6158/Quest Accepted

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Quest Accepted
Date of Scene: 11 January 2019
Location: New York City
Synopsis: Vorpal and Damian talk to NYPD about a series of mysterious murders at ESU.
Cast of Characters: Jericho, 87, Robin (Wayne)

Jericho has posed:
    It's bright and sunny today on the ESU campus, though that sort of weather in the winter time does tend to bring rather frigid temperatures, so students and staff are hurrying to their classes with their hands in their pockets and their heads down out of the wind.

    But it's not just the weather that has everyone on edge these days...it's probably been on the news, but there has been a series of strange murders around campus that all seemed to start with a break-in at the bursar's office that resulted in someone hacking student records. Not everyone is certain that was connected to the killings, but the odd thing about the murders themselves is that they all seemed to be perpetrated by different people, all of whom either committed suicide afterward, or seemed to have no memory whatsoever of what happened following the incident.

    As it is then, the campus is crawling with NYPD, though the detectives involved have come to the conclusion that a metahuman or multiple metahumans are likely to be involved, and therefore have requested the help of the metahuman community on this...or really, any of the 'hero' types who might be good at figuring out this sort of thing.

    Anyone wishing to help in some way has been asked to report to the Bursar's Office where the first break-in occurred a couple of months back. Thus far, a meta named Alek Simon had been assisting with the servers, attempting to figure out who had hacked and what exactly they'd done, although as soon as he'd interfered, the virus had simply nuked everything. As it is, the network is still down.

Vorpal (87) has posed:
The memory issue or suicide? Classic mind control or post-hypnotic suggestion. The question was- why did some commit suicide while others lost their memory? An answer might, perhaps, be gleaned by doing a character study of every murderer/brainwashing victim and find patterns in common...

But that's what Bats and Bat-computers were for, right? The Cheshire cat attached himself to Damian's investigation not to annoy him, but to perhaps acquire some skills in a field in which he was still very much an amateur.

That, and you just couldn't leave a murderer loose. Especially if he or she was a mastermind using others.

"And don't introduce me as your sidekick," Vorpal says to Damian as they head to the office. "I prefer junior detective."

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
     Robin had heard some of these rumors, insisting on heading there himself. And so, he did, arriving to the campus with his teammate. "I have just the Robin uniform for you, Vorpal." He comments, heading to the bursar's office. "Remind me who realized that Goodspeed was not Goodspeed?" He said with a mean grin. Once the two were at the office, he was sure to raise a lot of eyebrows, Robin, in the daylight? It was a rare occurrence, but it did happen.

Jericho has posed:
    The office is kind of a mess, a lot of papers everywhere since the network was still down and the staff are still...trying to do -some- stuff without the computers. Needless to say, it's quite the fiasco in there.

    Certainly, the sight of Robin in broad daylight is pretty rare, and it draws some looks, but at least the police were glad to see him. All those batty types were good at investigating stuff, right? They are approached by one of the detectives, a tall African-American guy. "Robin, perfect. Detective Justin Barclay, NYPD. I assume you've heard the news?" he asks hopefully, then turns to Vorpal. "A teammate, I assume?"

Vorpal (87) has posed:
"Brat," Vorpal hisses quietly, but keeps cool as they are approached by the boy in blue. For a moment, he has to fight the urge of getting back at Damian by saying that no, he wasn't a team-mate but rather Damian's babysitter...

But that would not end well for anyone at all. "Vorpal. I'm with the Titans," he clarifies. Sharing the team with famous people like the Bat-people and the Wonder-people and, yes, even the Beast-people means he always has to remind people that he exists. It was tiresome.

"Assume we haven't, just as a hypothetical- what news would these be?"

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
     "Amateur." Robin calls back in a hushed tone. The two walk in and the detective makes himself known. "I have, but give us the run down." He comments, already looking around and collecting data to himself. "We are here with the Titans, being so close to the Tower, we felt we should lend a hand."

Jericho has posed:
    "Ah." Barclay nods. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Vorpal." He definitely looks pleased when Robin reveals his intentions to help. "Great, I was hoping someone like you would show up. As for the news," he takes out his phone and shows him an article on the subject (15/301). "Shouldn't be too hard to find something online. But certainly, I'll tell you everything we know thus far." With that, he motions for them to follow him toward the back where an empty conference room is waiting for them.

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
     Robin pulls up the information on his gauntlet computer, what's been shared with the public at least, and of course, what the Batcomputer can find in other databases. National crime databases, and such, with the power of one of the worlds most advanced computational systems.

  "No recollection of what happened, if they're telling the truth, they most likely were just pawns in this. Are there any connections to the victims of both incidents? Cross reference class schedules, extracurriculars, intramural sports, and the like."

Vorpal (87) has posed:
"One of you boss' rogue gallery guys does mind control, doesn't he?" Vorpal mentions top Damian, "Wonderland themed. Uses special headwear... but nothing like that was found on the perps, right officer?" Vorpal muses, "Unless it was a detail that was withheld from the press?" he adds, hopeful.

Jericho has posed:
    Assuming the two of them followed Barclay into the meeting room, he sits down and takes out the evidence folder as he listens to their musings. "They were telling the truth, a polygraph was used." the detective replies, nodding. "And no, we didn't find any sort of special equipment on them. But I do agree that they must have been manipulated somehow. Anyway, here's what we know."

    "It all started with a break-in to the server room here at the Bursar's Office. Someone came in, and hacked student records. They were...-very- prepared. Enough to know that this wasn't just some petty criminal looking for something interesting to do. The virus was extremely advanced, like nothing we've ever seen here before. We still haven't even managed to find out what exactly they took or which student's information they were after." he exhales briefly. "But, after recent events, we have an...idea. Shortly after the break-in, this kid went missing." he opens the folder to show a profile of one 19-yr-old Joseph Wilson, a freshman here at ESU. "But, at the time no one really thought much of it, since he did come back apparently unscathed after a couple of weeks. Then the murders started, at a party at some frat house. It was..." he shakes his head. "They all started killing each other."

    At Damian's question, Barclay sighs. "The only thing all the victims have in common, is they are all connected to the host of that party where the killings started, a Fredrick Thomas." Thomas' profile is also in that folder--he seems to be the typical college frat boy. Likes to party and drink, into sports and such.

    He continues. "We've had some help from another meta named Alek Simon...not sure what his powers are exactly but he seems to be able to work some serious magic with computers. He's been helping us try to track down where the hacker's virus came from, to see if we can find a lead on who they might be."

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
     Robin looks over the profile for Fredrick Thomas, putting a pin on it for now. "I will follow up with Fredrick, we may have someone that can help. I will look up the forensics as well, see if there is something else connecting these incidents." Robin looks to Vorpal, gauging to see what is being sparked for the Cheshire.