6555/Study Hall at Wayne Manor

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Study Hall at Wayne Manor
Date of Scene: 18 February 2019
Location: Wayne Manor, Gotham City
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Carrie Kelley, Batman

Carrie Kelley has posed:
It wasn't like Carrie to come for a social visit. Usually her visits had reason, even before she had become a part of the bat group. Even tonight she had a reason for showing up though it didn't involve training in the cave tonight. A stac of books had been lugged with her in a sturdy old bag slung over her shoulder, along with several Red Bull energy drinks. The reasoning was simple: She had studying to do, a paper to write, and her roommate was currently being very... Loud. She required a quiet place to do what she needed to do.

Which is precisely why she's in the library now at one of the desks with her head hunkered over one of her books taking the occasional sip from her drink

Batman has posed:
     Bruce notices the book when he gets in, "Have you heard they're trying ot trace the Metahuman Gene, and the genes that are beleived to cause mutations, in engineered babies? The research is new, and it will still take a good five to seven more years before the earliest subjects are expected to be reported as failures, or not. Their answers could change humanity's view on genetics for ages to come. A discovery as important as the genome," Bruce says to Carrie as he is going to snag a book of his own from the library. Sometimes, Bruce is expected to know more about the latest super model instead of scientific theory that's advanced as this including the amount of time it would take for answers to show up, if they show.

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley inhales a deep breath as she sits up from her pose. One hand rakes back through her hair to get it out of her eyes while the other slips between the pages of her book to mark her progress with a small ruler she was using as a bookmark. "Yeah. Professor Campbell hasn't stopped talking about that for a few weeks now. He's very excited about it." Her hand moves from her hair to beneath the rim of her glasses rubbing at her eyes breifly before turning to regard Bruce at the book case. "I guess you keep appraised of a lot of things, huh? I wouldn't have expected that of you a month or two ago." It's said with a hint of amusement as she offers him a wan smile, but then it turns more serious. "Sorry for kind of showing up. I needed to get some work done and the apartment is currently not a good place for that."

Batman has posed:
     Settingdown a small plate of cookies, and a glass of milk, thathe did set aside to make it look like he's just grabbing a book. They are set near her. "I know. That's half the point." Then he adds, "Alfred made the cookies," but she knows those cookies aren't exactlyfreshfrom the oven, but the milk is ice cold. Apparently someone is trying to make sure Carrie is comfortable. Apparently, bruce is making sure she is comfortable.

Carrie Kelley has posed:
"With how good you are at acting, I'm surprised Damian came to me for lessons. Though I'm glad he did. He needs some experience outside of this family a bit." Carrie had begun to reach for her can of Red Bull again only for her gaze to fall on those cookies reminding her she'd already been at this for an hour or two. She'd lost track. Shifting away from the desk just a bit she swivels in the chair so she can reach for one off the plate. "Thank you. I probably could use a break at this point. My legs feel like they're half asleep." A testing nibble is taken as she regards him a long moment. "I guess I should apologize for all those times I came up here to yell at you about Damian, too."

Batman has posed:
     A nod comes fromBruce, "Deep down he's good, but stubborn and egostistic. That's from his upbringing without me," Bruce admits as he is looking to the young woman. A nod comes form him. "Yes. How long have you been at the books? Why is the subject bothering you?" he asks looking at the woman as he is watching her. Those blue eyes watch her very intently as he is watching Carrie, "Don't overwork your mind, you won't absorb information like you should be," he tells her knowing she knows that answer.

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley shakes her head a little bit as she looks back to the book. "It's not that it's giving me trouble so much as it's not of a huge interest. It's harder to get into it for me, but it does fill my lab requirement for my degree. I just have a paper coming up and my roommate is an opera singer. Currently with her boyfriend." There's a little chomp given to the cookie as she lets out a sigh. "So I really, really had to get out of there to focus."

Batman has posed:
     "Try auditory, watching videos, change it up osmetimes, that can make a world of difference," he says softly as he is watching the young girl. Looking to her, he is nodding in understanding. "Don't tell others that, too many bad jokes to be made. Even without the boyfriend, if she's trying to harness her skill, it's bound to be...disruptive," hea dmits softly.

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley tips her head to the side in a nod of acknowledgement. "That's true. She IS a good singer, but there are times..." Her head shakes just a little bit with a wry grin. "I won't. It's not as if there's a lot of people to talk to about it anyway. Dick and Jason would probably make jokes, though," she has to admit. The mention of other study methods earn a small nod followed by a rolling shrug to try and get some of the stiffness out of her shoulders. "If I can find the subject on Youtube maybe. Otherwise that tends to cost a bit more than I can reasonably shell out for one class. I've had to cut back my jobs to focus on training."

Batman has posed:
     A nod of understanding comes form Bruce, "Yes, they would. You can use the library when necessary," he admits to her just making sure she knows that officially. Blue eyes looking otward herfor a moment. "I might know a friend that can help you if you would want a tutor to help you," he offersjust trying to help her out. He does have access to certain resources.

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley opens her mouth, then shuts it with a click of her teeth. There's a momentary look of indecision that flits over her features. Clearly this was an offer she would have to consider before outright answering. Her lips purse together in a thin line before she speaks again. "I'm not trying to take advantage of the fact that you have money, you know. I really was just planning on cramming like I usually do." Another slow, deep breath is drawn as her eyes skirt back to the book on the table. The inside of her cheek is bitten down on. "...But I could use some help. If it's not a big deal."

Batman has posed:
     "Money isnot a factor in this offer. I know people, some happen to be experts," Bruce says softly as he is making that clear for a moment. Then the rest of her words come out. He gives a nod to her. "I wil make some calls," he says softly looking at her for a moment making sure she can tell this isn't him flaunting money. This is him offering to help, period.

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley looks marginally relieved at that. A smile emerges again in response, and she shifts in her chair to get more comfortable. "Okay, then. Thanks. I know that I've kind of chosen a tough life to work toward, but I don't want to drop what I was working on before, either. I've worked hard to get where I am in life so far." Pausing a moment she lightly clears her throat. "It might not be my place to say, either, but... You may want to talk to Dick at some point. He's going through some issues right now."

Batman has posed:
     A nod comes from Bruce for a moment. "The tough things make life worth living," he says softly knowing Alfred said that to him at some point, or many others. Then he pauses for a moment, "Why?"If Carrie ever questioned if Bruce is ever payinga ttention to her, she's looking at Bruce. The look on his face mirrors the look Batman gets when Bordon is telling him details about a crime. She knows every little detail is under a microscope now.

Carrie Kelley has posed:
It's here that Carrie both seems to relax, and fall into a line of thought that she was at least confident in. Even if it wasn't her place to dabble in the relationship of others. "Because you're his dad, right? To some extent?" The cookie held in hand is tipped toward him in a slight indication. "I'm not entirely sure what your relationship is, or how well you get along... I know he said you both had issues in the past. He's currently having some issues of his own. I know he's an adult, and capable of making his own decisions, but it wouldn't hurt to at least get a 'I'm here for you' mention now and then in case he *does* need someone to talk to." The cookie is finished in a sharp bite. Thankfully she doesn't talk with her mouth full. The glass of milk gets a swig before she finishes simply with a shrug. "Sometimes it's not about talking at all. Just being there."

Batman has posed:
     "You're not telling me about the issue," Bruce says as Carrie is being vague. He is not responding to her ideas about their relationship. However, he notes all of the advice she gives about communication. It's not, but he says nothing on it one way or another. Bruce is still looking at Carrie, waiting.

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley glances away a moment as he points that out. Well shoot. She wasn't planning on giving details on things. Just suggesting they talk so that Dick could have someone to talk TO about it. Besides her. A faint sigh is exhaled when she gives in. "He was seeing a girl and found out she may be cheating on him."

Batman has posed:
     Bruce is being quiet, "Who was the girl?" he asks. A lot of this is reminding Bruce he had been a little awol until recently. Now, this is part of a desireto cathc up, learn, and proceed.

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley can only give a shake of her head to that really. "I know her name is Caitlin but that's it. I've never met her myself, at least that I'm aware of. Apparently her roommate let Dick know that a friend of his was visiting her a lot. Someone by the name of Arsenal?" This wasn't someone she knew, either, though it makes her frown. "So I guess she's in-the-know at least about the other side of his life if that's the company she keeps as well."

Batman has posed:
     Bruce nods. A lot of thoughts are kept to himself. "I'll reach out," he says softly. "Thank you for your help," he says to her softly. "I will make some calls, too." Quietly, Bruce starts to slip off to collect some thoughts. Carrie knows when Bruce slips off, and the gears are going, usually something is in motion. That's usually not a good sign. Well, for others.