6803/Status Update

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Status Update
Date of Scene: 08 March 2019
Location: New York City
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Harry Dresden, Thomas Raith

Harry Dresden has posed:
Harry Dresden owes his brother an explanation for being incommunicado so long. It has been an interesting few weeks to say the least. He pulls the blue beetle into a decent parking spot and then heads to the door of Thomas's night club.

Thomas Raith has posed:
the bouncer, a hispanic man named Axe who carries a pair of Tomahawks on his belt has a list of people who were to be shown right in. Most of the list is female, but one name on it is "Dresden, HArry. Tall, long hair, probibly wearing a coat that belongs on the set of El Dorado." Also it has the stipulation "Allow in, but immediately radio ahead. The reason for that is simple, Thomas simply flicks the switch on his desk marked "Wizard" and $20,000 worth of electronics and security systems begin powering down..

Harry Dresden has posed:
Harry Dresden hears the whir of the switch described earlier and then just smiles. He sighs but smiles and goes into Thomas's office. "Sorry it has been so long. I have been keepping an eye on her. Your father hasnt done much but there is some weird magic going on that I had to chase down. That meant staying very much in character.

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith shrugs a bit, "Not at all Harry, I didn't expect you to get this done overnight. I hope the experience has at least been...educational." His tone is mildly playful as he can only imagine how his rather straight laced brot--friend would react to Inari's work enviroment.

Harry Dresden has posed:
Harry Dresden blushes a bit and then shrugs. "I'm...an adult. Its adults doing things consensually with adults. That part is ...yeah educational. Its the people that keep trying the curses that piss me off. Your sister is definitely an innocent. I can see why you want to protect her.

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith walks to his wet bar and pulls two Mac Darks from the fridge underneath. He hands one to the other man and pops the cap off the other with his thumb. IT flips into the air like a coin and then Thomas slap's it, sending it across the room and neatly into the trash can. "YOu can then imagine why I'd like to avoid her becoming a life sucking succubus." He says simply. "Don't get me wrong, I love my older sisters too, in their own way... But we're monsters. Inari is... well you've seen it. Inari is a good person Mr. Dresden."

Harry Dresden has posed:
Harry Dresden says, "I can kind of imagine. Not enough but we definitely have to save her from that. I understand what you mean about loving someone but understanding that they are darkess. I'm all in to protect her and she is falling for one guy there quietly but he is kind of a himbo."

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith raises an eyebrow at that, looking amused. "Please tell me my sister doesn't have some sort of crush on a /porn star/." he groans and takes a seat, shaking his head. "You realize monogamy is a big part of the whole true love business. Pretty sure that that wouldn't work..." He says sipping his beer. "Have there been any further expenses you need reimbursement for?"

Harry Dresden has posed:
Harry Dresden says, "I...wont tell you that then." He shrugs and smiles, "No, its definitely not just hormones. Its....he isnt bright but genuinely feels for her. Well, I had to spend some components on warding the whole damn place."

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith nods in understanding, standing and walking over to his desk, opening a bottom drawer and taking out a metal box, likely the Club's petty cash. He pulls out a wad of currency and thumbs it before nodding and tossing it over to the other man. It's all twenties, perhaps $1000 worth. "It just makes me nervous, how many happily married married porn stars do you think there are out there who aren't married to other pornstars? Even then it can be difficult. I remember one couple who could watch their spouse do all sorts of things that'd make you blush... as long as they didn't kiss anyone else.

Harry Dresden has posed:
Harry Dresden says, "I dont follow porn that much. You know, the internet? But I can imagine there arent a lot, especially if actively doing what they do. Unless they have a very open marriage it wouldnt work too well." He takes the cash and thinks."

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith chuckles a bit and glances at the wizard switch on his desk. "Yeah I can imagine you don't get to enjoy it much... I imagine you're costing Silverlight a small fortune to replace the electronic equipment. "All I'm saying is, is that Buttercup and Westley level of true love possible if one partner is banging other people for a living?"

Harry Dresden has posed:
Harry Dresden says, "I tamp it down A LOT but it gets tiring when I also have to keep an eye out for magic. I think for her it is, its her bo I am....dubious about. Every girl there looks at him."

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith nods slightly at that and sighs, "Well I leave it in your capable hands I suppose. You'd probibly know more about love then I do. I usually only recognize it when it raises third degree burns. Hell, I had the star of a bridal shower in here yesterday...well I won't want to make you blush too much."

Harry Dresden has posed:
Harry Dresden says, "I...appreciate that." Harry looks awkward and puts his hand behind his head. "I have a guy who can get them hidden, fast, from your father but it wont do any good if she turns."

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith nods slightly and stands. "Do it when you re sure it'll work." he says simply, offering the other man his hand. "I have some other irons in the fire, but a little overkill is highly under rated.

Harry Dresden has posed:
Harry Dresden says, "well you know me Thomas....Overkill is my middle name." He shakes Thomas's hand and smiles sheepishly."

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith laughs a bit at that, "You already have an over abundence of middle names. Please let me know if there is anything else I can do to help. Why don't you head down to the bar. Have a steak on me... DiDi would be overjoyed to...service you." He says with a private laugh.