8565/Into the Lion's Den
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Into the Lion's Den | |
Date of Scene: | 29 July 2019 |
Location: | Bushwick - Mutant Town |
Synopsis: | Nemean is faced with a choice. Stay with Shredder, or go with the Turtles. |
Cast of Characters: | Shredder, Nemean, Pippi, Leonardo, Splinter, Alopex
- Shredder has posed:
The proper leverage. Mutant Town has decidedly become Shredder's turf, both officially with the underworld and in the more legit circles due to his intense defense of the mutants in the area. The Foot had found Pippi, and the Shredder knew that this was the bait he could leverage properly. Something more public.
"You are a curiosity," Shredder says in the back of the pub. It made for good defensive positions. Foot Elite hide on the tops of the tall shelves in the storage room, surrounded by half-filled cardboard boxes and dust. She's been given a kennel, a large one, such is fitting for a dog. The cage is tall enough that she could stand in it, but the bars close together to make it difficult to reach through them.
"A new friend of the Turtles, I see." He turns to Nemean. "You have done well," he says. "You are a powerful ally, Nemean, and you have served excellently. It will give you the revenge you have been seeking." Of course, he knows nothing of any doubts that might be circling the lion's head. The armored master casually strolls in a pace by the cage. "Were you sure to allow them to know where you were going?"
- Nemean has posed:
She had been trying to get through to him, but he lashed out at her and hit her, took her hostage. Now that she was here, and he could see her caged up, Nemean was regretting everything he'd done.
He was sitting on one of the food prep tables, running his finger along the back of one of his combat knives, while Shredder talked and gloated. He took a quick glance around. He could probably get to the big guy, but those elites would be on him in a moment if he tried. No, bad time.
"I left a pretty obvious trail." He replies, finally, turning the knife over in his hand for a moment, "If they're as good as you say, they should have no trouble following it." And they'll know it's a trap, too, but they'll come anyway. Because that's what heroes do.
- Pippi has posed:
She was small, especially compared to Nemean. A pitt mix, with wiry, curling 'hair' atop her head. Her ears were firmly pinned back, and she was pushed to the very back of the cage, away from the Shredder.
There was dried blood on her muzzle. Her backpack -- Cody's backpack -- was torn, and reeked of peanutbutter cookies that'd been smashed in the process. At one point a can of white paint had exploded at the scene of the fight.
Pippi hadn't made it easy, but she definitely wasn't subtle about the fight either.
Now she had her tail firmly between her legs, her arms wrapped around her knees, making herself as tiny as possible, but every time the Shredder turned to her, she bared her teeth.
She was trying not to be afraid. They'd come for her.
- Leonardo has posed:
Leonardo knew this day would come sooner or later. Or, if he didn't, he had a very strong feeling. Things with the Foot have had their ebbs and flows, but with the Turtles and crew still around, still standing against Shredder and the Foot, something was going to happen. He didn't know when, didn't know how, didn't know who.
He just knew.
Pippi was probably the most likely one. She'd had a few occasions where she ventured out on her own, both Leonardo and Alopex warning her about the dangers. Even going out with a buddy was not always safest, but at least that way word could reach the others if something did happen. Usually.
This time, it only took a brief patrol topside to find the signs of capture, the obvious clues pointing the way. It was clearly a message. Leonardo would not be who he is if he couldn't figure that much out, and Raphael knew it as well. Leo had to order Raph back to the Lair with him, because this was going to take consultation with Splinter.
Shredder wanted them to show up.
And, they would. Leonardo, Raphael, Donatello, Michelangelo...and Alopex. No sign of the old rat, however. The five stand outside The Sailor Pub and Bar, unclear why it's been chosen for this, but it's no matter. It will soon be filled with enemies:
Shredder's Foot.
Clan Hamato.
"Let's go. If they want to set a trap for us, we'll bust it up. Be smart, but be fast. Be decisive. Be ninja. They're going down. We stay together." Leonardo is all business, wasting no time in drawing his katanas. There is one real way in aside from trying to sneak around: the front. It fits, because Leo is not in a mood to hide their presence tonight. The door is busted open with a kick.
- Splinter has posed:
Before the battle, Splinter put one hand on Alopex's shoulder, and said, "This will be difficult. Remember, this is Bo-Ryaku, the battlefield of the mind. The Shredder is manipulating us, and provoking you into violent, undisciplined action is what he wants. As painful as it may be... deny him."
Then he said, "Go. ...I will meet you inside," before melting backward into the shadows.
- Alopex has posed:
The only thing that Alopex needed to know was that Pippi was being held by the Foot. Any other information (besides their location) wasn't important. She had gone to her room, taken hold of The Shard, affixed it to her back, and was about to march out the door before she was convinced otherwise. It was -clear- she felt responsible for Pippi. The fox wanted to keep her safe, ensure her protection. This was due to the Pup being the first good thing that happened to Alopex after she left the Foot Clan. In a way, Pippi was the first real family she made outside the Foot. With a sigh of resignation, she agreed to move with the group toward where the trap was set.
Once there, she was still visibly aggitated. The only thing that reall seems to have an affect on her mental state is what Splinter says to her. He was right. Maybe this was a way for Shredder to get at the traitor fox. There was no way that Saki had forgotten about her betrayal after all. "Mmn..." sure, she was still irritated, but there was a bit of calm instilled into turbulent waters. She glances at the brothers, then the door, "I'll follow your lead.." but given the chance... she may do something they may not agree with.
- Shredder has posed:
Shredder nods, glancing down at the bared teeth. "Such courage in the face of terror," he comments. He doesn't look away. "And why such courage?" he asks her. "Because of teeth, because of claw?" He studies her eyes for a long moment. "Because of fear? And your animal instincts tell you to growl at whatever it is that threatens you, in hopes that you will scare your foe more than you are scared."
Clearly, he is unintimidated. He studies her a few moments longer, maybe an uncomfortable level of staring into the canine eyes before he turns away. "She'll smell them," he says to Nemean. "When they arrive, she'll know." The unspoken is that he should watch her demeanor carefully. Meanwhile, outside, the evening air is filled with the normal pollution of the city. A detachment of three security bots hum to life as their controller brings them online in the store room, and
As the door is kicked in, the patron's glance up from their drinks, and there is a momentary pause. They all seem rather ordinary, though some are clearly x-gene bearers. There is a glance around as they look at each other, not sure what to make of the disturbance.
Of course, in the back, the master looks up.
"They are here," he says. His voice carries through his comm to the Foot who are outside the building, and they start to respond, coming around from the sides to try to trap the turtles in the building.
- Nemean has posed:
"About time." Nemean mutters, as he hops up off of the counter top and sheaths the blade in the front of his tactical rig, "I'll go out there and meet them head to head. Let you run things from back here, bossman."
Nemean grabs a rifle from a counter top, and then, holding it in his left hand, pushes open the door from the back, stepping up behind the bar and looking across at the busted down door.
"No kids allowed!" He calls out, knowing they're too young to be in here. This is an adult establishment after all.
- Pippi has posed:
Pippi's ears were searching. Her nose was going full tilt as she looked at the Foot all around.
She doesn't smell the turtles at first. She hears the door kick in, scents muted, muddled by the other patrons, by the food cooking. She shifts her weight in the cage, turning and giving a plaintive look to Cody, then to Shredder's back. If she tries something, they'll be on her too.
Well. She can take a couple more blows, she decides. She exhales.
Focus, just like Leo and Pex taught you, and she reaches down, pushing up on the back wires of the cave, tensing them just enough to try and break them while they're distracted with the Turtles' arrival. She keeps her gaze on the ninja master.
- Leonardo has posed:
Leonardo wastes no time once inside the pub. He isn't even bothering trying to hide what they look like, and why should they? It's Mutant Town. "We're here for our friend. If this doesn't concern you - and you know if it does - get out of here right now." His eyes are little more than slits behind his blue mask. Behind him, other turtles in their own masks of red, purple, and orange stand by, brandishing their weapons, joined by a floofy snow fox mutant.
"Shredder! Foot Clan! Show yourselves!" Leonardo calls out, heard over any commotion of scampering patrons moving to vacate the place.
- Splinter has posed:
They start disappearing, one by one, as the chaos of battle breaks out.
One foot ninja is about to throw a Shuriken, when a long, naked tail wraps around his throat and drags him backward into the dark. He doesn't have time to cry out.
Another is too excited by the chaos to pay adequate attention, and he's yanked *upward* into the rafters. Silence, again.
Finally, a member of the Shredder's retinue slaps his hand to his neck just as if he'd been stung by a bug, and pulls a small, black-feathered dart away, before he collapses.
By the time Splinter abandons his stealth entrance, the Shredder gets the warning of the slow hiss of a Ninja-to being pulled from its scabbard, and then a lunging slash that would take the head of most men. Splinter gives no warning, and issues no challenge.
Cold, silent, and deadly. The perfect ninja assassin.
- Alopex has posed:
It seems that Alopex was taking up the flank behind the brothers. It's probably best considering she's seeing red, and it's not just Raphael's mask that she's seeing. She's already scanning the room, looking for recognizable faces, stepping aside to let bystanders get out, but what really seems to upset her beyond where she was already is Nemean's appearence.
"You. WHAT DID YOU DO?!" she barks, starting to move past the brothers one at a time, hand on the hilt of the Shard as she goes. "Did you listen to NOTHING we told you?!"
- Shredder has posed:
"What?" one of the men at the bar looks a little bewildered. "They're...turtles." They seem to be genuinely at a loss. Shredder nods to Nemean, and follows him out, unafraid to be seen in this place. From behind, his Godan tells him there's incoming, and he tucks his head to the side, the scrape of steel running against the edge of the helmet. "Yoshi," he growls. "You bring your new children to their deaths, just as you did before," he tells hims. The response is the kick of a boot, coming around to try to clear the space.
Meanwhile, the three security bots activate, rolling forward on their single wheel. One of them goes for Splinter first, while the other two speed out behind Nemean, mechanical tentacles whipping out, one at Leo, and the other at Alopex.
- Nemean has posed:
"I did what I had to." Nemean replies to Alopex. He wants to tell her he's sorry, but he can't. Things kick off too quickly. Splinter comes out of nowhere and strikes at Shredder, and Nemean turns, caught off guard by the attack out of nowhere.
This of course opens him up to being attacked from behind by the fox, who he has forgotten about in that moment of distraction by the sensei. He moves to bring his rifle up to try to get a bead on Splinter, though Shredder probably would want to keep that fight to himself.
- Pippi has posed:
Alopex is yelling. Pippi's eyes go wide as her ears prick forward. Her eyes narrow. Her fingers curl a moment, feeling the sting of those words, from Alopex, and she exhales. Her eyes close, and she moves.
She grasps at the bottom of the cage, and giving a low growl she snaps the metal, her muscles tensing before the metal snaps away, and she takes the cage with her. her head down low, her ears pinned back, and as the Bots make their appearance, Pippi's on the uptake, using the cage and swinging the heavy-duty wire mangle at the Bot closest to her, the one going after Splinter!
Hey, gotta protect the old man, right?
- Leonardo has posed:
"Nemean. I'm disappointed," Leonardo begins to say before Alopex has started to go beyond them. He casts her a quick glance but doesn't get in the way. If the two of them are going to fight, he won't stop them this time. This is something they may just have to do if it means knocking some sense into the former agent turned lion mutant.
Knowing where Splinter is, he catches a glimpse of motion. "Father! Watch out!" Leo calls, even as one of the bots gives him pause as it wheels toward him. As soon as the metallic tentacles lash out, however, his swords cut through the air with precision, slicing them apart before he leaps in for the 'kill' - a dual stabbing thrust downward into the 'head' of the robot.
His brothers fan out, ready for any Foot who decide they're froggy. Raphael itches to charge already, sais in an attack grip while Donatello's bo is brandished in both hands. Michaelangelo twirls his nunchucks, but is momentarily distracted enough to note, "Guys! They have Big Buck Hunter here!" Leave it to him to be more into video games, and Raph has no qualms about swatting the back of Mikey's head.
- Splinter has posed:
"I didn't send them anywhere, Saki." Splinter says, ducking that kick. As he moves, his tail lashes out, catching an impetuous Foot Soldier in the face, knocking him sprawling. Is this rat prepared to engage one of the deadliest men alive in a small room full of armed men?
The answer is yes.
"You murdered them. They were *defenseless* and you *murdered them*. But now my sons are grown, and they can survive on their own. They *choose* to stand up to you."
"You have violated yet another person, destroyed their life, for your own selfish end. What you cannot dominate, you must destroy-- I didn't want to kill anymore, and after everything we'd been through together, you couldn't even let me have *that*!"
He lunges again, trying to lock his old friend into a clinch. "Control of anything beyond oneself is an illusion. I tried to teach you this... ages ago! I'll try HARDER!" And then he's *snapping* at the Shredder's face, trying to bite him. Is he focused on the Shredder? Yes. But he also trusts the others to watch each other's backs... and fully intends to keep his old friend tied up dealing with him.
- Alopex has posed:
No one moves to stop her. No one tries to pull Alopex back as the Shard is drawn for the first time in ages, and once she's close enough to Nemean, all that emotion is poured into a swing that could cleave the heavens if such a thing were possible. She has had enough of Shredder, she has had enough of seeing her mistakes come to fruition, and today she will correct one of them if no one else will do so! At least, somewhere in her subconscious, the swing is aimed to incapacitate and not kill, but that would be enough if Splinter could at least give Cody a moment to try and remove the spell she was sure had been cast over Nemean. This. Must. Be. Corrected!
After the swing, robots. "NOT NOW!" she snarls out as the weapon is quickly swung at the robot next. If the mech isn't careful, it is going to find out just how insanely sharp this meteor sword really is.
- Shredder has posed:
The elite take the cue to drop in from above the shelving. The Shredder is under attack, and it is their mission to protect him. The robot attacking Splinter is caught by the cage's wreckage, sending it off course. It spins back around to attack its new threat, the coils of its electrically charged tentacle coming to life as it sends a current through the piece of cage being used against it.
The men at the bar glance at each other, then back at the turtles.
"You fight against the Family, you fight against all of us," they comment. One of them looks like Rey. He seemed like a nice enough guy before in the smoke shop. Now, though, he's angry, and he takes his whiskey and throws it forward at Leo, swinging a lit hand through the alcohol as he does, causing a burst of flame to fling at the turtle.
"Failing to take responsibility will not change your lot," Shredder answers Splinter. He holds tightly as the rat clenches him, keeping the long snout just out of reach, then raking his claws downward, seeking purchase along the chest of his old comrade. "You want blood, and I did not make you want it," he accuses.
- Nemean has posed:
She doesn't say anything else to him, but Nemean can feel her come up behind him. He wheels around towards Alopex, but too late, as that blade slashes across him. She cuts his rifle into two pieces, and strikes true on his body. She can hit a little harder than normal, because his defensive skin and combat armor can take it.
She still draws blood, though, tossing him backwards over the bar and into the shelf full of booze behind it. He reaches a hand down to rub across the wound, feeling the warmth of blood, and looking back up at the fox, who's now being attacked by the robots. This whole thing is wrong.
She could have killed him if she'd gone for the head, but she didn't. Why didn't she? He would have, right? No, he couldn't have. He pushes himself back to his feet, unsteady but still alive, reaching to try to find any of his other weapons to bring to bear against...He's not sure. He turns to look back at Shredder and Splinter fighting. Could now be the time to strike? Would his mind even let him?
- Pippi has posed:
"Oop--yee--AA-AA-AA-AA-AO-OO-OO-OW-OW-CH!" Pippi cries out, her cries mixing between a howl of pain and a teen's pained cry. There's a brief moment where she gets enough control to release the cage -- by swinging the electrified mess of the cage, hte bot, and all other things forwards the oncmoing foot Elite -- and she realizes, slinging the Electric Tentacle Botaloo at the oncoming Foot Soldiers that she's between them and Shredder.
Not the best place to be, but she exhales, and braces herself, dried blood still on the white side of her muzzle.
"Jus' like the katas, Pip!" she whispers.
- Leonardo has posed:
Leonardo recognizes Rey, all right. "You? Shredder is using the Family to benefit himself. He's a liar and a deceiver. If you think he really cares about anything beyond how useful you are to him, you're all blind. As soon as he decides you're of no worth to him, he'll throw you out like the trash and you'll be lucky if that's all he does." Still, Rey's ability to send a fireball his way gives him reason to pause after scrambling and rolling to one side, measuring his response even after this. "We have no issue with the Family, but if you stand with Shredder you're going down one way or another. You don't know any better, so maybe we'll have to show you."
This is how it comes to be that a katana is tucked aside long enough for him to come up with a few smoke pellets, which are thrown into the bar area to impede their sight for the time being.
Raphael growls. "C'mon, bro! All they're gonna understand is an ass-kicking, so let's give them what they really want!" Michaelangelo and Donatello take up positions to deal with whatever comes their way, but Leo snaps at Raph.
"They're not the only ones I was talking to." He points toward Nemean as Alopex moves in to engage with the mutant. Whatever's going on in the back, his view is cut off from the angle he's ended up with. There are definitely sounds, though. Sounds and voices.
- Splinter has posed:
Those claws slice along Splinter's chest - but then he turns, and he bends his head down to snap at the juncture of the Shredder's forearm and elbow, trying to dig his teeth into the flesh there, and tear.
"You wanted to show me the truth of my soul, the truth of who I really was, and in a way... you *did*, Saki. There is just one problem. Even if I am a killer of men," And even though he is no longer young, he is fast, fast, so fast that even one of Shredder's Elite isn't fast enough to stop a kick that bends his knee at an unnatural angle, shattering it. "Even if that is the truth of my soul--"
"I will never be *your* killer. Instead, I will dog your steps for as long as you exist in this world. I will poison your victories... After two lifetimes, I will chase you across a hundred more. I will exploit your mistakes. Where you do evil, I will UNDO it--"
"Until finally, the death that you've deferred comes for you, and I can usher you to Yomi-no-Kuni where you can reflect on the *wicked* things you have done for all eternity!"
But then he reaches into his robe, and withdraws something round -- the Shredder can see the flash bomb in his hand, as he throws it to the ground -- but instead he's taking advantage of the BANG and the smoke to back out of the fight.
"You." He says, pointing to Nemean. "I see your doubt. Remember, a family is not about what is given, what is *owed*, it is about what is *shared*. Does the father rule over his sons?" A Foot Ninja strays too close, and Splinter folds him up in a hold, disabling him and throwing him back into the fray. "What sort of family has the Shredder given you? *Ask yourself*!"
- Alopex has posed:
Alopex could feel the sword's bite as it found Nemean's form. He could take the slash, there was no doubt of it, but when he finds himself flung over the bar and into the alcohol behind it, he'd likely hear and then see, the fox hop onto the bar, Shard pointed down at him. Her eyes are narrow, and it's quite clear that she's about ready to swing again, but she has at least one thing to say to him now that Splinter has spoken.
"Are you a man or a slave, Cody Garret? I want to hear you say it. If you're still in there, if you're still a man? You'll choose to do right. If you're just a slave, you'll never be free, and you'll be my enemy for life. So. Which is it? Nemean or Cody Garret? I heard once that A man chooses, but a slave obeys. So, I see it this way. Either Cody Garret chooses, or Nemean just obeys. Make your choice because I'm getting -very- impaitent," and she trusts her allies to cover her, for at least this one moment.
- Shredder has posed:
The haze covers the bar as Leo's smoke pellets, the red and blue neon from the beer advertising neon piercing through inspecifically. Rey's voice can be heard. "We know that we're safe now," he says to Leo, though he can't see him. "We are safe for the first time in our lives! You don't get to steal that from us."
Shredder clenches his teeth as the rat's sink into his forearm, drawing blood. The flash bomb causes him to cover his eyes to avoid being burned, looking back into the smoke filled bar, unable to see where Splinter had disappeared to. "Nemean, they come to you, be vigilant!" he calls out.
The Foot Elite burst ahead of Shredder into the haze, seeking to find Splinter, Alopex, and the Turtles.
- Nemean has posed:
Confused, dazed from the strike, with smoke filling the air and alcohol all over him, Nemean looks up at Alopex. He keeps expecting the killing blow to come, but it doesn't.
Suddenly he finds Splinter talking to him. Telling him about family. Nemean never really had much in the way of family, until he met Alopex and her's. He remembers now, how he really met her. It's as clear as day. A shining light in the fog that has clouded his mind.
"Help me." He says to Alopex, holding up one of his hands towards her. Looks like he chooses.
- Alopex has posed:
The Shard is sheathed, she kneels, and then she reaches out to haul him up. "Good choice," she offers before hopping down from the bar, putting herself between him and Shredder's elite. "Splinter, if I can ask a favor, I don't know what they did to his mind, but if you can do -anything- about it, now is the time. I'll hold them off," she says, glaring in Shredder's general direction. "All of them."
- Pippi has posed:
Pippi isn't used to flashbangs and smokebombs. She coughs, and cries out in surprise, blinking, momentarily.
But she hears those words. She hears Shredder call out to Nemean, and she hears Cody's quiet words, and through the din Alopex's answer.
HEr ears prick up, and she feels her chest tighten.
Still behind the Foot Clan, there is one person between her and the Turtles, and Cody, and Alopex and Splinter.
Between her and her family. And that's a very dangerous place to be.
She didn't have anything but her strength now, and heck, that might just be enough as she picks up cans. Tomato cans. Oil. Drink mixes. Whatever she can get her hands on in the back and she just begins launching them at anyone who looks like a can opener.
And she's throwing with all her strength. Might wanna duck, since that can of olives smashed through the wall.
- Leonardo has posed:
"You'll never be safe working for Shredder! One day you'll know the truth!" Leonardo retorts, but it can be noted he does not move to fight with members of the Family if he can help it, in spite of his threatened warning. This is primarily because the Foot Elite spill out into the bar and Leo sounds the call. "Attack!" His brothers know how far they're exepected to go, how they've been taught to hold back and refrain from killing, from maiming. Incapacitate. Knock out if necessary.
Leonardo himself moves closer to Nemean and Alopex, eyes sweeping past Splinter as he makes his appearance, then back to the lion in particular. "Remember the zoo! Think! You know the truth!" Swords remain out for defensive purposes only, as he focuses to keep some form of attention on his entire surroundings while Alopex again puts her trust in Cody/Nemean. There's still the matter of the one they actually came here for. "Where's Pippi?" The new hole in the wall might be his answer. Turning toward Rey, he says scathingly, "Your boss has a bad habit of kidnapping friends of ours. Did you know that?"
- Splinter has posed:
"The work of his *witch* isn't undone in the blink of an eye. It will take time, and quiet." Splinter says, before he turns, his blade in his hand. "No, my child. We fight together. For each other."
"Remember, Saki -- Hell is waiting! For both of us!"
He glances back to the others. "It's time to leave, my sons. *Donatello*! Ninja, *VANISH*!"
- Alopex has posed:
Vanish? That Alopex can do. "Back to where it started, Cody. I don't think the Lair is gonna work until we have whatever's in you all the way out. Okay?" Leonardo would know what that means, at least. "Wait what about-" Suddenly cans are flying overhead, everywhere else, at high speed, and into the general area for the patrons, "... I think she freed herself.." she muses with a bit of pride before tugging on the lion's arm. "I really hope you don't relapse," she muses aloud as she follows Splinter's order. "Pip! Back to December!" she yells out.
- Shredder has posed:
Shredder starts to follow into the room when the olives smash against the wall. He takes a glance over his shoulder just in time to receive the second blow as the can of tomatoes crashes into his helmet. It sends him up against the door jam, knocking his helmet from his head and revealing his hair. He spins about, rather surprised. It certainly wasn't his plan to take the hit. But his eyes narrow as he looks back in her direction. Even with a helmet, he's probably going to have a bruise from that one.
- Splinter has posed:
...And just as one of the foot ninjas is reaching for the Shredder's helmet, a long rat tail reaches out and grabs it. *Yoink!*--
- Pippi has posed:
Pippi has been an astute student. She has worked hard to learn how to hit, how to strike, and how to take blows -- and she is legit pretty angry, and as Shredder turns, she's agilely moving through the flotsam and jetsam on steady feet--
And Pippi chooses, of all things, one of Mikey's videogames.
And Shredder might take another can of pizza sauce to the face as Pippi BOOKS IT the heck past him to rejoin her own family!
- Leonardo has posed:
"I'm seeing a touch of grey there, Shred-Head! You should try a little Just For Men!" Leonardo proves he can say something snappy, but he only has one thing to add as all of this is taking place, which he somehow manages to keep a straight face about:
"Ninja, vanish!"
More smoke pellets are thrown down, opening the way for those who would have been led into a trap to finish turning the tables on the Foot, if only for one night, regaining Pippi and making off with Nemean as well.
Soon, the real work begins.
- Shredder has posed:
The follow up can of sauce is sliced as it comes toward him, slinging tomato sauce upon him as he deflects it. He's not concerned with appearance, though, as Pippi rushes past he slashes out at her ribs with his tekko-kagi claws on the other hand.
- Pippi has posed:
There's a sharp cry, but Pippi keeps moving, in spite of her ripped shirt and now bleeding ribs.
Way more important to make sure that she's there to help Cody, Alopex and Splinter. Someone's gotta look out for them, after all!
- Splinter has posed:
If Splinter waves that helmet tauntingly at the Shredder before he pulls it away to vanish in the chaos...
Who's going to know but them? Be seeing you... old friend.