8198/A mysterious meeting.

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A mysterious meeting.
Date of Scene: 06 July 2019
Location: The Batcave
Synopsis: Damian and Bruce discuss an upcoming undercover mission.
Cast of Characters: Robin (Wayne), Batman

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
Damian is in the training hall by himself the holographic technology mostly off other then one thing. There was a man had on a purple Gi on, and a black belt around it, the man was pretty large about six feet, but much more muscled then normal thug. Damian is kicking, and striking, but it is wierd a bit slopy as he copies from memory from what he saw. He could not fight with it, but it helped him to go through the motions to think about who made it, and why. He got the feeling it was old, and definetly had the fast percision it was bassed of a form of ninja.

Damian also seemed to be wearing a different outfit from his normal Robin suit. It looked a bit more basic, though Bruce would know the outfit well, as League of Assassins. He had the blade, and bow though they were not out as he moved striking the image over, and over, attached to his hip an all white mask that looks like it would cover his face though there is tech inside of it.

Batman has posed:
Anyone who has been at Wayne Manor longer than a day knows Bruce maintains a strict exercise regime. Sunday morning is a thirty minute jog followed by thirty minutes in meditation. Given the warm weather, he's taken to having the jogs around the grounds rather than on the treadmill. Still, when it's time to meditate he prefers the calming gloom of the Batcave to the great outdoors. As he enters in unmarked grey sweats, towel draped about his neck, he pauses to look at Damian critically in his League gear: "Undercover work?" His sharp, detective's mind pulling apart even the faintest threads and knitting them all together into the most logical conclusion.

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
Damian stops striking the hologram and turns shaking his head, "I am, whoever this is... Not in Gotham." he turns again, "Computer... armed opponient blade." and takes a form Bruce would know well it as it look more like a fencing form ment to strike fast and very fataly. "I have put as much tech in the mask as I dare, but I must use League traditions despite how much of a step back it is." noting the out fit.

He doesn't stop, but continue the combination of youth, and purpose pushing the computer simulation back with percise strikes. If nothing is said there will be silence before he continues, "I think you have enough Robins now. My absence will not be detremental." he adds without any real feeling one way or the other to it.

Batman has posed:
"Don't need the tech," Bruce says flatly, crossing his arms and watching the training simulator in silence for a moment, "You've been trained to use your five senses. Use them."

Bruce, it would seem, is of the belief that if you're going to go undercover then go deep. The talk of 'enough Robins' is considered for a moment, and then he adds: "Kestrel. She needs to improve and could use the experience." It is an admittedly odd feeling to see Damian not so attached to the Robin identity as he always was. Bruce might even consider it distancing himself, if he didn't recognize the underlying positives of the move.

"What's the mission?"

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
Damian nods, to him in agreement though looks forward, "The tech is a tool to amplify ourself not replace it. The leauge is higher tech then many believe, as you know, though tradition says to hide it from the outsiders." he stops. and nods. "Though sound advice best followed. Pause Program." he says right before the hologram stabbed him as Damian isn't fighting back. "I would have a hard time even if it was Nightwing, I am small people find it disarming. Others may break them of this illusion." he sighs a bit thinking about it, "Speaking of which you might have an issue." he adds with grabbing a drink "Nothing serious, but Nightwing was out of position after Spoiler moved unpredictably. Her I expect some growing pains, but Nightwing shouldn't of done that."

He smiles just a little after a pause leaning a bit on the wall thinking about things, "It is actually simple, there is a group moving into Gotham called the Purple Dragons. They know stuff they shouldn't and people are getting moved." he shakes his head, "Nothing illeagle, but there is something behind it I see the organization too clean, and disapears when ya look to hard." he takes another drink talking this much was rough though this was his one chance to explain so when he came back others know he did this on purpose. "I go in acting like league, let them know Gotham is off limits. One does not mearly steal Al Ghul territory."

Batman has posed:
Bruce's mouth quirks slightly at the comment about the tech, but says nothing of it. The notes on Damian's brother causes him to raise his eyebrows, listening but not adding any thoughts of his own. Of course, he'll note it but Dick has been playing by his own songbook since before there was a Robin. He trusts him, but if he's making mistakes then he had either get to learning from them or fix whatever is causing them. He files it away mentally, resolving to investigate later.

The story of the undercover mission causes him to visibly frown. Gotham is his teritory, and that should be enough to ward off these intruders. He cannot help but let his mind drift to an issue that has been plaguing him more and more in recent years. They know he doesn't kill. A number of them take it for granted. He dismisses the intrusion as quickly as it came, turning his attention back to his son: "Viable solution. And if they keep pressing regardless? What's Plan B?"

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
Damian shakes his head, "If they do not wish to discuss terms, then they do it for three reasons. One of them lead to me walking right out the way I came.." he doesn't finish the rest just thinking about the other two with a frown. He gives a shrug, "Either way the outcome is in our favor as the offending party would be the League." he thinks a moment, "And if they come back at Gotham directly, that also plays into our hands."

Damian pushes off the wall, "It isn't that we can't defend Gotham from them, but if we can get them to fight internally it will allow us easier access to both of them. I am trying to solve the issue, before it falls to a Bat issue." he tries to explain only to shake his head, and shrug.

Batman has posed:
"I don't have any concerns about invasive elements," comes Bruce's curt reply, lifting the towel to dab a sheen of sweat from his brow, "I've been holding the city against those for years. The Mafia. The Maggia. The League." A pointed look at Damian, "My concern is that, if they don't toe the line, you'll take injudicious action. That's not who we are."

Still, after giving it some thought the Bat appears to have given the operation his blessing, "You'll make the right call. This is your case. What else do you need to make it work?"

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
Damian nods, "There is no good moves for them. That is the point." he nods to him, and to the second part he doesn't seem to answer. "Oh, I assure you I will do things that you will not want to hear, but.. I will do what I can." the best he can offer as the situation would be rather flux, and one must act freely in that situation. He stops, and thinks about the offer not sure what to request though knowing there could be quite a few requests one could make.

Finally he shakes his head, "Not at this point, but it is early. I have tracked my way in as Penquin, but I needed to find Harley first. She is a wild card that if I can convince will get me in the door." he shakes his head at that. "Thankfully I have a carrot." he stops thinking some more.. "The less I bring from Wayne the easier it is to get back to the League if all things go bad. Though that is only true until I need external proof, when that happends if I need assistance I will ask."

Batman has posed:
Bruce simply nods his head, taking in everything. One of his most prominent traits is how sometimes he seems to be not even listening, but those who know him are well aware of how he works. He hears everything he is told. Remembers it all with perfect, unmuddied clarity. He files it all away to be recalled later, or to simply remain within the vault of his mind never to be revisited. But his silence is telling, and if he's drawn his own conclusions he keeps them to himself.

"Carrot? A deal?"

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
Damian nods, "Information, actually the same group. Would not want to be those Purple Dragons." he shakes his head at that one picturing what an angry Harley would do to Gang members. It follows the rules he is not killing anyone, nor is she allowing her to hurt people who are doing nothing what happened after that was not up to him. He suddenly remembers, and looks over, "Almost forgot talked to an Agent May" he stops giving a puzzled look, "I think we actually got along, though she gave me a USB which I put into the Batcomputer. Information on a lady that they lost thought might end up here." he checks his mind for anything else, "Finally Q, if you haven't talked to him you should. In my locker is his notebook, if I do not return in a week give it to him." he turns looking at the door, then back, "Anything else?"

Batman has posed:
Bruce would chide any outside technology interfacing with the Batcomputer without his say-so, but he knows May well enough to appreciate that she has no malicious intent. At least not direct at the BatFamily. He'll review that information tonight before he goes on patrol, as he does with the sheer deluge of data pouring into their servers on a regular basis. He removes the towel, turns it over in his hands and then drapes it over one shoulder rather than both. The meaning of the gesture lost as he shakes his head: "No. Use the dead drops for communication if you need anything. Understood?"

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
Damian waves back with a nod to aknowledge he heard Bruce, and keeps moving away. He had a lot to do, and things would move quickly as he still needed to mix some posions for later which he has not done in a while. He doesn't say goodbye, as he wasn't wired that way sucess through precision that was his way. He would find whoever is behind this, secure Gotham, and move to the next level of guardianship in his own mind. He does stop for just a moment, and looks back at Bruce, he adds in a calm tone, "I know it may seem like I am moving away." he looks down for a moment then up again, "But I am not going to be another Batman, I am going to be better then him." and with that turns leaving to do what he feels he must.