7072/Introductions At Wayne Manor
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Introductions At Wayne Manor | |
Date of Scene: | 28 March 2019 |
Location: | Exterior - Wayne Manor |
Synopsis: | Kitty Pryde and Stephanie Brown get introduced as Kitty drops off some boxes at Wayne Manor, and runs into Tim and Carrie Kelley as well. |
Cast of Characters: | Shadowcat, Red Robin, Spoiler, Carrie Kelley
- Shadowcat has posed:
March is giving way to Spring finally, warmer weather blessing Gotham with sunny skies and weather that doesn't require a jacket. The gates of the manor open and a dark blue 2026 Toyota Avalon pulls in. All freshly washed and still without a scratch, the car looks like it just drove off the showroom floor, and Kitty is planning to keep it that way. Eating Big Belly burgers in her car? No siree.
Kitty pulls up to the manor and parks the car where it will be a convenient distance for carrying things in and out. She climbs out of the car and moves around to the back to open up the trunk, revealing a few boxes and various things she's been asked to drop off.
Kitty pauses to look around the sprawling grounds and the great care that went into the landscaping. Spring is starting to cause the grass to green again and budding leaves are starting to come out everywhere. She can only imagine what it will look like once everyrthing is in full blood, but she can't wait to see it.
- Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake was expecting someone perhaps or just happened to be in the right spot to see there was someone approaching, and calls out to Alfred that he will get it. Yea Tim's been in the lap of luxery for sometime but he was raised a bit more normal, and less work for Al is always a good thing.
- Spoiler has posed:
There is a pristine Toyota Avalon pulling into the drive of Wayne Manor. Stephanie pauses on her decrepit faded dirtbike, watching Kitty exit the vehicle, before kickstarting it and tooling up the drive. There's dried grass in her hair, and a scuff of dirt on her cheek. Her golden hair, in pigtail braids, is disheveled. She figures it makes her look tough. Or she hopes.
As Kitty approaches the manor, Steph calls out a greeting. "Yooo, you need any help?"
- Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde looks up as she hears Tim calling to Alfred, and then the soft roar of the dirt bike brings Stephanie racing up the manor's drive. Kitty gives a wave to Tim, and then one towards Stephanie as they draw nearer. "Hey Tim. Just dropping off some stuff for Jason," she says to him. Kitty looks back to Stephanie then, the twenty-year-old's brown hair swaying in its ponytail behind her with the motion.
"Sure, if you don't mind. Just carrying a few things inside," Kitty says, looking back to the boxes and realizing she doesn't even know how heavy they are. Kitty leans into the trunk to pick one up. "Oh good god, what's he got in here, lead?" she exclaims as she muscles one of them up and out of the back.
Knowing Jason? Quite possibly it could be, the form of lead that can be fired.
- Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake will walk down the stairs and waves a hand to Stephanie as she is coming up. To Kitty hearing the last bit he will says "Well did he tell you to have one of the guys help you, if so he probably boxed up a bunch of rocks." He jokes. He will move to take the heavy box "Steph, tihs is Kitty Pryde, she is a glutten for punishment so decided ot date Jason.
- Spoiler has posed:
"Well, these boxes should be properly labeled, for one," Stephanie offers, pulling out a sharpie and testing a box's weight. She uncaps the marker and holds the cap in her teeth while she writes on it: "Heaviest Box in the World." Then she caps the marker, sticks it behind an ear, and hefts the box to carry it in.
- Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde grins to Tim and says, "It wouldn't surprise me, at that." He gets a warm smile and she tells him, "Sorry for bailing on you so early last night. Has been a long week. Work. Plus moving things down to the place in New York. Plus trying to get out here for some social time."
Kitty smiles as she gets the introduction to Stephanie. "Hi Steph. Really nice to meet you," Kitty says. She asks, "So are you... one of the family or...?" Kitty lets the last part trail off, leaving it open for any other reason she might be there.
The labeling gets a soft, warm laugh from Kitty. "Perfect," she agrees at the choice of label. Kitty tries a second box and says, "Well, this one isn't as bad at least." She grabs a second to stack atop it and begin carrying them in. Alfred likely knows where the are supposed to go, possibly what they are as well.
- Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake nods to Kitty, and says "No biggie, Kory and Garth are decent folks, and maybe you will get a chance to know them better some time." He looks over to Stephanie, and smirks a bit at the lable "How you doing? " He asks her.
- Spoiler has posed:
Blowing a stray strand of sunny hair out of her blue eyes, Stephanie laughs lightly. "Red-headed stepchild, if I am. I think I cause more trouble than anything, but they tolerate me pretty well around here. Chances are better than even Bruce is gonna boot me out one of these days." She pauses, looking thoughtfully at Tim for a moment. "I'm...I'm good, how are you, Tim? I mean....at least till Bruce feeds me to sharks or somethin'," she adds with a lopsided grin and a mischievous sparkle in her eyes.
- Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty grins towards Tim and says, "Yes, they seemed like it. I thought her lack of awareness was a little troubling. But, she seemed like a good enough person." Kitty lets out a warm laugh. "I love Garth. I mean, his movies and all, I'm a bit of a sci-fi geek so I'm pretty familiar with his work," she tells him.
Kitty balances the two boxes, carrying them towards the door. "Causing trouble? Well, that sounds like all of Bruce's sons I've met so far. Except for Tim I guess. I'm not aware of you causing trouble. Or should I add, 'yet'?" she asks, flashing a grin to the man at the end. "Great to meet you Steph, and thanks for the help," Kitty says warmly.
- Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake smiles a bit and says "Well, I do try to keep things on a steady keel, and I don't think Bruce will feed you to sharks, maybe let Ace chase you around a bit but thats only if he is feeling all Mr Burns." He jokes a bit at this. And Kory is ok, she is just a bit slow on picking up local things at times.
- Spoiler has posed:
"Well, everyone has their thing. Mine are just...y'know, crashing my bike and awkward sarcasm." Steph grins, but blushes a little, tucking that stubborn stray tendril behind her ear once and for all. For all her bravado, she's still unsure how she fits into this cozy little demented puzzle.
- Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty is similarly finding her way, though she and Stephanie might not yet realize they have that in common. For now though, they have heavy boxes that need to get inside in common. Kitty emerges from the house, moving with a light step despite the mention of it being a long week. "Ace?" Kitty asks, at the mention. "Guard dog or..." She trails off and turns to look at the extravagant manor. "If you told me guard tiger I'd probably believe you," she says light-heartedly.
Kitty moves back to the car to grab another box. She gives the car a gentle pat, showing that particular fondness for the vehicle that some owners have. She hefts another box and inquires, "So are you both in college, or working or what exactly?"
- Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake looks over and says "I am taking a few classes, but finding time for more than a couple can de difficult, with working and things." He admits to the ladies. He grins a bit and says "And Ace is our dog. And I think Damian is the only one who really has an odd pet.
- Spoiler has posed:
"Yeah," Steph agrees with Tim. "A few classes as I go. Trying to figure out exactly what I wanna be when I grow up. But there's always time for that later. I'm more hobbies than studies, I think. D'you go to college, Kitty?" She somehow expects that Kitty is some sort of Fulbright scholar or something that'll make her regret the comment about crashing her bike.
- Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty raises an eyebrow at the mention of an odd pet, though doesn't ask. "How is he doing? I understand he's been gone for a bit?" Kitty asks at the mention of Damian. She lugs one of the boxes inside and then reemerges, walking down the steps back to the car.
"Finding time can be really difficult. I think if I hadn't gone away for school I never would have. Which is proving to be the case. I graduated, but decided to go back for another degree in a different area," Kitty explains in reply to Stephanie's question. "But then I came back, taking a semester off. Which is when I met Jason. And decided I didn't want to do the long distance thing. So I'm on hold right now with school. Got a job with Stark Industries just a little bit ago," she says.
- Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake smirks looking over to Steph, and says "Yea, Jason dating the competition who would have saw it coming." He grins a bit but then a bit less playfull, "Yea, he and Bruce had a bit of an arguement and he took a bit of a walk about. I think though when it all gets sorted out Bruce, and Damian maybe in a better space. I was not here when it all went down though.
- Spoiler has posed:
Stephanie gives a low whistle, and nods to Tim. "Stark Industries," she repeats, clearly impressed. Yeah, now she regrets the comment about wrecking her bike. "Well, seems like Jason struck it really lucky. He found a good one. I'll be lucky to find some guy who thinks it's cool to compare bruises," Steph says with a crooked smirk. But her cheeks are flushed pink, as she re-emerges from the house and goes back to grab one more box. Gauging it carefully, she plucks the Sharpie from behind her ear and writes on the box to label it before picking it up to carry: "Slightly less heavy than that other box, but Omg seriously?"
- Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde breaks out in a warm, good-natured laugh. "Well, I hadn't gotten the offer when we started dating," Kitty protests to Tim while still chuckling. "But, point taken. It's my first full-time job though, so I want to really do a good job with it," she tells them.
The comments about Damian bring a little nod from Kitty. "I didn't get to talk to him much at the charity ball. I guess he left soon after that. I hope he's doing well. If you talk to him, send along my best wishes?" Kitty offers.
She picks up another small box, there not being many left. The comments from Stephanie get a warm smile from Kitty. "Thank you. I feel like I struck it pretty lucky with him. He treats me really well, and I know he has a big heart," Kitty says. "Even if he tries to hide that fact some of the time," Kitty continues with a soft grin. She smiles over to Stephanie and says, "I think there's probably plenty of guys out there who would, at that. They always seem to be getting themselves roughed up."
- Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake is carrying boxes with the ladies, and says "I am sure you will find someoen Steph, your smart, pretty, and kick ass, what else could a guy want?' He will offer her a smile.
- Spoiler has posed:
"And I've got this KILLER bruise, check it out!" Steph pulls up her Capri length leggings to reveal a galaxy-shaped and similarly-colored bruise on the side of her left knee. "I mean what kinda guy wouldn't want that??" She winks and grins as she puts down the slightly less heavy than that other box, but Omg seriously? box inside the door. "I have a lot to offer, but I'll spare you the others..." she adds with a wiggle of her brows.
- Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty's Toyota Avalon is pulled up in front of the door. The back doors and trunk are open, disgorging a series of boxes which Tim, Stephanie and Kitty are carrying inside. Alfred is directing the placement of them, but the younger trio are doing the work for the time being. Most of them have been carried in now.
Kitty grins as she takes a look at the bruise. "That's a beaut. How'd you get it? Your bike?" Kitty inquires as she gets the last box from the back seat. "So what are you guys studying? Or still trying to figure out a major?" Kitty asks.
- Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake lookd over and says "Mostly computer and buisnesses classes when I can." He says, and will offer to take the last box from Kitty so she can close the doors and trunk of the car. "You should see the one I picked up the other night. Thought my whole side was going to change color.
- Carrie Kelley has posed:
There's another Toyota that approaches, one that might be a sight more familiar here lately if only due to the fact that the red Corolla which had seen better days stuck out like a sore thumb. Carrie eases it in a short distance behind the Avalon where she cuts the engine, and leans out the door grinning at the trio. "Looks like I missed the heavy lifting. What's up with everyone?" Her hair is pulled back away from her face which looks a bit paler than usual, but otherwise her attire is just as it always is. Comfortable and covering. Likely covering bruises not entirely dissimilar from Stephanie's.
- Spoiler has posed:
"Oooh," Stephanie gushes, seeming genuinely impressed as Tim mentions his own injury. "Uh...yeah! My bike..." she replies unconvincingly when Kitty asks. She puts down her own last box, which is troublingly unlabeled, until she grabs the Sharpie and marks it 'Pfft...whatever.' It wasn't even heavy enough to merit a groan.
"I'm just taking a few gen-ed courses, and a um...." She looks around as if cautious, lowering her voice. "Ceramics."
- Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde flashes a smile over to Tim at his choice of education. "If you ever need a hand with homework or something? My first degree was computer science," Kitty tells Tim. Kitty surveys the empty spaces in the car. She leans in, making sure the boxes didn't leave any marks on the seat. The car still has that new car smell inside, even, though not as much as it did.
She closes the doors and then turns as she spots Carrie's car driving up. "Hey red!" she says as the other woman climbs out. Kitty goes over to give her a big hug. "Oh sure, /now/ you show up," she intones with a dramatic eye roll before grinning back to the redhead. "Just meeting Steph for the first time," Kitty mentions.
- Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake will look to the three, and says "Well, we have everything in i think want to grab something to eat, or something. I am sure we can find something to do." He hmms a bit in thought, as he looks over to the trio now.
- Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley lets the car door slip shut behind her when she steps in to return Kitty's hug to her with a soft laugh. "Yeah, I had a late night. I felt I should get a chance to sleep in once in awhile at least." Tipping her head to the side she glances past them toward the other two with a wry grin. "There's always food. I'm not as good a cook as Alfred, but I can whip something up if people want. Or... Icecream or something," she considers the idea, toying with it.
- Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty seems in line with the suggestion from Tim of something to eat. "I could use something light about now," she agrees. "Tim you probably think all I do is eat. This is three times now we've met and each time it had food involved," she teases him as Kitty begins making her way towards the house.
Kitty swings an arm about Carrie's shoulders. "So when can you make it to New York and see the new place? I'm not kidding, you're not going to believe it when you see it," Kitty tells her.
- Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake looks over to the ladies, and says "I think we can all say we generally work off any calories we might pck on. I think I have spend enough time arounf gmys or simmilar stuff with all of you.
- Carrie Kelley has posed:
"This is true. I run a lot anyway," Carrie points out as she walks beside Kitty letting her own arm slide around her friend's back with a little hug. A smile emerges as she approaches, head tilting to the boxes curiously. "What's with all the moving anyway?" Her eyes roam over them, labeled or not, as if trying to determine what was going on. She had just intended to visit not expecting to come across this.
"More stuff for Bruce? And I can come whenever, Kitty. I really haven't been to New York in a few weeks. It might be good for a road trip."
- Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde tells Carrie, "Not sure, just said I'd drop them off." Some of the boxes are labeled in marker. Things like 'Heaviest Box In the World' and 'Slightly less heavy than that other box, but Omg seriously?'. Kitty grins as they pass the stack of boxes and head towards the kitchen. Kitty grins over to Tim at the mention of calories. "Yes, people around here do get good workouts, don't they?"
Kitty tells Carrie, "Speaking of moving I'm starting to take some stuff down to the City. More of my clothes suitable for work and... I figure I'll probably be spending the most time there. Though it's in the middle of Gotham and Westchester, so a shorter commute back to either."
- Spoiler has posed:
"That one over there is the heaviest box in the world," Steph inserts as Carrie looks over the boxes. "Just...so you know."
- Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake nods, and will lead the ladies towards the kitchen area once the boxes are put away. "So, anything interesting been going on for you guys?" He will show Steph a wide bruise on his side, from hsi fihgt on apocalypse
- Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley watches the collections of bruises being shown off with a wry grin. "I feel like I've been slacking. All I've got to show are some pulled muscles from the other night." Of course, compared to them all, she probably had the least experience. Maybe she was on par with Stephanie. Maybe.
- Shadowcat has posed:
"I try to avoid the bruises actually," Kitty says, giving the others a playful smile. "Though, I have a feeling I may be picking some up before long," she comments as she glances about the Manor briefly. They walk into the kitchen and raid the fridge, Kitty standing back to let the others who know the place better have at it first. "Any pickles? Could use a pickle," Kitty decides quietly."
- Spoiler has posed:
"It's okay Carrie. I still like ya." Stephanie grins and stands in front of the refrigerator, staring. "Damn. Eighty-four kajillion dollars, and the man still has nothin interesting." With that, Stephanie shrugs and hands Kitty the pickles. "So. Pickles and ice cream, huh? Nah. I'm not even gonna ask."
- Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley holds up her hands defensively at that with only a small laugh. "Hey they were suggested seperately by two different people. Pickles are great for hydrating, though," she has to admit with a solemn nod. "I've just been wanting a banana milkshake lately is all. The usual place I hit in town has had lines out the door for the past week so I've put it off."
- Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty laughs and waves her hands. "No no. Just the pickle. Not pickles and ice cream," she says. Her cheeks are a little rosy after that, but she's laughing. Having completely walked into that one. Especially after having received the promise ring.
And so they settle in to snack and laugh and converse with one another.