7855/A wolf, A Dog and a Bird walk into a bar...

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A wolf, A Dog and a Bird walk into a bar...
Date of Scene: 12 June 2019
Location: An unnamed municipal park
Synopsis: One wooden puppet. Three different ways of dealing with it.
Cast of Characters: Free Lancer, Kian t'Kaeh, Daniel Osborn

Free Lancer has posed:
    Social media had been blowing up for weeks, talking about some nut job wearing horror movie costumes and assaulting people.  It had started with a bunch of folks getting roughed up, but last week a creep dressed up like Jason?  Yeah he cornered a teenage couple on their way home from classes and killed one of them with a machete, before getting shot six times and vanishing off into the park.  Since then, well, people had looked for sure but nobody had found much of anything.
    This sort of thing does just happen of course, some creep decides they want to be a supervillian and isn't terribly original.  Probably had kevlar, and is likely hiding in his mom's basement scared stupid right now.  On the other hand, this may well be some physical manifestation of a collective fear given form.  Or I mean, who the hell knows these days, right?  It's the sort of thing worth potentially checking out.
    In the early dark, comes a scream from the park.  Then it comes, the sputter of a small motor.  A jogger comes sprinting out of the woods with a cut on her head, but looks generally all right.  Behind her, though?  Well, that's Leatherface, like actually maybe.  The apron, the dead skin mask, the chainsaw.  He's no small guy either, a towering figure.  Only problem with the image, is that Leatherface never had so much trouble with his chainsaw in the movies, right?

Kian t'Kaeh has posed:
    Kían is a creature of the outdoors and wide open spaces; if one were familiar with his home, they would understand.  So when he gets the chance, he likes to get out and enjoy the open air—which is what he's doing right now.
    He doesn't have especially noteworthy hearing, but the funny thing about being in the air is that there are generally very few obstructions between the ground and the aerial critter.  So yeah, he hears the scream.
    Slowly, he spirals downward, trying to get a handle on the situation before he gets involved… if he even has to.

Daniel Osborn has posed:
    Oz isn't always a vampire hunter, but sometimes he'll grab some stuff and go hunting for fun.  Sometimes he just likes to go out at night and relax, it's peaceful.  When bad stuff isn't happening, anyway.  Fortunately, if he's going to go out at night he's always at least got a stake, sometimes, tonight being one of those nights, he's also got a bow.  When he hears the scream, he focuses his senses, pinpointing where it's coming from and spotting the cause for it.  So, he notches an arrow into his bow, looking for an opportunity to possibly get a nonlethal shot on this guy.

Free Lancer has posed:
    Horror movie jerks are not typically her favored foe, but when you're a busy professional you don't always get to be terribly particular.  It's luck more than anything she was here at the right time, honest.  So she slips on that familar mask, disposes of her espresso and slips out from the shadows.
    Not that there's much out there on the "Free Lancer", but this is she, ladies and gents.  Segmented plate mail, heavy clawed gauntlets all cast in brilliant bone white over a mixture of blue and black silk, and chainmail of course.  There is indeed a cape, bearing a brilliant sort of lunar motif draped over one shoulder but cut short to the elbow.  The mask though, thats what people remember.  It's shaped like the skull of some fantastic sabre toothed wolf, its teeth embossed with brilliant gold.  Casually, she tugs those twin ring hilted almost needles from their scabbards, giving the pair of them a casual twirl as she approaches from behind.
    Leatherface slows to a stop, peering about as the park suddenly becomes rather more popular.  Another pull and that two stroke coughs to life, chainsaw screaming as it finally gets going.  "Rrrrrrrgh!"  You can't fault him for staying in character, can you?

Kian t'Kaeh has posed:
    Having no good idea who's who, who's the victim, and who's the attacker, Kían has what he hopes is a briliant idea.  He lands more or less halfway between the screamer and the chainsaw guy, and spreads his wings.
    And as it happens, he also glows a bright blue.

Daniel Osborn has posed:
    Oz's shot is partially obstructed by the new figure, with wings, who's glowing?  Not the strangest thing he's seen.  So, he takes a deep breath as he pulls the string back, very careful with his aim.  He wants to hit this guy, possibly in the arm, wanting him to drop the chainsaw, at least.  His aim is good, and as long as Kían doesn't move, the arrow will pass him.  Closely, yes, very closely.

Free Lancer has posed:
    That arrow hits it's mark, and it's an outstanding shot right out of the gate. The shaft lodges right into his arm, right at the elbow joint. He jerks as it slams home, Chainsaw flailing somewhat as his left arm lets go of the handle. Theres a cry of animalistic alarm, but his right hand holds fast. He stumbles foreward, hoisting that chainsaw up above him with his one good arm as he takes a step towards Kían.
    The Free Lancer leans forward into a sprint, hurtling forward as Leatherface starts foreward.  She takes a flying leap, and well of note those short blades she had before are gone.  Replaced instead with a greatsword that must be as long as she is tall, cast in the same bone white as the rest of her gear.  She lands that blade squarely in the crease of where his neck meets his shoulder, and it bites down maybe to mid chest before slowing to a halt.
    Leatherface goes down in a pile, dropping that chainsaw and hitting the ground with an audible 'whump'.  Casually the Free Lancer withdraws that great sword, before leaning down to peel at Leatherface's shirt to expose the… wood beneath.  Ancient greying timber, covered in sigils and marks burned into the wood. "Well, what an interesting surprise this is.  Never fought Pinocchio before."  Greatsword swinging up to rest casually over her shoulder.  "Oh, and lovely teamwork, gentlemen.  A fine shot, and an excellent distraction."  That mask turning to regard Oz and Kían.

Kian t'Kaeh has posed:
    Kían yelps—squawks, more accurately—as an arrow narrowly misses him.  And as a combination of that, and the guy with a chainsaw coming closer, his glow is even brighter, and…
    …and then someone comes out of nowhere and sinks a sword into Chainsaw Man, and Kían pales, keens sharply like a startled hawk, and bolts back into the sky.
    He doesn't quite leave the area, but he's at some altitude, circling.

Daniel Osborn has posed:
    Oz goes running once he sees the woman with the sword, but not away, toward her, and the wooden thing. He straps his bow to his back, then retrieves his arrow, slipping it back into his quiver.  He then turns his attention to the masked woman with a smile.  "Thanks," he says.  He does wonder where the jogger went, and he looks up to the birdman, offering a smile, hoping he won't seem to intimidating, and the poor guy can come back down.

Free Lancer has posed:
    "Welcome, and well earned, sir archer."  Peering skyward towards Kían for a moment, and giving a wave of invitation before turning her attention back to the wooden bad guy of the hour.  "First time I've seen this sort of magic, fascinating really."  And all but casually she rolls the body over with a boot, before leaning in to grab a hold of that shirt and apron and rip it free.  Exposing, well it's covered in all manner of signs and sigils.  "Either of you familiar with this particular magic?"

Kian t'Kaeh has posed:
    Slowly, Kían spirals a little lower.  Having literally hawk-like vision, he can see that the now-fallen creature isn't bleeding or otherwise gross, and ultimately touches down again, although some distance away.  "Who… what is that?"  His accent is sibilant and musical, and his tone is more than a little nervous.

Daniel Osborn has posed:
    "Afraid not," Oz says.  "If only Willow was here.  Maybe I could take pictures?" he offers.  "Oh, I'm Oz, by the way."

Free Lancer has posed:
    "A dead thing, that never really lived," comes the armored woman's response.  "Sorcery was never my strong suit unfortunately, this is well beyond me."  And a kick delivered to the wooden thing, for good measure.  "Well met then, Oz.  They call me the Free Lancer, it seems nom de guerre is the norm for those fighting behind a mask these days?"  And a glance offered towards Kían.  "And you sir, your name?"

Kian t'Kaeh has posed:
    Kían jerks like he's poked with a pin.  "If it isn't alive, how was it moving?" the little birdman asks, eyes wide.  "I… don't wear a mask.  I am just Kían."  And he bows slightly.

Daniel Osborn has posed:
    Oz offers a smile to both of them, leaning forward, gently lifting the wooden thing carefully.  He takes out his phone and snaps several detailed pictures of the various runes and markings, making sure to get as clear an image each time as possible for Willow to study later.  Then he takes a small vial from his pocket, it looks like nothing more than water, but it is, in fact, holy water.  He dips a finger in it and rubs it on the wood, wondering if he'll get a reaction out of it, certain types of magic will have negative reactions to holy water, after all.  "Animated object," he says.  "A puppet, or a marionette, someone was pulling its strings.  There are plenty of spells for animating inanimate objects."  He stands up once he's done with his tests, having put everything away again.

Free Lancer has posed:
    The holy water sizzles, like water on a hot pan before… FWOOMF the whole figure erupts into flames.  It's sudden enough for even everyone's favorite sword maiden to step away and snap her gaze around.  "Wow, ungodly thing.  Seen this like before, but made of stone or iron.  This is a pauper's puppet perhaps, or preferred for the ease of manufacture?  Not many stone workers anymore, none I know of who still work with iron."  Stepping away from the direction of the smoke.
    "It will bring me great pleasure to slay the fool in any case, this is magic most foul it would appear.  Their manner speaks volumes as to their intent, and I really just can not bring myself to spare a coward."  Shaking her head slowly.  "I rather expected a dead man, to be frank."

Kian t'Kaeh has posed:
    "c'Rhys'yw!"  Kían brings his wings down sharply and touches down about three meters behind where he had been standing.  "What is that?  Why did it burst into flame?  Who are you two?"

Daniel Osborn has posed:
    Oz nods slowly, having cleared the thing before it could burst into flame when the holy water started sizzling.  "You and me both," he says, when she mentions expecting a dead man.  He turns to Kían, sighing.  "It's dark magic," he says, simply.  "Holy water proved that."  He offers Kían a smile, still showing he's no threat.  He turns back to Free Lancer with a half shrug.  "I know someone who might be able to find out more on whatever magic that was, if that'd help," he says.

Free Lancer has posed:
    "I'm the Free Lancer, A Knightess from very far away."  That big greatsword splits neatly in two, shrinking and losing it's distinctive shape, until all that's left is a pair of bone white… well, needles really.  "He's an archer, with arcane friends."  And a nod towards Oz, because she's ever so helpful isn't she?  "Well, if you find the man responsible before I do, make sure you make it last.  Fellow who sends puppets off to do his bidding, he deserves a slow humiliating death."

Kian t'Kaeh has posed:
    Kían does not come nearer.  "No one deserves to die," he breathes quietly, paling slightly.  "They deserve to learn better."  He glances briefly at the stick figure.  "Is… was that alive?"

Daniel Osborn has posed:
    Oz shakes his head. "Never alive," he says.  He does not voice his opinions either way on death, he's had enough experiences to just keep his mouth shut, but he does offer a hand to Kían.  "I don't plan to kill anyone," he says.  "I'm just a werewolf who happens to know a witch who's wicked good at research, that's all," he offers a half shrug.

Free Lancer has posed:
    That gets a bit of a look from the Lancer.  "I think perhaps your optimism in mankind is misplaced, men are ugly and dangerous things at times.  The garden must be plucked of its weeds, if it is to prosper."  As casual as can be.  "Why is it every werewolf I've met is friends with a witch or a vampire or some other thing.  You're never alone it seems, pack instinct perhaps?"  And well as if the sabre toothed wolf skull she's wearing wasn't a clue, she seems genuinely curious really.  "I've met a few wolves, and all had a veritable cornucopia of friends."

Kian t'Kaeh has posed:
    Kían takes one cautious step closer, but does not offer his hand in return.  "I am beginning to think I should wear a warning sign.  I am a telepath, Oz.  If I take your hand, I will not be able to stay out of your mind."
    He steps back again, as if having just realized he'd moved closer.  Staring at the stick man again, he asks—quite sensibly, he thinks—"Wait, if it was never alive, how was it moving?"

Daniel Osborn has posed:
    Oz considers Kían's words, but does not lower his hand.  He has nothing to hide, after all.  "It was a spell," he says, simply.  He turns to Free Lancer with a slight smile and a chuckle.  "Could be something like that.  I have a few friends."

Free Lancer has posed:
    "Well save yourself and don't touch me then, goodness."  Sheathing those needles idly, before taking just one extra step back for safety's sake.  "Think of that thing like a magic robot, or a Xombie.  The Haitian voodoo sort, not the movie sort.  These are old ways, forgotten mostly."

Kian t'Kaeh has posed:
    "Robot, I understand," Kían says mildly, still staring at it as if he expects it to move.  "I don't know what a voodoo or a Haitian is.  I apologize for interfering.  I think you know what you're doing more than I do… I just… reacted.  I don't even know why."

Daniel Osborn has posed:
    Oz lowers his hand finally, but offers a smile.  "It's okay," he says.  After all, that would be the natural thing to do in any situation like that.  He seems to understand what Free Lancer is saying about the magic though, with a slight nod.  He turns to her, eying her mask curiously.  He wonders where it came from, why that theme in particular, but he doesn't ask.  It would explain why she was so curious about him, though.

Free Lancer has posed:
    "Because you have a good heart, no need to apologize."  And with that, well.  She steps away once more, before turning.  "In any case gentlemen, it's been a distinct pleasure.  Feel free to flag me down in the future if you see me about, yes?  Unfortunately, I've places to be."  And well with that, she gives her cape a little tug to straigthen it before she's off.  Casually strolling away, in armor and all.

Kian t'Kaeh has posed:
    Kían bows towards Free Lancer.  "Well, I will feel better for making the apology, at least," he says.
    He takes a couple hesitant steps towards the stick figure, looking like he's ready to bolt into the air at the slightest movement.  "Every time I think this world has hit its maximum weirdness, I find I am wrong…."

Daniel Osborn has posed:
    Oz laughs, with a smile toward Kían, lifting a hand to wave at the departing Free Lancer.  "This is a strange world," he says, "but it's home.  Pleasure, Kían.  Unless you'd like to meditate…."  He leaves the rest unsaid, but chuckles, then closes his eyes.