9200/A Mystical Meeting

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A Mystical Meeting
Date of Scene: 15 September 2019
Location: Harry Dresden's Office, Kingston Falls
Synopsis: Buffy meets with Dresden to exchange information about a new vamp gang in town..
Cast of Characters: Buffy Summers, Harry Dresden
Tinyplot: Blood of the Ancients

Buffy Summers has posed:
Okay, So it's not like she'd normally go and seek the help of a PI, but then this Harry guy seemed quite attuned to magical mysteries and that was right up her ally. Besides, it's not like she needed the extra muscle so much as I formation. Mostly because her usual sources kept leading her to dead ends lately. So here she is, outside Harry's office door, pondering if she can even afford this or if he'd be willing to meet her halfway. He might even hear the sound of her soft footsteps just outside, pausing on a creaky floorboard, hesitating to knock on the door. Assuming his senses are particularly keen tonight that is.

Harry Dresden has posed:
Harry Dresden heard the creak of the floorboards heading his way, and can see the sillouette through the foggy glass door, but he lets who ever it is outside make their own decision. Reading some old pulp sci-fi novella he was able to get at the half priced books tore he just calmly waits to see what they'll do the book generally forgotten.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers sighs when she accidentally steps on that darned creak in the floor. "Brilliant, Buffy, Guess there's no turning back now.." she bites her lip and pushes the door open when she realizes it's not locked. "Oh, hey there, Mister Dresden...Long time, no see! How you been?" she seems chipper today. Must have been all that coffee.

Harry Dresden has posed:
"Fair to Middling. How can I help you today Missus Summers?" he asks the older man remembering the Slayer from their first introduction. "Before you come in any further, make sure your cellphone is turned off." hewarns remembering what happened to her last time she was in this office, thankfully though it's just him today along with his dog. "Or is this just a social call?" he asks

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers smirks, pushing the door open fully, regarding him and his dog thoughtfully before hastily turning off her cell. "Hah, How could I forget?" good thing she doesn?t have a pace maker, he'd probs give her a heart attack or something! "Guess it's a bit of both." with her phone safely turned off, Buffy steps further into the room, nodding to the big dog. "Heya Mouse, How ya doing?" she grins and leans over to give him a scratch under the ears. Turning back to Harry, she peers at him thoughtfully. "Soo, what kind of experience do you have with Vampires...?"

Harry Dresden has posed:
Harry Dresden quirks a brow.. "little too much if you ask me." he says with a faint shivver at soem memory. "Not as much as A hunter like you probably has. You having a little two fangged issues?" he asks curiously

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers frowns and nods, flopping into the chair across from him. She looks tired, probably hasn?t had a good sleepin a while. "Oh, I have no trouble fighting vamps, but when they form themselves into super secret organizations and make themselves nearly invisible on the surface, except when they want to be noticed, or when they want to make a statement.." she shrugs, "Yannow, by feeding on my oddly willing friend, before trying to frame a..." Buff seems to hesitate, "Well, to frame a mostly good vampire, I guess..I'm having trouble getting a lead on this .org. Hate to say it, but I could use some help.."

Harry Dresden has posed:
Harry Dresden quirks a brow. "A.. Good Vampire.." he says a little disbelieving. "I think you'ed be surprised at the number of super secret clubs extreamly long lived, if not immortal creatures can get up to creating. They have all the time in the world and can have gotten in on the ground floor of numerous things." he says. "Would you like some coffee? Tell me about this friend that was fed on, was it just a feeding? were they turned? Gouled?" he asks

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers chuckles nervously, for some reason, "Yeah, Yeah, I know it sounds totally nuts. Actually, I happen to know two good Vamps, one with a soul, the other with a chip in his head.." she decides not to mention how she dated one, and the other? Well, things are pretty complicated. "Coffee sounds great, but maybe I really need a little calming..Got any camomile tea?" she shakes her head. "Nah, not turned, not gorged...She was fed on though. According to Spike, my, err...Non-evil vamp friend, she was willingly letting him feed off of her..Right until he intervened. Sounded like he tried to temp Soike with blood, turn him to the dark side, so to speak. When that didn?t work, he decided to frame him too. Only thing is, he claimed there were more like him..That this could happen again.."

Harry Dresden has posed:
Harry Dresden nods as he thinks. "So this vampire, not the 'good' ones but the other, it exhibted powers and abilities you're not familiar with?" he asks curiously. "did you see it yourself, or was it just this friend of yours?" he asks his forhead furrowijng in thought..

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers shakes her head, "Oh no, some vamps are capable of hypnotic powers, butI dunno if that is exactly what we're dealing with here, or something else. I mean, would people willingly line up to get fed on just for a high? And no, I didn?t see it with my own eyes. I guess that's the most frustrating part..I don't have a first hand account of what happened. I basically have to trust the words of another vampire.." she sighs, clenching her fists as she waits for the tea. "I guess, if I knew more about this organization, who they are, where they come from, how they operate, maybe I'd know how to deal with em..Oh Yeah, they dropped a name..Carpe Noctem. Does that mean anything to you?"

Harry Dresden has posed:
Harry Dresden shrugs "Folks will do a lot for narcotics." the PI says simply "and with the kind of high the supernatural world can give a human. You'ed be surprised what people will do." he says "What /do/ you know about them other than their name?" he asks curiously pulling out a pen and writing it down on a piece of paper.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers shrugs, "Absolutely nothing, actually. My..Friend..Was attacked by a vampire who was seducing a girl. After he dusted the vamp, the girl murmured something about Carpe Noctem, but I guess she was already weak and had lost too much blood." she draws a deep breath, "She..Died, before my friend could get anything more out of her. I guess that vamp had drained too much for her to live on, after my friend interrupted him."

Harry Dresden has posed:
Harry Dresden nods. "I'll see what I can find out." he says simply looking at the name. "You nose about what channels you can too. Your friend that's been framed for the killing.. Is he in trouble with the police? Has he been taken into custody? Are they looking for him?" he asks

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers shakes her head. "Nah..I mean, we kinda..Left the body, because my friend Spike was injured. When I came back, she wasn't there. I can only assume she was either eaten by animals, or dragegd away somewhere, or..." her eyes go deathly cold, although she is handling this pretty well, and is probably used to people dying around her all the time. "Well, I'm sure we'll find out, sooner or later." as for Spike, she chuckles a bit and shrugs, "Nah, I'm the only one who saw what happened, and...Well it's kinda complicated.." she seems hesitant to get into it too much. "But let's just say, even if they DID find the body, they wouldn't find evidence that he had attacked or killed her."

Harry Dresden has posed:
Harry Dresden quirks an eye brow. "Oh...kay.." he says slowly "You said your friend was framed.. Who was he framed against? If the authorities aren't looking for him and you being a hunter don't believe that he did it. Is there someone else seeking retribution or justice against your framed friend?" he asks trying to understand everything.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers frowns and shakes her head. "Well..No, this vampire..Tried to frame Spike with me as a 'witness'. Fortunately, we got things straightenned out...Eventually.." Buffy winces at the memory. "See, Spike is.." She draws a deep breath, not really wanting to reveal too much about her 'friend', but if it will help, and Harry won't go after him..

"Well, he's a vampire himself. But he's a *good*. Before this vamp gave her a fatal bite to her neck, he tossed her at Spike, smudged blood around his mouth so that when I came on the scene, I pretty much thought Spike had killed her. Anyway, since he and I managed to get that cleared out, I'm really more concerned about more of these vamps running around out there, trying to seduce girls and turn them."

Buffy bites her lip, pondering, "I mean, vamps generally just feed and kill, only occasionally turning people into vamps..But lately, there have been a lot of reports about missing people, most of them young goth types, many of them loners."

Harry Dresden has posed:
Harry Dresden nods "I still have your number, I'll look into this and see if we can find anything else about these Carpe Noctem individuals. " he says before reaching into one of his drawers pulling out a pair of plastic rings attached together at one spot. "Your cellphone /is/ off yes?" he asks as he opens up another drawer pulling out a one foot square chalk board and piece of chalk to draw a circle on the black surface. "I'm going to magic something up." he explains

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers smirks and nods. "Of course. I've heard of your reputation, although you must be pretty powerful. I mean, my friend Willow's a witch, but she doesn't short out my cell." the thought causes her to chuckle a bit, shaking her head. "Alright, let me know if you hear of any unusual vampire activity. I'll keep my ears peeled too. My dead friend Cheryl Richardson might be out there somewhere..Y'know, all undead and what not. Might be useful to keep her alive for a bit if you do run into her.." she sighs, "I'm really getting too old for all of this.." although she's really only 20.