604/We Need to Chat...

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We Need to Chat...
Date of Scene: 24 May 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: In which Marinette tells Chat that her long time crush, Adrien, is gay. Chat's brain may explode.
Cast of Characters: 143, 142

Marinette DuPain (143) has posed:
So as far as misunderstandings go... This one's pretty huge.

After leaving, Mari wondered around the city until she made her way to the library. She was drenched by the time she got there thanls to a radom summer storm. And she stayed there until they kicked her out at closing whereupon she trudged home in the same rain.

She waa thankful no one seemed to be around when she got home. Until she noticed Tommy's bag still on the kitchen counter. Neither could be seen though so where....

Her eyes flick up towards Adrien's room. Well... it would make sense... She'll just go hide in her's now, thank you.

She doesn't bother to change. Or dry off. Thank god for none carpeted floors! She simply plops herself down in the middle of her floor, computer running some show for background noise and drops her forehead to her knees.

Adrien Agreste (142) has posed:
Adrien had tried to cjase after Tommy, bur rhe ginger slippery. So Adrien just goes to his room and shuts rhe door, forgetting about the bag and the pie and everything . The resr of his day couldnt go by fast enough, and while rain normally dampens his spirits, he refused to let it stop him. He needed some chst rime. he needed to run. he neded Marinette.

Tap tap, Chat Noir pushes open a window just wide enough to peek in.

"Anybidy ho- Puurincess! You're all wet!"

Marinette DuPain (143) has posed:
"That's what happens when you walk home in the rain."

A few seconds and Marinette lifts her head to look at Chat, wet hair dripping and clinging to her face. She's been crying again. Which made her angry. Which only made her cry harder.

"Wet leather must suck." What? It's an honest observation.

Adrien Agreste (142) has posed:
"Why did you walk in the rain, Fair Maiden?" asks Chat, still in the rain himself. He takes the space of the question to notice...

"Yiu're crying." Again! The wall outside is clawdd as Chat makes. fist against it.

"Itxs mostly water proof. what happened? can i come in? i can grt you a towel. "

Marinette DuPain (143) has posed:
Can he... Mari's eyes widen and she nods. "Of course! You're always welcome here. I should've aaod something before..."

She sighs and drops her forehead nack to her knees. "Because the library kicked me out when they closed and I'm stupid so I didn't think to get a taxi." Pause. "I'm not crying." Anymore.

Adrien Agreste (142) has posed:
"You say that, but how rude would it be to just barge in all the time? After all, you are a Lady, and should be trated as such," he says as he clambers in, leaving puddles as he pads moistly to her private bathroom for aome towels. One is immediately delivered to Marinette before he uses a smaller one for his own hair.

"First off, you're not stupid. You are amazing and brilliant and id this is about Jerkface PrettyBoy, I will go right now and claw a hole in the roof above his bed!" Because he is an idiot. and he really wouod.

Marinette DuPain (143) has posed:
"There's something very wrong with me, Chat," is said into the space between her legs and chest. "There has tp be. No one who is okay hurts over the fact the gay guy in the next room is in there with his boyfriend. That should make it hurt less, shouldn't it? But it doesn't. It still just hurts. I should be happy for him! That he found someone!"

The towel is taken and her head drops right back to her knees. "A good person would be happy for him."

Adrien Agreste (142) has posed:
Chat Noir is about to retort, to defend his princess drom her own harsh words of herself, when she ...says he's gay and sleeping with....

"Wait. What?" Chat Noir says, eyes wide. He's not gay! Tommy is not in the next room!

First instinct is to defend himself but... the mask stops him. She doesnt know. She cant. Foe her safety. God I hate this... Torn, Chat settles on trying to soothe the raw feelings, the hurt he can hear. She loves him and now she thinks he loves someone else and a boy to boot so there is no chance and...

Chat yowls for Marinette, reachinf to take her towel and wrap her up in it.

"Don't Mari. You are the best person I know. You're kind and you're thoughtful and you're patient. you've put up wih me, after all. It hurts beclaws you still love him and if this is a ...recent developmeny then.."


"What's important is that you are hurting and it's okay to hurt, but you're also wet and going to get sick. You need a warm shower and dry clothes. And maybe ...a-" dont you dare say crossaint! "-an ice cream!"

Good boy.

Marinette DuPain (143) has posed:
And then she's crying again because she doesn't feel any of those things. How can she?

Instead of paying attention to what she 'needs', she reaches up to wrap her arms around him. "I'm not! A kind, thoughtful person wouldn't be doing this to you. It's not right and it's not fair but you handle it and you try to comfory and soothe. I don't deserve that." She sniffles, clinging to him. "I'm so sorry. I love you. I do! Please please don't doubt that!"

Adrien Agreste (142) has posed:
Chat Noir wraps hisnarms about Marinette. He can feel how cold she is through his suit, so he wraps himself tightly around her. Hearing that she loves him.. it's uplifting and uttrrly crushing ar the same time. She loves him, but as pieces, not as a whole person. He shoves that aside, focusing on the girl. Crouched, he shuffles closer, tail wrapping about her. Tikki, if she peeks, would note how simmilar the wrap-around is to another black cat she knows.

"I dont doubt it, Marinette. Not for a second, " he says, grip tighter, a purr rumbling through him, the pulse of it like a hesrtbeat, seeking to soothe... well both. Because it is so utterly confusong to be so in love with Ladybug and now starting to fall for Marinette. He refuses yo let himself even ponder the luck involved, good or bad, of the two girls being rhe same or different. Really, he just will not, becauae His Lady asked him not to, and he is - no matyer how painful - a Loyal Cat.

Marinette DuPain (143) has posed:
He wraps around her and Marinette sighs into the embrace. In defense, she can't love him as a whole because zhe doesn't know it exists. But she loves both sides of him. So very much.

The purr does soothe and she relaxes against him. "I think you were right about the shower." Because now she's starting to shiver.

Dhe pulls back and looks up at him. The smile is small but it's genuine. "Don't ever," iz said bedore she impulsively leans up and kisses him.

He should always know just how much he matters to her and how grateful she is to have him in her life.

Adrien Agreste (142) has posed:
"Of course Im right." Chat chrips happily intonher ear, self satisfied smile in hisbface as she pulls back. He grins mor fully, canines visiblen hoping to get her to smile more. He inhales to retort, mind ready with a fkippant pun about cats, when Marinette blind sides him with his secind kiss (that he remembers) ever.

It's electric the feel of her lips, and for a heartbeat he is shocked still. Then his eyes slip closed as a sense of Rightness floods through, and the purring - which had stopped for a brief moment - picks up again. Chat leans into the kiss, returning it, starting to melt into the sensation. He brings a hand up, palm brushing over her cheek, claws brushing gently against her skin. He can imagine, so very easily that these lips are His Lady's. That's when it happens.

And then his brain kicks back in - and we all wish his brain would stay dead some times - for he recalls that this is Marinette. And that he vowed to be true to His Lady, even though she rebukes every advance and every hint, even when she denies him kmowing her, so he could protect her at her most vulnerable... His brain reminds him that this is not Ladybug. The purr stops, dying in his throat and he gently though painfully, pulls his lips away but leaves his forehead against Marinette's. His lips stay parted, breath jagged and raw, body fighing his mind as want conflicts with forced logic that hurts, tears almost at the very core of him.

"....I can't. ....Marinette, I made a purromise. I am... you have no idea how much this means to me. I dont have a lot of friends, no one I'm this close to, as I'm close to you... but we cant do this. I cant do this to you, it would feel like lying to you..." Again. Over and over. Not that he'd hesitate as Adrien, not even for a heartbeat, if she was in danger.

In her arms, Chat Noir trembles, almost panting.

Marinette DuPain (143) has posed:
Hot tears prick at Marinette's eyes and she yanks herself away from him. Her chest heaves, eyes wide in embarrassment and pain.

Quickly pushing to her feet, she stumbles back from. "Leave. Just go! I'm not letting you or Adrien lead me around anymore!" Her fists clench at her side before she spins and heads into the bathroom for that shower.

It's time to go home.

Adrien Agreste (142) has posed:
Chat Noir starts when she pulls away so quickly, the sudden loss a physical thing, a twisting stab to his gut.

"Lead you on? Why do you think I stopped? This is hard becauae I think I'm falling for you but I've been completrly in love with Ladybug since day one! But you said it yourself, shexs not here anymore. And even if she was, she's back in Paris. She's not here, and it's been eating me up. I was so. happy when I saw you. It was like I had gotten a friend back..." Chat stands, emotions running hugh and hot and unrestrained. But told to go, Chat go, heading to the window before looking back.

"Im going becasue you told me to, but Im not leaving you. I will text youn so you have a way to reach me. any time of night, Im usually around and awake. i wont answer during the day ubkess somethings forced me out of my civilian attire, but ...abytime you call, if i'm Chat, I -will- come. any reason, Marinette. Even if its just you wanting to throw something at my head." And with that, he hops up to the sill, pushing the window open so he csn throw himself back out into the night.

Adrien Agreste (142) has posed:
True to his word, less than five minutes later, Marinette's phone chimes with a new text. The number is unregistered but wil connect back. The contact icon is a little black cat emoji. The message is short: =o.o= meow.