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Date of Scene: 25 May 2017
Location: Mutant Town, New York City
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Deadzone, Cable

Deadzone has posed:
M-Town. Just one of the many districts of New York that has been filled with a particular type of people as they try to find some solace in creating a community by some superficial thing that they hold in common. There are assorted corner stores, little restaurants, small shops that line the streets. People hanging out on the steps of the small apartments.

Eventually, this area will suffer gentrification as well, but for now it has an old world style.

Here hangs out Tatum, a goth who was probably the height of fashion 8 years ago with her Gothabilly tendencies. She walks down the street with an old woman, carrying her groceries for her while the old mutant with the amber scales shuffles with her cane. Eyes that are white with cataracts look up at the young woman, smiling her gummy smile at the young woman in black.

They stop at a brownstone and the old woman finally takes her groceries back, patting Tatum's arm. "You're a good girl for helping an old woman. You have a good day now." Tatum smiles and nods her head, assuring the senior that it was her pleasure to help and then looks about the street to get her barings. What part of town is she in and what can she do to make someone else`s day a little bit betterÉ

Cable has posed:
Cable may be old, but nobody would mistake him for needing assistance. The heavy, military style SUV that he drives parks on the curb and he steps out, a pair of sunglasses hiding his glowing eye. No hiding the scars, though, his right side carrying the wounds of his past.

His metal arm flexes as he assesses the street - measuring threat, checking angles, looking for attack potential. Seeing things seem to be safe, he lets his guard down a fraction of an inch.

Tatum is measured. Reminds him of a few of the young people who've fallen under his wing over the years. Probably lost, wounded, carrying chips on their shoulder. He teaches them how to use that shoulder to brace a gun. He gives her a simple nod of acknowledgement as he steps in front of an abandoned looking warehouse.

Deadzone has posed:
Tatum notices the large SUV as it approaches and leans on the railing of the stairs up to the brownstone. Seeing who walks out out of it, Tate arches her brows and gives him a once over. Tech like that arm? Yeah, likely made by some mutant who likes to invent stuff. Like McCoy does. She looks away then, not wanting to stare.

Some others noticed the SUV too. A small group of young people, the sort that make trouble in every neighborhood. Smoking cigarettes, making unfriendly or lewd comments, and just generally being a pain in the ass. One of them points to the SUV, nodding with appreciation. They wait and watch to see what Cable is up to, where he is going.

Cable has posed:
Cable stares at the property for a moment and takes off his sunglasses, pushing them up onto his forehead. His golden eye flares with power for a moment and suddenly bars slam shut on the four front windows of the place. And the front door opens.

He turns and looks at some of the staring people, milling around, making comments. He rests a hand casually on the massive handgun resting on his hip.

"This is where we make the future safe. You want to help, make yourself at home. You want to sit on your ass or stand in the way? Enter at your own risk," he says loudly, making eye contact with Tatum for a moment before he heads inside.

Deadzone has posed:
Well, that got a lot of attention. Pretty much everyone on the the street is now staring at Cable and the warehouse in front of him. Including Tate. She crosses her arms over her chest and cants her head to one side as she looks the man over. There is something about him that is familiar. she reminds herself that she might have met his double from her world. She smirks with amusement, one brow arched and decides that her interest is piqued.

Pushing herself off the railing, the gothabilly saunters across the street. Her skirts swish about her knees, showing off a hint of the red crinoline below. She keeps walking, that air of confidence in her step till she gets to the side of the much taller man. "This? This is where we make the future safe?" she asks, more amused then malice in her tone. "Seems like more of a hole in the wall."

Cable has posed:
Cablesteps inside the barebones looking warehouse. There are cobwebs in the corners, decrepit boxes, barely any light. Cable turns and looks back over his shoulder. Some of the others were beginning to crowd in behind her, only for the door to slam shut, leaving her alone with the heavy metal mutant.

"Appearances can be deceiving," he says simply. His eye flares again and a door slides open in the floor, exposing a gleaming, chrome metal staircase.

Deadzone has posed:
The door slams behind her and Tate is instantly on the defensive. Her amused look goes away, replaced with a stern glare. Her hands raise in the atypical boxers stance, her power starting to ebb a few inches farther from her skin.

"Well, this is what I get for talking to strangers. Trust me buddy, I don't know what your game is, but I'm not the sort you want to mess with."

Cable has posed:
Cable shakes his head, "No mess,' he says, standing at the top of the stairs. "I just don't have time for the fearful or the hesitant. Anyone who wants to fight - and survive - the coming storm needs to be able to walk straight into the wind. Even at the risk of being struck down," he says.

"My name is Cable. I have seen mutantkind fall and die. I have seen the world scoured in blood and fire,' he says. "Do you know how to use a gun?"

Deadzone has posed:
Tatum shakes her head at first. "I don't fight, not unless I have to. Not any more. There is more then enough fighting going on out there." She still keeps her hands and her power at the ready. Not that her power will do any good against his metal arm.

The talk about mutantkind causes an arch of a brow again, her look rather suspicious. "Fall and die? You... you're not from here either then? Future?" She`s taking that information rather well. She laughs then and nods. "Yes, I know how. Haven't had to in a couple years, but I know how."

Cable has posed:
Cable nods, "You don't have to love it. But fight's going to come, whether we ask it or not. And you accept my time displacement well enough that I suspect it's nothing new to you. This particular timeline seems very...busy," he says, with an almost amused sound. "I wouldn't be surprised if I'm not even the only time traveller on this block," he says.

Deadzone has posed:
Tatum has to laugh at this. "Handsome, you aren't even the only time traveler in this room," she tells him, finally dropping her fists. "If the fight comes, I'll be ready. I train almost daily. Not in guns anymore, but in hand to hand. When is this fight going to start? And for that matter, no offence, but are you sure that it will? What if, like me, you're in a different world-line as well as time-line?"

Cable has posed:
Cable shakes his head, "If the fight wasn't coming, I wouldn't be here,' he says. "Call it fate, call it destiny. Call it the magnetic attraction of mutual hatred. He's out there. He's eternal. I've never seen a world without him," he says.

"Trust me. He's coming," he says. "But maybe it won't be so bad. I hope you're right. I always do. But I stay prepared in case you're wrong,' he says with a crooked smile.

Deadzone has posed:
And that's when it hits her. Where she knows his face. "You're... that guy. On my world, you came to the mansion before I left to explore the stars. When I came back." She looks away and lets out a long slow breath.

"So, now you're here. Which means he's coming." The goth looks like she's about to cry and takes a moment to steady herself. "I think you need to come with me. If you mean who I think you mean, then my co-workers need to know."

Cable has posed:
Cable cocks his head, "Mansion? Co-workers? Are you involved with the X-men somehow?" he asks. "I've already been by the mansion - although I didn't exactly announce myself or ask permission," he says.

"I never know what kind of reception I'll receive."

Deadzone has posed:
This is actually awesome! For once, she is on the other side of this conversation. It's better then she had ever imagined. "You can say that. You know much about them?" She thinks for a moment and then smirks. "Well, you seem to know where we live, so maybe you do. How much do you know about us, future man?"

She then realizes, perking up and thrusting out her hand. "I'm Tatum, by the way. Tatum O'Neal. Deadzone?"

Cable has posed:
Cable takes the hand, shaking it with his flesh fingers rather than their metallic counterpart. "A pleasure. The X-men are legends, in any world,' he says. "Their membership may alter from timeline to timeline, but they are always among the world best defenses against Apocalypse," he says. "I can't say I've encountered you before - but if you're among their numbers, I know I can trust you, at least," he says.

Deadzone has posed:
Tatum pulls her hand back sharply, shaking her head. "Good lord, I'm sorry. You would think I had just come into my power. I'm a null. I turn off powers. I can't turn it off, but I can make it so it's only by touch." She slowly offers her hand again. "So, if you're willing to have whatever power you have turned off.... this time I won't pull away."

She lets out a heavy sigh when Apocolypse is mentioned. "Well, at least this time I'll be here. My world... he showed up while I was gone, up in space. Killed a lot of my friends." She looks down the stairs then. "So, you want to finish the tour before I bring you home to the parents for dinner?"

Cable has posed:
Cable considers for a moment, "Unfortunately, my powers are required for a variety of reasons. Not the least of which is I might die without them. It's a long, complicated story. But I appreciate the warning," he says. "You're dangerous to the touch," he says.

"It's a useful talent," he says, obviously speculating in his head. "And yes. Let me show you around."