6811/Subs, or Hoagies
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Subs, or Hoagies | |
Date of Scene: | 08 March 2019 |
Location: | Kitchen - Xavier's School |
Synopsis: | Sam meets up with James who has been let out of holding and invited to stay at the school |
Cast of Characters: | Cannonball, Warpath
- Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie is in the kitchen. He has all the fixings out for a large sandwich. The young man is cutting a hoagie roll down it's length to start it for his sandwich. He has a pair of ear buds in, some metal music can barely be heard from them.
- Warpath has posed:
James Proudstar comes in, moving slowly as the large, bulky Native American looks around, seeming to be getting his bearings. "Hello Sam," he says, walking further inside. "I wanted to tell you again, how sorry I am. And, Miss Grey has given me a chance to stay here at the school. To take some classes. I hope in time I can regain your trust," James says in a quiet voice.
- Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie will see the man coming in andreach down to stop the music, and listens to the man nodding his head a bit as he listens to his words. "Yea, Ah got the email, so your going to be a student here with us, that mean Ah get to run ya through training sessions?" He asks.
- Warpath has posed:
"I... do not know who is allowed where. Though I agreed to keep certain areas secret," James says, glancing downwards for a moment. He looks around the kitchen. "I could use exercise. I have not moved in some time," he comments. A week to be specific. James moves over to the fridge, hesitating and looking to Samuel to see if it is ok to get something. He opens it up then, getting out a bottle of juice, opening it up and taking a sip.
- Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie nods, and says "Well, we can go out for a run here in a minute if you want, probably could use a bit of one after I finish this thing." He nods to his sandwich "Want one?" He will ask. Sam rubs at the center of his chest subconciously.
- Warpath has posed:
James Proudstar looks over at the sandwich. "I wouldn't say no," he grumbles softly in his deep voice. He moves over to the table then glances at Sam. His nose flares. "You are agitated about something. If it is me... I understand," James tell him quietly. He'll help with making another sandwich.
- Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie shakes hsi head, a bit and says "Na, not you just had something really odd happen last night, and still trying to wrap my mind around it to be honest." He tels the other man offering him the knife to cut his bread. "Oh Erika, wants to talk to ya sometime soon Ah believe
- Warpath has posed:
James Proudstar gives a small nod of what is a large head. He takes the knife and slices off pieces of the bread for the sandwich. "I will have to seek her out," James agrees. He gives a soft sigh. "I did try to be as gentle with her as I could," James says. "I realize it does not make what I did any less wrong. But I would have never let harm come to her," he says.
James starts putting things on the sandwich. "Is there anything I should know about the school? That won't be covered when they give me the grand tour? Anyone worrisome in it, things like that?" He pauses. "I mean, besides me." He doesn't expect to be liked anytime soon.
- Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie hmms and says "Don't touch Logan's beer in the fridge, or his bike in the garage. Currently got a cerfew because of sentinel isues. Negasonic is pretty much Jerk to most anyone. oh and our danger room, kicks the hellions training room's ass
- Warpath has posed:
James Proudstar glances at the fridge and grunts softly. "Sentinel issues. Anything happened in the last week?" James asks, not having had any news while he was in the containment cell. He might not have caught all that much before it, even focused as he was on his revenge.
James finishes building the sandwich and then sits down at the table. He picks up a napkin and sticks it in the neck of his uniform to protect it. Shrugs off machine gun bullets, but lets not risk it to mayonnaise hmm? He takes a bite. "Good sandwich."
- Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie rubs his chest a bit again, and says "Yea, we fought 4 of them last night." He looks at the man as if pondering if he should say it and says "One of them killed me last night." He says in all seriously
- Warpath has posed:
James Proudstar picks up his sandwich. He gently pats Samuel on the shoulder. "You look good for a dead man," he says quietly. "thank you for the sandwich." James tips his head to Samuel and then big man moves off. He moves softly on his feet for someone that big, slipping out of the room quietly. Off to take a shower, and try to find some peace for himself, enough to get some sleep.