6541/Operation Paris, Part One

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Operation Paris, Part One
Date of Scene: 17 February 2019
Location: Paris, France
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Ravager, Superboy

Ravager has posed:
Arriving in Paris during the very late eventing, Rose Wilson checks in herself and Conner under assumed names, covertly claiming the rooms she bought with her fake identification. There is nobody in the lobby to see her or take note of her actions, so she is able to take as much time as she needs to tell the hotel lobby girl to send their bags up to the room. Rose then doesn't delay in going to the elevator, heading up to the top floor of the tall hotel to find her room. She's chosen a nondescript hotel, not an ultra-popular one or super classy, just nice enough not to have suspicious characters hanging around all the time. She's wearing some dark clothes, some black leather pants and a blue sweater, and a thick black jacket. Upon entering her room, she shrugs off her jacket and slips her sweater off over her head, untaping her small handgun from her back where she stowed it to hide it from hotel security. She looks at her iphone and texts Conner with a smile, <*Operation Check-In Complete. Room 995. Top floor. *>

Superboy has posed:
Conner flew Rose all the way from New York, avoiding airport controls so she could get her weaponry. Guns and blades with which is not something he is very comfortable. But it is Rose's business. He is here to help because there is a kidnapping going.

Since they are being discreet, he has left the Superboy outfit in New York, and also the shirts with the red S lately he is using instead the classic red-blue.

On the plus side he is in Paris with his girlfriend. And they probably will find the time to do something fun. Eventually. For now he just fly to their room, knocking at the window gently.

Ravager has posed:
Rose Wilson unlocks the window and lets in Conner as she pulls her sweater back on, "Dang, it's cold even over here," she mutters and motions him inside, "We have to investigate and find this guy. I'm not sure if this is a kidnapping or the guy is just partying like an idiot. That's step one. Should be easy to drag him outta here. Simple, right? What do you think?" she asks him, motioning him inside repeatedly.

"Yeah, this guy's name is Jean Bizet. He's French, obviously, so he's was born here. He lives in California with his richass Father at this huge villa. His father does plastic surgery and the son parties all day. Here's a list of the names of the places he was last seen," she tells Conner, and gives him the list of bars, diners and dives, "What do you think we should do next?" she wonders, maybe testing him.

Superboy has posed:
Conner shrugs at the cold. He would swear it was colder in New York, but it also feels that for Rose anything not tropical is too cold. Teasing her about it is fun, but they are not here to banter. Not yet.

"I guess we check the places and ask if anyone has seen him after the last check-in," he replies, grabbing the list. "It might be too late for most of these places. But at least a few of the clubs must still be open. We can check the net which," he adds, pulling out his cellphone. "Even if we don't find him, maybe someone saw something. I can move around pretty quickly. But you can hit those closer to the hotel, hmm? Which day was that Bizet went missing?"

Ravager has posed:
Rose Wilson is already packing her small gun into a holster on her leg, under her pants, and is putting two knives in hiding places as well, "The bar's will be open, I think. We should check the first two at least. It's already been 48 hours since he last called his father," she tells him. She pulls on a long-coat and gives the addresses to Conner, so he can check his cellphone.

Superboy has posed:
"Sure, we can start here," agrees Conner. "I mean we can cover ground faster if we split, but there are not so many places to go. And if we go together... well, four eyes better then two, I guess."

And the cellphone will be their GMP. Conner has a good Starktech model because flimsier models just don't survive long in his pockets. The superhero life is not compatible with a cellphone life. "Do you have a picture of this Bizet boy?"

Ravager has posed:
Rose Wilson holds up her cellphone after she pulls up a picture of Bizet, "Yeah, here. He's about 21. He's a white guy. Crew cut. Kinda dumb looking," she tells him, then texts the picture to him. "Okay let's go check our two joints separately and meet up later. Shouldn't take very long to ask a few questions, right?" she wonders, "Let's meet up at the hotel bar downstairs, if it's still open," she tells him, "Okay?"

Superboy has posed:
Conner smiles and nods. "Kiss for luck," he offers, giving Rose a quick hug. Then flies away.

He is waiting for her at the hotel bar about half an hour later. Although he keep in touch with her through text. In fact he is still typing all he found out at the bar he visited. Apparently they knew the guy pretty well. He has some names and a description of the last few folks that saw him. They can go looking for witnesses later if Rose doesn't has better leads.

Ravager has posed:
Rose Wilson is gone for a bit longer than Conner, probably because of his superspeed and super intimidating gise, though she can be angry and intimidating too. She tells him about what she found, "Apparently we found the trail of the same group. These guys were rough looking according to the bartender. Maybe they were Bizet's friends but I doubt it. They left together," she tells him and describes the men as the bartender told her himself, "And that's the last he saw of him."

Superboy has posed:
"So it looks the dad was right to suspect kidnapping," concludes Conner. Also, they don't have to check more places? Pretty good. "What now? Should we check with the police?" He asks with some hesitancy. Considering they have entered illegally in the country, it might be a bad idea. "I wonder if there is security camera footage on the group. The descriptions are not enough, Paris is almost as large as New York."

Ravager has posed:
Rose Wilson gives a nod to what Superboy says, "I think you're right. But no police. They wouldn't trust us anyway," she explains, "I guess we'd need a police terminal to check the street footage," she explains to him, "Where do you think we can access it? Should we sneak into the local station?" she asks.

Superboy has posed:
Conner arches an eyebrow. Wouldn't trust them? Maybe they would trust Superboy. Then again he has never been in France before. "Break in a police station seems like a bad idea," states the young man. "Lets see if we the bars had cameras first. If they didn't, maybe some of the other places tomorrow. Uh, I wish Robin was here." Conner never paid a lot of attention to detective methods. "Are you good at hacking? I bet Cait is good."

Ravager has posed:
Rose Wilson hmms, "We're just borrowing time on their computers. They wouldn't miss anything and we wouldn't do any damage, Conner. By the time they get around to reviewing the security footage, this guy will be long gone. We have to find this guy tomorrow," she tells him, "I guess if you're really against it, we'll have to canvas the cabbies. We should know what cab picked up our group."

Superboy has posed:
"Kidnappers wouldn't have used a cab," points out Conner. So they are back to security footage, assuming there is any. But he can check if there are cameras in the areas outside the bars. And note the numbers. They have the times, more or less. Than... yeah, hacking. Or breaking into a police station. Of course the police could also do this if the dad went to them, instead of asking Rose to find his son.

It feels he is missing something there. "How well do you know this wealthy guy?"

Ravager has posed:
Rose Wilson tilts her head, "Well we have the exact times, and Paris does have more camera coverage than America. Did you know that?" she asks and then raises her chin, "The Doctor knows Ravager by reputation. He joined Mercenary Undergorund only recently, I think. Why? Do you think I should ask around about him?" she wonders why he's asking her that info.

Superboy has posed:
Because he sent Rose to find his son. And Rose is an action girl, not a detective. So who would have sent Rose instead of a PI? Only someone that expected fighting involved. "How many times have you been asked to find someone missing?" A rhetoric question.

"Okay, lets try something else." He suggests. "It is still early in the US. I can check the descriptions of the kidnapers in the Outsiders database. Which I am sure Robin has made quite extensive. You can also ask around your contacts?"

Ravager has posed:
Rose Wilson gives a nod, "Well..." she begins, knowing she hasn't been asked to do this exact mission before as far back as she can remember. "You're so suspicious. Okay fine--" she begins, "Do it tonight so we can continue tomorrow and resolve this. We have to find this guy quickly. I'll call my guys and you check the database," she tells him.

Superboy has posed:
"I think this doctor sent you because he expects violence," confirms Conner. But yes, he is going to make a couple phone calls and then try to access the databanks through his cell. They should have brought a laptop, but they can buy one tomorrow first thing.

He will go looking for security cameras later, while Rose is sleeping.

Ravager has posed:
Rose Wilson shrugs a little and then says, "Fine, then we'll kill--" she begins then stops because Conner hates it, "I mean, we'll deal with them," she tells him, "Conner, is this going to be an issue? I was hired to deal with this situation and these are bad guys. The guys who got our man, they're not good guys and we've got to deal with them.," she explains. She reloads and cleans her guns while Conner is sleeping.