7089/Lawyers Never Lose Their Appeal

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Lawyers Never Lose Their Appeal
Date of Scene: 29 March 2019
Location: Law Offices of Goodman, Lieber, Kurtzberg, & Holliway. New York City
Synopsis: Warren Worthington Hired She-Hulk's firm to look for ways to break the contracts of his board members
Cast of Characters: Archangel, She-Hulk

Archangel has posed:
There had been a buzz around the lawfirm earlier in the day. The fact that very few businesses are mutant owned - much less businesses that are owned by mutants and make millions of dollars could be counted on one hand. Warren Worthington, III, owner of Worthington Industries had made the appointment himself - not through the business or a secretary. Which is why the discussion had been so adamant. Why would he want to bring 'personal' business to the lawfirm.

As for who the case was going to be assigned to? That was a no brainer. There's a knock on the door at 3:30, and the receptionist peeks in on Jennifer. "He's here.." she says, fanning herself a little with her hand. "Even with the wings.." she sighs.

Backing out, a few moments later, the door opens, and the blonde makes his way in. While shorter than Jennifer- who isn't?- there's no doubt of his looks. He's perfectly presented, Warren's framed dressed in a custom Kiton suit that's made and tailored for those gorgeous white wings that are folded in around him - nearly like a cloak. "Miss Walters?" he asks, smiling slightly and warmly.

"I am surprised I have not made you acquaintance before. I am Warren Worthington. Thank you for seeing me."

She-Hulk has posed:
She-Hulk is on her feet when Warren is shown into the room. Her clothing is also custom made of course, a medium length skirt suit with a blouse that is conservative in the neckline though the woman's curves do not lend themselves well to concealment even when covered fully. She moves around her desk to meet Warren just inside the door, extending her hand towards him.

In a warm, deep but sultry feminine voice, Jennifer says, "Mr. Worthington. Very pleased to meet you. Jennifer Walters," she says in introduction. "Definitely a meeting that was long overdue in my estimation," She-Hulk offers to him. Once they've greeted, she'll motion to a pair of comfortable leather chairs off to one side of her desk. "Would you like a seat? And can we get anything for you? Coffee or tea?" she asks. There are already a few pastries and slices of fruit set out on the table by the two chairs.

Archangel has posed:
Accepting the hand in a warm grip, Warren chuckles. "If I knew you were even more alluring in person, I'd made more of the effort." he offers with a smile as he releases the hand to move to take a seat. Of course, with the chair having a high back, he has to adjust, and those feathered appendages are moved to settle over the arms of the chair as he sits more forward on the front of the chair.

"How much do you know of my company, Miss Walters?" he asks, seeing if the woman has done any prep work, or if she's coming into this dry.

She-Hulk has posed:
She-Hulk gets a warm smile at Warren's compliment and as they shake hands. "You're too kind. And I might return the same comment, though perhaps handsome or gallant would be inserted instead," Jennifer tells Warren, giving him a smile and a sideways glance that just barely edges on suggestive, given the business circumstances.

She moves over and gets seated in the other chair, crossing one leg over the other as she sits a little sideways to face Warren more fully. "I know a fair amount of what is publicly available. A family business for a century and a half now. Aeronautics are what you're most well known for, but you have diversified holdings. Media, alternative fuels - the Bogota wind farm, by the way, sounded like an inspired combination of green energy while being culturally sensitive and accommodating - and even some food lines." She gives a few more details on some particulars, enough that Warren will be able to see she has done her homework prior to the meeting, even if on short notice, and dug beyond the corporation's wikipedia page.

"However," Jennifer says, canting her head to the side as she regards Warren, "I realize from experience there is always far more that is is not publicly available knowledge."

Archangel has posed:
"No, you pretty much have the gist of it." Warren responds as he folds his hands in his lap. He may have caught onto her suggestiveness, but at the moment, other things are on the mutant's mind. "I thank you for the vote of confidence. That is actually one of the few things that my board of directors has agreed with me on." With that, he lets out a sigh.

"The board was in place when my father passed. They are in ironclad contracts with buyouts that make it seem impossible to be rid of them." He closes his eyes. "I am sure that they have the best interests of the company in mind. However, I wanted to do more. I want to start working in mutant outreach and working with the rebuilding of Mutant Town." he explains. "Using the green features we already know of are using in other projects. But it seems that they are firmly against anything that would show them taking a side in mutant rights. It is much the same way my father behaved. Acknowledge, but hide." he shrugs his shoulders.

"I want someone that can review their contracts and tell me that there is a way I can remove them. Or someone to tell me I am being petty with my head in the clouds as high as I can fly, and should take a trip back down to Earth."

She-Hulk has posed:
She-Hulk listens with her fingers laced over one knee. She gives appropriate nods at a few points. There's a legal pad nearby for notes though so far it is straight forward enough that she has not needed to take any. "I see. The first part we could definitely take on. We have an excellent contract department. I have a fair amount of experience in that area as well though my focus has mainly been criminal and civil rights law. If you would like us to take it on, I could either set you up with one of our partners who specializes in it. Or if you'd prefer, I can remain involved to head up the work for you," Jennifer tells Warren.

She looks thoughtful then. "The second part?" she asks, about someone tell Warren to take a trip back to Earth. "If you'd like that should the contracts be too ironclad, we could certainly do that. Though I'd much prefer to give you the opinion in my heart that what you're wanting to do is a noble task. And the world could use far more nobility in it. Especially at the corporate level, where occurrences of it seem rarer. And where each new one feels a breath of fresh air," she tells Warren.

Archangel has posed:
There's a smile at Jennifer's commentary. "I appreciate the candor. And I assume that your partners put me with you to start because they assumed that a metahuman would do better with a likewise attorney." Warren admits with a slightly amused smile. "I am just exploring my options at the moment. Yes, have someone look at the contracts, and give me feedback. I'll weigh the advice that's given to me."

"Although.." his smile turns playful, blue eyes taking in the green-skinned beauty for a lingering moment. "..I have to wonder if your more worried about client-lawyer confidentiality and the lines of such with your own pulling out of the project." He's clearly teasing her as he crosses one leg over his knee, the leather of his shoe a highly polished sheen.

She-Hulk has posed:
She-Hulk's green eyes shine softly as she looks across to Warren at his comment. "I do often handle initial meetings with super heroes," Jennifer confirms. "In court I'm more likely to take my original form, though even around the office this is more customary for me," Jennifer says, glancing down at herself, the body that even Amazonians would find impressive.

She-Hulk leans a little closer to Warren, resting her elbow on the arm of her chair and her head on her hand as she regards him. "I actually am being truly earnest that some of our specialists in the other group are best suited for this. Not that I'm not capable, but you deserve the best representation that Goodman, Lieber, Kurtzberg, & Holliway can provide, Mr. Worthington."

She pauses a moment, and if her eyes stray over the handsome, well-built mutant, it is done more subtly than overt, though still noticeable. "Were I not to be part of the team representing you, that... does leave other non-professional interactions possible. Without violating the ethics rules of the New York Bar Association. Though I would not make such presumptions on your behalf," Jennifer says, her lingering eyes returning to meet Warren's gaze.

Archangel has posed:
A chuckle comes from Warren, a smile touching his eyes. "I had heard rumors of your flirtation, Miss Walters. I am pleased to see that you are more than willing to keep it seperate from the business aspect of it. Though in this case, I am being earnest as well. I am frustrated with the stonewalling that the directors my father has left to me when it comes to supporting projects that may directly influence other mutants." he admits with a blow of breath.

"As for other issues, and other interactions, I am sure that a lovely woman such as yourself has a rather full calendar at the moment, and I would not wish to keep you from any engagements you made prior." he points out with a wry smile. "Including those that are made after hours, of course."

She-Hulk has posed:
"Well hopefully there is not -too- much being said on my flirtations," She-Hulk tells Warren. "Though I imagine that we have run in enough of the same circles we likely share a few acquaintances that I did not represent," the green-haired lawyer tells him. "Though you've caught me on my first day back in the office actually. I have been out in Los Angeles most recently, working a pro bono case."

Jennifer continues then, hands moving back to lace upon the crown of her knee, "But yes, whether I am overseeing your representation, or handling the legal work myself, either would be considered representing you. Only a complete removal of myself would not. And dealing with your legal affairs is my primary focus, Mr. Worthington, I assure you. I would suggest having our contracts team do the heavy lifting, but if you would like me to oversee the work I would be happy to do so."

Archangel has posed:
"It sounds like a start. I will have my personal assistant deliver the contracts on Monday for your staff to look over." Warren responds as he starts to push himself to his feet. After all, she made it sound as if this was a finale. "And of course, there is the discussion of your fee. I am sure than an amicable agreement can be reached." he says with a slight smile, taking on more of a business mein for the moment.

She-Hulk has posed:
Jennifer motions towards her assistant. Barbara brings over some papers and says. "Here are some standard retainer contracts. If you wish to have your people look them over, if there are any modifications that need to be worked out, including rates, we can," she tells Warren.

She-Hulk rises as well as Warren stands from his seat. Her eyes go to his wings if he rearranges them back to their previous position now that he doesn't have a chair back behind him to worry about. "Those really are lovely," she tells him. Jennifer looks back to Warren's eyes and says, "And getting around this city? An absolute boon. I would love to have a pair of them myself."

Archangel has posed:
The wings splay out behind him as he gets to his feet, as if stretching out on their own. "Thanks. I was born with them. However, they are an absolute pain in the shower." Warren responds with a chuckle, amusement in his eyes. "Though I have a feeling that if you were to have a similar set, the parallels between yourself and a line of models from the early 2000s and lingerie would be more appropriate." his voice offers in a teasing tone.

"I'll have my private attorney look over the contract, make sure everyting is in order. He is more for estate law, but he offered it as a favor, in light of the current situation." Warren responds with a sigh. "Noone told me that running a company would be such a pain in the ass."

She-Hulk has posed:
Jennifer gets a big, thrilled smile as she sees the wings stretch out. "Just marvelous," she says. She lifts a hand to motion towards the white feathers as if to touch them. "Might I?" she asks as she looks to Warren for permission.

His comment comparing her to the Victoria's Secret Angels brings a warm laugh and a smile from the She-Hulk. "Now you're going to make me blush, Mr. Worthington," she tells him, flashing him a warm and playful look before talk returns to business.

Jennifer gives a slow nod of her head, the green eyes gazing over to Warren as she says, "They probably should have. Corporate politics can be cutthroat. Even literally in the worst of cases. People rarely ascend to such positions without being skilled in those arenas. Finding people that you trust with savvy in the right areas, would be a very good thing to do early on. Of course, figuring out who you can trust can be the more difficult part," she tells him.

Archangel has posed:
There's a momentary pause at her offer. Warren glances from her hands to his wings. "Don't know, can I touch yours in return?" What 'hers' is is left to her imagination, as he gestures to his wings with a little flick. "Of course." he finally agrees, sounding as though he's mainly use to this by now. And while they may not be the original wings, and arm more techno-organic, the wings 'feathers' are soft to the touch, downy and warm.

"That is why I'm hoping to build a relationship with your firm, Miss Walters. There are few places that someone can turn to when they are unique."

She-Hulk has posed:
She-Hulk runs her fingers over the wings, her size and strength not precluding a gentle touch when she wishes it. She smiles at the downy softness of the feathers and then turns to give Warren an exaggeratedly frustrated sigh. "Flirting is far less fun when I can't actually do anything about it, you know?" she tells him, though she still has a smile on her face.

She-Hulk gives a slow nod and says, "The needs of people like us are indeed different. I was quite happy to get a chance to partner with the firm here. It has been an excellent experience so far. In particular, the amount of pro bono work that we're able to participate in. Far better conditions than most firms are willing to give their principles," Jennifer tells him.

"So are you staying here in town, Mr. Worthington? Or have you just come in for the meeting?" she inquires.

Archangel has posed:
Closing his eyes against the touch, Warren enjoys it for a moment before she lets it go. "I was not aware you already had a significant other." he says with a loft of a blonde brow before he chuckles softly. "I have a penthouse in the city. It is where I usually stay. My parents sold our land when I was younger, opting for the life of the high rise. It is what I seem to perfer as well. Ironically, of course."

She-Hulk has posed:
The tall lawyer gives a quick shake of her head. "No, no significant other," Jennifer replies to Warren. "New York ethics code," she clarifies, now that she's going to be representing him. Or will be soon once they sign the contracts. "No significant other. No insignificant other. Not even a date for dinner," she tells him with a soft grin and a shrug.

Her gaze goes back to his wings and she says, "I would feel the same way," she tells Warren, picturing herself soaring over the tops of the buildings to easily alight on a balcony overlooking New York. Well. She could always jump up there anyway. If it wasn't -too- tall of a building. No more than maybe 40 stories.

Archangel has posed:
"I could definetly do something about the dinner." Warren responds. "And as you said - you may not be representing me, directly." he points out her own words to her, before he tucks his wings back into place behind him. "I will let you get back to your work, then." he says with a smile, but not before taking out a small business card. "Call me when you are free - unless you don't want to be seen with someone with such an impressive.." he lingers for a moment at the door.

"...wingspan." he finishes, before he slips out the door.