9273/Hard Night's Work

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Hard Night's Work
Date of Scene: 21 September 2019
Location: Library - Wayne Manor
Synopsis: Steph and Bruce discuss Bat-plans for the coming weeks.
Cast of Characters: Batman, Spoiler

Batman has posed:
The dynamic of the Family has changed substantially in the last few months. Bruce, who typically preferred to patrol alone with only occasional collaboration, is now almost always in some partnership or another. More often than not, it's with Stephanie Brown - the new Batgirl. There's a dynamic there that works. One that reminds him of many years ago and the first Robin.

But now the sun is on the verge of rising, and the night's patrol is over. Nothing particularly dangerous, just some thwarted muggings and careful observation of a warehouse believed to be associated with Falcone and his new werewolf allies. Nothing that won't keep until tomorrow, and so around four in the morning, Bruce called it and back to the Manor they went.

He stands now in the library, still wearing his batsuit save for the cowl and cape, and skims the early morning edition of the Gotham Gazette that has been laid out on the desk before him.

Spoiler has posed:
Stephanie tries to stifle a yawn by shoving the larger part of her hand into her mouth. Ok, not really, but it sort of looks that way. "So, I realize, cover of darkness and all. But I'm just saying, you'd think even the bad guys might try to make an early night of it and get all the... bad stuff... out of the way before, say, 2 AM," she says.

"I mean, have you seen Falcone's guys? A group of men in more need of beauty rest, I have not seen with my own eyes before," the blond says, pulling off her own cowl and then stretching, twisting her torso first to one side, and then the other.

She goes over to a tray that has her large cup of coffee, two sugars and enough milk it's not worth being called coffee anymore but for the caffeine. "So, Bruce, I've been wondering. I've read the mission reports, but I've not run into these 'Lycans' of Selene's. But... what do we do? I mean with them? Are they save to lock up? Do we even have somewhere that will take them?" she asks. Not sure if they should use lethal force or not. She's never killed anyone before.

Batman has posed:
"Unclear," Bruce answers on the subject of Lycans, not lifting his eyes from the newspaper as he turns the page and begins to scan it - eyes flicking back and forth in a stunning display of speed reading, "Standing orders are to disable if confronted, but not engage unless absolutely necessary. If we have the option, we contact Selene."

The issue has weighed on his mind as well. While the Lycans are certainly dangerous to the point that locking them away in a prison of any sort seems counterproductive, the idea of killing them doesn't sit well with him. Better to let it fall to their newest ally who has no such qualms or failing that - to him. He's not about to let Steph bloody her hands, even if these are soulless monsters.

"We have temporary holding facilities in the Cave," Bruce explains, "If need be, we can keep them there for further study."

Spoiler has posed:
Stephanie holds her cup in both hands, sipping the light tan beverage as she listens to Bruce. "I was thinking if they have a silver allergy, maybe some sort of... cloud, thing might work? Though I suppose as long as Selene has supposedly been fighting them they might have tried that already," she says. "I'd like to talk to her at least, find out a bit more than the briefings say," Stephanie asks Bruce.

She frowns, saying, "They sound huge. Just getting them back to the Cave could be tough going." Especially for the girl that is five and a half feet tall. She shakes the thought off, taking another sip of her coffee.

"Anything else coming up on the radar of late?" she asks, moving over to a window to look out at the grounds. It's become a favorite spot of hers. The place she passed on to Dick some words of Bruce's. Things both said and unsaid. But both meant equally.

Batman has posed:
"I'll arrange a meeting with Selene," Bruce offers, momentarily looking up as he considers just how he's going to get into contact with the Death Dealer, "If these Lycans are muscling into Gotham, we need to be as informed as we can be. It's not going to be enough to leave it to her anymore."

Whatever that implies, he frowns. His eyes turn back down to the newspaper, flicking yet another page less than a minute after the started reading the last one.

"There's been some strange energy readings across the river," he explains, "I'm installing sensors of our own in Gotham to see if it makes it across here, using frequency data we received from Tony Stark. That's what you'll be doing tomorrow night, if the sensors are finished. I've got a list of locations I want them installed at."

Spoiler has posed:
Stephanie turns back from the window after a few moments, moving over to take a seat closer to Bruce in one of the comfortable chaises. After a moment she slips her shoes off and draws her legs up beside herself.

Stephanie takes a moment to pause and gaze about the library. Listening to Bruce still, but letting herself take in the room and the moment. It wasn't all that long ago she was mostly alone. Sometimes helping out Batman and Robin, but most in a we'll call you variety, or just showing up more often than not. Not privy to their plans, let alone their identities.

It's a long way from those days, sitting with Batman while he reads the paper, in his extravagant home, and trusted to carry on a part of the legacy that he and Barbara have created. The blond girl looks back to Bruce as he finishes speaking, having caught everything he said as she says, "Energy readings? Like... something with the electrical grid or radiation or... what kind of energy?" she asks.

Batman has posed:
"Do you remember the attack on New York?" Bruce asks, looking up now from the paper and focusing his attention on Steph, "Something similar to that. The device that allowed that to happen gave off energy readings very similar to these. It's all centered across the river for now, but we ought to be prepared."

It had indeed taken time for him to accept Stephanie into their group, but once she was in things had snowballed. He'd very quickly seen just how much she was capable of, and when Barbara had decided she could no longer be Batgirl, Steph had seemed like the natural fit to replace her.

"The Avengers are investigating them," he continues, "As are the Justice League, after a fashion. But we should be looking into it ourselves. If something happens in New York, we could be dealing with the after effects of it here. Do you feel like a trip across the river?"

Spoiler has posed:
The talk of alien attacks is definitely enough to keep Stephanie's gaze from wandering to the surrounding room. "Oh. Wow, that kind of energy," she says. She's struggled with reproducing some of the compounds that go into the batarangs. Alien energy sources are so far out of her realm of experience.

The blond girl gives a quick nod of her head at the question. "Sure, I'm up for it," she says, covering up her mouth to try to hide the yawn that seems intent to say otherwise. She takes a big sip of the coffee, sending caffeine after the yawn to keep any of its brethren at bay.

"While I'm thinking about it... so the job I have with Tim, buying items at auction for him to use for charity or put in his superhero museum he wants to make? I bought some Greek artifacts that seemed to have some history to them. Short version, professor at Gotham U couldn't place them. I asked Diana Prince if she might be willing to take a look at them. She came over to the Clocktower to see them. Turns out, they included a sword and shield that were Themysciran. Had belonged to someone who had led a group in search of Diana's sister when she disappeared, but they'd never been heard from again. She was really grateful to come across them. And said she'd try to arrange a trip to Themyscira for Barbara and Tim and myself. Though, Tim might be harder to swing, I guess."

Batman has posed:
The mention of Diana immediately raises Bruce's attention, and though he had let his gaze drift back to the newspaper it returns fully to Stephanie when she mentions the Amazon. He says nothing on it, though, simply nodding his head in response and staying silent. Whatever is on his mind stays unvoiced.

"I'm glad you could help here," he says quietly, "For how long she's been here - among people like us, I mean - I always get the sense that she seems to feel apart from everything. It was nice that you could do that for her."

He opens his mouth to say something else, perhaps ask a question, but thinks better of it. His attention turns back to the newspaper, and after several moments of silence he speaks up again: "I don't suppose I can convince you to take surveillance readings while you're there? Themyscira, I mean. Given what Diana's capable of, I'm wary of a whole island inhabited by powerful warriors."

Spoiler has posed:
Stephanie smiles and says, "I haven't really gotten much sense of her yet. I mean, she's kind of... awesome really. I don't know that I've been able to get past that yet to observe like I should be doing." Hey, it's a failing but at least she's realizing it and admitting to it.

Stephanie leans back in her seat as Bruce asks her to conduct the surveillance, her eyes widening a little bit. The question takes her aback at first, Stephanie needing a few moments to think. Obviously the thought is giving her pause.

"Wow. She's so, I mean I don't think she'd ever do anything harmful. But... I understand what you mean. Why you'd be concerned. It's kind of eye opening, scary, the powers that some of these enhanced people have. Even if she is noble and worth trusting, it's a whole land of people who could be like her," she says slowly.

Stephanie takes a deep breath, seeking a sip of her coffee as her thoughts tumble in her head. "What would it entail, exactly?" she asks.

Batman has posed:
"I would trust Diana with my life," Bruce tells her, cutting off any thought that there may be something more sinister to Wonder Woman, "But that's right, she isn't the only Amazon. There are others on that island. They're warriors. We don't know anything about them beyond what they tell us, and while I trust Diana's motives, they may not always be entirely unclouded. These people are family to her, after all."

There's a minor twinge somewhere inside as he notes Stephanie looking at enhanced people in much the way he does. With suspicion, and concern as to how they might be defeated. It's the death of innocence in a way, but also a means to make her much more effective at what it is they do.

"I'll give you some devices," he explains, "Innocuous. They shouldn't draw any attention. There'll also be a repeater to place outside whatever entrance there is to the pocket dimension the island inhabits. It should boost the signal enough to reach one of the satellites, then we can redirect it here."

Spoiler has posed:
"It's possible we might fly there in her jet or something, so it might be difficult to place anything outside of it," Stephanie says. Which shows she's at least considering it. The way she's chewing her lip is an easy read of the confliction though.

"I don't like... how much of a betrayal it would feel," Stephanie says, her tone quite regretful. Her blue eyes search about the room, as if they could find an answer there. Something that would make the dilemma easier or clearer to her.

Stephanie lets out a soft sigh. "But I understand why it's needed, and... it's better for us to be prepared. Should it ever be needed," she says with a sigh. A sad sigh.

Batman has posed:
"It's a rare opportunity," Bruce explains, serious expression locking eyes with her for a moment, "One we might not get another chance at."

But he leaves it at that. He's not going to force the issue. This isn't a deal breaker, and if Stephanie were to say no there's nothing in his demeanor that suggests he would be angry or think any less of her. He simply glances back down at the newspaper, flicking it over to the next page.

"Think on it. Don't decide now."

Spoiler has posed:
Stephanie gives a little nod of her head, not saying anything more about it, though obviously it is still on her mind. She finishes off her coffee and sets the cup down on a nearby table.

"You looked like there was something else you were thinking about saying, before that," Stephanie comments. She's been spending time on reading micro expressions, but still has a long way to go on it. If it weren't overt enough she likely wouldn't have caught it. "Anything else on your mind?" she asks, making voice a little more chipper, closer to its normal tone than when they were talking about Themyscira. Stephanie turns on her side, drawing her legs up beside her.

Batman has posed:
"I - "

Bruce seems for a moment like he's going to answer Stephanie's question, as though there is a deluge of words waiting there behind the floodgates and he were about to open them. But then he doesn't, simply closing his mouth and shaking his head. Once more he turns back to the newspaper, reading an article with mild interest.

"It's not important," he tells her, almost apologetically, "Just something I'll need to work out on my own, I think."

Spoiler has posed:
Stephanie Brown gives Bruce a little nod back when he decides not to go into it. "Ok. Well, I should probably... when did you want to go across the river? If now, I should probably shower and get changed. If later, I should probably shower and go home and sleep," she says.

One of those yawns is threatening to get out again. Stephanie tries to squash it. Succeeds for a moment, but then as soon as her guard is down, it sneaks out. She covers her mouth and grimaces. Stupid yawns.

Batman has posed:
"You're welcome to stay," Bruce offers, noting the time with a glance towards the grandfather clock that marks the entrance to the Batcave. There's plenty of room in Wayne Manor, after all, with only a handful of people there to occupy them permanently.

He shakes his head at the question, waving a hand, "Not tonight. I still have preparations I need to do. Go and rest."

Spoiler has posed:
Stephanie nods her head. "Alright," she says. She walks past Bruce, knowing he might just stay up the rest of the night. "You deserve some rest too," she tells him, resting her hand for a minute on his shoulder, and then turns to head off into the rest of the mansion, in search of one of the guest rooms, a hot shower, and then a warm bed.