...leaving him alone with her? Harry looks from the departing Karrin to the tall woman that was standing next to her. This should be interesting. And with less snark?


The wizard takes a breath and wipes his hand on his duster as he walks around the car to approach the Amazon. The duster billows behind him as he moves, much like the cape of Diana's teammates on the League. As he comes within arms length, he looks down to the Amazonian woman and offers his hand to the Princess, "A pleasure to meet you, Ms. Ambassador? Princess? I am not entirely sure how to address you. In any case, I'm Harry Dresden, as Muprh just said. You are looking for me?"

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana was dressed like a politician, a deep blue dress that ended just at her knees and a black belt cinched about her waist. Her black hair was tied back atop the crown of her head and she held her hands in front of her lap until Karrin made her quick departure... feeling a desire to go after the Officer and see if she was in need of aide, but... she could not do that and should not do that.

The woman's blue eyes went to Harry as he approached and wiped his hand upon his coat. Diana showed a large smile to him, friendly and warm at the same time. "She speaks highly of your services, Mister Dresden." Diana said then, her right hand coming up to grasp onto Harry's and shake it. Her hand was smooth as silk and held a firmness suggesting a wealth of barely hidden strength.

"I am searching for someone who has knowledge in the... ways of demonic worshipping within the areas of New York, Gotham and Metropolis." She tells him then. "My internet searches, lead me to your name and your work services you offer." She smiled for him again. "And please, just refer to me as Diana. I need not any special titles."

Harry Dresden has posed:
"Alright. Diana it is, and please call me Harry." he says as he shakes her hand. His grip is strong, but not anything that would register on the realm of a superhuman.

Hary's eyes track towards where Karrin left as Diana speaks of her recommendation, "Murph and I have been through a lot over the years. It's a mutual regard I assure you. I trust her with my life. the soul of a wrathful guardian angel resides in that one. She will fight to the death for you, but just don't piss her off. Er, sorry. I mean, don't make her mad."

The mention of demons brings his attention back the the Amazon. "I've have experience in the occult, and have access to a plethora of research for anything I don't know. I am sure I would be able to help you." He is silent for a moment, and looks a bit sheepish as his eyes divert from looking at Diana's face. "I, uh, charge $50 an hour plus expenses. Look, I know your with the Justice League and I hate to ask for money, but I do have bills..." He reaches up and start to rub the back of his neck, "I have to get Murphy's car fixed."

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana had impecable listening skills and throughout what Harry had said she'd stared right at him and gently nodded her head or made subtle facial expressions to signal the understanding of his statements. She started to reach for the black strap of the bag that was hanging from her right shoulder and she brought it down her arm to her hands.

"Yes, of course." She told him. "I am not here on behalf of the League. I am here on behalf of a friend... who is being stalked and harrassed by a cult of demon worshippers." Diana opened her small leather bag and fished around inside it with her fingers. "I had hoped to come to you to speak at your office, when but I arrived there... it was empty. This is why I came to Karrin Murphy, I apologize if that is overstepping."

Diana pulled out a slip of dollar bills and she offered it to him. "Five hundred dollars... To meet with my young friend?" She asked, holding it out for him. "She is a good person, but she has a very... very troubled life. If you can help me solve any of it, I will make sure that money is not an issue for you throughout it, sir." Diana's accented English was strange to most ears in the States, but her voice was also soft and comforting to many as well.

Harry Dresden has posed:
The sight of the money gives Harry a moments pause, as he holds out his hand palm up in a mitigating gesture. "Oh, no. I couldn't take any money now. Not just for a meeting." Still, he looks at the stack of bills in Diana's hand for a moment longer than he probably should.

He tears his eyes away from the green and looks back to Diana, "I know my way around a troubled life, Diana. Sadly, I have firsthand experience. I'll certainly meet your friend and see what I can do for her. Did you have a time and place in mind? Did you happen to know the demon? I could do a bit of research prior to the meeting so I can come in somewhat prepared."

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana took a step toward him when he turned the money down and she gently reached out to take his hand and lift it up (should he allow it) to a level between their two forms. "Please." She told him softly, placing the money into his hand. "I am afraid she did not give me any specific names, but I briefly spoke to the demon that I believe the worshippers are following... I assure you, this is not going to be an easy situation. I want to make sure that you are well prepared for it and are in understanding of whats to come. So use this money to steel yourself, Mister Dresden." She told him in a calm and collected tone.

Diana would then take her hands back and reach for her leather satchel again. She'd pull out a dark glossy blue and red business card with golden lettering upon its surface. "The meeting will be at the Themysciran Consulate." She offered the card to him. "The address and contact information are there." She nodded toward the card as she handed it toward him now.

"Please, call the Consulate and leave a time for when you can come. The rest of the arrangements will be made in your schedule there-after."

Diana would then show another small smile toward him.

Harry Dresden has posed:
Having $500 pressed into your hand by what could be considered a goddess isn't something that happens everyday, even to someone like Harry. He looks from the cash to Diana and sighs with a nod. "Alright, Diana. I'll take the retainer. You have yourself a wizard."

The money is shoved into the pocket of his duster before he reaches out for the card, plucking it from her fingers and casting a glance to it. "I have to ask about your consulate. Just to make sure, since I don't want to have an issue....it's not all teched out is it? I have a habit of shorting out technology when I am near it for too long, and I don't want to accidentally fry a hard drive or anything." He slips the card into the same pocket as the cash, "I will give the Consulate a call in the morning to make arrangements."

Shoving his hands into the duster pockets, he looks down at the Amazon, "You spoke to the demon? Is there anything you can tell me? A description, or name or anything? If I have something to go on, I may be able to find something by the time the meeting happens."

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana stepped back and placed her hands together over her lap again, now holding onto that small leather satchel she had. After a small breath she dipped her chin and then spoke. "She mentioned the words Trigon, and a place called Azarath." Diana's head shook side to side then. "These are words I am not familar with." She told him then.

"Her name, is Rachel Roth... but I am unsure if that will assist you yet." Diana seemed a bit sadened that she did not have more for him to go off of. "I should have done more research before coming to you, but again." She glanced around their surroundings. "I had not expected our meeting to be quite so informal." She said then, looking back to him and showing a faint smile upon her lips.

Harry Dresden has posed:
Shaking his head, Harry smiles. "No, don't be sorry. Believe it or not I have had far less to go on when starting a case before. Just the name Trigon will get the ball rolling, so to speak."

HE reaches up and combs his fingers through his disheveled hair, "Her name is not familiar to me, but that isn't unexpected. I can do some digging and see what, if anything, I can find on why this particular demon cult seems to have a hardo..er a fixation for Ms. Roth." He smiles, "Sorry you missed me at the office. Today has been...interesting to say the least."

He pauses for a moment, "Do you mind if I ask you a personal question? I mean, your insight as a woman?"

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana dipped her chin in a singular nod when the information she did give him seemed to be at least somehing satisfactory for the Wizard to go off of. She'd dealt with 'wizards' in the past, though it had been many years... and Harry was standing out already from them as very much unlike what she'd interacted with previously. She smiled again when he said that the day had been interesting...

But when he asked the last question, she fluttered her eyelids a moment, let her smile fade and nodded two quick times to him. "Yes, of course." She said. "How can I help... with womanly insights." She showed a sly grin then and there.

Harry Dresden has posed:
Harry grins sheepishly and rubs the back of his neck. A slight blush shows on his face as he starts to speak. "I have this friend whom I care for a great deal, and I know she cares for me as well. We both have had difficulties in the past with relationships, and the failures of the past...well, she is afraid that if we take things to the next level it might ruin our friendship if things took a turn for the worse. I'd at least like to give it a chance before we start throwing dirt on the grave prematurely. Do you have any suggestions? We have already had a pretty intense 'fight' about it, and I would rather avoid that again...but I also know that I am stubborn enough that the subject it bound to rear its head again sooner rather than later."

"Sorry. I just had to get that off my chest, and the person I would usually vent to is the person I am talking about. You don't really have to answer that."

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana was a person who many came to for advice. She had no 'degrees' in fields associated with handing advice out... but she had a way about her that seemed to draw people in for it. She was used to it, and lived to help others, but she always feared giving poor advice.

After hearing his words, she gently nodded her head to them. "Complications of the heart." She softly said in that heavily accented voice of hers. A caring smile was given to the wizard and she took a moment to consider her response.

"I loved someone once." She told him then. "At first I thought I hated them... because I was young and too foolish to be able to understand what my heart was really telling me. So I stayed away from them, or at least attempted to." She grinned a little then. "By the time that we acknowledged our shared love for one another, they were taken from me by tragedy shortly there-after." She let these words sink for a moment before leveling her gaze upon him once more.

"My advice for you, Mister Dresden... is to not hide your feelings. The moments we get with our loved ones, are fleeting... and the clock on them is always ticking down. Make the moments as good as you can, before they are gone. Be 'there' for her, but do not push at her..." She then grinned again. "Push a little. But not too much. I sense that she likely feels the same as you, she just needs more time to warm up to it." Diana had an idea who Harry was referring to afterall.

Harry Dresden has posed:
Harry Dresden sighs, and nods with a slight chuckle. "Oh, there isn't a worry about hiding how I felt, not after today. The rest of your advice is pretty much what I came up with as well, so it is good to know at least I seem to be on the right track."

He looks at Diana, but doesn't meet her eyes. "I'm sorry for your loss. I've had similar happen to me, so I understand about that type of loss." He offers a sad little smile, "To say it sucks is an understatement. When you are indirectly responsible for what happened to them, well, it just adds to the pain. Anyway, thank you for the advice, Ambassador. I will take it to heart."

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana stepped toward him again, partly because her fancy black sedan was parked in front of his Blue Beetle down the street a little further, and partly to reach her left hand out now and place it upon his shoulder giving his duster-covered-shoulder a reassuring squeeze.

"You are on the right track then, Mister Dresden." She said then to him in a warming voice. "Be the most important person in her life... that is what she needs most. You can rest your head on your pillow at night knowing that you have provided her with that and that it is a wonderful gift to give to a woman who needs it." She showed him another smile then and gave his shoulder a soft pat before she started to walk past him.

"I look forward to our meeting." She said then in her accented English, heeled shoes clicking on the concrete of the sidewalk as she made her way toward her vehicle. "I love your car by the way, it is very cute." She looked back at him as she approached the passenger door on the sedan and gave him a smile and a wave.