7165/Dealing with Arms Dealers: Tracking a Link

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Dealing with Arms Dealers: Tracking a Link
Date of Scene: 08 April 2019
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Green Arrow, Arsenal, Kid

Green Arrow has posed:
The tracker arrow Green Arrow managed to get onto a shipping truck of the guns remained undiscovered for the entire trip across Starling, and it went from a Warehouse in the Glades, to a warehouse on a dock at the other end of the city. This one was visibly much more heavily guarded, and behind a legitimate PMC detachment. Meaning the shock and awe tactics Green Arrow employed previously were not going to be as effective here.

It was time to call in available backup... and Arsenal had been given a call.

Green Arrow tended to give Roy his space; he had his own life, and Green Arrow had his. They kept in touch, but they were very different people these days, and there was a respect for that. So for Green Arrow to call for backup from him... you know somethings going on.

Kid? He was given the coordinates to check out for himself.

Green Arrow had been staking the warehouse and the docks themselves for the last week. A Queen Consolidated satellite had been tasked with keeping tabs on the general area, so nothing untoward had happened.

Tonight though... there was a ship coming in, and it was about to dock. Green Arrow himself was sitting on a rooftop opposite the dock area, watching with binoculars. The docks were crawling with private contractors. How many were in on the illegal deal?

That was an investigation for another day.

Arsenal has posed:
Roy was sitting at the edge of a rooftop smoking a cigarette when Ollie made the call. He takes a deep breath and he answers it. "Like the old days huh?" Roy hangs up after Oliver gave him what he needed to know and Arsenal geared up.

Armed with his heavily modified takedown bow, his trick arrows inside of his quiver, and of course, his dark red hooded regalia, he eventually made it onto the rooftop that Green Arrow was on, eventually crouching down next to him to get a better view of the land.

"This reminds me of the good ole days. Though uh...maybe with less explosions?" it was a bit of humor, but hey..there it is. "So, what's the plan?"

Kid has posed:
Well, evidently, Kid has gained...some of Green Arrows Trust, and he had no plans to go back on it. When he was given the coordinates he decided to scout the place out himself. In his case he wasn't scouting for people, but for the layout of the general area. And in particular the wiring, equipment/tools that may have been kept here. Sure he didn't mind getting down and dirty...but he was also not agaist more....fun tactics.

Kid, aka Malcolm, was the last to arrive after doing one last recon. He was in his typical Malcolm illusion. o O ("And does it involve blowing up the ship? Cause if they got the right stuff, I can SOO rig a bomb. Also, nice to see you again Arse") he broadcasts in a very very short range so that only Arsenal and Arrow had the chance to hear the thoughts.

Green Arrow has posed:
"The plan is to talk to an associate and see what's down there first." Green Arrow almost quips to Arsenal as he watches the area through his binoculars. "He said he was checking out the area."

Kid would see it was a standard loading dock. A warehouse, a wide open container area leading down to the docking space, and the ship itself just coming in. Cranes, power cabling... everything you'd expect for incoming freight. The "Dalmation" was the ship, and the PMC was Hammer&Nail. They looked well equipped... and there were at least thirty of them spread around the area.

"I don't know about good old days... but they were simpler, weren't they? No Justice League or Avengers being big targets for the baddies to annoy." Green Arrow muses.

Arsenal has posed:
"No kidding. At least in the old days we were still center stage. But...guys that can fly into outer space without a plane is a bit more popular than us I would believe." Roy seems to shrug casually, but then his eyes are directed to Kid as the 'associate' is moving through the warehouse area.

"Sure we can trust this 'associate'? We've been down this road before, GA." ah, GA. The nickname Roy always called Ollie when they were in their respective archer regalia.

"We don't have good luck with this."

Kid has posed:
    Malcolm grunts as he continued to move carefully. It was a good start in terms of info. And alot of goodies to play with. He takes in particular, note of the name of the Ship - and any company it belonged to, incase it was any clue to where all this was stemming from. But more importantly, he needed to see whatelse was here.

Kid goes full 'stealth' seeming to dissappear with his illusion. Render gone for all intents and purposes, Kid quietly moves around, taking note of the guards, where they were walking, as in 'patrol routes'. He already knew the tracker from the warehouse was here going out, but he decided to check if there we any weapons comming in. Figureing it may be important.

Green Arrow has posed:
"He doesn't know anything important. I've been evaluating things with him for the last few weeks, and he's been on the up and up for information. I don't know his motives... but he gets results so far." Green Arrow offers, then he shrugs, "I never did this for popularity, but I get it. All those heads in the clouds tend to forget the people down here." Green Arrow points to the dock, and gestures over it, "this sort of thing is the real problem. You could bust up robbers and thugs all day... but take their guns? That actually does something." He continues for a moment, before he hands the Binoculars to Arsenal.

"Take a look if you like." Green Arrow offers to Arsenal.

Down on the ground, Kid is seeing most of the contractors in squads of three, most armed with pistols and the occasional Uzi. He knows from previous experience there are bigger guns in the truck... but why they aren't using them is a mystery.

He also notes the Dalmation is just about to dock, being tethered as he watches.

Arsenal has posed:
Roy looks at GA and he seems to sigh as he looks down at the warehouse. "You say that, but all it takes is someone doing a bit more snooping than usual." Roy was always a bit paranoid, now even more so, but...its not like he has bad reason.

accepting the binoculars, he looks through it.

Here's hoping 'kid' knows what hes doing. "Take away their guns, they'll just find a way to get more. The only way this stops is if we get all of the mto stop and well...that goes against the never-ending battle." Roy teases, but he does smile. "Lets just hope that we can get this done quick fast and in a hurry. Or we'll miss Happy Hour."

Kid has posed:
If there anything Malcolm knows about, it sneaking around armed Guards. He probably more practiced in that, than most things truth be told. But none the less he sends a very deliberate message to Green Arrow o O ("There patrolling in groups of three. Pistols and Uzi, none of the larger stuff though. Makes around 10 groups patrolling in various areas")

By than Malcolm is on the doc, still keeping carefull footing. Maintaing his stealth he was waits... o O ("Heading ship side and going in. Lets see what their hiding on the ship itself eh?"). Kid was patient. He would wait untill they brought down a docking ramp, and would go up the ramp along the outside - to keep the main path clear, so the workers can do their buissness unhindered and he can hopefully get on the ship staing undected.