857/An the Way to Culture

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An the Way to Culture
Date of Scene: 09 June 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: In which the Museum of Natural History draws all manner of people.
Cast of Characters: 143, 142, Talia al Ghul, 300, Thor

Marinette DuPain (143) has posed:
With everything that's happened lately, Marinette and Adrien needed some time out and to at least pretend to lead normal lives. And it really was pretend because even though the pair walk hand and hand, fingers laced together, down the sidewalk towards the Natural History Museum there was a gorilla of a man only a couple yards behind them that was clearly following the young couple.

The day was nice. Mild temperatures in the mid seventies with clear skies and the occasional light breeze. Other milled about the side walk and people came and went from the Museum as normal.

So what drew attention to this young couple? Like the way every young teen girl seemed to stop and stare at the tall blonde young man.

"Sarah, don't you dare bother... I'll leave you here, I sw..." The dark haired young man stops and facepalms as his little sister, no more than thirteen rins up to Adrien. "Oh wow... C-can I have..."

"No. No you can't. Move it." Big brother intervening. "Sorry, man." Because running into a supermidel is what casual Thursday is all about...

Adrien Agreste (142) has posed:
These stares Adrien is trying so hard to ignore, to walk along Marinette's side as if he wasn't drawing attention. But when the thriteen year old speaks directly to him, he pauses and looks over... a magazine ready smile on his face.

"It's okay," he tells the brother before looking at the girl.

"Bonjour," he says warmly, easily, but doesn't take his hand out of Marinette's or as of yet answer the autograph question.

Talia al Ghul has posed:
The sidewalks of central park happen to be the path that one dusky skinned woman walks along as well, that woman being Talia al Ghul. She also would appear to be heading in the direction of the Natural History Museum, clad in a white silk poets shirt with a neckline that is deeper then it probably out to be, and a pair of blue jeans, with white leather belt, and while she certaintly has the looks to be a supermodel, she doesn't have a flock of fans approaching her, for her face doesn't grace any billboards across the city, and she can't be found strutting down a catwalk during fashion week.

Marinette DuPain (143) has posed:
Brother smiles, nods, and is then leading his little sister away much to her dismay and a lot of protesting.

And while Marinette felt bad for Adrien, the entire thing amused her slightly. "That happens often, huh?"

Her ryes flit aboit the arra, pause for a moment on Talia where uppn a brow arches, and then she looks back up at Adrien. "Ready?"

Adrien Agreste (142) has posed:
"A lot less here than back home," Adrien replies to Marinette eyes returning to her and smile relaxing as brother took the fangirl away. Noting her glance away, Adrien follows that bluebell gaze with is green one and takes in Talia's outfit.

It might look like the Parisian born model, well known to anyone from Paris or who looks at fashion magazines or has read the news lately (+bbread 15 - Anything byt Adrien or Flatline), is checking Talia out he is actually studying her clothing, the cut the fit and the brand.

"Ready, Mari!" he says after a moment, turning to look at the girl at his said, his face smiling so brightly at her.

Talia al Ghul has posed:
The cut of Talia's clothing is impeccable, the fabric of the highest quality, and the craftsmanship likely custom tailored to the woman, though the belt seems to have been bought from a designer boutique.

The attention given, especially the scrutiny from Adrien draws the attention of Talia, her gaze settling upon the two, as well as the burly figure that appears to be their shadow. "Do you often have children approaching you for autographs?" she asks once she's come near enough them to not have to shout.

Marinette DuPain (143) has posed:
That smile from Adrien draws one equally as bright and warm from Marinette.

Before much progress towards the mueseum can be made, Talia is there amd speaking and so Mari halts her steps once more.

The question makes her grin, since she had just asked something similar, and drop her forehead to Adrien's arm, guggling as she lets him answer.

And in the meantime, the gorilla of a man who was shadowing them has now come up right behind them. Too many public stoppings.

Adrien Agreste (142) has posed:
Far too many, but this is Adrien's life.

He smiles politely at Talia, having noted the craftsmanship of the her clothing, and thus is working through possible designers in his head, and thus which modelling agency the woman might be from.

"Sometimes, yes," Adrien replies, french accent flavoring his words. His gaze flits to Marinette as she giggles into his arm and he smirks at her.

Talia al Ghul has posed:
"Ah, that is where I know you." Talia says as she takes in the fellow a little more closely, "You're that model that everyone was talking about, aren't you?" she asks, gesturing faintly, "Were you heading to the Museum as well? There is quite an interesting exhibit I wanted to get a better look at."

The gesture made, Talia starts a slow walk along the path, resuming her approach to the museum once again, "I am Talia, by the way, a pleasure to meet you and your lady friend."

Marinette DuPain (143) has posed:
That has Marinette lifting her head, the wsrmth gone from her eyes a hardness... a protectiveness there.

She squeezes Adrien's hand faintly, letting her head come back to rest on his shoulder. She'll move when he does. Since she hasn't been spoken to yet though, she'll stay silent for now.

Adrien Agreste (142) has posed:
That's where she knows me.... which modelling house? Adrien's brows pull together and his smile fades faintly as he tries to figure out which one before Talia states that it's most likely because of the recent press.

"Oh. Um. Yes. I suppose, that I am," Adrien replies, squeezing Mari's hand in return as his gaze goes to the museum, mind distracted from figuring out the designer and the modeling agency for the moment.

"Yes. We are," he replies politely, leaning just slightly on the word we as if it might exclude anyone but Marinette and himself. His gaze turns back to Talia, and Adrien's refound that missing smile. The model one. The one that convinces the world that his world is perfect like himself.

"Likewise, Mademoiselle Talia."

Talia al Ghul has posed:
"Are you here for the mummy exhibition as well then?" Talia asks with a little glance over at the couple, her stride carrying herself along at a decent pace as they approach the building. "It's supposed to be quite interesting." She turns her attention towards Mari, "I did not get your name, my apologies, I'm Talia." She offers the other woman.

Marinette DuPain (143) has posed:
"Mon amour..." Msri's brows knit slightly before she leans into Adrien a little, switching which hand is holding his and bring her newly freed one up to run through the ends of his hair.

Her eyes flit to Talia. "Actually, you didn't get either of our names and while his may be known, what he goes by may be something different. My name is Marinette."

And like Adrien, she's got that French accent to her words when she speaks English.

Adrien Agreste (142) has posed:
Adrien's face smoothes away from the model smile toward something a little more genuine as Marinette toys with his hair, and he reaches out to get the door, pausing to let Talia step through first. The large silent body guard reaches out to take the door for Adrien.

"We're just here to look about, see what catches our eye. There's a mummy exhibit?" Adrien asks after introductions are made.

Talia al Ghul has posed:
"Oh, now that you mention it, I did not." Talia says as Marinette brings that fact up, a slight smile is flashed towards the woman, nodding her head ever so slightly, "It is nice to meet you, Marinette."

Talia's attention turns towards Adrien at the question, nodding her head once more, a light little gesture, "Oh yes, appearently mummies from across the world, and some interesting relics and artifacts they've recovered at the burial sites."

Marinette DuPain (143) has posed:
It helps and so that's where Mari keeps her fingers, toying in Adrien's hair. "Nice to meet you as well. This is Adrien." She said he -could- go by something else. Not that he did.

The mention of mummies, now that she's paying attention, makes her smirk. "Mummies are... Highly overrated..." There's an odd bit of amusement sounding there. "The artifacts can be interesting though."

Adrien Agreste (142) has posed:
Adrien having his hair toyed with means he just smiles and nods to Marinette's words of introduction. Yep! I'm Adrien. She's playing with my hair. I'm now not going to think much. At least, until Marinette is smirking abut the mummies and he glances at her.

His lips quirk lopsidedly, eyes narrowing in mirth.

"Seriously not something to get wrapped up in," he quips at her amusement, letting the body guard have the door and walking in with Marinette after Talia. To the front desk! Because Adrien is aware that one must pay to get into a museum.

Talia al Ghul has posed:
"Oh, I don't know. I think it's terribly interesting all of these stories of immortality and rebirth and such, Mummies for example, the Egyptian variety anyway, they are a rather intricate preperation of the body to preserve it for it's next life. Do you ever wonder if there was some truth to go with these myths?" she asks, shrugging ever so slightly at the pair, "And you're right, Marinette, some of the relics are of quite exquisite beauty and craftsmanship."

Marinette DuPain (143) has posed:
Bluebell blue eyes flit up to Adrien, laughter dancing in them. "That was positively terrible, Adrien..." She smirks and leans up to kiss his cheek, letting her fingers slide from his hair to wrap around his arm.

"I think there's probably a lot more truth to them than people are comfortable admitting to in most cases."

Adrien Agreste (142) has posed:
Told that his pun was terrible just makes Adrien laugh lightly, but warmly and without the earlier reservation that was seen outside. He leans into the kiss before pulling out his wallet and offering over his credit card to pay for his and Marinette's museum visitor's passes. And no, he doesn't want to become a member right now when the reception who was running his card and checking his name against their log's suddenly smiles.

"Oh! You're already a member, Mr. Agreste. Thank you so much for your patronage," she bubbles, immediately returing the card without charging it and then giving him and Marinette both their 'VIP Member' stickers so they can enter the musuem as they like. She glances from Adrien to Talia, brows lifted.

"Also a guest of yours, Mr. Agreste? Your membership allows you four at a time," says the receptionst, much to Adrien's surprise.

"Oh. Umm.." he looks to Talia: I don't mind, if you want...?

Talia al Ghul has posed:
"Oh, that's quite generous of you Mr. Agreste." Talia says as the offer to gain entrance as a guest is given, flashe a smile to the man and a slight nod towards the ticket checker. That said and done she turns her attention back towards Marinette, "Do you think so?" she asks with a little hmmn and a shrug of her shoulders, "Perhaps, I mean it would make some sense, wouldn't it?"

Sassa (300) has posed:
    Sassa, is only out and about the city, exploring. When you're as old as she is, and have as much money and time, there's naught to do but explore. Meet new people, see new things, learn, watch the world change.

    Today's goal for exploration? The Museum of Natural History. She might get a bit of a kick out of what people /think/ has happened over the last twelve hundred years or so and turns for the entrance.

    To those watching. she's dressed in a pair of black, boot cut, slacks, that just so happened to be tailored to fit her figure better. A pair of black leather boots clip clop as she walks, and atop that, a long sleeved, grey, turtlenecked shirt, which just so happens to be tucked in to her slacks. If stopped on her way in, she'll pay what ever fees required with out hesitation.

Thor has posed:

Thor is dressed for the evening time and while he may not be fully dressed to the nines for a museum exhibit, black is probably the colour do jour for this type of thing. As he walks up and goes to enter a rather pompous man with a French accent stops him and asks his name. Given the name, the Frenchman says "But you are not on zee list...messieur." But...the nice thing about living the Thor life is that usually you get recognized and a pair of legs with the rest of the body also attached but still....all legs...makes her way over to whisper in the man's ear and grabs Thor's elbow. "Right this way, Mr. Odinson," she says, and slinks him in before there's some sort of mentioned offer of a private tour, and if you need anything. Thor seems appreciative and grabs a glass of champagne off a walking by waitress. "That is what I love about Midgardians. Always so friendly...." says the blonde deity as he looks about, wondering what might draw the eye amidst the displays.

Marinette DuPain (143) has posed:
Marinette shrugs her shoulders. "Honestly, if it's anything like the exhibit back in Paris... Well, I just can't say I was overly impressed with most of it. Some the statues were very lifelike though!" Again there's that smirk up to Adrien as she starts forward with him.

As they go, she lets her eyes flit around the area. They rest for a second on Sassa, clearly assessingbthe clothing before Thor draws her attention and her brows knit. "He looks vaguely familiar..." At some point, she may relaize it's from a youtube video about Flatline.

Adrien Agreste (142) has posed:
"Not at all, Mademoiselle Talia," says Adrien, his own french accent not nearly as autrocious as the man Thor spoke to. Adrien turns from the front desk to makes his way into the museum, a lady on one arm a Talia not on the other. His green eyes flick over the other person in tailor-fit clothing coming up behind him, and a soft polite smile is given to Sassa before he's moving on.

"Hmph. Far Tut likelife if you asp me," Adrien quips to Marinette's smirk up at him. His own eyes dancing lightly. Green gaze follows blue and he blinks at seeing Thor.

"YouTube. Flatline," Adrien says softly to Marinette, switching into French and lowering his voice as he leans into her. Tension is back as suddenly as a thunderclap, and a frown starts to try to settle on his young features.

Talia al Ghul has posed:
Talia is dressed in a white silk poets style blouse, with a neckline that plunges probably too much, a pair of blue jeans, and a white leather belt, all of fine quality. She nods her head slghtly, "Perhaps they once were alive?" she suggests with a soft laugh after. The attention that is drawn to Thor draws her attention as well, a side glance cast towards Adrien and Marinette as they converse in french, but most of her attention is on Thor.

Sassa (300) has posed:
    Sassa's own emerald green eyes notice Thor, and then she turns on heel and walks straight up to the god of Thunder himself. Stopping only a moment to give the young woman, defined here after as /legs/, a quick stare down before turning to offer a hand to Thor directly. "Not the person I expected to run in to again, but I'm very glad I did..." she says to Thor, a warm and bright smile on her soft features.

    "If you'd like, I could use some company?" she asks of him as she turns to look at Legs again and cracks a smirk that pretty much says, /hands off the merchandise biotch, he's MINE./

Thor has posed:
Thor Odinson is not aware as of yet that folks may be talking about him...or he's so used to folks talking about him that he just doesn't notice. Either way, he drink sthe champagne, or as he would call it, bubbley water. He continues to move about though, which means he moves away from some, towards others. And since fate has it he has his back turned as he's walking towards Talia without fully looking, instead focusing on something up on one of the walls and ap articular symbol that catches his eye, simply for its artistic presentation and not out of any specific occult or historical meeting. But he does perhaps have that sixth sense that his feet might ruin someone else's if he were to step on them, so he pauses and turns, "Pardon me," he says, that accent evidenced in his voice. Fortunatley, he's not having to lift any cars or call any storms as of yet, so his hair is done nicely and his attire still well fitting. For those who care about brands, it was propbably bought by someone at Stark/Avengers Tower, so the brands would probably make someone who knows about those things have their head spin.

But then Sassa is over as Lady Legs gets sent away and he grins, "Aesdottir! Hello," he offers, "Did you run into me? I didn't feel it. I must be feeling particularly resilient today. If there weren't so much expensive and fragile items about, I'd say try it again..."

Marinette DuPain (143) has posed:
And once again Marinette's full attention is on Adrien. "If you'll excuse us," is said absently to Talia as Mari reaches up and runs a hand through Adrien's hair. "Mon amour... Why don't we go visit the Renaissance, hm?"

And quietly as possible, and as inobtrusively as possible (not easy with Gorille there!), Mari starts for the next section with Adrien.

Adrien Agreste (142) has posed:
Eyes still on Thor, Adrien nods absently at Marinette's words, though he's murmuring softly.

"He shoved a car into my face, then picked me up with a tornado. I... I'm glad I didn't... I mean..." Adrien is saying as Marinette leads him away, eyes troubled. He'll get over that ordeal soon. Until then.

Talia al Ghul has posed:
A look is given towards the giant slab of beef that has nearly stepped on Talia, her gaze lifting slowly up to take him in, though, of course she had been watching him previously. Her head turns towards the departing couple and she nods her head, "Of course." She says, "Enjoy."

Sassa (300) has posed:
    Sassa bows lightly at Talia, and shoots her a smile intending to make sure she comes off as polite as possible. To Thor, she looks to him again and shoots him a smile. "No, no I did not.." she replies as she folds her arms under her bust. "Thor, please, don't use that name in Public..." she asks of him as she shoots him, the /look/. The request not to use it, very quiet and almost whispered to him.

    "As to your second statement my lord.., you're incorrigible.." she adds with a smirk. "You've got someone in your life do you not my lord Thor?" she asks. Yes, to all those standing around with in earshot, she just called him /My Lord Thor./ Someone, truly believes him a god.

Thor has posed:
Thor is close enough to hear Talia wish someone a good night and looking over, Marinette is unknown but Adrien...yes he does remember him! "Hello there! I hope you have picked a better provider for your phone. Their plans were killer..." And from some that may seem a total sarcastic move but somehow, Thor makes it sound genuine. After all, he never did get any sort of debrief after so doesn't -actually- know where the butterflies came from. Probably not the cell phone carrier but you never know with this crazy technology!

He does turn though to face towrads the man, which puts him in an easily conversational position with Talia but his attention turns back towards the one he knows, Sassa.

To be fair, to many folks he would be considered a god, especially when you go back milennia. "So.....sorry about that," he offers, bowing to Sassa politely, "Sassa, then, how are you? Not...oh look, more bubbley water," he says and grabs a couple of glasses, offering one to both ladies before picking up a third somehow...be it with fingers or a free hand and now the chance to converse. Though Thor totally does absolutely nothing to dissuade the hero worship. Maybe his super ego doesn't mind the little bit of super ego strokage.

Talia al Ghul has posed:
"My Lord?" Talia asks in a questioning voice as Thor is addressed as such by Sassa, "Some sort of royalty or something?" she asks, considering Thor once more, then turning her attention to take in his partner, Sassa, reaching to accept the glass that was procured then handed her way.

Sassa (300) has posed:
    Sassa takes the offered glass and looks at it a moment, before raising it up to her lips and taking a sip. She looks back to Thor and sighs deeply before turning to look at Talia and blushing bright red. She shakes her head no to Talia at first, "Oh, no, I shouldn't have..." and she sighs and turns back to look at Thor, asking no doubt with her eyes for him to get off the frat-boy bike and come back to adult land and help her with the convo.

Thor has posed:
He chuckles a bit, nodding his head. "Some sort, yes," says Thor, Crown Prince of Asgard. But not everyone on -this- planet knows that little tidbit. Probably best not to let it spread too much. The pres, paranoia, that whole 'thing.' He folds his arms over his chest a moment, testing the limits of the jacket sleeves before he puts them down again, well the one, the other taking a sip of his champagne. "And you, are you royalty as well? Or just a fan of ancient burial sites...which by the way I believe would be a very unique hobby here." He grins at Sassa in satisfaction, very sure by changing the topic he has handled her unspoken request quite nicely!

Talia al Ghul has posed:
"Oh, yes, I was telling the french couple before I find these death and rebirth myths rather interesting, the various ways they prepared their mummies, the artifacts they buried them with, and the stories that go along with it all." Talia explains, taking a sip from the champagne that was handed to her, a nod offered across towards Sassa now, "I'm Talia, nice to meet the both of you."

Sassa (300) has posed:
    Sassa rolls her eyes at Thor, he really should know better and then, he stops before going to much father and she sighs content that there's not going to be a scene. She watches him change the subject and then slowly turns to look at Talia. Smiling she holds her hand out, "Naomi" she says softly in reply. "Pleasure to meet you as well Talia.."

Thor has posed:
Thor Odinson grins to Talia, before turning to Sassa. "I'll have to have you meet Sif soon," he says. "I still have your number kept in my little voice-box so as soon as we have an answer...." he says, committing to -somethig- regarding the woman but for Talia the quesiton gets to be what? "I hope you'll both excuse me. I have a bit of training I need to get to that I've been putting off for a couple of days." He takes a step back and bows, smiling to Sassa next, "I too have you stored I will make sure that if you are not where we are when we find out if we got the ok, we will make sure you are not the least big surprised when you meet her - she can be a bit...strict."

Talia al Ghul has posed:
Talia al Ghul extends her hand to Sassa, "Yes, a pleasure, Naomi." she says to the woman, inclining her head towards her before giving a glance to the departing Thor, "Good day." She says, to Sassa she adds, "I should be on with my exploring as well, if you will excuse me."

Sassa (300) has posed:
    Sassa nods to Thor, "Alright. I'll wait for the call then.." she says to him before turning to nod at Talia. "Be well Talia, pleasure to meet you." With the good byes said, she turns on heel and heads to walk about the musuem.