6943/An Angel's Proposal

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An Angel's Proposal
Date of Scene: 18 March 2019
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Archangel, Ghost Spider

Archangel has posed:
There was an email sent to Gwen Stacy from the recruitment department of Worthington Industries. Primarily known for their aeronautics research, they have a strong alternative fuels division. It was that focus that the email suggested. Not knowing what Gwen's current work status was, there was an email invitation for her to meet with one of their recruiters at the Coffee Bean near Empire State university.

The email didn't really mention that said recruiter would be the six foot tall mutant with eight foot each wings. Settled at one of the tables with a coffee, Warren Worthington is wearing one of his newer Dolce and Gabbana suits, the suit tailored for the unique issue of his wings, which are tucked behind him and over the chair at the moment. A laptop is on the table, as well as a file folder as he sips from his cup and waits to see if Gwen shows up.

Ghost Spider has posed:
Gwen Stacy looks one more time at her phone, finally clicking the button on the side and closing the main screen. She looks around, taking off her sunglasses and her eyes finally settle on the mutant. She tilts her head a bit as she realizes this it he man himself and she looks down at her clothing and sighs, "Wonderful impression, Gwenny."

She walks over and looks at Warren, nodding her head in greeting. "Hello, I'm Gwen Stacey." She holds up her phone and smiles, "I think you asked to meet with me?"

Archangel has posed:
Rising to his feet as she approaches, Warren beams a warm smile. "Miss Stacey, a pleasure. Warren Worthington, III." he gives a light chuckle as he looks over the way she's dressed. "Seems that I have overdressed for the occassion." There's a hint of a tease in his voice. "Would you like a drink? I have a tab here already - feel free to order what you want."

Settling back down into his seat, his wings ruffle for a moment to settle behind him as he folds his hands over each other. "I was just looking over your information. Your marks were pretty near the top of your class."

Ghost Spider has posed:
Gwen Stacy sits down across from Warren and pulls her chair in, "I'll just take a tea, please."

She looks up at Warren and shrugs her shoulders a bit, "I do alright, I suppose. There's a lot of competition at the University, and I'm pretty proud that I'm up as high as I am. The studies on top of my job keep me pretty busy."

Archangel has posed:
"What is the job that you are doing at the moment, Miss Stacey?" Warren asks as he nods to the barista to come over and get Gwen's order. Once that's done, his attention turns back to the blonde woman. "I saw that you had previous employement with Alchemax, New U and Oscorp?" he asks, seeking to clarification from her as he takes a draw from his coffee, and settles the mug back down.

As more people start to filter in and out, more than a few are taking an obvious interest in Gwen sitting with a man with wings. Some recognize Warren - his identity is hard to hide, after all. But more than a few are wondering what she's doing with an obvious mutant.

Ghost Spider has posed:
Gwen Stacy says, "Well, I'm getting my doctorates in biochemistry, so my work focuses primarily on that. I can't tell you exactly what I'm doing at Alchemax, I mean, that's proprietary but it's really fascinating work. It's been, to say the least, quite stimulating and it should help me with my thesis when it comes time to submit it."

She looks around at the people for a moment, catching the stares from the corner of her eyes but not commenting on it at the moment. She's fought alongside enough mutants that this isn't a problem for her, but she remembers that she's not in her costume at the moment.

Archangel has posed:
When she clarifies that she's at Alchemex, Warren nods. "Then I will let you know what my offer is - and we can decide if it's something you might be interested in." he suggests, before he gets a little grin. "Worthington Industries has a small, but growing alternate fuels department. I have been looking more into the biofuels and biochemicals field. When I put out feelers from my recuitment department on who could handle the responsibility, your name came up more than once."

"I will admit - it is not as big or as glamorous as the other companies on your resume. But what I would like to offer you is the complete control of the alternative fuels division of Worthington Enterprises. You would have your own lab space and we can discuss stipends and perks if you decide to accept. But I wanted to get your feeling on the position, first. And what type of vision you would see in that department."

Ghost Spider has posed:
Gwen Stacy blinks a bit, her mouth hanging open slightly before she literally reaches up and pushes it closed. "Mr. Worthington, you realize that I'm still in school, right? I haven't gotten my Ph.D quite yet and I'm still...literally...in school." She points down the street and says, "That school...over there...big one..lots of buildings and the cute tree in the courtyard that I sit under when I study unless that idiot Mary Jane is there."

She leans back in her chair now, looking at Warren for a long moment and asks, "You're a crazy man, aren't you?"

Archangel has posed:
Looking at the file, then back at Gwen, Warren's cheeks darken and he chuffs a laugh suddenly. "I believe, Miss Stacy, that someone in my personnel departent owes me an explanation. You're not Gwen Stacey with an E, who has a biochemcial doctorate and has participated in the Canadian Space Agency?" he asks, and then turns his eyes towards the woman and looks immediately amused.

"I was going to mention your youth, but I'm running an international company and not much older than you are." he admits in amusement.

"Well. It seems I have wasted your time - but - there is an offer on the table here. I would like someone with your qualifications working in biochemical." he says with a chuff of laughter and a slight darkening of his cheeks. "Of course, if you turn it down, I can always attempt to make this up over dinner?"

Ghost Spider has posed:
Gwen Stacy takes a deep breath and looks up at the waiter as her tea is delivered. She twirls a finger around her cup and looks at Warren for a long moment, "Alright...the Canadian Space Agency thing...was...." she waves that off and says, "Alright, alright, alright, I am Gwen Stacey with an E and yes I've done all of that."

She continues to twirl her finger around the cup and finally points it at Warren, "And subtle dinner request there...at the end..." She bites her lip a moment and asks, "What's the perk package?"

Archangel has posed:
"Alright, you have me totally confused now. Are you a doctor or not?" Warren asks with a flash of amusement. Because now he's googling her LinkedIn account to make sure he has his facts straight, even as he's grumbling about his staff possibly trying to set him up.

"You'd have access to the company jet. Housing, a meal plan. The standard. But if you're not Gwen Stacey with an E, there's always the meal plan and housing." he admits with a small laugh. "I try to take care of my employees as best as possible."

Ghost Spider has posed:
Gwen Stacy laughs a bit, "No, Warren, I don't." She leans in a bit, "I have worked for all those corporations, and yes, I've worked for the Canadian Space Agency, and yes I've done quite a few other things but I still require two classes and a thesis to get my doctorates. I don't know who told you that I had it, but they're almost right."

She sighs and says, "I'm sorry that you've had your time wasted. If you're looking for a doctor to lead that division of your company, then I'm not your girl. I am, however, quite good at photobiological solar fuels, transesterification, and algae based biofuels."

Archangel has posed:
Tapping his finger on the desk, Warren considers. "It's not a total loss?" he asks, with a grin. "It just means that there is a position waiting for you when you do graduate." he points out to her. "I meant what I said about being impressed with your credentials." he explains as he gives a little nod. "I'd like to see what you're working on - the stuff that's not proprietary, that is."

And she didn't totally shoot him down over the dinner request, so that's still on the table as well as he finishes his coffee "If anything, I apologize for wasting your time."

Ghost Spider has posed:
Gwen Stacy sighs and pushes some hair back behind her ear, "Yeah, you're not wasting my time, and the offer is really appreciated, it really is. Biofuel is a great area for your company to move into. Standard fossil fuels are going to be gone soon, and biofuel is really our next avenue for everyday travel. Electric cars have battery limitations that are still a decade or two away from being overcome."

She reaches into her backpack and pulls out a notebook, sliding it over to Warren. "My personal research is currently looking into repairing brain damage currently. There are currently a number of plants which look promising in providing nutrients responsible for the repairing brain cells damaged in Alzheimers."