7034/A Night At The Embassy

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A Night At The Embassy
Date of Scene: 25 March 2019
Location: Greek Embassy - New York City
Synopsis: Diana Prince is approached by T'Challa at a diplomatic party to discuss diplomatic relations. Okoye has an unpleasant dance
Cast of Characters: Black Panther, Wonder Woman

Black Panther has posed:
March 25th is a national holiday in Greece, known as Annunciation. The Greek embassy in New York City is hosting a reception that night. The holiday makes for a good excuse to hold the event. Though a number of Greek ministers are in town for summits with the UN over the latest Greek economic issues. A chance to wine and dine important dignitaries from other nations? Probably just a bonus and not at all the reason for the event.

The range of people present include CEOs and titans of industry, ambassadors, ministers, and even heads of state in a few cases. One such is King T'Challa of Wakanda. As Wakanda is currently serving a turn on a UN financial council, they will be casting a vote on the upcoming Greek matter. T'Challa's presence provides those for whom the matter is important a chance to make any final impressions.

He's wearing traditional Wakandan royal robes, black with purple embroidery on the sleeveless jacket. A beautiful African woman accompanies him, wearing a red dress and with beautiful hair, that the astute might note is a wig. Her statuesque figure and bearing seem almost Amazonian.

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana Prince may not be Greek by direct decent but her people come from an island quite close to that of Greece and they are ancestors of the nation itself. Since becoming a public figure she's taken to making more appearance such as at this event tonight.

One thing that is common for Diana, that is rare for others, is that she does not make arrangements to come to these events with a guest, or a 'plus one' as its often referred to. No, Diana is fully confident in her ability to attend these events entirely on her own. She's widely known to not have a partner of any romantic value, though there's often been rumors flying about of her and Thor of Asgard, New or Old. None of these rumors have ever been substantiated with proof beyond simply a good friendship though.

Tonight? Diana is attendance, without anyone on her arm. She's wearing a silver and white dress that is sleeveless, but covers up her back and chest, and drapes down to her ankles where she wears matching heeled shoes that lift her another two inches above her already tall six feet, which leaves her towering over most of the people in here, let alone the other women.

Diana's dark hair is tied into an intricately braided style that leaves it wrapped around her head's crown, her lips are darkly hued in deep crimson and she's miling/talking to those who approach her and vice-versa. She has noticed T'Challa and his guest, she's even offered a wave and a warm smile in his direction when they would make eye contact first.

Black Panther has posed:
T'Challa has a number of people approaching him today, given the upcoming vote. He came early by the standards of such functions, as if to make sure no one ended up favored over another for lack of time to speak to him. So he has been at it for some time. The well-groomed African has long ago mastered the diplomatic smile and bearing. Though he looks like he could use a break as one person after another has been approaching tonight.

His companion seems to spend far more time watching the people around T'Challa than she does participating in any conversation. Alert and attentive, not just to those currently speaking with him.

T'Challa has a moment to take a glass from a tray and sip it, and in doing so he sees the wave and smile sent his way. He returns a soft smile of his own, and a brief lift of the glass he was sipping from.

And right then is when Ingvi S. Ingvarsson, the Icelandic Ambassador to the United State, steps in front of Diana. Well, she can still see over him to the Wakanda monarch, given he's a good eight inches shorter. With Iceland being Themyscira's closest ally, there is likely to be a familiarity. The short, overweight man has ruddy cheeks and beady eyes. And an unpleasant way of clearing his throat that sounds like he should use a handkerchief.

"Miss Prince! So good to see you here tonight!" he says, pausing to turn his head as he gives one of those throat-clearing noises. He turns back to say, "It has been far, far too long."

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana looks away from T'Challa and his Guest just as the Icelandic Ambassador arrives before her and she adjusts her gaze to look down upon him. A soft smile appears on her lips and her hands come together in front of her lap, with her fingers lacing between one another. "Mister Ingvarsson!" She says in a way that would likely make him feel as though she was quite happy to see him, because she is, she's always sincere in her emotions and she gives him a winning smile now after hearing his words.

"You are quite right, it has been far too long." She agrees. "I have not seen you since... I believe the gala for Ella Novaway's son last summer?" Ella being a promiennt Icelandic musical performer here in the United States, who hosted a birthday party for her young boy in Central Park last year shortly before the big bad Mushroom Invaders hit the Earth.

"You are looking as chipper and good as I recall then." She offers with a sly grin.

Black Panther has posed:
The genuineness of Diana's greeting seems to have a winning way with Ingvi. Iceland's small size and stature in international circles is no doubt felt by the man from time to time. "I believe it was! So kind of you to make that," Ingvi tells Diana, before turning to give a phlegmalicious throat-clearing. He turns back to say, "I know it was quite appreciated. I mentioned it to President Jóhannesson even. Iceland is always proud to count Themyscira amongst our friends," he tells her.

To the side of Ingvi, T'Challa steps up, flanked by his companion, who seems to prefer leaving her hands at her sides rather than hang on his arm. When T'Challa can speak without interrupting he says in a voice that manages to be both slightly raspy, yet smooth, at once, "Pardon me if you both would. I hope I am not interrupting. Miss Prince," he says, giving a nod of his head. "Mr. Ingvarsson," T'Challa offers to the Icelander then. "I was just speaking with Monsieur Lebeaux. About the auction of a few items from his wine cellar-"

That is all that T'Challa is able to get out. Ingvi? Huge wine collector and connoisseur. "Oh really!?" he exclaims. He turns his head to clear his throat. "Oh, I -must- speak with him then. Please, Miss Prince, excuse me won't you?" he asks.

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana is a mixture of facial expressions upon hearing the Icelandic Ambassador clearing his throat so violent, with her dark eyebrows raising up over blue eyes and then a more friendly expression when he speaks of their countries union as close friends and allies. "Yes of course..." Diana says quietly to him. She's got her eyes trained on the shorter man, at least until T'Challa approaches and speaks.

The reaction that T'Challa's announcement makes before it can even be finished gets a big playful grin from Diana, she's entertained by this quite a lot, watching the Ambassador make his way off again. "Good luck!" She calls after him.

And then Diana looks to T'Challa and his Guest, she offers them both a warm and soft smile. "You both look so lovely tonight. I hope things are well?" She asks then as someone approaches her, to offer her a drink from a tray. She hesitates, but decides to accept it with a soft 'Thank you' to them.

Black Panther has posed:
The African woman with T'Challa is less successful in containing her expression at the throat-clearing. There's a brief instant where she might be considering pounding his back in way that would be more than enough to assist if only to stop the sound. It is likely just a coincidence there was a glance from T'Challa towards her at that moment. Surely not because he expected such a reaction from her.

T'Challa smiles to Ingvi as he departs, saying, "The best of luck, yes." He turns back to Diana and offers her an apologetic expression and a little bow of his head. "I apologize if your conversation ended early on my account," he tells her. "Though I admit to hoping to speak with you, Miss Prince," he tells her. He looks to his Plus One and says, "This is General Okoye." There's a slight lifting of an eyebrow from Okoye, as if the revelation of her position was unexpected by her. Okoye looks to Diana, respect in her eyes. "It is an honor to meet you, Diana Prince," she says.

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana raises the glass of champagne up to her lips to sip from it, she's not one for alcoholic beverages but she indulges from time to time, such as now. Her eyes leave T'Challa as he introduces the woman and she lowers the glass to her waist-level and smiles toward her. "I am honored to meet you, General." She says in her thickly accented English, both she and them are speaking a language that clearly is not their common base.

The Amazon Princess then regards T'Challa once more and she offers a little grin. "It is fine. I am a big fan of Ingui's, but sometimes he can rant for a very long time and his coughing is more than a little unsettling. Everyone tells him to see a Doctor but he vehemently refuses." She just grins lightly then and exhales.

Diana then regards them both. "So are you two enjoying the evening? I admit, I am surprised you are here."

Black Panther has posed:
T'Challa turns to see Ingvi is now front and center with the French ambassador, talking wines. He looks back to Diana to give her a smile. One side of his lips lift a bit more than other, making it a little lopsided. But there is something deeper and more genuine to it than the level smiles T'Challa has been giving throughout the evening. "I wondered if that might be the case. And I admit," T'Challa says in his soft African accent, "I proposed Monsieur Lebeaux hold the auction. Knowing Mr. Ingvarsson would appreciate it. And, I hope, giving us an opportunity to speak. Everyone gaining something. I am told this is the heart of diplomacy, no?" he says, that lopsided smile growing.

"We are enjoying the evening. I wonder, would you walk with me and speak?" he asks, motioning towards a part of the room that has balconies that look out over the city, and provide better chances to speak without being interrupted as readily.

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana cannot help but release a light, amused, laugh at T'Challa's words, outright saying that he pulled the Icelandic man away to go talk wines and spare her from his coughing. "That is so kind of you." She says back to him before she glances back to Ingui, but sees he is deep into his negotiations now.

She looks once more to the Wakandans, assuming that they're both to walk with her toward the exterior balconies on this spring time evening. "I would be happy to." She says to him. She then looks now to him on her right side. "Have you spoken to Thor recently?" She initially asks, taking another sip from her drink glass.

Black Panther has posed:
The African gives a soft smile at Diana's reaction, walking along with her towards the open space. Okoye reaches up to give a slightly annoyed brush of her hair where it's hanging down to touch her shoulder, as if not used to it being there. She keeps her eyes on the room primarily, giving the feeling the conversation is more between T'Challa and Diana. Indeed, as they pass to the balcony, Okoye stops to watch the room in a seemingly idle way.

"Not as recently as I would like," T'Challa tells Diana. "Or, not as much as I should like. It seems every time I see him of late? There are... unpleasant individuals actively engaging our attention."

T'Challa leans against the balcony railing. The embassy has a nice view of Central Park, the trees dark masses that move in the light breeze, their branches starting to bud now that Spring seems to finally be taking hold in New York. "I know our two nations have never had particularly close ties. Like Themyscira, we have rarely had close ties with anyone." T'Challa falls silent for a moment, giving a small frown. "I wonder, with the changes we see in the world? I sought out the Avengers, as being others of like mind to myself. And I find myself thinking the same might be a good idea for Wakanda as a nation."

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana gives a soft smile to Okoye, she can sense the woman's discomfort and she tries to give her a sense of understanding. Diana can recognize a fellow Warrior and she sees a lot of her sisters in Okoye's mannerisms, some of whom are here in the United States, at the Themysciran Embassy... but Diana allowed them to avoid the event tonight. There is always at least once Amazon at the Themysciran Arts Center as well, which is across from the Embassy with a park space set between the two buildings.

When T'Challa speaks though, Diana moves to stand beside him and her eyes look out to the city, her heightened senses taking in a lot of information, but she seems to be on the outward appearances... just as anyone else, calmly enjoying the evening.

Her eyes sweep over to the King and she stares upon him. "You sound like myself." She admits to him then. "In that I have tried to get Themyscira's borders to open up, even just a little more, to outsider travels. To let others come in and experience the wonders of my homeland... but, I am the daughter of a Queen who is still dead set in her ways and beliefs that that is not what the island itself needs."

Black Panther has posed:
The wry smile that T'Challa gives Diana back speaks of shared suffering. "I face similar issues convincing my people. My ministers," he confirms. "And I understand their feelings. We need to protect our traditions and our ways," T'Challa says softly, but then gives a shake of his head. Each word that comes is spoken slow and distinctly. As if the words are worth hearing even if they take a few moments in their uttering."But, this does not require isolation. Not to the degree we practice, I think," he intones quietly.

"I believe we share many other similarities. Small nations. I suspect both our cultures have surprises. I also suspect Themsyscira has long shared the awareness Wakanda has. Of... the nature of dangers we face. Dangers that most men dream not of," T'Challa tells her, keeping his voice low, but tone serious. "I hope we can find common ground in this."

T'Challa motions to Diana herself then. "And I have great respect for you personally, Miss Prince. I can think of few I would trust more, to begin such an undertaking with."

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana listens closely where she stands beside him. Another sip is taken from her glass and as he finishes his words she has a small smile of appreciation appear on her visage. "That is a very kind thing to say, and quite honestly I would entirely agree and reciprocate those sentiments." She glances toward the city for a second before looking back to him. "What I know of Wakanda is that you are an advanced technology driven people. I do think that gives you a bit of a... leg up in joining with the rest of the world, over that of my people who's technological level still mirrors the time frame from when she separated from the rest of the world."

Lightly though, Diana shakes her head to her own words. "That is not going to stop me from trying to convince my mother from pushing toward a greater level of inclusion into the affairs of the outside world. But... she will need more convincing, as it were." A small pause is taken then as she stares to T'Challa. "If this is something you are pushing for your people, you may be inclined to offer a word of... all of this, to my Queen and mother. She has met with Thor over similar matters, due to the situation that his people find themselves in today... I am sure she would meet with you as well." Diana gives a look back to Okoye's direction. "There is much of Wakanda that my mother would approve of."

And then her eyes once more return to the King. "As much as I do."

Black Panther has posed:
Black Panther has his drink in hand still, taking a small sip from it as he listens to the statuesque woman speak words that ring with wisdom in T'Challa's ears. "Should Themyscira wish to take a technological step forward? I would be open to discuss what role Wakanda could play. Though I would not see your culture changed for the worse," he says, T'Challa's Oxford days softening his African accent even as it lends itself to precise enunciation. "Matters to be given great thought. If your mother and Queen has hesitance? I think this too is a sign of wisdom."

T'Challa's gently lopsided smile is back. "Thor is as a brother to me. And I will be having similar discussions with him. Though, the reality of New Asgard may change our world. As much as I trust Thor implicitly? There is always the possibility another could rule there one day. Or even just... an escape of Asgardian technology to the rest of the world. I suspect Wakanda and Themyscira would only benefit by working together to guard against things going wrong."

T'Challa smiles to Diana and says, "I think we have much we can discuss. And when it is time to take it further forward? I am interested in your advice on the best path. I am willing to visit Themyscira, and to host a visit from your mother within Wakanda. I would offer you a trip to Wakanda before that should happen, as well."

Wonder Woman has posed:
All of what T'Challa says is both inspiring and heartfelt. It strikes Diana's core and it makes her realize just how much she respect the African born King. She has to let a small silence sit between them after he speaks and then she glances back toward him.

"You are very wise..." She starts with. "Eloquent and elegant." She adds further, clearly about to say something she doesn't like. "But... one of the differences between, say... yourself, Thor and... what position I am in, is that I am but the daughter of the ruler of my people and... sadly it is not simply hesitation that keeps my mother from being open to these kinds of ideas. It is rooted heavily in a prejudice against the very people of the rest of the world."

She's not proud to say it, but its a feeling she believes in. A look away toward the city is had as she formulates more to speak on. "I love my mother." Diana adds then. "There is no question there." She glances back to T'Challa. "But she openly dislikes... most of the world's countries. I believe she would have a great deal of respect for Wakanda. New Asgard? Well, it is new to Earth as a whole." Softly Diana shakes her head then and glances down to the drink in her hands.

"She sees the bulk of the rest of the world's nations as having been corrupted by the 'ills of mankind' and she whole heartedly believes that opening Themyscira's borders to that... will forever seal the fate of our island, in a very bad way." She finishes then and looks back to the King to show a very faint smirk.

Black Panther has posed:
The dark brown eyes of the Wakandan man show a warm gratitude at Diana's reaction. His expressions are generally calm, even serene. But the blessings bestowed upon the Amazonian by Hestia would see deeper. Sense respect and admiration that has only grown within T'Challa during his discussion with Diana.

His look is understanding as Diana speaks of her mother's outlook. "And there are some few within my government who might make your mother's outlook seem liberal," T'Challa shares. "But I believe hearts can be opened in time. I am willing to start with small steps. And only move forward as my people are aready for more. Perhaps together, Wakanda and Themyscira can expand our horizons, and our hearts," he say thoughtfully, adding a small nod at the end.

Within the rest of the party, a quartet have taken up station in a corner of the room, and begin playing music, a form of Greek ballroom dancing. A number of people move towards the open section of floor to begin dancing.

Deeper within the party, too far away to be heard by normal human hearing, a rough throat-clearing cough can be heard. "Oh my, music! I really must find Miss Prince!" a voice can be heard exclaiming in excellent English with a faint Icelandic accent.

Wonder Woman has posed:
Another little and light laugh comes from the Princess after she hears the bit about the liberal outlooks that it might make her mother seem to possess. "It... can be hard to not see where they are coming from, but it is not a viewpoint that I can hold in my own heart, sadly. I dislike the thought of forcing what I like upon that of my people, but I feel as though I must at least try to show them the good that I see, that I think it could bring."

She looks back to T'Challa and smiles, but its the music (and the voice) that makes her look back toward the party inside the building that they stand on the balcony of. Diana releases a light laugh and a heavy exhale. "I believe a certain Icelandic wine enthusiast is looking for me for a dance." She says then as she looks back to the Wakandan King.

"He has a tendency to do so at events like this. He likes to step on my feet, I think." She says with a hint of a grin.

Black Panther has posed:
The African man's eyes express his understanding, and he smiles softly as Diana speaks of what is in her heart. "So many would try to force their way on others. I sensed you would be different. And you have not disappointed me in this," he tells Diana as he smiles and inclines his head to her in a show of respect.

T'Challa's head seems to cant to the side just a bit, as if turning an ear towards the room and hearing that exclamation from inside. He turns back to Diana as she relates her luck in dance partners at these sorts of functions.

"Well, I have already assisted him once tonight. A chance to experience something exquisite," T'Challa tells Diana conspiratorially. "I hope he will forgive me if I attempt to withhold a second, greater from him," the Wakandan says as he extends his hand to Diana as if asking for her hand. "Would you honor me with this dance, Miss Prince?" he asks her, just as Ingvi gets near enough to see them.

Wonder Woman has posed:
The first things that he says to her simply makes her smile lightly back at him and she dips her chin in a small nod to respond to them but otherwise leaves it there. Once more though do her eyes look back to the gala event and the fine music playing within it, then she looks once more to him when he asks her to dance.

She has to crack a wide smile then, showing off her flawless expression. "That would be wonderful." She says in response to him, her voice quiet and calm. She sets her champagne glass off to the side and then lifts her hand to take his own. "I hope that I would not upset the General if I were to take up the dancing card of her date for this evening, however." She glances back in the direction that she last saw Okoye. "She looked to be a fierce warrior, I am not sure I could stand up to her." Her eyes return to T'Challa then and she flashes a slight grin to him.

Black Panther has posed:
T'Challa takes Diana's hand in his own, letting out the warmest of chuckles at her concern. "She would step on my feet far harder than your other dance partner might yours. And not by accident," he says in a warm tone. T'Challa reaches over with his other hand to touch Diana's, holding it with both hands as he tells her quietly, "If you allow me to tell her that later? She holds you in extremely high regard. But you are not amiss in your estimation of her," T'Challa says quietly. For all that she may make his life difficult at times, his respect for Okoye knows few bounds.

As the pair move past her, Okoye looks over and gives only an affirming look. Not seeming to mind that her 'date' is moving off to dance with another woman. Actually, her look seems... approving.

Or it does until Ingvi arrives and sees Diana has already found a dance partner. He gives Diana and T'Challa a friendly wave as they go past. Then turns towards Okoye, seeing she is by herself, he approaches her to say something.

Okoye's eyes go back to T'Challa, making it quite clear whose fault this is as she puts her hand on Ingvi's as lightly as she can but still be in contact, letting him lead her to the dance floor as well. T'Challa glances that way and draws a soft breath. "She is going to torture me for this," he murmurs so only Diana can hear it as they move onto the dance floor.

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana watches Okoye take up to a dance with Ingui as they pass him by and she offers the Icelandic man a smile on the way. Once they reach the dance floor she turns to face T'Challa and she moves in to join him in the dance.

She takes up one of his hands and the other goes to his shoulder. She has a slight smile on her red lips as she stares at him. "You know." She starts as they begin to move to the music. "I spent the first... eight hundred years of my life, not aware of this type of dancing." She admits it. "The man who taught me how to dance, was the very first man I ever met face to face. I told him that this was just 'swaying' and implied it was inferior to the dancing on my island." She then lets her lips move into a little grin. "I was wrong."

After a second she glances over to Okoye and Ingui to check on them, and make sure that that unlikely duo is okay. "That, is a lot of woman for the Ambassador." She says with a more mischievous grin on her lips now.

Black Panther has posed:
T'Challa follows Diana's glance over to the most lethal woman from the continent of Africa, dancing with the man who was once voted 'most likely to become a civil servant' by his senior class at Reykjavik High School.

"You have no idea," he tells her in that raspy, mellifluous voice.

T'Challa looks back to his dancing partner. "I am glad you have come around in your thinking," the African monarch says in a light-hearted tone. "Though either way? I will endeavor to make sure you never have doubts," T'Challa tells her. The warmly lopsided smile returns, along with just a slightly playful lofting of an eyebrow.

And then T'Challa begins to guide Diana through the dance. Not just swaying, but truly ballroom dancing. The gracefulness of the Amazonian demigod is showcased by the smooth movements of the man blessed by Bast herself. Their steps grow intricate yet never falter, smoothly flowing around the dance floor like they were born to be upon it.

Diana is spun through turns that send her hair twirling in a wave of ebon splendor. Spinning the woman away from him only to catch her hand and draw Diana back in close. T'Challa's role in this dance is to move smoothly, a pivot for the woman's beauty and grace to be showcased, and he seems to know that role to perfection as the glide about the floor together.

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana may have been new to the world of dancing outside of Themyscira back when she'd been shown it shortly after laving 'paradise island' ... but that was over a hundred years ago. Since then her dancing skills amongst 'man's world' have grown exponentially and she's become far more adept and experienced at it.

And she starts to showcase this as she and the Wakandan King move out into the main part of the dance floor. In fact it doesn't take long before the rest of the party goers move aside to watch the two famous royals engage in the arts that they both clearly excel at here... there is likely going to be footage of this shared online and across the world afterward in fact.

Diana seems entirely impressed by that of T'Challa's moves as well, keeping pace with him and reacting to his lead, she moves with him in perfect step and stride and when the dance settles again she flashes a grin to him, large and very pleased. "I am suddenly very glad you came to this tonight." Its likely Okoye's dance hasn't gone quite as well, poor awesome Okoye...

Black Panther has posed:
By the end of the dance, T'Challa has discovered a new smile, one that goes beyond that lopsided one for radiating warmth. "I was thinking the same thing," T'Challa tells Diana as he looks over to her. His face is lit with a level of enjoyment he realizes he has not felt in some time. "Though I find myself interested to see these dances from your island as well," he tells her.

T'Challa will escort Diana over to where they can each get another glass of the champagne from someone carrying a tray about. "I had hoped as we spoke earlier? That we would have many more discussions in the future," T'Challa tells Diana, speaking of their wishes for their respective countries. "Though, it would please me greatly if you would join me for a more social occasion as well. Perhaps dinner, and a longer night of dancing after?" T'Challa offers before taking a sip of the cool liquid as he regards Diana.

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana draws in a deep breath and she then lightly laughs as she comes down from the fun of that dance. She shakes her head a little side to side. "I shall... contact my mother and discuss with her an option of having an assembly of your people come to visit our island, if you would like that then." A quick smile is given to him before she continues. "Generally this is a reception of guard, being that you are a man, you would have a contingent of Amazon assigned to your side throughout your stay. A tour is given of the city, followed by an audience with the Queen, and then a celebration feast there-after to let a visitor--or visitors--immerse themselves in the culture of my people."

When they step off to the side and they acquire refreshed glasses of champagne she happily takes a sip from hers before she lowers the glass and once more looks over onto him. "An invite to such a thing is happily accepted." She says to him. "I would like to get to know you better, being that there clearly is much in common between us. Up to this point I only know what has been publicly available." Another sip of the drink is about to be taken, but she pauses and lowers it again. "Clearly an amazing dancer is one of those things of you that I did not know." She says with amusement then.

Black Panther has posed:
The description of a visit to Themyscira is met with an interested expression from the African monarch. "It will be an honor to be allowed upon your island," T'Challa tells Diana. "Though I went to school to study physics? Anthropology has long been an interest," T'Challa comments after a small sip from his glass. "Preserving cultural heritage, both in Africa and elsewhere is important to me. Many places have already lost so much of their past. Something tells me Themyscira will be a welcome exception to that trend," he says amidst smiles for the Amazonian Princess.

T'Challa's eyes warm as Diana accepts his invitation. "And I have tried to keep a... proper public appearance. My people deserve that. To have the rest of the world view their representative as someone... both worth of respect, and who gives it. I hope I have achieved that," T'Challa tells Diana.

Okoye has managed to lose her dance partner it seems, moving to take station not too far away. Seeming to lounge as she observes the crowd. T'Challa glances over but whatever words might be said about her dance will probably be saved for the ride home.

Instead T'Challa looks back to Diana to say, "Wakanda is a place of great natural beauty. I have always enjoyed outdoor activities there. Camping at the top of the waterfalls. Riding hoverbikes along the mountain trails. Catching rhinoceros for training with the army. It is something, the taming of them," he comments to her. Oh yes. Activities every growing boy knows and loves.

Wonder Woman has posed:
"Mm." Diana nods to the first part of what he says while taking another sip of her refreshed drink. "It is arguably that my people have held onto their past a little -too- strong... but... yes. I would not likely ever say that to my mother, even if part of me does believe it. She holds a level of pressure on her shoulders that goes back to a time and place that... I can never see the true severity of. She has done a very good job at the very challenging task placed before her so long ago."

Diana's eyes have found both the Icelandic Ambassador and that of Okoye, she does hope that that went as good as it could've in the very least.

Its T'Challa's description of his own homeland that makes her look back to him then. "Once I settled into the flow of the very foreign world around me, I became embedded in the saving of historical artifacts in Europe. Especially during the conflicts after World War One and leading up to the second... and throughout it. So much great history was lost during those immensely damaging conflicts." She lightly shakes her head before she then summons a faint smile.

"Someday I would like to see your Kingdom. I have been to Africa, but only on short-lived trips or missions with the Justice League. Never a prolonged visit that I could take the time to really immerse myself in its beauty."

Black Panther has posed:
T'Challa and Diana find a table to lean against and rest their drinks on as they talk. "Though I wish I had more time to devote to it? I have put an effort into finding items of historical significance. Returning them to their native lands. Much of Africa was plundered in colonial days. I swear the curator at the British Museum gets a migraine whenever he sees me. I have been... persistent, in seeing a few things returned," T'Challa says, giving a soft chuckle at the last part.

Diana's interest in seeing Wakanda causes T'Challa's expression to soften. The Wakandan's love for his country would be noticeable to most anyone. To someone as exceptionally sensitive to emotions as Diana, she might realize it to be a driving motivation of his life. Likely, the driving motivation. "I would enjoy showing it to you. Hopefully you, and should things go as we hope, your mother as well one day," T'Challa tells Diana.

They talk longer. About the rivers and waterfalls, jungles and mountains of Wakanda. The beautiful ocean waters and the cliffs and beaches of Themyscira. And eventually the evening comes to a close, T'Challa walking Diana to her car to bid her good night. His eyes shine as he watches her drive away, finally turning back to join Okoye, settling into their own car.

The drive back to Avengers Mansion is a quiet one. T'Challa tries to gauge Okoye's mood from her expression, but she only sits, looking out the car window in utter silence. Finally he decides to say something. T'Challa opens his mouth and manages to get out, "So-"

Okoyte cuts him off. "I know the color of his phlegm."

It's going to be a long week for T'Challa.