8492/Undercurrents: Three Strikes

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Undercurrents: Three Strikes
Date of Scene: 24 July 2019
Location: MD12 Warehouse, Metropolis
Synopsis: Lex Luthor, Stockholm and The Darkness assault the base of operations for the MD12 leadership in Metropolis. The sky lights up with a warning of what's to come.
Thanks to: Lex Luthor, Stockholm, The Darkness
Cast of Characters: Aquaman, Lex Luthor, Darkness, Stockholm
Tinyplot: Undercurrents

Aquaman has posed:
MD12 is one of the three major drug importers in Metropolis. The market is shared by MD12, the Maggia and the Magic Triad. These three feed all mid- and lower-tier drug gangs of note. With global connections of different sorts, they act as the effective heads of their respective gangs in the city. MD12 itself is a Brazilian/Peruvian narco-death gang. Their senior people have all come to America after stints in South American jails. They have prominent MD12 tattoos, often on faces, foreheads of the backs of hands. That tattoo always stands out from the rest of their ink. Membership is for life and they compete in the global drug market based on two primary advantages; a broad and tight community, and complete savagery.

In Metropolis, the gang operates across the full vertical space. They have street dealers, mid-level dealers for neighbourhoods and finally, Diabo at the top with his men. Diabo's crew operates out of a large warehouse near the container port in Metropolis. The building is located next to, ironically, a warehouse for a major online retailer. It operates 24/7 receiving, preparing and shipping orders. On the other side is Coren Chemicals, a mid-sized importer of chemicals used in pharmaceuticals. Coren Chemicals is owned, not surprisingly, by a Brazilian business magnate.

To the north is the container port itself, with row upon row of shipping containers stacked four high.

The MD12 building is a huge warehouse. It is wired and plumbed off the city grid and has no independent power supply. The warehouse is surrounded by a high fence topped with razor wire. Camera coverage of the concrete warehouse lot is complete. It is well lit and tidy for a warehouse with direct port access. The inside of the warehouse has been modified. A second floor has been added over one section, and it seems Diabo and some of his men live there. They certainly do business from there. The truck bay are under that part of the building. The main area has three metal walkways that span it and metal walkways around the perimeter. FLIR suggests these are used by armed guards to oversee work below, which lately has been non-stop. Thirty or so people work in the large space at tables and makeshift workbenches. With the recent events in New York, there are a lot more MD12 onsite than usual. The area inside the truck bays has five people in it. The front office area has the same. There are five roaming the gangways above the main area. And there are about 20 people on the second floor. Eight seem to be in some kind of meeting, while the rest are sitting around in various rooms.

Observations from the satellite and surveillance by the team beforehand suggests the MD12 people have armed up. Typically there had been a mix of handguns and a few assault rifles in the building. Now, everyone other than the eight in the meeting seem to be carrying assault rifles. Whether they know how to use them or not is another question. Criminals are not usually know for their aim. Previous experiences and news stories suggest there will be a lot of knives as well. They tend to like knives.

Lex Luthor has posed:
With everyone on the ground team wired into the warsuit sensors via wrist tablets, it would be easy to pick off resistance. Thanks to recon, they knew exactly how and where to cut the lights, and where to hit first. The ground team was false flagged (though they had night vision goggles and other standard support gear), but the support team around the building had snipers on each side of the building, covering all exits, and they had equipment to get inside quickly if possible.

Not that Lex expects this attack to go badly, with Jackie here. He had high hopes for the mafia enforcer, and was eager to see him in action.

Lex himself was out of sight a block away, multitasking as only he could with the sensors and communication gear.... and once everyone was in place, Lex brought up the operations network, designating initial targets with his mind. Then... "Support team, cut power, take out cameras and lights, set jammers and take out snipers. The only people who should be able to talk are us. Soon as the lights are out ground team, you have a go. Remember, any lights you see are priority one to be snuffed out. We want as much darkness as possible."

A couple seconds pass as the teams set up their breaches, "Ground team, you go as soon as the power goes out. You have a go."

As soon as the patrols are about to switch out to give the teams a few precious seconds to do their takedowns quick... "Support team, you have a go."

Hopefully they won't need to bring in the technological heavy hitters.... but Lex had prepared a heavy armored response if something came up, including himself.

Darkness has posed:
Say what you will about organized crime, there's always room for aggressive protions from within. These kinds of power struggles and turf wars are key to turnover among the more fraternal of career criminals. Jackie understands that all too well. Loyalty is important. As is a paycheck but in the end, it rarely goes with you... which leaves one Jackie Estacado in a recent evolution, so to speak. Looking for direction, for inspiration, for growth.

He may have found it. Of course, it will be at the cost of others. Isn't it always?

Given a team of tactically intelligent soldiers isan interesting thing for a man used to working on his own or with his own. These unknowns, while accepted as the tools of the trade, are left untrusted. Unconcerned for the men under his charge, Jackie listens to radio chatter with only half the interest one would expect or demand from a strike team leader.

"As much darkness as possible." He chuckles under a breath before taking a final deag off his cigarette. Leaving his jacket draped over a bus stop bench, the light above long since burnt out, he watches as men move through the night like well oiled machines. Practiced. Unified. Professional. Unbuttoning his collar, the contract killer makes his approach. Tie pulled loose, his face twists into the visage of a man he killed not twenty minutes ago. The facial tattoos bleeding to the surface as he forces his very flesh to mimic his intended targets.

"-One of us. One of us.-"
"-One of them, you mean?-"
"-One of a kind, baby! You know the boss!-"

Mishappen shapes, goblin like creatures skirting the shadows in his wake chiming in as Jackie temporarily disguises himself as their prey. Approaching the warehouse, he can't help but chuckle as lights go out.

One. By. One.

"You know the score, boys. Nobody out." That said, Jackie Estacado, wreathed in the form of an MD12 street corner pusher, approaches the front freaking doors.

Aquaman has posed:
The lights go out and there is movement inside. Admirably, the hesitation from the guards is minimal. Anyone with good thermal optics with see the men in the front and rear spread and hunker down. The men on the gantries kneel down where they are. There seems to be some consternation in the meeting room judging by the agitated movement, but the guards waste little time. Most start moving for the stairwell, some for the meeting room.

If there are any transmissions, it doesn't matter and it is impossible to tell. Jamming works by drowning it out, after all. But certainly nothing is getting out.

The lights at Coren and the package warehouse flicker but come back on. Nothing really changes at the package warehouse, other than the addition of the loud sound of generators. Nothing at all appears to change at Coren.

Lex Luthor has posed:
"Support team, take down perimeter guards, clear the way." Lex barks over the commnet, his concern mainly for keeping an eye for active reinforcements coming out. "Ground team, push in. You're going to want defensive positions for the guards incoming."

Darkness has posed:
What once was a tall, dark and handsome gentleman has become bit of a a short, squat latino stereotype. Complete with too many tattoos, white undershirt and black denim shorts. The Darklings, hideous little ghouls that they are, are nowhere to be found. Having faded like smoke into the abyss they come from. Leaving Jackie to his own devices. Humming cheerily enough to himself, he approaches the most obvious entrance. The gate to the fence. Warehouse beyond in his sights. Taking a wrinkled paper bag from out of nowhere, he's got what looks like a greasy takeout bag. Let the seasoned military squad do their manuevers and plays. Jackie, from the occupation of mafia contract killing, employs his own style. Forward. Brutish. Soon to be spectacularly violent.

Stockholm has posed:
Stockholm takes jobs, all sorts of jobs, and this job is one of those maybe moving on up sort of jobs. Maybe it is a getting shot job though and she is wrong about it all. In any regard she is here posing as one of the Ground Team decked out in the finest of Magic Triad disguises, which is a great excuse to cover her face in a culturally appropriated manner.

Not to say she isn't strapped though, because she is definitely packing two advanced high caliber pistols on her rig and an automatic rifle with suppressor in her hands. The wrist tablet is barely visible out of the cuff of the jacket she is wearing over the body armor she brought. She doesn't intend to end up gut shot on this job really.

When Lex gives the order for the ground team to move in she perks up "Excellent." and then pauses watching Jackie for a moment as he .. does his thing over yonder. Then the young woman just shakes her head and starts to move in with the rest of the tactical team. Ducking through the very fast professional cut one of them did in the fence.

Once through the fence though Stockholm breaks a little more to the left from the others. she is letting the trained soldiers do their thing. Really she is hoping to loop around towards the side of the warehouse and seems confident enough on her own. Which maybe she is as she is moving with practiced precision, eyes on the target building and gun up as she moves like a professional ready to show off how well she can shoot.

Aquaman has posed:
There is no obvious reactions outside the MD12 building as people approach. The people in the online retailer warehouse go about their business in the next lot over, quite some distance.

If Lex is patched into the switched telephone system and the local switching hubs for internet providers, he will notice that an alarm has been sent out from Coren. Someone is trying to call in but the line just rings.

Lex Luthor has posed:
Lex is indeed monitoring local telecommunications, and when the alert pops up on his HUD, Lex brings up the local grid in a PIP. "Alarm just went out. We have ten minutes to handle this." Lex informs the operations channel.

On the ground, the Ground Team begins to move into the warehouse perimeter, moving from cover to cover. Once they're in range for quick and silent kills on the perimeter security, Lex tags targets... and the support and Ground Teams start opening fire with suppressors, trying to take down hostiles. Watching the exchange, "Ground 6 and 7, move to flank on either side, take them down while they're pinned."

Darkness has posed:
Jackie Estacado, professional that he is, has a flair for the dramatic. Call it a passion for excellence. Really, he's just a show-off. The reviled and feared hitman, wreathed in the guise of another man entirely, cheerily approaches the warehouse with a bounce in his step. That paper bag in his hand? He tosses it upward, the heft in the greasy paper bag shifting and landing with a meaty thud and a muffled curse on the edge of the roof. Darklings come in all shapes and sizes, you see.

As the ground team circles and draws the proverbial noose tight, Jackie finds himself at the front door. With a heavy heel, he kicks the door inward. Already shouting as he enters, drawing a nickel plated Glock in a familiar pull. Smooth. Easy. Practiced since before he could drive.

"The Magic Triad want a bigger cut! They want YOUR cut!" Quick and observant, he takes in his surroundings... making quite the easy target while he's at it.

Stockholm has posed:
Woof. Okay things are heating up over the comms. Stockholm puts on some speed, leaping over some of the random crap one finds in a dockside warehouse and moving towards the back of the building even as the ground team is told to flank.

Honestly Julia is hoping to come in the back and light them up that way but there is a lot of ground to cover.

The way she covers it is pretty impressive, fast, low, trying to stick to the shadows and keep her gun up in case she runs into any of the MD12.

Aquaman has posed:
There is nobody outside to target or take out. No security outside the building. And no cover to use. The lot is just bare concrete surrounded by fence.

As soon as Jackie starts to open the door, the assault rifle fire begins. Not even fully sure of where he is, the five guards open fire into the door. The sound is ridiculous in the small space of the front office area. The MD12 men are using old unusued wooden desks for cover, but really it is difficult to see anything amid the flashes of gunfire. Beyond them is a door into the warehouse proper.

Anyone with thermals will see the workers in the middle of the warehouse are on the move toward the back of the warehouse in a big group. Bay doors open and they start to spill out onto the concrete running for the unlocked rear fence. The eight men from upstairs and most of their guards disappear into the big heat bloom that is the drug workers.

Lex Luthor has posed:
As soon as the door opens and Jackie basically turns himself into a giant target on the sensors, Lex takes on an amused smirk in his armor. "Excellent distraction."

The Ground Team meanwhile gets into position on either side of the door Jackie just opened, and wait for the gunfire to stop. Once it comes down to a minimum and it becomes clear Jackie just drew their fire, a frag grenade is tossed inside the door by one of the soldiers. Over the commnet, the soldier whispers, "fire in the hole."

A few seconds later, and the soldiers start to walk by the door one at a time, taking shots at those inside as they use Jackie as living cover, before ducking back out of sight.

It's a slow, methodical assault. Since rushing in is a bad idea and Jackie is taking the hits... they're grinding down the defense.

Darkness has posed:
It's like a surprise birthday party. Happy Birthday, Jackie! BULLETS! Just your size too. He barely had time to even get the words out before the assault rifles started shredding him into meat confetti. "Hua-aaahahahaHAHAHAHA!" In the age of the superman, this sort of display can be met with jaded stares. When bullets bounce. The show the gunmen recieve is not nearly as flashy. The guise of an MD12 thug is ripped to pieces. Blood and black, tar like splatter frame the doorway as Jackie falls to a knee. Brief as it may be.

The Darkness asserts itself. The black, oil like spatter congealing like a web on concrete and steel. Tendrils of shadow human hair thin race outward, seeking targets. Then it hits.

BOOM. A snarling roar escapes the mangled mess of flesh and shadow that vaguely holds the shape of a man. The grenade was... not pleasant.

Stockholm has posed:
"Son of a bitch... the workers and leaders are pulling a rabbit out the back door." and Stockholm skids shedding the speed she was running with and ends her slide keeping the side of the warehouse as partial cover. She lets her automatic rifle drop to the sling and quickdraws those two fancy pistols and opens fire with just one of them, indiscriminately into the fleeing warehouse workers and MD12 gang members.

Though really it is their lucky day, that particular gun is loaded with tranqs. The unfired one, not so much. She is reserving that for when someone decides to shoot back and out themselves.

Aquaman has posed:
The men in the front reception area were prepared for many things but they expected people to die when shot. There is a lot of swearing in Portugese and then clips run dry. The grenade was also unexpected. Two voices yell in pain, and start swearing. The other men reload their clips and fire at Jackie more. Their aim is not the best and increasing rage at the horror in front of them does not help. Bullets rip through the walls around the door as well. One of the support team members takes a bullet in the leg and another in the vest, taking the wind out of him for a moment. Still the action of the team grinds them down and soon the room is quiet. All but one of the men disappeared behind their cover. One man, visible only from the waist down, moans loudly.

Tranqs fly into the group of bodies as they come out of the loading men. Five people are hit, stumble a few steps and fall to the ground. The others keep running toward the back fence yelling in Portugese.

Lex Luthor has posed:
A nearby team member pulls the sniper out of line of sight, and takes the rifle up. "Support 6 hit, Support 7 taking position." Support 7 isn't a crack shot like his partner... but he's good enough to tag targets with the sensor data the warsuit provides.

Meanwhile, the Ground Team starts to advance inside, two soldiers keep cover on either side of the doorway, shooting anyone that pops out of their cover, while two move in and around Jackie, heading inside as they leapfrog into more cover.

As the ones in back start to run towards the back fence, Lex frowns slightly, "Stockholm, tranq as many of the runners as you can, but the priority is neutralizing resistance inside to get to the Hook."

Darkness has posed:
Bones crack, skin hangs loose and blood drizzles off shattered, darkness animated remains. Croaking out a single word, one of the Ground Team, trying to keep his lunch down at the sight of the man before him... flips the light switch.

God help anyone with night vision. It's instantaneous. The dark and shadow is filled with -creatures-. Disturbing, ghoulish beasts with needle fangs, baleful glowing eyes and giddly grins as if the violence before them was a gift for Christmas morning. The man flips the switch back up, startled. Before him was a mangled mess. Now? Pristine. Whole. Jackie. Smoothing that ebon hair from his face, he lets out a contented sigh while buttoning his collar once more. Not a speck of blood or bone marrow on that crisp, white button down shirt or black slacks. "Boys. Watch the corners." Stepping away from the doorway now, The Darkness among them, oil slick black tendrils of the void search along the floors and walls. Up. Up. Toward the catwalks. Hunting guards with slithering, eel-like horrors in the dark. "And mind the shadows." He says while taking out a new pack of menthol cigarettes before chiming in over comms.

"Sweeping. How many survivors you want? What's worse? That question or that I had to ask it?"

Stockholm has posed:
Stockholm notes helpfully there. "Will do. It sounds exciting inside. Is it exciting. Someone better be recording this for me." still she doesn't forget the mission objective that she seems to be the only one who is on top of.

She starts to hmmm to herself. o/~ Why... are there so many.. song's about rainbows... and what's on the other side? o/~ as she slams a fresh clip into the pistol loaded with tranqs and continues to fire into the fleeing workers and gang members.

o/~ Have you heard voices? I've heard them calling my name. o/~ which is about the point she fires a few times with her other pistol for good measure.

"How is it going in there?"

Okay maybe she is a bit unstable.

Aquaman has posed:
The Ground Team moves in. One of the lead members cuts the pie around a desk and is rewarded with a spray of gunfire and Portugese curses from someone on ground who is very much still alive. The Ground Team member returns fire but gets knocked back against the wall when he takes a few rounds in his tactical vest.

Then the lights flare on and off. And the screaming begins in the front office. Swearing in Portugese from other men on the ground, injured but ready to take more with them. And in English from the Ground Team member who was pushed deep into the shadows by the hits to his vest.

The men on the gantries go down one by one. They cannot see the darkness creeping toward them and it might be a mercy. They scream, fall with a burst of gunfire and go silent. The remaining shout. It happens again. And again. The last runs instead of shouting but it does not save him.

The group running toward the back fence is catching the floodlights of the port now. Some are clearly drug workers, others are clearly gang members. It is difficult to count them in the bad light and bustle. The first hits the gate and starts to swing it open.

That is little comfort to the unlucky. Six go down to tranqs. Another two go down gurgling blood.

Lex Luthor has posed:
"This is a 'Magic Triad' hit. They're unpredictable. Take down resistance, leave the rest." Lex informs the team, "if you want to toy with your victims, go for it, but leave a couple alive so they can spread the word."

As the Ground Team moves in, one of the others moves to get the hit squad member out of the way, "Got another hit in here, taking care of it." the squad member notes. Meanwhile, Lex is scanning those leaving. "Ground Team, take some of the Hook supply, then plant the bomb on all of it. I want the entire supply torched." Lex orders as he watches the Darklings on sensors.


Darkness has posed:
"We're all aware that 'Magic Triad' is a ridiculous name, right? All in agreement there?" Jackie muses into the comms as he begins to walk. See the sights. Secure the warehouse. Mostly so doesn't take another grenade to the chops, really. "Toy with my victims? Who am I, Sabretooth? C'mon." Jackie chuckles smugly before pausing to draw his glock and put two in a still breathing guard. Blamblam! He carries onward, remorseless. Frankie Franchetti didn't raise no soft boy.

As his Darklings dispatch and devour, Jackie Estacado smokes his cigarette and pauses here and there to check a pulse. "I'm not partial to survivors. It's bad for business. But you want 'em? Looks like your crew has 'em. How's the situation in back?"

Stockholm has posed:
Julia figures the 11 she tranqed and 2 she shot should provide a good mix of intel for Lex on the drug operation and such. Which means she switches her empty tranq clip for a real clip and straightens watching them all run for the hills.

"It is a ridiculous name." she agrees over the comms "Uuuh... 11 bagged and tagged for interrogations and I think... mmm two dead.. no idea yet which are gang members or drug workers..." she walks over to investigate now.

Aquaman has posed:
The main room is a gigantic drug processing room. Brazen even. There would be no possible way to save what are probably millions of dollars of drugs if the police raided. Which apparently MD12 thought they would not.

The odours of cocaine, crack cocaine, heroin are in the air when Jackie and the Ground Team move through. But so is something else. Something pungent. Even just the amount in the air is enough to pull at the back of the mind, a faint longing for /more/.

Some of the darklings rush ahead of Jackie toward the loading dock area and begin to absolutely lose their minds. They are scrabbling at the floor in the pitch in the pitch black room.

The group of fleeing MD12 gang members and drug works break into the light of the port proper and scatter among the stacks of containers.

Stockholm walks up to her catch. One of the tranq victims is an obvious MD12 member wearing a bullet proof vest. His handgun is still tucked in the back of his pants. Another MD 12 member wearing a bullet proof vest is tranqed as well. His assault rifle skidded across the concrete when he fell. They both caught the tranqs in the arm. The rest are a mix of men and women, late teens to middle age, all South American of some description. One of the two that was shot looks at Stockholm pleadingly. The bullet caught him in the chest and every time he breathes, his chest expands further.

Lex Luthor has posed:
"I didn't create their name, and I've always thought it was ridiculous myself... but that's what they call themselves." Lex agrees, "Get your masks on now, you're getting close to the source. Set the bombs and get out. The police will have probable cause to sieze the stockpiles of drugs from the blaze."

At Lex's order, the Ground Team stops and places their drug masks on as they head for the stockpiles, starting to place the charges all around. The MD12 bodies will burn with their drugs. "Support Team, pull a couple of the workers and enforcers to the fence for extraction."

Darkness has posed:
Amidst the drug bonanza, Jackie Estacado is u swayed. Drugs have never played a large role in his life, the Franchetti family frowning on such business. All he sees is waste. Hell, the man doesn't even drink... nevermind the cigarettes. Nasty habit. "Smells like somebody lit a cocaine snowman on fire in here." Jackie complains as the Darkness creeps like mold up his throat, concealing the lower half of his face in blackened armor.

The Darklings going berserk is one thing, that? What they are doing now? That is entirely different. Brows furrow, Jackie flicks his cigarette at the mass of scratching, clawing beasties. They don't notice. Digging frantically at the floor, their superior strength and deadly talons start to rip up concete. "Hey. Something weird. Know of anything under this joint? Call it a hunch." He lies. Hunch? Lex can clearly see the demonic looking creatures. Even if Jackie steadfast refuses to admit they exist.

Stockholm has posed:
Stockholm "Rodger Dodger" not too respectful, but very effective. "Oh hey, make that 12 alive.. though he is gurgling blood." she shakes her head "shhhh" and bends down covering his mouth and nose with her gloved hand. "Shhhhhh" and once he is still she looks at the approaching support. "Make that 11 again."

Always the helper Stockholm snags one of the workers and the one tranqed gang member and hauls two of the eleven along for extraction.

Aquaman has posed:
The Darklings tear open a pair of metal doors inset into the concrete floor. There is a stair case leading down about a floor to a wood plank floor dimly lit by LED's every so many feet. It heads straight toward the Coren property.

One of the satellite operators reports to Lex that a lone patrol car is heading into the area and is about four minutes out.

The pleading look on the 12th man turns glassy and he lays still. The only sound while Stockholm drags the catch back for extraction are the shouts in Portugese of the escapees, growing steadily fainter.

Lex Luthor has posed:
"I can see it. It's not important right now. The police are four minutes out." Lex informs Jackie. The Support Team starts to grab captured subjects and brings them over to the extraction vans, securing them and blindfolding them. Meanwhile, the Ground Team finishes placing the charges around the drug stockpile, "Ground 1 reporting explosives in place. Extracting now." The squad leader states, two other members grabbing their casualties on the way out.

Lex temporarily switches to a more secure channel, to Mercy and Hope who are heading their own operations, "Mercy, we're ten minutes from finishing here. You have a go in twenty minutes." Then, Lex muses to himself, "Another mystery..." He starts to access the LexCorp network, pulling information on Coren in his HUD display as the whole operation winds down.

Darkness has posed:
"Bravo, boys. Keep up the good work and we'll go to Tijuana for Christmas." The city of Tijuana would adamantly refuse such a holiday if they had a say in the matter. The doors flung wide, Jackie peers down into the tunnel. Ashes his cigarette and considers his own options. "Hrmph. Unimportant means pro-bono. Screw all that." While he may have been dismissive over the comms, curiousity still held sway.

A snap pf the fingers and his little legion of horror fades into shadows. A few remaining behind to chatter and goad their current master. "Magic word. Cops? No thanks." Looking back over tbe warehouse, the ground team dragging away their fallen and leaving behind carnage and explosives. "I may end up liking this gig after all." That said, Jackie starts to sink down into the shadow cast by an overturned table. Lowering into the void only to come out of the other side of whatever nightmare realm he draws power from... only to reappear outside the warehouse. Taking a drag off his smoke and watching the structure. The teams vacating. Shadow teleportation is -neat-. "I'm out. There was a tunnel. Burn 'er down whenever."

Stockholm has posed:
Stockholm will gently place the unconscious folk in one of the extraction vans and then hop up inside herself. She checks her guns and makes sure everything is loaded and safeties are on.

"In one of the vans, ready to roll out." she notes on the comms. "Wait... is it an interesting Tunnel?" okay she sounds like she may want to go back and see.

Darkness has posed:
"It wasn't an -un-interesting tunnel, to be honest." Jackie chimes in, knowing full well the charges were set to go off. Would she go back in? He smiles coldly in the dark by his lonesome. Face illuminated by the orange glow of his cigarette.

Aquaman has posed:
The teams pull out of the property and drive away. There is no hurrying, no screeching tires. They simply drive away in different directions and disappear into Metropolis' nighttime flow.

A lone patrol car pulls up to the gate of Coren. He gets out of his car and flashes a light around. The beam traces its path along windows and doors. The officer shakes the gate, but finds it locked tight.

And then the night sky lights up.

The warehouse bulges. There is no other way to describe it. When it gives way, fire billows out and upwards into the night sky casting orange red light everywhere. The sound is next. A deafening roar and shockwave that rattles the fences and nearly knocks the officer off his feet. The MD12 warehouse collapses in on itself.

The untouchable is burning in Metropolis.

Lex Luthor has posed:
The explosion would be deafening, if Lex was nearby. Luckily, he has the suit keeping the sound under control. Even from this distance though, the light show requires some dimming... and Lex watches for a long moment.

"People think they can come into /my/ city and dictate terms?" Lex turns around, starting to walk away as he prepares to take flight, "This isn't South America. You're dealing with Lex Luthor, amateurs."

"And I'm just getting started."