6242/Old Memories, New Acquaintances

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Old Memories, New Acquaintances
Date of Scene: 21 January 2019
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Things happen on a New Years eve
Cast of Characters: Green Lantern (Scott), Wiccan, Sabrina Spellman

Green Lantern (Scott) has posed:
     December 31st 11:00 PM

    With a muted flash of green light half a mile from his intended location Alan Scott appears behind an old rundown building on a cold and cloudy New Years Eve night. Memories of the past running through his mind the greyish blonde haired man adjusts the collar of his long coat slipping one of his hands into the pocket of the woolen garment his other hand resting on a carved cane the older man starts to make his way around the building and onto the street, more lost in thought than paying attention to his surroundings, he doesn't notice the dozen or so street thugs hanging around the side door of a warehouse that two of their brethren are trying to Jimmie open.

    The Thugs on the other hand notice the old man as he passes through the weak sodium lamp light of a near by lamp post, getting the attention of a few more, they wait a few minutes before several of them quietly slip out of the darkness of the alleyway, the 'leader' of the group calling out in the silence of the night. "Hey old man, this is croozer territory, if you wanna be out at night you gotta pay the taxes." he calls out in confident, and amused tones.

Wiccan has posed:
Even though Billy lives in Sunnydale now, he does spend some time over the holidays at home in Manhattan. It means that it's a little easier for him to attend get-togethers with friends from college or even High School. Tonight is one of those and he's just left one party to go to another to ring in the New Year with that group of friends. It's chilly, but not so cold that he can't walk the few blocks between locations in Brooklyn; it's a lot less flashy than teleporting, that's for certain!

As it is, Billy's dressed in jeans, a puffy winter coat, and a hat, his hands in his pockets as he makes his way at a New Yorker's pace. While it -is- New York and there are always noises going on, there are certain sensitivities to particular words being strung together. Hearing the threat, Billy pauses and makes his way towards the corner where he can get a good view of what's going on in case intervention is needed. He also pulls out his phone in case he needs to call the Police.

Sabrina Spellman has posed:
    Thankfully it was nighttime, something Sabrina was honestly familiar with. She didn't yawn, but this was where her initial investigation led her to. She didn't bother with an airline ticket, since it'd cost an arm and a leg to get to new york from canada. In her case, she flew, on her own, under cover of night on her broom. It was a lot cheaper, but it was still cold as hell. She flew herself into a nearby alley and put her broom away when she heard the commotion with the old man and the gang.

She also draws out a phone for herself. She had to stay back though....and not be noticed.

Green Lantern (Scott) has posed:
     Alan Scott stops his walk, and turns around to face the 6 or so thugs, his hand still holding the cane as he looks at the numbers. "Young man, I would suggest you go home and consider the consequences your life choices will bring. This will only cause trouble in your life. Go home" The older man says simply seeming neither impressed, or concerned with the disparity of numbers.

    That's when one of the others, just rolls his eyes. "Fuck this shit we can roll the body." he says as he pulls a handgun and fires it at the older man, with the loud retort of a standard firearm from less than ten feet away.

    There's a flash of green light again that flashes from the man's exposed hand at the same time as the flash of the muzzle, a tendril of fire shooting out of a ring on his hand taking the shape of a C-Clamp, the lead slug caught in it's jaws.

Wiccan has posed:
It's the mention of 'rolling the body' that has Billy hitting 'send' on the 911 call. Even as the phone rings, he's stretching a hand in the direction of the older man and the thugs, ordering, 'Shield!' to try and get a magical barrier between the man and the thugs' attacks.

"Hello, I'm at," he looks for street signs, "New Lots in Brooklyn, and there have been shots fired. I can see 6 attacking an older man." He'll try to give as much detail as he can while trying to make sure that no one gets hurt!

Sabrina Spellman has posed:
    Sabrina smirks as she notices the green construct catch the bullet. "lets not chance a second shot." She says to herself as she casts her own spell. Though it's a subtle one, it pretty much curses the man to have the worst possible outcome IF he continues this course of action. The short of it being, if he decides to shoot the elderly man again...the gun will misfire and blow up in the thugs face.

Though the spell is subtle....Wiccan will likely feel the spell's energy....and sense the shift in the tides of fate.

Green Lantern (Scott) has posed:
     The thugs at this point all let loose a hail of gun fire, the other thugs back at the warehouse pouring out onto the street, lead slugs flashing against the shield that is in place between Alan and the thugs, the original's gun exploding in a flash of fire and super heated gasses that has him dropping the wreckage that was his hand gun and clamping his hand down on his now hurt hand crying out in pain.

Wiccan has posed:
There's some cursing at the rush of thugs and Billy calls into the phone, "Hurry!" before it's clicked off and shoved back into a pocket. Surely they heard that on the other end! He might be more surprised that there are still turf wars in Brooklyn! His sense of security was false! Kind of.

The new sensation of magical energy has him turning his head to try and find the source, but the green clamp that appears from the old man has him pausing as well.

Sabrina Spellman has posed:
    "You should really make better life choices." Sabrina says to herself again as she watches the barrier get hit by more bullets. "Looks like there's more than me here." However...she can't see the other one...nor the rest of the gang...quite yet...and she doesn't want to expose herself to gunfire as well. She does leave a bit of grease in a line between the gang and the old man. If the gang members decide to try and approach the old man....it'll mean they'll fall onto their backs.....and hopefully loose their weapons.

Green Lantern (Scott) has posed:
     Alan Scott sighs, the older man's ring flaring brighter, as humanoid figures start to coalesce into clarity, a man with a rounded WWI Helmet with wings with a flaming lightning bolt on his chest bursts into life his features blurred by vibration as he stands to the left of the older man, another pair of people burst into the air spreading wings of flame that leave small trails as they flap and hover above the older man, and finally two more fade into sight into the air their wings leaving firey trails of energy in their wake as they tighten their grip on the large maces in their hand and finally two more appear, A muscular man wearing a cloak with a deep hood, and another just as muscular of a man wearing a earless cowled cape a utility belt strapped to his waist.

    "Surrender." The old man says the street flooded with emerald light of the fiery constructs that loom behind the man tendrils of fire linking to the constructs of old.

    Clearly not expecting the quite obvious display of power, some of the thugs continue to open fire while others decide to run away, all of this causing them to slip and fall in the grease they didn't see appear under their feet, the 16 thugs all falling in a pile a couple getting wounded when guns misfire..

Wiccan has posed:
At least there will be some thugs left when the police get here! At least there are other potential witnesses as well. Billy reaches out with his other hand as if to cast something else but pauses as the older man manifests some more allies. "Oh." After the shots are fired, he lets his shield fade, seeing as the other seems to have things under control.

Sabrina Spellman has posed:
    Sabrina tilts her head at the constructs that appear, but she still wanders her way forward to peer around the corner of the alleyway.....and just in time to see the gang members fall on their butts. There's a loud SNORT of laughter before she ducks back around the corner. It's then she unzips her bag a bit....and a cat head pops out of the bag. "What's going on, Sabrina?" The cat head says but Sabrina puts her hand over the mouth of the cat. "Shhh....I let you come up for air. I'll tell you everything when this is over." She says gently pushing Salem back into the bag, but keeping the bag open. Only then does she peer around the corner again......hoping all of the gang members stay down.

Green Lantern (Scott) has posed:
     Alan Scott's constructs leap in to action, in a blur of faster than the speed of sound motion, the crack of maces meeting skulls and fists meeting faces, the constructs have the thugs disarmed, and unconcious in a matter of moments before vanishing in puffs of green smoke to be replaced by fiery emerald strands of rope wrapping around the 16 would be muggers, their weapons gathered up in a 'wooden' crate to sit beside them. Finally he speaks calling out in a loud voice. "Whomever is out there that lent assistance, please show yourself."

Wiccan has posed:
Wiccan can't help but frown as the thugs are summarily dispatched. When the older man calls out to those who 'assisted', there's another pause. Maybe he doesn't want to get beaten up by green, phantom Justice Leaguers? Maybe it's a 'New York' thing to just keep going and not acknowledge lending a hand? Billy does seem to be torn between the two but he finally steps from around the corner, trying to be casual. "Are you ok? The police should be here any minute."

Sabrina Spellman has posed:
    Sabrina actually waits for a bit...to make sure the sounds of gunfire and general pain subside before she finally peeks around the corner again....this time her cat peeks it's head out of her bag again. "At least you're okay." She says to Alan. "But I'm guessing you could've handled yourself....." She says walking down the alley...and past the gang. The grease that WAS there...sin't there now. Convinent.

Green Lantern (Scott) has posed:
     Alan Scott shrugs. "I'm perfectly fine, thankfully they didn't have anything more powerful than handguns, and which ever of you placed that barrier was able to handle it, giving me enough time to concentrate on a force to deal with the ruffians." he says glancing at the bound pile of gangbangers. "It wouldn't have been taken care of quite as quickly, nor as neatly." he says pausing as another tendril of fire slips down to cauterize a bleeding wound on one of the men from a stray bullet. "But it would have been taken care of. Now with the police on their way, maybe we should not stick around, they will find the criminals, their weapons, and it will be enough to put them in jail." he says motioning to the street. "Thank you both for your help." he says again before he himself makes to leave walking back down the street the way he was going..

Sabrina Spellman has posed:
    Sabrina watches the older gentleman walk down the street, and Sabrina sighs as she pets Salem's head. "Well, Salem. We're definitely not in Riverdale anymore. Just hope Alpha Flight won't mind me using their account while I'm out here." She says as she brings out her phone. This is when Salem speaks up, again. "Whatcha looking for Sabrina?" "Looking for a hotel that allows pets, Salem. You might be a talking cat, but you're still a cat." She then taps her phone. "I suddenly feel like a little fish in the big ocean. I hope Miss Cranston knows what she's doing by asking for my help." She then sighs and starts walking. "It's this way it seems. it's a bit of a walk, but we'll make it."