7782/Sanctum Seasons

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Sanctum Seasons
Date of Scene: 07 June 2019
Location: Sanctum Santorum - Base Floor
Synopsis: Loki attempts to manipulate Strange about the Season orbs.
Cast of Characters: Loki, Doctor Strange
Tinyplot: Weather Spheres

Loki has posed:
Jeremy Larkin, a mage that appears far younger than he actually is, has been a staple sight around the Sanctum off and on for perhaps a few centuries. He doesn't live there, by any means, but he'll show up, wander in the library, or help out as an additional hand with a spell. He's known to various councils, there's a legacy there. He's known to be decent with a good range of things, without any particular focus on one magic school. He often stays out of things, but always seems to appear when some magical object comes up. If anything, he's someone interested in items and enchantments.

Physically, Jeremy is a teenager in look, and often casually dressed to what the young people at the time wear. He is in the library area now, with a pile of books out. Even a casual glance can tell that he's looking into records of objects of power. Seasonal orbs, specifically.

Doctor Strange has posed:
    "Jeremy." Stephen says with a familiar kind of nod in greeting as the sorcerer enters the room and goes to a specific book himself. He reaches for the book he wants and pulls out a large tome. Large in that the pages are double the height and width of any normal book but the book itself doesn't have too many pages.

    Stephen has to hold it like a waiter holding a tray until he gets to a table to open it up on. Strange glances to Jeremy's book out of curiosity but stops when he catches a few words. "What're you looking up today?"

Loki has posed:
"Sorcerer Supreme," Jeremy answers with polite respect, with an incline of his head. He smiles some, and gestures across the stacks. "Magical objects that can alter the weather and climate," he describes. "I noticed some strange fluxes, lately. It's been maybe a few centuries, but I remembered these objects that hold seasons in balance. If something's happened to those mage bloodlines, that's going to be trouble, sir," Jeremy sighs. "I don't see any real recent records of them, so I'm looking at what the relics themselves are. Hopefully a false alarm."

Doctor Strange has posed:
    "Strange fluxes?" Stephen asks with a glance towards Jeremy's book once more before he sets his own down and turns around to sit at Jeremy's table. "What kind of fluxes have you noticed?" Stephen asks, knowing they've all been accounted for for a few weeks, and there shouldn't have been much beyond the autumn signs just around the Avenger's mansion.

Loki has posed:
"Um, a few nights ago," Jeremy says, blinking, and putting down the book he had open to look more directly at Dr. Strange. "Some fiery summer-like effects. Extreme heat," he grants. "It caused some weird rainstorms after it ended, a little bit of flooding at the New York dock areas. I think it was being transported, and something got loose. I could be wrong about it being one of these, but I can show you the site I was scrying from, and perhaps you have an opinion," offers the young mage.

"Or do you know about these orbs? Are they safely being protected and stored, and I'm chasing the wrong relic?"

Doctor Strange has posed:
    Stephen decides to play dumb, knowing the Summer and Winter are stored together in a SHIELD facility. Stephen shakes his head, "I've heard of the seasonal orbs." Stephen mentions when he motions towards the book. "During my readings, but I had assumed they were safe in their resting places." Stephen then crosses his arms and frowns. "Sure, show me where you were skrying from and tell me everything you can about these fiery summer-like effects."

Loki has posed:
"Sure. I will open a path," Jeremy says, pausing to look at his books. He arranges them a little more, but they're safe there, so he'll continue when he gets back. He steps back from the table and picks up his shoulder-bag, pulling it on.

Jeremy's style of teleporting is skilled; he uses a different magic that doesn't have an object attached to it to do his movement. It's probably more taxing than using teleport magical objects. The portal opens, and Jeremy passes through; the cityscape is one of drizzling harbor, New York. He waits on the other side, after pulling an umbrella from his bag and opening it neatly.

Doctor Strange has posed:
    Stephen steps through the portal after Jeremy and lifts his hand towards the sky to shield his eyes from the rainfall but he adjusts quick enough and allows his gi to get drenched. Stephen blinks towards Jeremy a few times before he asks, "So where where the signs, or is this rain a remnant of such an artifact?" Stephen asks directly.

Loki has posed:
"Here," Jeremy says, looking around, and climbing along the long storage container that they appeared on. "Well, under this thing, was the site. I can draw a recall, unless you'd like to," offers the young mage. He doesn't want to presume Dr. Strange doesn't want to just do it himself. "A large burst came from here, and with a scry over the magical burns and the continued, strange hot summer rain, I made a guess. But if you look at it, you see a snowing container. I was just reading that they may need to be contained in opposite element. So, that's where we are, that I thought the summer orb was here. Maybe the warden of the orb was transporting it, or came afoul of trouble."

Doctor Strange has posed:
    Stephen climbs down from on top of the container and lands with a splat onto a puddle below and rolls his eyes. Stephen signs and steps around the puddle he already dove into and shakes his foot uselessly in the air. "Go ahead, I'd like to look at things a bit more closely." Stephen says with a nod to Jeremy, inviting the old young man to use his abilities to solve this mystery.

    "You said it was in a container?" Stephen asks. "Interesting, I thought the monks took the spheres to the four corners of the earth to keep them safe." Stephen recalls from the book before he looks back to Jeremy and waits for the spell to be cast to observe the past few hours in this location. "Do you think the monks would have advanced their technology so they could move them around?"

Loki has posed:
"Maybe. It's been centuries for them to improve?, but I'm not a monk," Jeremy grins. Clearly not a monk, certainly not dressed that way, with pop icon badges on the sleeve of his jacket on the left. He nods once and prepares a somewhat middling level skill spell to recall the past. Perhaps Jeremy is nervous about being watched by the Supreme, but it takes a second try to get it right. The images clip into the storage container, as it wasn't there before.

"Sorry," he says lamely, but does pull through. The flickering ghosts from the magical spell are decent. Someone arrives with a small bag, that swirls with magical snowflakes; the person is blazing with strange illusion, and hard to see. That person hands it off to a young woman, that gasps in interest and peeks inside before the other person reacts to stop her. The contents of the bag flux, burning her face and sending out waves of warm summer heat into the sky. The person who handed the bag seems to react, and they teleport away quickly.

Jeremy points to the air zone nearby, "Container, snowing. Weather effect. Am I off-base?" Jeremy asks, hopeful that he's pleased Dr. Strange, probably.

Doctor Strange has posed:
    Stephen's hands cross in front of the amulet hanging from his neck and he takes in a breath as a third eye opens up in the middle of the crest. The jewel parts and a grey eye shines a bright unnatural light out from it's core towards the ground before Stephen turns his body towards the mystical youtube. "Eye of Agamotto, reveal to us which we desire to know." Stephen speaks as he aims the light onto the figure who is obscured by some powerful magics.

Loki has posed:
Ah, there it is. Jeremy stares with a sort of high interest at the eye. Yes, that needs to be used, but just to get the part of the information wanted. Not too much of it. Jeremy moves aside to give Strange more space, falling back, still channeling the scrying, while making sure none of that eye revelation is aimed at him. As much fun as being revealed to be Loki might be? Nope. Some excitemenet moves through Jeremy's gaze: this is the fun part. To trick a master mage is a wonderfully fun challenge. Not just normal humans, but to manipulate the sorcerer supreme? Great fun.

"Wow," breathes Jeremy, playing his part appropriately, as the eye flushes over the scrying images and peels the layers of illusion away. It also peels open the bag, showing the gorgeous orb of summer there. The illusions peel to show rather unmistakably, Thor, but then that too starts to crumble. "/Thor/?" demands Jeremy loudly in shock, and the scrying is lost, as the mage seems to lose his concentration. "Were the Asgardians one of the keepers? Where are the others?"

Doctor Strange has posed:
    "Not that I was aware of." Stephen says with a sidelong glance towards Jeremy before he frowns and smashes one fist into a plam, out before his chest and the eye closes and a hole appears in reality behind Stephen. "Find your way back Jeremy. I have work to do." The wizard says cryptically before he takes a step back into a poorly lit room on the other side of the hole in space-time and then just as quickly the circle collapses and leaves Jeremy all alone.

Loki has posed:
Frustrated about lacking more information, maybe, Jeremy says quickly, "You don't KNOW? How do you not know, you're Supreme---!?" Couldn't help not landing that ego zinger.

"I'll look for more signs of ---" Blast, Strange has left. And he didn't get the infromation he wanted. Still, things have been kicked over, and Loki masks a private smile.

New toys are always a good time, even if it takes a little more effort going forward, it appears.