784/Meeting with GL

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Meeting with GL
Date of Scene: 04 June 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Batman, Green Lantern (Jordan)

Batman has posed:
The hussell and bussel of the Tower is as usually today as it whirls to life, "Incoming transport, Batman 03." As it explods into an array of life and a dark figure forms from the nimbus and walks onto the platform. As the life retreats from behind him, he allows his eyes a moment to adjust as he walks over to the nearest panel.

"Locate Green Lantern." As he presses a button and the lights begin to dance at his finger types. He waits for the supercomputer to finish the scan of the tower for the hero.

Green Lantern (Jordan) has posed:
    Mission Monitor Duty. Always a pleasant, fun, exciting exprience. Well, maybe not. When Hal Jordan gets the signal that Batman was arriving, he heads to the transport tubes to see what was going on. So far today, nothing had been.

    Hal Jordan has been musing on the new arrivals of ring bearers. So far, in the last 24 hours, he had met a new Star Sapphire and had heard about a new Blue Lantern sighting in New Troy. Curiouser and curiouser.

    Hearing Batman's voice down the hall, Hal Jordan speaks up, "Everything okay Bats? I wasn't expecting to see you today up here, amongst the stars." Hal smiles, and nods respectfully towards Batman. "What's up?"

Batman has posed:
As he turns to look upon Hal, his lips press into a fine line. He has gonna to at least trust his skill as a hero and a team member, yet has always kept him at an arms length. Batman tends to do that out of habit it seems as he nods curtly, "I came up to speak with you." He folds his hands behind his back as he cocks his head to the side, "It seems Lanterns are popping up on the planet more and more. My knowledge of the rings are only as limited to what we have on file, which is not much." He turns to move to the computer and pulls out a zip drive and slides it into the jack.

A picture of Autumn comes up on the nearest screen, "This girl has become the newest ring bearer in my city. She wields a violet ring...and from what I understand. It is fueled by love." The very word 'love' seems like a swear word on his lips. "I have my...concerns and I wanted your views on it."

Green Lantern (Jordan) has posed:
    Hal Jordan nods, and says, "Hmmm. I was curious about all that." Hal moves over to stand beside Batman as he pulls the zip drive. "There have been some strange happenings lately. I'm not sure what is going on in the Galaxy, but there have been numerous sightings of new Lanterns of the different emotional spectrums. I just hope they stay away from Earth. The not so nice colors would bring untold destruction and conflict. It would NOT be pretty."

    As Batman brings up the dossier on Autumn, Hal Jordan nods, and points a finger from his ring hand at the picture. "Yeah. I met her yesterday. She said she helped you out of a jam. Something about prison?" Hal grins and looks over at Batman. "Losing your touch? Getting caught isn't like you."

    Changing the subject back, Hal Jordan shakes his head. "Yeah, the violet spectrum. It can be good...and not so good, as you can understand. Love can be passionate and controlling, but it can be pure and caring as well. She is now a member of the Star Sapphires." Hal doesn't have to tell Batman about Carol. He is sure he knows already.

Batman has posed:
As he turns giving the man a side glance, a snort escapes him like canvas ripping, "Focus Jordan." The Green Lantern might have touched a nerve or there is more to the story about prison issue then he cares to reveal right now. He turns and brings up a small clip of Autumn and her uncontrolled use of the ring. He crosses his arms over his chest, "Love is dangerous for a girl so young. I think he intentions are right. She wants to do the right thing but the last Star Sapphire I believe you confronted nearly kicked your ass." He cocks an eyebrow making a jab back at the joker. "Batwoman and the Black Canary have taken the girl under their wing in a sense but you having a much better understand of the rings, their history, and overall spectrum. What is this rings weakness? Should I be concerned? And do you have the time to help this girl?" He turns to fully face the man, "I don't mean take her on as a ward but check in on her from time to time and see how she is progressing. Because I think the women will help her but Autumn will need a Lantern's guidance."

Did Batman just give a compliment?

Green Lantern (Jordan) has posed:
    "Focus! Aye aye Captain!" Hal salutes him with his right hand, and looks at the screen. Hal smiles, and adds, "Okay. Well, I wouldn't say she "kicked my ass" but she did make life difficult." In more ways than one. Carol and Star Sapphire were tough opponents.

    "I think you are right about one thing here. It is a dangerous tool in the hands of one so young." Hal follows Batman's train of thought. "Good that she is getting training...as for the ring and training her in its uses, I can talk with her. Guide her. I would think she would get the best help from the current Star Sapphire however. I will point her in that direction, and keep a close eye on her. As you say, check in on her from time to time."

    "As for the ring's weaknesses, perhaps I should update our intel on the computer here..." Hal looks down at his ring, and with a push of his will, points it at the computer, and says, "Ring, download pertinent information on strengths and weaknesses for each of the emotional spectrum's rings and ring wielders to the Justice League Watchtower computer."

Batman has posed:
As he turns to look at the screen, and watches Hal work his technology. Batman nods curtly, as he presses a button the zip drive and says, "Computer...download ring file to Batcomputer. Authorization...Zeta..Alpha 0101974." The computer whirls to life and responses, "Authorization code accepted. Voice pattern accepted. Word of the day?" As he taps the side of his cowl at his ear twice, "Dictionary." The computer begins to download the newest files to the Batcomputer as Batman turns towards Hal and asks, "Do you or the...Guardians have an idea why so man rings seem to be focusing around Earth. Is this a usually pratice for one planet to have so many ring bearers?"

Green Lantern (Jordan) has posed:
    "There that should do it..." Hal Jordan turns, and nods as Batman downloads the file into his own computer. "As I say, right now...there is no serious concern. Your question, however, is a valid one. The Guardians and the senior Lanterns are...concerned. Not just for Earth, but for the whole Galaxy. We don't need a SInestro Corps member, or a Red Lantern to start showing up here. That would be catastrophic."

    Hal crosses his arms across his chest, and rests his ring elbow on the left arm so he can tap his chin thoughtfully. "I don't know why they seem to be targeting Earth. It is a strange event. Perhaps because the Universe is turning, and we are the main theme?" Hal shrugs, as though he was trying to make sense of it but wasn't.

    "I have made it my main priority to follow up on these things. I heard there was a Blue Lantern sighting in New Troy yesterday that I am going to follow up on." Hal sighs, and shakes his head. "I expect something ominous may be coming. I just hope I am wrong."

Batman has posed:
Batman nods, "When it comes to all things...ring related. Go with your gut. Keep me apprised on the situation. Superman and Wonder Woman agree with me that we will be pushing for a recruitment period into the League. I have suspected that their has been a flux of chaos coming and we need to fortify the League. I am updating a number of the systems to the Tower, and we will be opening the Tower to new recruits soon. We have only allowed current full members access. I think it will be time to change that after I have the new systems in place." He releases the drive and slides it into his belt in one of the many hidden comparements.

"I will read your files on these different rings and learn what I can about this...Blue Lantern. Is there anything else? I am sure you have other matters to tend too as I have to return to Gotham. Two-Face and Joker are up to something that am still working out and I don't want to be away too long."

Green Lantern (Jordan) has posed:
    "Will do. I'll download periodic updates into the computer here, as well as give the team a heads up whenever I encounter new ring wielders. It is going to be a bumpy ride, so I think recruiting is a good idea." Hal Jordan nods in complete agreement with everything that Batman is proposing.

    Hal Jordan uncrosses his arms, and looks over Batman thoughtfully for a moment as the disk disappears in his belt pouch. "Neat tool belt...so, we are going to open up the Watchtower. Not a bad idea. I expect you will be thorough with your background checks, so I won't worry too much about breeches then."

    "Nope, so far it is an uneventful day." Hal avoides using the "Q" word, as saying "quiet" tends to curse things. "As for Two-Face and Joker...aren't they always getting into trouble?" Hal shakes his head and grins. "You and your Rogue's Gallery is only matched by Barry's I think."

Batman has posed:
Batman shrugs slightly, "It is what it is. If you have anything else, contact me via the comlink." As he walks towards the Zetatube, Batman enters in his location. He turns his head slightly as he adds, "If you have any possible recruits. Submit them for consideration." Batman turns and walks towards the tube as it explodes into the same nimbus of light as it engulfs the Dark Knight.

As the tube power's down, Batman is gone and off doing what he does best. Protecting his city.

Green Lantern (Jordan) has posed:
    As Batman leaves, Hal returns to his musings and the mission monitor board. There was something in the air. The Galaxy was changing, and there was something malevolent that was waiting out there. Waiting for them in the Darkness and Vastness of Space. Waiting, and hungering. Hal shivers and shakes his head. "That's what I get for watching those Horror/Sci Fi flicks..."