7282/Bats in the Gotham Belfry

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Bats in the Gotham Belfry
Date of Scene: 20 April 2019
Location: Gotham City
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Batman, Carrie Kelley, Selene (Underworld)

Batman has posed:
     Rumors have gotten out that the Supernatural is pounding on Gotham's door. And Batman has word that somoene is trying to find him. The man respects them going through channels to contact him. In some ways, it is a giant game of phone tag.

     Krestel is told about the situation. Vampires, and werewolves are in Gotham. Someone trying to stop the threat is reaching out to him. Now, he has to find the person in question. Batman asks Krestel to join him. Strength in numbers. Also, the two of them can spread the information to their various circles. Sometimes there is a lot of overlap, but people see others at different times. To get info to spread via word of mouth, two mouths are better than one.

     Thus, this is why Batman and Krestel are in one of Gotham's seedier sides. They're trying to find the woman in question. A vampiress that wants to talk. So, he's hunting the woman. Sticking to the rooftops, peering down to the people. Hopefully, he'll spot someone that fits the description.

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Kestrel keeps pace along the rooftops with him. While he scans one way, she scans the other, keeping an eye out as best she can for something she doesn't know much about. Who was this person exactly? Vampires were real? It was a lot to take in but she takes it in stride as best she can. There were enough monsters in Gotham for vampires to not be a very large stretch of the imagination.

"Anything, Boss?" She asks quietly with a glance toward him for confirmation one way or another.

Selene (Underworld) has posed:
Batman definitely isn't the only person who utilizes the rooftops for travel and surveilance in Gotham. Selene wasn't from this city, she wasn't from this country to be truthful. She also wasn't hiding, from Batman or from those she'd come here to track and kill. Not at this moment, and this likely leads to aid Batman (and crew) in more easily finding her tonight.

Its Spring time in Gotham though, so there's lightning on the western horizon with a storm soon to come, heavy dark clouds ready to dump their rain down upon the city and threatening to start at any moment.

The flashes of lightning add to the ambience, naturally, but also give flashes of illumination to the figure of the woman in black resting on the edge of one of the Gothic designed rooftops. She's crouching, observing something down below, and her black longcoat is waving around in the storm-scented breezes as she spies from high above... on whatever is below.

Batman has posed:
     "There," Batman says firmly and calls out a direction for KRestel. A moment later theyRe moving to the rooftop that Selene is on. Landing on it after a few jumps, and using the grappling hook. Landing, he looks to the woman. "You're Selene, right?" Batman says firmly and he doesn't ask this until he knows Krestel is on with him. "Tell me the situation," he says firmly. Right now, it's bothering him that the Supernatural is starting to clog Gotham.

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Kestrel gives a firm nod as she moves toward where the woman was pointed out. The fact that she was observing something causes a niggling worry to emerge in the back of her mind as she leaps from rooftop to rooftop just behind the far larger figure of Batman. The brick red and black suit she wore was no where near as impressive as his and she didn't opt to wear a cape along with it. There was nothing very dramatic about it.

When they reach the rooftop in question she moves silently to the edge near where Selene had been looking down to gaze down herself as the two talk. Best to keep an eye out, especially if something was currently about to go down.

Selene (Underworld) has posed:
When she's discovered by not one member of this Bat-family, but two, Selene's dark eyes look over onto them. They weren't hiding or obstructing her ability to watch (at least Batman isn't at this stage) so she slowly starts to rise up to her full height upon her tall boots, she turns to face them, having no weapons in her hands but Batman can likely see the weapons she has strapped to her body beneath her long leather coat.

It takes a few quiet lingering seconds before Selene will speak, because she's processing 'them' as it is. She knows of them, it was only a matter of time before they got involved really.

Before she speaks, her pale lips part and she draws in a breath. "Its quite a tale." She speaks then, her voice is sultry and deep, honied and accented with a mixture of European flavors. "Your city has become besieged by a sect of individuals that my people have been hunting for the better part of the past one thousand years."

Selene glances to her right now and nods down into the alleyway. "There's five of them beneath us, right this very moment. They're recruiting those young boys down there." She looks back to the Bats. "Homeless. They're wishing to bestow upon them powers that... they likely would never have imagined achievable in their otherwise drab lives."

Batman has posed:
     "How many are in the city that you know about. And -what- are they?" Batman asks firmly, putting an emphasis on that "what." Selene is evasive about some of the details. "How can they be stopped?" Batman asks after a moment. He did hear something about silver, and Bruce has been on a jewelry shopping kick lately. There must be another Russian Ballet tour coming, or so the gossip mills chattered about. In reality, Batman is just preparing.

     "Selene, this is Krestel. Krestel, Selene," Batman gives Krestel a moment to ask questions. Some of the information he knows. Other bits, he finds to be inconsequential.

Carrie Kelley has posed:
The redhead steps back from the edge having gotten a view of the alley and it's occupants below. Turning her gaze toward Selene she gives the woman a small nod and flash of a smile that proves she isn't as stern as Batman. In this case though perhaps she ought to be. "Nice to meet you Selene."

"What sort of powers, and how are they given?" Those questions are hers, as she shifts her weight and starts to let her fingers flit over her belt feeling for her gear. Which wasn't much really. Frowning heavily, she bites the inside of her cheek chewing lightly in thought. "I'm good at ranged but I don't have much means to do anything up close. Just tell me how to hurt them."

Selene (Underworld) has posed:
Selene's hazel hued eyes look from one of them to the other, from Batman to Kestrel. "There are at least two hundred of them at this point. Fifty came here originally, their numbers have been rising and lowering. My people have been doing as much as we can but we are not from the United States. My... group... is only recently established in the Manhattan area." She tries not to use official names or words that would likely only confuse these Americans.

While speaking though, Selene's hands move in to her coat, in a non-threatening manner she pulls out her handgun, but never aims it, she keeps it held by its center mass and discharges the magazine from its grip. The magazine is now displayed, the ammunition loaded into are all glowing a faint light blue shade at their tips.

"They're Lycans." Selene says. "Werewolves, is the more common street terminology that I am certain you're both familiar with. Something your country already has a fair share of, perhaps not in this particular city, but in others. However..." She pauses and glances down again to the alley below. "These are not like your average American Werewolf." She looks back to them then. "These are European. Hungarian in origin. Dating back to a dark magic from a long time ago. They're far more powerful than your breed in the States. Larger, stronger, more viscious."

Once more Selene turns to face them. "The only way to truly stop them is to kill them, with these." She tosses the magazine to Kestrel. "Silver, in their bloodstream. It will hinder the restorative powers inert and thusly they can bleed out without healing themselves, as they will from most other conventional weaponry. They recruit their new members with bites." She adds that last part with as grim a tone as the rest of what her heavy voice speaks.

Batman has posed:
     "In Gotham?" Batman says making sure he hears the numbers correct. Even for Gotham, that kind of number would be noticed. Something would show itself in the grapevine, somehow, somewhere. Hearing everything about how to attack, and kill them. The Dark Knight doesn't believe in killing."Do they have souls?" he asks. Supernatural and souls are odd. Some may not, some might. Everything blurs. If anything, Batman is trying to think of a way to remove all of their teeth.

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Kestrel reaches up to catch the thrown magazine with both hands. Her hand-eye coordination was good enough she could easily have caught it with one, but there was the added danger to it being something filled with unknown, glowing bullets that made it seem like a better idea to be on the safe side. They're examined with a little tip of her head and a soft 'huh' exhaled in a single breath.

"Silver, then. I don't really have a gun though. ... Never used one." Even with the mask on it's obvious that her gaze has moved to look at Batman with that remark. She knew he was very much anti-gun if only from hearing Red Hood go on and on and on about it.

Selene (Underworld) has posed:
First, Selene's eyes return to Batman and she gives him a singular nod to the first question he asks. "In Gotham." She tells him. "They're primarily keeping below the surface levels. They're... well organized, again unlike your American Werewolves, they've been operating as an organized group for a very long time, this is how you likely haven't seen them. Those they recruit into their numbers are kept in solitude until they've been properly trained to abide by their clan's rules. Rare is it that they step out of line amongst their own kind, and if they do? They will put that member down themselves."

The second part of what the Batman asks gets a rare sign upon Selene's pale lips. "Do any of us?" She retorts then, allowing that to rest there for now.

Her eyes go back to Kestrel then and with the words that this younger woman speaks Selene is able to get a better understanding of both of them together. "You're against killing." She says to them both, her stare swapping between one and the other. "I can understand and respect that... My people are Vampires, but I imagine you already know this. You might then be asking yourselves how are we... any better than them." She points downward to the barrel fires in the alleyway below where the groups of homeless people are clustered around, hoping to avoid the incoming storms.

"We've developed ways to separate ourselves from feeding upon innocents." Selene explains. "We do this with synthetic blood. Our goal, as a people, are to eradicate our longstanding foes, then detach ourselves from this world and do nothing to harm those of you who do not wish to interact with us. We are not interested in harming the innocent... we're trying to stop those who are."

She nods once, very softly to both Batman and Kestrel. "By killing them."

Batman has posed:
     Batman is thinking of more weapon ideas by the second. Although, the lack of souls is a comfort to him. Batman still has his pride. Killing makes them no different than the monster. If he incapacitates them, then finds a way to cut them off from their lycan abilities. The idea of a group of two hundred, well organized people. All of that irks Batman. How did they get by for so long without disrupting the balance?

     Kestrel mentions their lack of killing. The lines they won't cross. Well, most of them. There are two glaring exceptions.

     Talks of synthetic blood comes up. At least on paper the vampires seem noble. However, today's friend can be tomorrow's enemy. Now, Batman is wondering how truthful the works of Stoker might be. People are finding out that certain stories and myths are actually real. Now, he is wondering which supernatural myths are less fictional, and more factual. "And how do you maintain the sheer volume for the chemicals needed for the synthetic blood?" he asks. That has to drain on numerous chemicals. Everything int hat regard -should- be noticed. Chemicals have means oftracking, manifestos for shipping, etc.

Carrie Kelley has posed:
"That's generally his rule on things," Kestrel has to admit with a nudge of her chin in the direction of the mostly silent Batman. She turns the magazine over in hand again, regarding it, before withdrawing a single bullet and then tossing the magazine back toward Selene. "I'm sure he'll want to see what this consists of. He's like that. Might help him figure something out."

Selene (Underworld) has posed:
Most myths are born in some form of truth.

Selene's eyes remain on Batman's masked face as he asks that question and she looks away from him once more, her right hand going into the cuff of her left wrist, her fingertips disappearing inside it. She draws out a single silver spike that is about eight inches in length. She lifts it up and displays it toward him, though Kestrel will easily be able to see it as well.

"My people are wealthy, we're refined and cultured. We do not live in the dank alleyways between buildings nor the dark underbellies beneath cities. We've evolved along with the rest of the world's societies. What wealth we've earned we've put to use studying how to separate ourselves from the ways of old. The ways that have lead us to be hunted by... the rest of the world. There are Vampires in this world that are not of my Coven, but I do not speak for them."

The silver spike is tossed then toward Batman. "Keep it." Selene says to him. "Open it and study the contents for yourself. It contains the synthetic blood mixture that we utilize." A look is then given to Kestrel. "We've nothing to hide from you and yours. But be aware, there's a reason that this breed of Lycan has come to America. They've come here to recruit mutants, and meta-humans... they've come here to bring those with even more power, into their ranks."

Batman has posed:
     Taking the spike, Batman gets an idea when he catches it. There's a rabid dog wandering Gotham. He can pit that dog to take down the wolves. It's just a matter of catching the dog. "Keep the bullets handy. I have a solution," Batman says firmly. Although he notes how the vampires hold a lot of sway int he world. That they can mold it, sculpt it. All it woudl take is for them to pool together what sounds like decades of resources into one titanic sizedshfit no one would be able to see coming. Batman gives Kestrel a look, "We need to find someone. Capture him, then leave him to Selene." He pauses, "Castle's been in Gotham. I have a use for him."

Carrie Kelley has posed:
A strange look comes over Kestrel when Batman suggests that; a frown of disapproval. "You're going to let him do your dirty work?" It's a small bit of disbelief, and a lot of disapproval at the same time. Her arms cross, and she glances away unsure of how to take this. It wasn't the time or place to get into an argument in front of a potential ally.

Selene (Underworld) has posed:
Selene seems to be a bit more at ease around these two than they might've expected her to be. Truth be told, she was brought here to train the army of the New World Coven and they were... they were not well trained, she needs the help, but she's not going to admit that here and now in this moment.

"Here." Selene says then as she pulls yet another item from her person, its a smart phone. Unlocked too, with nothing on it but a few numbers. She hands it toward Kestrel. "You can contact me with this, the top number in the directory."

Selene's stare then goes toward Batman. "I promise you that I'm going to do everything in my power to keep innocents in your city from being harmed by any of this. Its been nearly seven hundred years of life trying to wipe out this plague from the world... and its within our grasp finally now. I won't let them use your city, and its people, to bolster their ranks." She pauses then, gives a glances to Kestrel then.

"But I will do what I have to do, how I have to do it." She holds her hand out for the magazien of silver nitrate buillets.

Batman has posed:
     "I won't kill. There is a murderer in my city. I was going to capture him, give him to police." Batman notes that disapproval, "I won't kill. I'm not a monster. This one is a monster, I might leave him in your charge. What you and him do, is your choice, not on me," Batman says. It's an idea for now, but it is one that he doesn't like either. However, he is tryingto figure out a way where Bamtan can take out the supernatural underworld because it's needed. However, Batman is not going to cross those lines.He has his principles. Kestrel's disapproval is noted even long before he speaks. "If the vampires turn on the city, whatever you want to call this moment, ends. I'm giving you the benefit for the doubt, but you've been warned."

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Kestrel offers the magazine back toward Selene with a simple nod at the request. She's gone quiet for now, simply listening to the various ideas bandied around. Even what he says about Castle. A singular 'mm' is given in response, and she steps back to cross her arms over her chest again. "... Either way, there's nothing I can do, really. I don't have the resources to do more than tail them and give information on their location." Maybe if she had more training, or equipment, but as it stood she was still very much outclassed in this area.

"I can do that though," she adds with a shrug. "I'll try to follow this group for the rest of the night if we're letting them go. Get an idea where they may be holed up."

Selene (Underworld) has posed:
Selene softly nods to the initial words that Batman says with regard to this murderer. She draws in a light breath and with the droplets of rain starting to fall to indicate the nearing storms, she glances away a moment to the horizon. "I can play the part of a monster when I need to." She says then before shifting her gaze back onto him. "If you need me to do what I do, then simply point me to where, to when, and to whom." She'll be 'that person' for the Batman, if it means she can get her mission done in Gotham as well.

"Be aware though, not every Vampire in this world is amongst my people, my Coven... As there are American Werewolves, there are American Vampires. I do not condone, nor represent their actions. It is likely that the further that you and yours..." She glances to Kestrel. "Get involved in this Shadow War that you will cross paths with individuals such as these. I wish I could lay things out in a way that would easily identify who each and every person involved in this is affiliated with, but sadly we do not live in such a black and white world."

She accepts the magazine back then and slides it back into her gun before it is slipped back beneath her long coat and the holster hidden there-in.

"Track them, it will be a good training session for all of this." Selene tells Kestrel. "But be careful..." She further warns.