823/Breaking and Entering

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Breaking and Entering
Date of Scene: 06 June 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Ravager, Deathstroke

Ravager has posed:
Rose Wilson approaches the safehouse quietly, and smiles as she stands at the front door, putting her hands on her hips. She looks around at the woods again, maybe thinking about the isolated locale or the atmosphere or the squirrel who runs by. Either way, she returns her gaze back to the door and jimmies it expertly, using her trained skills at breaking into lockers at the Club to her advantage.

Pushing open the door, she flops a sack down onto the wood floor and shines her flashlight around at the weapons and equipment in the hidden bunker. She's not that quiet, but since it's night-time, she doesn't seem to care very much and starts grabbing a few things here and there to load into her pack, without Dad's permission, of course. She is dressed in her full leather outfit and points one of the guns she is looking over, "Bang," she says.

Deathstroke has posed:
Maybe it's fate, or maybe it's just bad luck on Rose's part that Slade Wilson is very much "in the neighborhood" of this particular cache on the far outskirts of the city. Whether he was already headed here or not, he certainly got alerted when the silent alarm tripped, and made his way here with all due haste. So as Rose is wrapping up her little thieving spree, Slade appears in the doorway, peering inside and growling:

"Just what the hell do you think you're doing?"

Ravager has posed:
Rose Wilson cusses out loud as her father discovers her theaft and she scoffs, "What? What do you mean...? I'm not doin' anythin'," she explains with a disappointed tone. She stops zipping up the pack and straightens up, putting her hands on her hips in consideration. "I was just...getting a backup...gun..." she tries to explain to him.

Deathstroke has posed:
Slade Wilson says, "These weapons don't belong to you, Rose, and I don't recall telling you you could raid my caches whenever you choose. Thought you were a merc, not a thief." Slade glances around briefly and notes, "And you took more than just one gun. You've got a fair number of weapons yourself, what do you need the extra firepower for?"

Ravager has posed:
Rose Wilson motions to the pack, "C'mon...I'm just...borrowing--" she begins, "We share, right? We totally share," she explains. She then sighs, "I need guns to kill these guys," she begins her little story, "Yeah they're totally jackasses who need to die, right? I mean, some /other/ guys wouldn't mind it so they asked The Ravager for a hand. That's me," she says and then smiles mischeviously at her codename, "Yeah it's a f**** quick job. I mean, I thought you wouldn't even notice losing a few guns. For a little while."

Deathstroke has posed:
"I might be inclined to share when you -ask first-." Slade notes, his tone more annoyed than actually angry. "Anything you lose or break you replace. And you leave the suppressed MP5SD2. I like that one. The Glock 21 and the G36C you can take." Because of course Slade uses all the proper names for the various weapons. "Who is it you're contracted to kill?"

Ravager has posed:
Rose Wilson rolls her eyes and replies quickly, "Yeah well, I knew you'd come up with some f**** rules for me to follow," she mutters disappointed, "Fine," she finally tells him and plops the guns he desperately wants back into their place. "Some guy named Colonel Fedor Singh in Cuba."

Deathstroke has posed:
"Who's hired you for that job? And how did you plan to get to Cuba?" Slade frowns a bit, not at all affected by her petulance over rules being handed down, "You also said guys...plural. Who are the other marks?" His tone is...about as casual as Slade ever gets with anyone who isn't Wintergreen, but he's definitely curious, "Singh's low-hanging fruit. You can probably handle the job, but he wasn't on my radar as someone that someone else wanted dead that badly."

Ravager has posed:
Rose Wilson names off a couple military men similiar to the one she's already told Slade about, then she names off a couple more, then a couple more and their aides, "Yeah, these rebel guys are pretty...passionate," she explains and nods conclusively about the whole thing, as if it's already been decided and everybody's dead, a bloody mess. "Yeah, these guys want to send a message too. They want everybody f****** filled with lead. And their compound set on fire---oh but not blown up. Oh no no, they want their bodies recovered I think," she explains.

Deathstroke has posed:
"Be careful getting entangled with causes. Make sure they pay up front and demand a little extra for the heat the Cuban government might throw on you once the job's done." Slade adds, "And if they need it messy that's fine, but kill them quick. Be a professional, not a psycho." He doesn't seem to be having any inclination to STOP her from taking the job, but Slade, as always, is filled with the sage wisdom of being the world's pre-eminent mercenary-assassin.

Ravager has posed:
Rose Wilson gives a few nods as Slade gives her some advice, "Oh right, yeah okay," she mutters dispassionately as he tells her this and that, "It's no problem, don't worry. The Ravager can do it quick and as professional as anybody," she explains about herself in the third person. She puts her hand on her hip as she considers the Cuban government, "I think they'll be in for it if they f**** try to get at me," she huffs.

Deathstroke has posed:
"Don't be stupid, Rose. Cuba can afford to hire mercs to hit back at you as easy as anyone, and they've got enough money that they can afford good ones, even metahumans, not counting the few they already have on their government payroll." He adds, "You're not the worst I've seen, but you've got a long way to go, and there are operators out there that could still take you out if you're not careful, lucky, or both."

Ravager has posed:
Rose Wilson picks up the pack and hefts it over her shoulder, then smirks, but doesn't know what to say to his doom and gloom scenario, "Yeah well," she begins, "I can handle it," she explains. She stops and thinks about operators and other stupid stuff that could ruin things, "Operators that could take me out? Really?" she comments, "I don't think these guys will have the resources."

Deathstroke has posed:
Slade fixes Rose with his good eye, a stare that practically screams "Are you REALLY that naive?" without actually saying it. "That depends on who hears the message the Rebels are sending, and how they react to it." Slade shrugs, "Best case scenario, Raul Castro hires me or someone good enough to take out the rebel leaders in a few weeks and it all goes away. We'll see. I'll find you when you get back, I suppose."

Ravager has posed:
Rose Wilson sighs, "No Dad!" she lets out, "Stop overreacting! God!" she adds, "Besides, nobody's come at me yet. And if they do, I can /handle/ it," she explains, "I can handle it, god," she adds again. She takes a breath and says, "Yeah fine, find me when I get back. Okay fine."

Deathstroke has posed:
"This isn't even close to overreacting, Rose. I haven't stopped you, have I?" Slade steps aside to allow her to pass back out the door. "I'm just telling you that you need to look at the potential repercussions of your contracts before you accept them. Work the angles out in your head. Look beyond just the paycheck that's being offered. Even I get revenge-seekers after me from time-to-time, and while most of them are just annoyances, the smart ones can be a real pain in the ass that screw things up at the worst possible time. Just be mindful."

Ravager has posed:
Rose Wilson smirks a little at first and opens her mouth to retort like a whiney teenager, but she doesn't, "I've thought about it," she explains to him. She carries the bag out the door, "I can handle it," she repeats again, but it's unknown how much of her homework she's really done. I guess she'll find out if she's really prepared after all.