6636/Operation Paris, the Finale

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Operation Paris, the Finale
Date of Scene: 24 February 2019
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Ravager, Superboy

Ravager has posed:
The computer has cleaned up the faces caught on the video camera during the kidnapping and Rose Wilson and Conner are quickly on their way to find these evil doers. The Outsiders database has revealed their deadly secret, that they are connected to the mafia, and Rose Wilson takes the information to run with. She stays wide the lightpost to stay in the shadows while it becomes even darker on the street, "The police don't mess with this street, you know. They could but if they bust everybody the crime will just spread to the other parts of the city. Wouldn't want to ruin their tea," she smirks.

Superboy has posed:
"Really?" Conner seems vaguely disgusted, floating at Rose's side, a few yards above the street. "I thought those things only happened in Gotham, not in Paris. Anyway, we got a couple names out of the tape and it seems those guys live in same place. This street doesn't seem lower class, lawless or anything."

Ravager has posed:
"The same city on the same street, as is most of the mafia," Rose Wilson explains to him, then replaces her mask as she comes to intersection, and she glances at Conner through the orange and black deadly covering, becoming the costumed Ravager again. She then glances past him as a van speeds down the street and some people come out of a bar laughing loudly. "Seems calm, but appearances can be deceiving," she tells him, "Do you think they could be watching us?" she asks as she spots a white car coming down the street more slowly. It stops at the side of the road next to them.

Superboy has posed:
"Well, hmm..." Conner concentrates and watches the street with his enhanced senses. "Odd, there are very few security cameras, none pointing to the streets. The building must have good sound insulation, I don't get much. Most of the vehicles are new and look expensive. People here have money to burn and don't fear car thieves."

Ravager has posed:
Ravager glances at the white car as it rolls down the window, "Hey you Americans, you're on the wrong street," a voice tells them. She frowns at this comment, "Shut the f*** up, asshole," she tells the voice.

The car takes off and parks in front of a nondescript building next to the bar. It has a garage, which opens for it. Inside, others are gathered. "Can you make out any of the men over there? Are they who we're lookin for? Or do we have to go in the bar?" she asks.

Superboy has posed:
Conner lands at Rose's side when the car approaches, to avoid being seen using flight powers. But then frowns. "How the hell did he saw us -and- realized we are Americans?" Rose is dressed in armor, after all!

"We have drawn attention. I guess they have spotters inside the building." He shrugs. "Guess the stealthy approach is not going to work. Hope they have the kidnapped kid in there."

Ravager has posed:
Ravager puts her hands on her hips, "Maybe cause they have headlights. How the hell do I f***** know?" she says to Conner, "Are those the guys in the video or not?" she asks them, then takes both swords off her back, as she's too impatient to wait for Conner to answer her question. She decides to cross the street toward the garage.

Superboy has posed:
"Does it matter?" Asks Conner rhetorically, since Rose is already in the warpath. "It is the right address, so I guess they are," he follows the white-haired girl with a cocksure smile. "Just don't kill them. This is Paris, not the Savage Land. Besides, they don't stand a chance," or at least they don't seem to. Even if they have some guns Rose alone would completely crush them.

Ravager has posed:
Ravager approaches and then smirks as Conner asks her nicely not to totally murder these assholes, "Yep fine," she mutters. She eyes them and then look confused as she walks up the driveway to the garage, pulling guns on her. She throws her sword into one of the three, then grabs his arm and uses him as a shield as the others pop off with shots from their guns.

Superboy has posed:
Conner winces, "not maiming them for good would also be nice," he points out. Oh uh, the jumps forward to take the gunshots on his chest before the first thug gets murdered by the 'friendly fire'. The bullets ricochet and the gangsters panic.

One of them runs away, the other curses loudly in French and gets back into the car, probably to try to run them over. Conner just flips the car on a side. "Besides, we need to ask them where the kidnapped kid is."

Ravager has posed:
Ravager flops the thug on the ground and pulls her sword out of him, "He's fine. Just a scratch," she tells him. "Ahh! AHHH!" he yells and curses at them in French. Ravager grabs him and hauls him off the ground while he's bleeding from the shoulder, "Where's your kidnap victims, asshole? You speak English?" she asks him. The man doesn't answer.

A distinguished gentlemen with a white beard comes out of the house and holds his hand, "Wait, stop," he tells Superboy and Conner, "What do you want? Deal with me," he tells them in broken English, motioning to himself.

Superboy has posed:
"Oh great, now we have to fight their granddad?" Conner gives Rose a hopeless glance. "What do you mean with deal?" He says to the older man, "we have tracked a couple kidnappers here, so... surrender and no one will get hurt."

And maybe they should call the cops. He glances back to Rose. But the mysterious 'doctor' that hired Rose never called the cops. He sighs.

Ravager has posed:
The man holds his hands up, "I surrender," he says and smiles, "We have total control of these street, there's no escape. And you can't rescue...those who have joined US," she tells them, "All these men have been kidnap victims too! So please, come inside, have a look around---YOU will join us too!" he lets out.

Ravager raises her sword and stalks toward them man, "I'll show you who's gonna be a victim."

Superboy has posed:
Conner frowns, giving the old man a very skeptical glance. "What? You are going to zap us with a mind-control ray." Still, weirder things have happened. "If it is a kind of sect thing, I am not much of a joiner and... uh, Ravager here is going to stab you, I really hope your surrender was -very- sincere."

Ravager has posed:
The man blinks in surprise, "What! I surrender!!" he lets out again and quickly turns around to go back into the house. He slams the door but this only delays Ravager because she kicks it down before glancing at Conner, "You know, you could put a little f***** effort in, you know. We should be outta here by now," she mutters as she goes into the house. As she walks into the room from the garage, two giant robots are there to greet her. They reach for her!

Superboy has posed:
"I can't punch a guy that old!" Protests Conner. But she is right, he is not taking it too seriously. "I took care of the two gunners, too," he adds, following Rose closely. In the case the mind-control ray is a thing.

But no, it is giant robots. Because of course. Or semi-giant robots.

Conner barely has time to get into their way before they reach Rose. Which means he gets punched first. And through the wall. "Ow. That explains also the lack of security," he notes, from the floor, under a pile of bricks.

Ravager has posed:
The robot twists its fingers around Ravager and holds her, so she's unable to use her sword or do much more than kick her feet as the eight foot tall robot lifts her off her feet, "God dammit!" she lets out. An electric field starts to build up in the robot, causing Ravager to yell loudly. The robots seem to have just been in the room, standing there, waiting for orders. The bearded man makes his way to the basement door, where he enters. Meanwhile, the second robot walks through the hole in the wall and approaches Conner, attempting to swat him, because apparently they are taking this seriously.

Superboy has posed:
Conner stumbles back to his feet, and ignores the robot coming for him. Instead he shoots his so-called heat vision to the arm of the robot grabbing Rose, trying to cut it, or at least damage it enough she can escape.

"Can't believe it grabbed you?" He grumbles, "can't you like, see the future or something?"

Ravager has posed:
"You shithead," Ravager says, "I anticipate everything!" she adds as she starts to get electrocuted, gritting her teeth. She plants her feet on the robot's chest and pushes off just as Conner blasts it with heat vision. The arm rips in half, and Rose lands on the ground but the robot tumbles backwards in the room until it crashes through the basement door and disappears into the dark.

The first robot stops and fires GAMMA RAY particle beams from its eyes! The air sizzles as he fires on Conner.

Superboy has posed:
"No need to get bitchy, I was... yeow!" Gamma rays? Those hurt even through his forcefield and Kryptonian resistance. Conner tries to shield himself with an arm only to feel how the beams vaporize his sleeve through his telekinetic shield and then crave deep, blistered streaks on his forearm.

He clenches his jaw, and charges the robot, slamming it with his shoulder and aiming a punch to its head with his left, still not burned, hand.

Ravager has posed:
The robot's head flies off as Conner punches him and he topples over as he slams into him. The robot collapses back through the wall where he came and falls on the floor. Ravager punts the head of the robot to the other side of the room, "Are you alright?" she asks Conner as she looks over the robot, "Come on, they're all downstairs," she tells him.

Superboy has posed:
Conner hisses, holding his injured forearm close to his body. "Got a nasty burn, I should be fine in a couple hours, but right now it stings as hell." But it is probably not worth it to worry about it, or bandage it. He usually heals too quickly.

"Yeah, I'll go first," he decides, grinning to the girl, "you watch out for mind-control rays or more robots."

Ravager has posed:
Ravager rolls her eyes, "Like I have to watch out," she mutters and motions to the stairwell overdramatically. Heading into the basement after Conner, she can see where the robot fell and lies in a heap. "I don't think you know what you're doing. You take our men out of here, we will find them. We will find YOU!" the bearded man says, as he stands next to the man they're looking for, and two others they don't know. The guy seems comfortable and nods along with the bearded man. "I guess we'll have to deal with YOU then," Ravager says, stressing her words overdramatically as she taunts the bearded man.

Superboy has posed:
"Yeah, what she said," adds Conner, not very dramatically. But he is quick, moving to grab the pair of unknown men for the case they attempt to pull guns. Just to disarm them, mostly. "I am not in hiding, you know? I am Superboy, I have an agent and it is never difficult to find me. Of course, after finding me most crocks are very sorry they did it."

Ravager has posed:
The bearded man smiles as Conner frisks the men, but they don't have any weapons. "You may be Superboy, but we're the mafia. We ...will...burn...you. We'll hurt you. Burn everything you own. Kill your friends. Maybe burn what they own too," he tells him, "So turn around and leave. These men are home.". Rose punches the bearded man in the face and knees him in the stomach when he doubles over, then grabs his shirt and tosses him across the room. She then picks up her sword again and stalks toward him.

Superboy has posed:
"Now, you are being silly," replies Conner, not moving a finger while Rose beats up the old man. Mean girl. "Most of my friends are super-heroes. You don't want to mess with Superman or Red Robin."

He casually crushes the fallen Dreadnought robot head under his foot. Make sure it won't recover from the fall - it didn't seem too badly damaged. "Mafia, uh? It is not as if you are anyone important anymore. Hydra, Intergang and all the other super-terror organizations have cornered the market, grandpas."

Ravager has posed:
Ravager walks over to the old man as he sits up on the ground, "Yeah, I think these guys are coming with us, jackass," she says and steps on his knee, digging her heel into it to cause him some pain. She suddenly stabs his leg with her sword, jamming it down into his flesh, "And you're not gonna do anything about it. Because if I see you again, nobody's gonna be around for what comes next," she promises as the guy screams out.

She stabs his other leg with her sword to make sure he can't walk, "I'm only nice because Superboy asked me. I'm really a bitch. And I will hurt you more if I have to. And your friends. And your little f***** dog," she says, going on and on like he did, as if copying his over-the-top speech. Rose then replaces the sword at her back and turns toward Superboy and the men, "Okay, so we're done here. Let's go," she tells them, thumbing toward the exit. The two men look at each other confusedly and then look at Superboy for directions, while the bearded man rolls on the ground calling Rose names.

Superboy has posed:
Conner stares at Rose cutting the old gangster making threats and moves to stop her, but... okay. She just injured him. Superman would definitely not approve, but maybe he deserved it.

"Girl," he starts when she says 'lets go'. "Aren't you forgetting something?" He reaches and grabs the supposedly kidnapped young man by his upper arm, dragging him towards the way out. "Who are these men anyway? Gangsters with big robots? Weird." Upstairs there are several nicely furnished rooms, and just by the main door a large portrait of a tall middle-aged man in a suit, "says Nefaria. Odd names. Reads like a vampire, but he looks like a pirate."

Ravager has posed:
Ravager rubs her neck and frowns, "What?" she wonders and then motions to the two men, "These guys need some serious talking to," she suggests and dusts off her hands, but still looks glum and moody despite rescuing the two men from The Bearded Man. As she walks back upstairs, she comments, "Huh? Who cares..." she notes, but stops and looks up at a group portrait, "Uhh, is that the bearded guy in this painting? What the f***? That's weird---nah, can't be him," she comments idly. She thumbs one of the men back in line while they make for the exit.

Superboy has posed:
"No," it is not him, although there is perhaps a family resemblance. He shrugs. Maybe he will ask Robin once they are back to America. Which reminds him. "Are we taking this boy back to the US or drop him somewhere his father can fetch him here?"

Because flying all the way to America with two passengers is not the same as flying with only Rose. Superboy Airlines is picky.

Ravager has posed:
Ravager exits the Mansion and starts to scout the street to make sure everything's clear, "The directions are to put him on a plane. Security will be waiting," she explains. One of the men speaks up, "You can't do this. You're really forcing me to do this? You're no better than the mafia," he comments angrily. Rose frowns, "Why don't you shut up? We just saved your ass from a weird cult with robots. I'm not even sure why you were there in the first place, but I don't care. Your Dad wants you on a plane, so that's what you're doing."

Superboy has posed:
"Look, it is this or go to the cops," explains Conner, more nicely than Rose. "Because I am pretty sure those robots were not legal. And that bearded guy said he... did something to your head so you joined him."

Speaking of the cops, he pulls out a cell and makes a brief call. It might be the police won't come to that particular street, but perhaps an ambulance would. He doesn't want the old man to bleed out!