6915/Home Alone... the turtle version
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Home Alone... the turtle version | |
Date of Scene: | 16 March 2019 |
Location: | Turtle Lair, New York City |
Synopsis: | April brings groceries to the Lair while Mikey waxes poetically about the love of men, pizza, and anime. |
Cast of Characters: | Michelangelo, April O'Neil
- Michelangelo has posed:
"Like a turtle... HEY... touched for the very first time..." Mikey spins on his toes ahile Madonna plays over the loud speakers. A pizza box spints on an extended finger as he shimy shakes his shell towards the overstuffed love seat infront of the extra large Ultra HD television, "Like a tuuu--uuuuur-urrrrtle..." The other three brothers and Master Splinter had all gone off to do super secret adult stuff which left the youngest, most responsible, and not at all marginally raproachful brother alone.
With a piece of pie hanging form his mouth, he kicks out the feet of the chair. "Ahhh..." With his feet crossed at the ankles, with the whole box balanced on his armored belly. "A little anime, a little extra cheesy meaty peazy, nobody to bug me for hours! LET THE WEEKEND BEGIN! Alexa, play Battle Angel Alitta, por favor."
- April O'Neil has posed:
April had descended into the sewers with a backpack on her shoulders and two more at her sides. She'd gotten good at this sort've delivery system and she was arriving at the Turtles subterranean home loaded with more groceries for them. Something she generally did at the end of the week, so that they could enjoy their weekends like she knew they loved to do.
"Knock knock." April says on the secured doorway, having a key to get inside. She pushed it open and stepped inside, her yellow jacket on over a black hoodie and a Mamma's Family vintage tshirt on beneath that.
April crosses into the lair and she spies Mikey and grins at him. "Hey." She says, moving to a table near to where he is she sets the bags down that were hanging at her sides. "Where is everyone?" The 23 year old asks then as she looks around, reaching up to shrug her shoulders out of the 3rd backpack.
- Michelangelo has posed:
"April?!" Mikey sits bolt up right like he'd been caught with his hand in the cookie jar, which is absurd since he's not doing anything other than eating pizza and watching anime. "Hey!" Bouncing up in his seat after devouring the slice of pizza he was nursing and setting the box near to her so she can grab some if she so desires. The better to dig into the bag of groceries, my dear. The better to oh face and crack open a room temperature soda and guzzle it. "Uhhh Japan I think? I don't even know. They left me a note, but I can't read."
He can totally read.
He just doesn't read if it's not text messages.
Or Microsoft messages.
Or comicbooks.
He wiggle points over at the table where Splinter has left a very well written note on looseleaf paper, "Blah blah blah, here's some money for food, blah blah blah don't do anything stupid. I'm paraphrasing." Guzzle. "What's up? Wanna hang out?"
- April O'Neil has posed:
With the three heavy bags of food and snacks taken off, April releases a heavy sigh of relief before she steps to a chair at the family's table and she removes her yellow jacket to drape it over the back of a chair, leaving her black hoodie on zipped up to about the middle of her stomach. She listens to Mikey and just grins at his words. "They went to Japan without you?" She asks. "That seems a little far to leave you here all by yourself." April glances over at what Mikey was watching. "You going full Weeb on me down here?" She teases him.
April bypasses the pizza box and instead reaches into one of the backpacks she brought to pull out a vitamin water (something she supplies herself with down here, she knows none of them touch those with a 10 foot bo-staff).
As she opens it, she listens to his rundown of the note and just grins at him. "At least they left you money, yeah?" She asks, then shakes her head side to side. "I just came down to check in, make sure everyone was good."
- Michelangelo has posed:
"Weeb? Me?" Mikey considers the implication and cannot come up with any particular arguments against it, so he denies it defensively, "No! I mean, Voltron is pretty dope, and I kind of like Battle Angel Allita, but weeb?" Psssshaaaaa hand swing of dismissal, then dis right back down into her packs to see what other goodies she's brought along for the, singular, turtle with the brothers off kicking ninja booty in the far east.
"I wouldn't say they left me behind so much as they needed a volunteer to watch the lair and I was tired of Raph complaining all the time." Another Oh face as he comes out with a box of twinkies. He loosk between the pizza and the spongie snack cakes, then tears one open to wrap in double cheese pizza to eat dinner and desert in one!
"Besides, there's ninja butts to kick HERE right? So, someone has to stick around. Might as well be me?"
- April O'Neil has posed:
April sips her vitamin water while she takes a seat on the arm of the turtle's sofa. She looks to the big HD television and grins while she listens to his words. "I'm just teasing you, I got a bunch of anime on my favorites list. I used to be addicted to it when I was a little girl. Ghost in the Shell was my jam." She says back to the Turtle who's ruffling around in the groceries to find the Twinkies.
"There's chocolate and strawberry in there too, not just the normal kind. Try not to eat them all tonight. I didn't know the others were gone, so you've got a lot more to yourself... but that doesn't mean you should pig out down here" Another sip of her drink is had as she glances to the training room tunnel entrance, she's seen them use that many times.
"You shouldn't fight alone." April tells Mikey then. "Go bother Casey. He's been mad at me for months, he'll probably love someone to fight with and complain to you about how terrible I am."
- Michelangelo has posed:
"No way, dude." Mikey assures her about pigging out down here, "I'm a turtle, not a hog. That's the other guy." Joking as he takes another huge bite of pizza ala twinkie and washes it down with guzzled soda pop. "Mmm.. this is a lot better than I thought and even more than it has any right to." Held out so she can try it, even though it is almost a given that she will not.
"Casey? Really? I thought he was all, wooo Oooooo for you?" Wiggling his free hand fingers at April as if this some how makes the sound he made make sense as far as communication goes. "I wont fight alone, but I haven't talked to Casey in /forever/. I think him and Raph were arguing or something... I unno. I try not to listen to all that stuff, ya know?" Because food and video games and anime.
"Why was he mad at you? Can I help? Maybe I can help.."
- April O'Neil has posed:
April grins at the food consumption from the quirkiest of the Turtles and she softly shakes her head. "I don't want to get any late night phone calls talking about stomach aches and..." Actually speaking of that. She stands up and goes to the black backpack she'd had on her shoulders, then reaches into the side pockets and pulls out two bottles of Pepto and some Tums, she sets all three containers down on the table. "There."
She grins at him and walks toward the kitchen area, though the questioning about Casey makes her groan. "He's just... he's got anger issues, obviously." April starts to elaborate. "A cop in my neighborhood was checking in on me regularly to make sure I was okay and Casey got super jealous, started yelling and throwing his hands around like some kind of primate. So I told him to get lost until he got his act back together."
She draws in a breath then and puts her bottle of water into the fridge. "Haven't seen him since. So I figure he'll never mange to GET that act together."
- Michelangelo has posed:
There are many a thing which Mikey is well aquainted, one of which, is a stomach ache following some dasterdly tussle with a mixture of snacks not safe for human consumption. Yet, every single time, he seems completely oblivious and stumbles head first into the exact same behavior that caused it in the first place. "Wut?" With a mouth full of twinkie/pizza... Twizza. Pinkie. Whatever, some drips from his chin into his lap and he wipes up the thick cheesy twinkie cream to suck it off the digit as April provides him tums with which to combat the inevitable night time indigestion.
"Tha'ew.." Which is mouthful for Thank you. It is a venacular in common usage down here with the quirkiest of turtles. "So he got jelly and you told him to beat it?" After washing down the mixture with guzzled cola. "I think that's his old world chivalry showing.." That's sarcasm, around another bite of twizza. "I'll maybe try and find him or something and smack some sense into him cus, like, you know.. friends ands tuff."
Also because Mikey doesn't understand relationship goals.
- April O'Neil has posed:
April comes back from the kitchen and she moves toward the sofa to drop down into the corner of it. "Oh, you don't have to do that. If that big lummox wants to pretend like he's god's gift to women, he can do it far away from me." She stares at the tv for a second and then looks over to Mikey.
"Just be careful if you go out on your own. Don't hesitate to phone me and I'll tag along with you. I can fight! You know... old ladies and such." She grins softly. She's been doing some grappling training for over a year now though, so she's gotten better at that stuff.
"Whats good for movies?" April then asks. "Wanna watch one before I head home?"
- Michelangelo has posed:
"Well, I don't know about God or where Casey fits into gifts this dude may or may not be giving to the ladies, but I'd probably regift come next christmas." Both big green hands dust together after finishing off the last couple bites of Pinkie and washing all that down with a couple more guzzled drinks of soda. The can is crumpled, tossed up in the air and then slapped towards a trashcan off handedly. It circles, teeters, then tumbles into the open hatch.
After a very deep belch, his feet kick up on the edge of the table and recross, "Oh dude, I think there's like.. a uh.. well I was gonna rewatch Battle Angel, but it's netflix, I'm sure we can find something right?" His head lulls back in the seat, adjusting a little to get good and embedded. "Alexa, hit us with a surprise movie, would yea? I'm thinking Predator!"
And so it goes.