6922/Friday Night Fever
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Friday Night Fever | |
Date of Scene: | 16 March 2019 |
Location: | New York City |
Synopsis: | Mikey is out alone and receives an offer he cannot refuse! For more Pizza. |
Cast of Characters: | Michelangelo, Arella Despana
- Michelangelo has posed:
Amidst the steaming pipes and whirling airconditioning units atop the various tenament buildings in the heart of the Bronx sits a lone figure with a big pair of headphones over his bulbous green head. His index finger and thumb snap just slightly off beat to whatever is playing on those headphones and he's literally doing the snake from side to side while singing so off key that it might well be criminal in some parts of the world. "I'm from a planet from a star, you wouldn't know, it's very far..."
Sitting beside where he's sitting sits (I can fit another one in there) an open pizza box. A slice danglings from his hand, periodically coming up to add food to the sad state of the poor Bare Naked Ladies song. Why is he here? Why is he listening to the honking horns and sirens of the New York City night eating pizza on a roof? Because he's easily bored and there's only so many times one turtle can go skating down a drain pipe before he's forced outside.
- Arella Despana has posed:
The 'turtle's peace is short lived and so is his boredom as a creature right out of Nordic myth shoots across the rooftops of several buildings landing right beside him. She moves with preternatural agility leaping from rooftop to rooftop following a courier dressed in dark clothing and riding a moped. Her attention is so fixed on her quarry she doesn't even notice the 'mutant' next to her. Or she simply is not interested. The moped riding courier enters a building through a heavy steel door. The 'woman' if she can be described as such swears in an alien language. She is plainly not human, pointy ears, blue grey skin, white hair, bright over large green eyes with a physique a supermodel would be proud of. She remmains right next to the Turtle and still scoping out the building which the courier entered. Ignoring him as if her were a potted plant or something.
- Michelangelo has posed:
Well, that's not normal even by New York City standards! It's a little muted to a six foot bipedal turtle, obviously, but it's still kind of surprising! Even more so when the alien elf person flat out ignores that there is a six foot turtle beside her eating pizza and listening to a sony discman. "So much for being the weirdest thing out tonight." Hard to imagine sounding more elated by that fact, but Mikey is an odd duck by most definitions. Once his pizza is gone in a few quick gobbling bites, his big three fingered hands dust off against one another and then elver him up to his feet wordlessly, even surprisingly quietly given his size, so that he can stand with his arms crossed over his chest staring at the same building Arella is cursing out. There's a few seconds there where he waits to be acknowledged, just being polite, but ultimately leans in the favor of canting his head towards the dark elf and murmuring, "Was that your moped?" Because that's the obvious answer given all the information he's observed as to why this otherwise otherworldly woman would be hip hopping across rooftops after said biwheeled vehicle into said building down upon the street.
- Arella Despana has posed:
The 'woman' glances at the turtle casually, "So the rumors of giant intelligent reptilian humanoids in New York are true?" she asks rhetorically. There is a laconic humor behind her remarks. Her accent is slightly Nordic or Swedish. "Not my vehicle. I do not need one to travel. Who are you?" an absurd question from the strange humanoid in front of the turtle.
- Michelangelo has posed:
"A giant intelligent reptil.. uh.. reptillian.. What was the rest?" Mikey perks up a little and big grins at Arella, "Sup, I'm Michelangelo like the painter, but there's no relation." His three hand sticks out towards the elf, "You can call me Mikey if that's too much of a mouthful." There's a double take moment between his rooftop companion and the warehouse and back again, "So you just chase after dudes on mopeds as a 'general rule' or is there something exciting going on? If not, I've got pizza. Cool accent." Because it needed saying. "You sound like that one guy from True Blood, do you watch that show?" Headphones hang down around his neck now.
- Arella Despana has posed:
The creature offers her hand to the turtle - she's not impolite at least. "I am only learning human history but I am a quick study. I dropped in here once. Five thousand of your years ago. I didn't mind earth. Midgard I believe was it's concensus name at the time." As an after thought, "I am Ahr'ela Despa'nah - but Arella Despana is less of a mouthful I find. I am a Svartalfar. A Dark Elf. We were quite common as a villain or antagonist in Viking myth. What. are. you?" she just has to ask her green eyes scanning the metal door.
- Michelangelo has posed:
"A severalfar." The name is completely butchered, mostly because Mikey's lips, or lack there of, stumble over the complex pronounciation more easily translated by another language, "Yeah, Imma go with Arella, that sounds a lot less tongue twisty. No offense or anything. Your name sound super awesome when you say it, but..." Two big fingers point at his shaking head, then drop back down to his side. "I'm a turtle. Well, technically Im a ninja turtle. A Teenaged ninja turtle who, as I understand it, is a mutation of a weeee tiny turtle." Thumb, index finger, very small seperation to denote relative size of original, none mutated, turtles. "So, a teenage mutant ninja Turtle. Named after a painter. Whose paintings I wouldn't know if you hit me with it, but that's just splitting hairs about things, right?" Awkward pause after his general gibberish rambling, "Do we shake hands again? I'm not sure what the right thing is for your culture."
- Arella Despana has posed:
"Ninjitsu is a faux martial art that may or may not have existed according to the 'Pinkman' have you seen his videos on the 'you tube'? And you are plainly not an ordinary 'turtle' in the way that a human is not a monkey." Arella pounds poor Mikey with her observations while not even looking at him. "We might help eachother. Care for a deal?"
- Michelangelo has posed:
"Is that made by smoosh or those dude at Epic Rap Battle?" Mikey asks with a gawking kind of expression on his face with the machinegun like delivery of information he's received, "I uh.. yeah, but I'm not a human or a monkey, man. I'm a turtle" Spelling it out syllable by syllable incase he was misunderstood even though Arella said he wasn't a normal turtle. "A dude says he's a teenaged mutant ninja variation of turtle and there's a quesiton on whether that same dude thinks he's a normal turtle?" That's important. His mouth hangs open, finger extending upwards, then lowers to point at the dark elf. "I don't have any place to be. Whatcha thinking?"
- Arella Despana has posed:
"It is of little concern to me that people have some ambiguity about how they class themselves." The 'elf' indicates the building, "I have been gathering an 'inventory' of information of sorts. I recently crashed my spaceship into Canada while in deep sleep and in an ill advised turn of political fortune was bouught by Lex Corp. That is of no consequence to this though. I simply need a decent proximal scan of the contents of that couriers package. Not the item itself. Can you help me? What is your price?" Arella has not explained why she needs the scan.
- Michelangelo has posed:
Mikey listens, but he does so while walking the couple steps to his pizza box and waving off flies trying to descend upon it! Be gone foul insects! When he returns the box is held out and there's a slice of pie dangling gooey cheesy goodness from his other hand, "For wha?" With a mouth full of pizza, "Is it, like, a police lockup or something? If those dudes stole your spaceship, I'll totally go in there and take pictures-" Not scans, that's Donnie's wheelhouse, "-of whatever is in that courier bag." He doesn't even offer up a price! What a swell turtle.
- Arella Despana has posed:
"My spaceship is a hunk of junk across Canada - but I am trying to identify how smart Earthings are with a view to save them. And inventorise what they have acquired. I do need scans of tech to do that." Arella open palms. "Will you help me?" She admits, "I have a bad reputation - but I need an infiltrator."
- Michelangelo has posed:
Mikey looks between Arella and the warehouse, then back again. He's unsure, obviously, except for of one thing: An open hand is a request for pizza. A slice is removed from the box and slapped down in Arella's open palm. "I, uh... well..." Cheesy greesy fingers scratch at the top of his dome, "I want to help because you said you need help, but if do help and you're like planning to take over Earth, then I'll have to eventually fight you too and that just seems like a bad idea if I could do a little wrong to achieve a lot of good." This is how his brain works, "Do you promise you're not going to, like, shoot a big blowy uppy laser at Earth or something? There's no weapons in that courier bag is there? You said Lex Luger. Wasn't he a villain in wrestling back in the 90s?"
- Arella Despana has posed:
"Come on - shut up and do it Turtle. Alliances aside it is interesting. I have had an option on taking over what is left of my people and it is not an 'Earth' takeover. I number us at three. How much Pizza are we talking?" Arella asks seriously.
- Michelangelo has posed:
"Mikey.. I am a turtle, but my name is Mikey." Mikey says as if he completely understands the confusion and how someone could possibly make it or as if it happens quite frequently and he's just use to clearing things up. Another slice of pizza is gobbled up while he considers, staring at the warehouse. "Alright, I guess, but only because you asked so nicely." The box is flipped closed and he holds it out to Arella while sucking grease of his thumb and index finger. "So how do I do the scanny thingy once I do the getting insidey thingy?"
- Arella Despana has posed:
Arella Despana says, "Just press 'go' on the tablet and aim. And scan..." Arella shrugs, "The issue is what would you want in exchange? We've left that open. I need my data what do you want?"
- Michelangelo has posed:
"Hold my pizza." Mikey passes the box over to Arella, "You can have a slice, but leave me some okay? I'm going to be totally starving when I get back." That's all else he says before he's off, a few steps in the direction of the roofs edge where he flips down to the adjacent, lower roof and comes up in a low run towards the warehouse. "Go take pictures of a dusty old courier bag certainly isn't how I expected to spend Friday Night, but I guess you got to roll with what the twisted hand of fate... uh.. hands you." Another side flip while working a grappling hook from his leather belt. It's not high tech by any stretch of the imagination and is flung easily towards the roof of the building into which Arella wants him to sneak.
A good anchor holds and he swings across the street where he catches himself against the wall with bending knees to absorb some of the sound inherent in such a manuever. Hand over hand climbing towards the roof like Old Skool Batman(tm), Mikey keeps glancing back over his shoulder at the street level just to be certain nobody is gazing up at him with a cellphone to upload onto youtube. "Will our hero be able to sustain a shadowy presence while engaging an unknown villain in espionage? Will there be pizza left in the box once he's done?"
Craning over onto his shell, one of the windows is pushed open so that he can scamper easily inside and reset the portal with a loop of rope held in place so as to use it as an escape. "These questions and more..." The words are barely whispered, for the audience in his mind as he crawls hand over hand and knee over knee across a rafter beam high above the warehouse below. Gaze down upon the floor area trying to spy his targets, the targets protectors, or any potential obstacles what might present escalation of his stealth mission.
- Arella Despana has posed:
Arella Despana says, "Scans not photos..." Arella offered as the turtle took off. She waved around her tablet. Oh no she was going to have to pay whatever sshe had bargained, It was exemplary Michaelangelo disposed os amazingly advanced security systems. And defied logic with his evasions. But poor Arella, the sheer volume of data he had - well - It was everything she wanted and too much more. "Okay... W-W what do youu want in exchange for this stuff?" Arella is unsure of what she has to pay for."
- Michelangelo has posed:
Mikey gets the data and returns with the football by way of some kind of device what would have probably been given him by Donnie at some point, somewhere, sometime. Who can know? He does so from the shadows of a stack of ever present warehouse boxes like this is still the gangster like twenties and everything is still moved physically anymore. It's just a silly way to transport goods, if we're being honest.
Once he's escaped through the same window, reset it in place, and scampered back across the street, he's looking a little winded. Climbing up the access ladder onto the rooftop where he left Arell with the datastick held up wiggling between his fingers while bending over with his other palm upon his kneepads. "Whoa, I need more cardio if I'm going to be eating this much pizza." While the brothers and father are away, right?
"Uhhh what did we decide on? I don't even remember, dude... Do you play Xbox? You can play a couple games of Call of Honor with me, is that fair trade?" This is why Leo does the negocations, for the record.
- Arella Despana has posed:
"This is a deeply disgusting elaboration on a simple deal - is it at least PS4 latest call of duty games with evil modern warfare?" Arella compensates, "How about we meet on April O'Neill's podcast? And have some fun there. I have pointy ears and dark skin. And I am an alien. And I have a clear angle on extra terratorial thrreats. You want to save the world turtle?
- Michelangelo has posed:
"I... I mean I guess I can bend to your evil dictator demands to play on Playstation, but you're stretching the bounds, lady." Mikey says with a little frown, showing his xbox fanboi flag clearly. At the mention of April, however, he perks. "You know April? I've never been on her podcast, if she wants to do that, I'm cool with it because I totally do want to save the world and like kick-" He chops in a very crispy martial arts manner, no kick, "-evil dudes in the dark meat."
- Arella Despana has posed:
"Trust me turtle," Arella oofers, "It gets boring if you don't - yeah I'll play April. I'll even expose what I 'really' am up to in the end. WHich an early preview is saving your green narrow ass. And my blur grey one. Get me my package. What do you want in exchange?"
- Michelangelo has posed:
Mikey holds the package out to Arella, "You know what I want." He says with a sardonic grin, "Even if I have to do so on a sony product... But hey dude, I need to hit the road." Thumbing back over his shoulder, "I don't like leaving home this long without backup and I'm kinda tired from doing my ninja thing over there." Finger flicky wiggles.