7513/Drinks at Josies

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Drinks at Josies
Date of Scene: 17 May 2019
Location: Josie's Bar, Clinton
Synopsis: The Defenders get together with Peter Parker. Everyone has drinks (Peter's is a Sprite), some people walk other people home. Or something. Totally don't go out and beat people up in alleys and need medical care at 3am. Nope. Not them.
Cast of Characters: Daredevil, Elektra, Claire Temple, Iron Fist, Spider-Man

Daredevil has posed:
Matt probably should be back at the office, but after a day spent going over his case against Trask and the US Government, he needed to blow off some steam. Leaving the office, he fired off the usual text to the his friends at large.

Matt >> Going to Josie's anyone want to join me.

Text-to-speech was a wonderful thing.

Then it was off to the bar, walking in behind the tapping of his cane, he grabs a bit of real estate by the bar and a single malt Scotch served neat and waits to see who shows up.

Elektra has posed:
Matt isn't the only one who's had a long day. Elektra has had yet another day of meetings. With the start of a new tax year, all the committees feel the need to have their say, and given her indisposal last year, everyone has made a point of personally inviting the chief CEO and owner. While she's been able to beg off some - others Kostas has assured her must be seen to herself, and after attending, Elektra sees why. It's not quite yet unrest, but the potential is there. Her presense alone quelling much of that.

E >> Make mine a double? See you shortly.

The text sent serreptitiously during her last meeting, and almost before goodbyes were said, Elektra has exited the buidling and made her way to the only spot Matt could mean: Josie's.

Claire Temple has posed:
Probably she shouldn't be. With the new clinic, Claire has been pulling something near to almost normal hours, but her body still doesn't know what normal hours are. Waiting up all hours of the night, trying to sleep but expecting that usual knock at her door or window. Sleep was somehow harder to get on a NORMAL schedule than it was when she worked third shift. So, instead of tucking in for the night at a sane hour, she tossed on a hoodie across her teeshirt and headed out of the house. She didn't bother texting back, he'd figure she was there when she showed up.

Dark eyes watch the street with a certain amount of practiced wariness, being certain she wasn't followed in any way she could notice before she pushes open that door and looks around the place. He's not too hard to spot near to the bar and she slips up herself, smelling like antiseptic and cheap Dove shampoo. "...Uh, whatever is on draft and drinkable...?" She rasps out to the bartender. One day, she had dreams they'd get better beer in the place.

Iron Fist has posed:
It doesn't take too long for another response to chime in. And it is only three letters.


Those three letters is about all Danny could fire off. With his own sets of meetings and conference calls, it was hard enough to sneak the phone without looking disinterested. Oh, Danny certainly was disinterested, but he could not let that be visible. So, he is all smiles and attentive....right up to the end of his workday.

And...then he is gone. not to be found...except for one place. Off to Josie's.

Spider-Man has posed:
Long days are the status quo recently. Pete probably didn't get included in the text chain, but he generally knows where to find the group if he's need. Having sat through his fair share of press meetings with representatives all morning and most of the afternoon, he's ready for a quiet night (that he wont get) and a glass of scotch (which he doesn't drink).

Entering Josie with his hat turned around backwards, Parker makes his way inside with his shoulder bag held against his side with one hand against the buckle fastening it closed "Matt.." And Claire, smiling to her with a nod as he removes his cap and tosses it up on the bar. "Peter Parker." Offering the nurse his hand.

The other brushes his hair down after mussing it from the flattening what is a hats influence. "Wait, am I interrupting?" Looking between the already present pair at the bar.

Daredevil has posed:
Matt sticks an earbud into his ear to hear the playback of Elektra's message, before raising a hand and calling to Josie, "Another double here."

When the drink is poured and set down he shifts it to the empty seat beside him waiting for Elektra.

Claire and Peter's arrivals are noted but not remarked upon until they speak, "Claire, Peter, glad you could make it," he greets turning his stool in their direction. "Grab some seats," he offers before adding to Josie, "Put that beer on my tab." His attention turns to Peter. "Want anything?"

Elektra has posed:
It isn't long before Elektra arrives. Likely in time to enter with Danny. Certainly not too long before or after he does. Certainly in time to hear Matt tell Josie to put those drinks on his tab.

"Paying for everyone, Matthew? What did we do, rob a bank?" Her lips falling over an amused smile, she comes and takes the seat next to him, kissing his cheek as she does so. "I do hope this seat was for me, and not Danny. I've been reading the tabloids." Cheekily. For someone finishing up a long week of meetings, Elektra is in mighty fine spirits.

Of course she's already noted the others. "Peter. Claire. I see we're having a party. Had I known I might have worn something more appropriate." Which, again, is lightly teasing, but hard to tell by her features, only her eyes giving her away. And doubly amusign given her very expensive and custom tailored work outfit. Just what /does/ Elektra wear that's more appropriate to a party?

Claire Temple has posed:
"Thanks... I'll try not to break the bank." Claire states flatly in Matt's direction. She genuinely means it, but this time of the night her baseline sounds just on the edge of sardonic. Then she's looking up to Peter and gives him a once upon and down before offering her somewhat calloused, nurse's hand. "Peter. You ... old enough to be in here, or should we get you a shirley temple?" Sure, he probably was older than he looked, but Claire's got that block-mom kind of look about her and she has to check. It's just the right thing.

And then Elektra's coming in, likely near Danny, and Claire's brows arch. Compared to the woman, Claire looks like something the cat dragged in. She smirks deeper in response to the wardrobe comment, "I decided a hoodie was easier than a bra, Elektra, so... don't worry, no one's judging." Danny gets a small half salute of two of her fingertips before she reaches out for her beer and takes a good pull of it while it's cold and has some taste.

Iron Fist has posed:
"What's this about the tabloids?" Danny does manage to walk in just a little after Elektra, just catching the tail end of the chair commentary. In other words, completely missing the joke. He is also dressed for success, it would seem, making he and Elektra vastly overdressed for the ocassion. Which...speaks to how quickly the man disappeared from the office. Not even enough time to kick off the dress shoes for sandals.

Danny does, however, catch Claire's salute, which he returns with a wry little grin as he makes his way to the bar. He, however, doesn't sit down. "Looks like Elektra took my seat." It is a flat comment, but there is just enough pause to make one wonder if Danny actually did hear more than he let on. Then, with a wink towards Elektra, he turns to the bartender to request a beer...which just so happens to be waiting for him. Leading to two conclusions...

One, he most definitely heard the crack about the chair. And two...he must be a regular. At least enough for that pre-emptive drink ready.

Spider-Man has posed:
"Thanks, I'm okay..- actually no, I'll take a water." Peter says, then corrects, when asked if he'll have anything. he doesnt immediately take a seat, but does remove his shoulder bag to lay up on the counter beside his hat where he's standing on the otherside of Claire to Matt. "I.. well I think I am? Who knows, though. I've lost track of time before." Blinking a few times, fingers sliding into his hair to get the bangs out of his face. He's clearly been sweating, whatever he was doing, but it's starting to get hot out there.

"Elektra. And Danny Rand.." Nodding greetings to both, he chews the inside of his cheek thoughtfully a second and adds, "I think you look like you own the building the bar is in, but a smart tenant would definitely invite you, right?" To the over dressed Elektra with a grin. "I'm just the clown they hired to take pictures of the party for social media purposes. Ya know, instagram it up so everyone who wasn't invited are jealous by how good everyone who was is dressed."

Daredevil has posed:
"I'm good for it," he says to Claire before Elektra enters and makes comments along the same line.

"New case, one that doesn't use the fund this time," Matt says meaning the one Elektra had set up to pay the legal fees of those who can't afford it. "Figured a little generosity was due."

The kiss is returned. As for the seat? "It's yours, if you tell me what the tabloids are saying."

Danny gets a grin, "I tried to hold it buddy but she was too much for me," he says of the seat. "Glad you could make it."

As for Peter's order, Matt flinches leaning over to offer a conspiratorial, "Get a soda, you don't want to drink the water in this place."

Elektra has posed:
"Oooo, someone other than me is paying you?" Elektra laughs. "No matter, it's not actually me anyway, and I'm glad. You'll have to tell us all the sordid details you're allowed to. As for the tabloids, Elektra says nothing, and slips into the seat, murmuring for Danny, "Well, I didn't hear you telling Matthew what the papers said. I'll fight you for the honour."

Claire's bra and hoodie get a slight arch of brow. "Oh my, we did dress up, didn't we?" It's hard to tell how much she's joking or not, especially given the two women have had a rocky past. Though Elektra relents once her fingers have grasped her drink, and she takes a swallow, "I'd have changed before coming if I thought I could stand the delay. Honestly the monkey suit is for the boys who think they know better. Some of them will be getting their walking papers shortly. I hadn't realized how uppity a few of them had gotten while I was otherwise occupied."

Otherwise occupied translated: running the Hand, and then dead.

"Really Peter? Water?"

Claire Temple has posed:
Claire hasn't bothered to be overly politely and leave a seat for someone else at the bar. She took her stool catty-corner from Matt, and that's where she's sticking, tired frame leaned against the edge of the bar, hovering over her beer like it's some sort of half-precious horde. She doesn't cut in on the commentary, but Elektra's words about her dressing up even gets a longer, more sardonic smirk. She had no need to defend herself, but she drowns a smart comment behind another good gulp of her beer. She was trying to patch things. Trying. Best hold her tongue. So, instead, she listens to the rowdy group, just taking some comfort in being surrounded by people she mostly likes, in a place she feels mostly safe, and no one dying on her table. It's a good night when no one is bleeding on her.

Iron Fist has posed:
With a chuckle, Danny throws his hands up into the universal sign of surrender, taking a step back from the chair. "You win. No way am I going for that." Then, with a laugh, he slides his bottle of beer closer to him to take a drink. "Besides, you know we CEO types don't read. We hire people to read for us...and mine was out sick today." The laugh is silenced by the bottle, which then returns to the bartop. "honestly, I have no idea what they say. Though, I am sure it is fabuously wrong, full of innuendo and intrigue. It makes for an interesting read, I could imagine."

As Peter calls out his name, Danny offers a nod and a grin. Then, as Matt comments about the water, Danny offers an affirming nod. "He's right. Best go for the soda. Whatever you want...I'll pick up the tab."

Yes, he heard that Matt was going to pay. And...no, Danny has no intention of letting him do so.

Spider-Man has posed:
"I've got to drive back to Queens." Peter defends his beverage decision with a half grin and a shrug, but switches things up a little under Matt's guidance, "A sprite will be fine, thanks." First to Matt for saving him from whatever biological warfare might be underway with the filtration system and then to Danny for offering to pick up the tab on it.

Sans his hat and bag, Pete leans against the bar upon bent elbows bracing him and listens to the two business dressed lamenting their positions, "Tabloids are toilet reading. I mean.. so is most things in print anymore, if we're being honest, but tabloids don't even try to hide it." Shifting to Claire a moment, then back forward to bar beneath his arms. "Speaking of, I read you got tapped to represent Global Relations Council in their case against Trask." Leaning forward to look over at Matt. "That's who you're talking about right?"

Daredevil has posed:
There's a snort of a laugh from Matt. "Funny," he says to Elektra as she slips into the seat beside him at the bar. "And not that sordid I'm afraid, more... inspirational."

Peter fills in the details, "Yep, that's the one, they picked Nelson and Murdock to get the sentinels off the streets, it's a pretty big case." From another man that'd be gloating, from Matt, just a recognition of just how big of a fight was ahead of him. Thankfully, if there was one thing Matt enjoyed was a fight. "Which means I should probably limit things to one of these tonight, but I'm still good to pick up the tab."

When Danny capitulates about the tabloids, Matt just laughs, "Well, /someone/ tell me," he says trying to foster a good mood and let his mind from being swallowed whole by his case.

"Am I going to have to fight you for the bill?" he asks Danny with a grin.

Elektra has posed:
"No worries, Peter, I'll drive you home," Elektra says wickdly, lifting her drink to her lips. Not that he knows it, but since she's died and come back, well, alcohol just doesn't affect her anymore. Then again, it wouldn't have stopped her prior to her death - other than the fact she never drank more than half a glass unless she knew absolutely certain she was safe.

Elektra was never safe.

"To be fair, Claire, I wish I were in your outfit. These meetings are going to be the death of me. I doubt most of them actually know what any of the figures they're trying to impress me with mean, and every one of them think themselves more important and irreplaceable than they are. I doubt their wives would be pleased to see the fawning and pandering. It's tedious and shameful." She shrugs ever so lightly, and lifts her glass to Danny who might have a notion of what she speaks of. But for the most part, it might be she's making an effort with Claire, if still uncertai what their relationship is. The last she'd seen the other woman.. well, Elektra had been rather hellbent on killing everyone.

Claire Temple has posed:
"Peter... one of us will be sure to get you home, if you want to have one. God knows everyone could use something to relax nowadays." Claire rasps out, giving the kid a half wry smile, something encouraging but also understanding of the fact that sometimes heros still have a day job and that can be more exhausting than anything. Matt and Danny's conversation about the case gets a long, worried look. She doesn't like it and she lets that expression lay bare on her face. Not that Matt can see it, but Danny sure can. "Matt... that guy is a snake. Why the hell are you taking his money? I know the Sentinels are a mess too, but..." Her tone of voice is no happier than her expression.

Then back to Elektra. She gives a half smile and a cock of her brow, "If I send up a beat up, comfortable hoodie to your office, think you'll change before the next time you come out? I think you'd like it more than you realize, not parading around being a distraction." She's trying to be nice. Trying.

Iron Fist has posed:
"What is with all the fighting? That would be something the tabloids would love." Danny holds up a hand, as if directing a headline. "Billionaire CEO Assaults Blind Lawyer. The papers would love it." Danny then sits back, with an amused tone in his voice. "You'd thrash me anyways. I've seen you with that staff of yours."

A pause...then another offering. "But...yeah. I won't stop you if you really want to." Translation? He's probably going to pay while Matt is distracted. Now...just need to find a distraction...

Spider-Man has posed:
Peter sputters audibly when not one, but two ladies encourage him into the bottle. His lips flap against his teeth as air passes between them and he weighs the options with the relative subtly of a nerdy kid who just got invited to the cool kids table so long as he drinks chocolate milk through a straw in his nose. His expression alternates between furrowed brow and smoothing as the various arguments pro and con flash, quite literally, across his face.

The man is anything if an enigma.

"I.. well see, the thing is." Motioning, thankfully having some sprite present to wet his throat. "I don't drink. Never had the taste for it, except one time back in high school when Harry boosted a bottle of his dads scotch. You try to straight bottle a fifty year old bottle of scotch like corner store hooch and your opinion on spirits becomes a vastly different beast of burdon. One that walks funny... like a newborn deer... who is also drunk."

Hard swallow, "Did I make this a bigger deal than it needed to be? I did, didn't I.." He motions with two fingers pointed down at the bar, awkwardly grabbing for his hat. "I should.. yeah, I should get going. Long drive, dinner with the Aunt.. whatever sounds believable while I try to forget I told an embarassing story that nobody asked for."

Daredevil has posed:
"Make sure she shows you the ownership papers on the car," Matt says with a grin for Peter when Elektra offers him a ride back to Queens. "But other than that, you're good for a safe trip."

Claire gets a expression turned her way, "You okay?" he asks, there's no mistaking the tiredness in her voice or the concern in his.

"Wait, who's a snake? Trask? We're not taking his money, we're the guys trying to get his Sentinels off our streets, don't worry, Elektra can tell you just how far me and Foggy go to make sure the money we take in is clean."

Lord knows he put Elektra through the ringer proving her fund was legitimate.

Matt chuckles warmly at Danny, "Call it a draw then? Like Apollo and Rocky?" meaning they'd figure it out at the end of the night, with Danny likely pulling off his bit of subterfuge.

Peter's story has Matt chuckling as well, "Trust me it's not much better with the cheap stuff, my dad gave me a sip or two before he had me stitch him up, when I was a kid." And given Matt's dad died when he was 10, he was way too young to be drinking or stitching wounds. Though given the scotch in his glass, it didn't scare him off.

"And don't worry about it, Peter, you're with friends and someone needs to be responsible around here."

Elektra has posed:
"So mean, Matthew. And I didn't steal that care." Her lips purse in the manner of one reacting to a long held and shared joke. "Just because a girl hot wires a car suddenly she's stealing it."

Her chuckle as she tells the others that is rich and alto in tones. Fitting her.

"Send me get out of jail free clothes, oh most certainly, Claire. Though I suppose if I'm going to be there as often as I seem to be I should pack some of my own things." Elektra chooses to ignore the possibly pointed and chill undertones of Claire's words, not allowing them to be a dig. She'd made a promise to Matt and she intended on keeping it. Besides, they were all on the same side now, right? Claire wasn't safer by being kept at arm's length anymore.

Peter gets a most disappointed look, "Oh, please tell me you didn't gulp that. You wound me, Peter Parker. Wound me." A hand coming up to clasp against her left breast. "A moment of silence, all, for the travesty."

Claire Temple has posed:
"Hell... okay. I heard that wrong. Good. Put the bastard behind bars, finally, maybe it'll stick." Claire growls. Her dislike of Trask knows no bounds, it seems. "...And sorry. I'm... " Admitting that keeping a normal schedule was more hell on her sleep than being on third shift was hard. Hell, admitting that she was ever anything less than infalliable was hard, especially around these folks. "Still getting used to hours at the clinic. It's... weird being awake in the day." There, that was an easier way to put it that didn't make her sound like she was going to fall asleep at the bar. And her next comment to Elektra is actually honest. No cold undertones. Just, equally, trying to get along. "We can keep a few extra things at the clinic for you, for when you come by. Realistically... you're going to get blood or worse on you sooner or later. Might as well be prepared."

Iron Fist has posed:
All....it's touching, watching the two women shooting for civilness between each other. Danny almost forgets where he is at, just watching the exchange between the two. But, should either one of them look over his way, Danny quickly looks away, turning his attention back to Matt. "Hey, I know that reference! Though, not sure who would be who. I think I may be Apollo, just for the sweet dance moves."

There may be some thinking going on. Possibly. To the point where Danny actually looks for a stool to park himself upon. "I was completely innocent. Never did anything wrong when I was a kid. Nope....perfect angel." Not that anyone is going to call him out on that one.

Spider-Man has posed:
"Seriously, it's alright. I was hoping to catch Matt, but I don't want to dull the party talking business when I can catch him in the office tomorrow." Peter says with an awkward, near trademarked, grin. His bag lays against his side once he's looked the strap over his shoulder and his hat is replaced on his dank hair. "Besides, it's the first night in a week I can actually spend with my Aunt. I might have been using it as an escape card, but it was such a good card, it convinced me it was true."

A hand bounces up in a canty wave to the assembled Defenders, "Right?" Adding to Claire's desire to see Trask behind bars, "Anyways, uh.. thanks for the sprite and sorry to sip and split. Don't be wounded, Elektra, then I'll be wounded.. we'll both be crying and blubbering, then I'll definitely need a drink, it's a slippery slop to alcoholism for me. I'm impressionable and tender in my young age." Patting the air, grinning a little less akwardly as he fishes out his phone from the back pocket of his slacks.

"Nobody wants to see me cry. End of Star Wars? It was..." Shaking his head, hands out, "It was horrible. Snot and... I'm going to shut up now. See y'all later!" Dial dial dial, "Hey Aunt May, want me to pick you up some take away from Angelos? Yeah, home of the never frozen deli meats and onsight baked bread."

Daredevil has posed:
Matt just smiles, "Well at least you're admitting you hotwired it, now," he says. "Only took what? Six years?"

Then his attentions shifts to Claire, "I bet," he says of the adjustment shaking off the mistake. "How is the Clinic?" he says before saying of the case. "We'll get him."

"You definitely have the moves, and I don't know when to quit, so I think that works out," Matt says of the Apollo and Rocky thing. The rest though gets a smile. "You know I know Kate right?" he teases knowing the two of them had been stuck at the same kiddy tables during their earliest years. "You really want to stick with that statement?" he teases as he takes a sip of his long neglected drink.

Grinning and shaking his head, Matt says, "Never change Peter, seriously," he says as he chuckles into his drink. "And yeah, definitely drop by, I'll be the guy buried under the papers."

Elektra has posed:
"LIstening in on other people's conversations, Matthew, tsk tsk," Elektra chides, knowing full well her comment may have been aimed at Claire for effect, but had been meant for the whole gathering of them, and certainly for amusement's sake. "Besides, I don't seem to recall a certain law student, about to sit the bar, complaining all that much when I did it. What's the statute of limitations on stealing a car anyway?"

Her attention is caught, "Kate? Is this the Kate you were dating while I was indisposed? Oh do tell, how does our Danny know our little debutante - or is that the answer right there?"

Elektra sips her drink, casting glances between Matt and Danny. She's glad of Claire's offer, turning to her with a sudden and very serious look. "That's terribly thoughtful of you." And true. The likelihood of Elektra needing a change of clothes at unusual times and places was high. She stops herself from offering recompense, unwilling to tip the uneasy balance they seem to be creating.

Claire Temple has posed:
The kid gets both brows arched and an actual smile from Claire for a moment. He was so damned innocent and somehow that still was in tact? She couldn't help but smile. "...Nice meetin' you, Peter Parker. Get home safe." The tone of her voice just says 'sweet, sweet, kid' without actually voicing those words. Then Danny is giving a firm, less of a 'sweet kid' smirk. A small shake of her head and she mutters, "Daniel Rand, if I need to grab you buy the ear and rub your nose in it to remind you how much of a perfect angle you are not, I will. I don't know what it is I'm rubbing your nose in, but I'll do it. Don't tempt me." She levels eyes at him, her dark gaze almost a dare, but also amused at the same time.

"The clinic? It's...ticking along. Too many patients. We could double our hours and probably not get to everyone who needs. But...I knew that going in. It's better than nothing and I'll take the start. Just... feel like I should be sleeping there nowadays instead of at home. But I know there's people that won't even come there." Her eyes settle on Matt as a prime example. A heartbeat later, Elektra's given a small nod. "We'll get you some civvies, and a set or two of scrubs. See if you really have to get your hands dirty some day, best be prepared."

Iron Fist has posed:
"Katie and I suffered together through socialite parties when we were kids." The explanation is freely offered as Danny glances over to Elektra. "You know. Parents go to other parents' house and bring their kids together so someday the kids grow up to repeat the process. Katie's mother just loves to throw her some parties." The casual use of Kate's name, coupled with the wholly current tense that Danny used for the Bishop parties is an indication that Danny has become re-acquainted with the party, much to his chagrin.

Then...those eyes of Danny's shift over to Claire, and a slow grin plays across his lips. "Hey, I never said I was an angel now. Just...in my youth." Though, with the threat given, it just makes Danny all that more amused. "See? All this violence directed towards me and here I am just sitting here with my shiney and completely not comfortable shoes and business suit just enjoying a drink. You all know how to make a person feel welcomed." Said completely in jest...Danny is not hurt at all.

Then...with a chuckle, Danny turns to Peter. "Want a lift? With all these threats upon my person, it might be a good idea to duck out before I end up having to fight for seats, paying tabs, and the scantity of my own nose."

Daredevil has posed:
"Always listening," Matt says with a smile for Elektra. "I mean, can't chase those ambulances without hearing the sirens, and some times the odd conversation gets picked up in the process," he jokes of his profession.

As for the statute of limitations? "My brain is fried so I am not sure I remember, but here's hoping it's five years," he offers wry smile.

"And yes, that Kate." Matt says before letting Danny fill in the details himself.

"Well, we can talk to," ahem. "The backers if you need more staff," Matt had helped with the legal side of setting the place up. "Can't save the whole neighbourhood single-handed," he says with a wry grin that suggests he is very much aware of the irony of that statement.

"Later, Danny, Peter, have a good one," he says to his departing friends.