9727/Peter, you're just lazy now...

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Peter, you're just lazy now...
Date of Scene: 23 October 2019
Location: Medical, Avengers Mansion
Synopsis: Cap comes to see Pete in medical... finds out Pete isn't even suppose to be in medical anymore. Life lessons follow. Asses are seen. FIN.
Cast of Characters: Spider-Man, Captain America

Spider-Man has posed:
Seriously, at some point you just have to get out of bed and do some stuff. While Pete is not at 100, he's plenty well enough that he could go home, and has in fact, but keeps coming back to the medbay every few days to bug the staff.. He waits for the dead of night, sneaks in under cover of the moon, and crawls back into the bed... he even puts the gown back on.

Just so when they come in the next morning, there he is.

Why does he do this?

Because he's not well enough to go out crime fighting and really doesn't want to find stuff to do at work.

So he's pysically trolling the medical staff at Avengers Mansion.

Peter Parker: Adult.

Captain America has posed:
And realizing that Peter has once again returned to his bed in the downstairs medical ward, the doctors have reached out to some of the senior members of the Avengers. While not the MOST senior (this award goes to Thor), it falls upon Captain Rogers to attend upon the recently-returned Spidey.

"Hey Pete," says Steve in an easy-going tone as he enters the room. In jeans and a steel-blue t-shirt, indoor slippers, the Captain's out of his arm sling. The small amount of scarring from the endoscopic surgery to grind down a lingering bone spur in his healed collarbone has faded as well, leaving him practically a clean slate. He wanders over and pauses by the bedside, thumbs hooked in his pockets.

"Heard you were on the mend. You need something checked out? Doctor Haskins is in today, I can whistle him up?" Steve's eyebrows lift to accent his question.

Spider-Man has posed:
Pete is not quite out of his arm sling, though with his advanced healing ability he really should be. This part, at least, is not a game. The wound is still very real, though mostly internal rather than a gaping hole in his flesh, it's the reason he can't go swinging... and why he's going stir crazy in his apartment... and why he keeps sneaking in here to give the medical staff all the hell.

They don't deserve it.

"Hey Cap.." Pete knows he's been sold out, but does not scowl at the medics, no... their penance will come in another form later when nobody is looking. "Yeah... I mean no, I'm all good... these beds are just super comfy and I thought.." One palm running along the deluxe suite beds with a sardonic frown.

"I'm going nuts, man.. I can't...I cannot stay inside anymore. It's driving me insane. I want to pull out hair and I'm pretty sure my hair is one of Kitty's favorite parts so I can't do that either!"

Captain America has posed:
"Ah, yes. Ants in your pants." Instead of sporting the shared, patience-strained frown of the medical staff, Steve pulls his mouth aside into a knowing smile. "'m not the best patient either, but...that's the thing about healing. Gotta take it easy. I've been keeping track of your charts. Not gonna lie, Parker, how it was touch 'nd go for a while there had even me concerned about your recovery."

Peter gets another look, this one more level. "Where're you at with your ability to lift? How about your stamina for running? That sense of yours on-track or a little off center still?"

Spider-Man has posed:
"Ants... in.... my pants.." Pete repeats that. This line. It is repeated first out loud, then quietly, then without any sound at all. Thrice. Just to make absolute certain that he heard it accurately, to cement it in his memory as a thing that was, indeed, said. "Yes, that exactly." Wiggling in the bed. He's definitely wearing a hospital gown.

He's an adult.

"Yeah, that's what Kits told me.. and the doctors kept saying while I was pretending to be asleep. Also what my chart said, when they thought I wasn't looking and read it for myself." His mouth pulls to the side, "I've never been hit with anything like that before. Usually a week and I can basically heal anything that doesn't kill me, with in reason, I mean. Bullets suck.. and they scar."

Shaking his head though, "Whatever that toxin was dang near did me in." Which is the obvious part, blowing out a long sigh, "Everything else though? Stamina, senses.. even my lifting strength in my left arm, all back to normal. It's just the wound in my right shoulder that's healing slowly.. more like.. I mean I hate saying a normal person, because that's not true.. A normal person with a bacta tank. Star Wars." Up nods.

Captain America has posed:
"Star Wars," the Captain echoes with a nod of his head. He files away the reference in the rather quickly-growing file mentally called 'Star Wars'; this particular cluster is next to 'Star Trek', certain to NEVER be crossed over.

"So what's the shoulder wound stopping you from doing if you're able to lift with your other arm 'nd your stamina isn't shot fulla holes?" A nurse briefly appears at the doorway and Steve glances over. A shake of his head tells the nurse that the situation is normal -- just a conversation. The man disappears, but not after giving Peter something of a narrow look.

Spider-Man has posed:
"Have you met Kitty?"

Peter squints at Steve, leaning towards the senior (citizen, ayuck) Avenger. "ARE you Kitty? Are you trying to catch me willfully engaging in heroics before I am 100% healed? You're..." Pointing with his left hand, the other is bundled up against hims arm. "You're a spy aren't you?"

He leans in close, speaking towards Steve's chest as if there might be a microphone there, "I would never engage in super heroing before the doctors have cleared me to do so because I respect my girlfriend and think she's wonderful..." Smug, arms crossed, technically one arm laid across the other anyways, "Not going to catch me slippin'."

Captain America has posed:
The Captain's smile is barely kept from display. He even looks admittedly...cheeky as he's labeled not only a spy, but a turncoat against Peter's good name! His eyes fall to the top of the young man's head when he leans in to clearly speak to the not-present auditory device and then return to Peter's face once he gets comfortable in the medical bed again.

"Don't think you know as much about me as you think, Parker. Lemme tell you a little story. Back in the war, when the serum was new 'nd I was new, 'nd even I didn't know half of what I was capable of, me 'nd the Commandos were on a mission in southern France. Infiltrate 'nd extract, simple stuff," says Steve with a wave of his arm. "Taking out a HYDRA base in order to release any prisoner. If anything blew up in the process, nobody blinked twice. Turns out they'd set an ambush for us. First wave of HYDRA punks came in, leveled 'em. Second wave, easy as pie. It was about halfway through the third wave that one of 'em came underneath the shield after I'd thrown it. Knife, here..."

And Steve points at just behind his carotid artery and draws a diagonal downwards sloping line about an inch and a half long.

"...to here. Barely nicked the artery. Thank god for Jim Morita, he managed to sew it shut before I bled out. I was down for a week." Eyebrows lift again. "'nd I stayed down because it was a better option than going out there again 'nd not turning my head just far enough to miss a sniper set up in the tree. Or a landmine. Did I like it?"

He shrugs. "Barnes probably listened to me whinge for about two days before he told me to stuff it or he'd sew my mouth shut. Thing is...I understand, Parker. I do. You need something to do, right?"

Spider-Man has posed:
Pete grew up reading Captain America comic books, watching dramatizations of his exploits even, but hearing a story told by the American hero is kind of a treat.. and if he said he weren't a little... okay so it got a little dark... but still he's a little taken aback by the story itself, even if it involves carotid arteries and the like.

"I feel useless.. I was walking around the apartment cleaning Cap.. I mopped the floors." In a smaller voice, "And took out the trash..." His left hand flicks through his hair, flipping curls back out of his face where they immediately fall back down into his face. "I can't even go back to the School and teach yet because the official story is I caught the flu or something... not a harpoon through the shoulder that I should have felt coming from a mile away."

That part of all of it might be what's bothering him most.

"So I'm just.. existing. I'm bored... and gosh dang I love Kitty, I do, with my whole heart, but being hovered over constantly isn't something I'm even remotely use to.." Which is why he's probably come to troll the medical staff, since he'd probably take a lot of crap for pulling the same on his girlfriend.

"I /can't/ sit around. I can't. I missed the Mold being destroyed, I missed Sabastian being put down... I missed Superman and Batman... I haven't missed a day of work in nine years and I haven't webbed mugger ONE-" One finger held up, stressed, >.< eyed.. "-In a week... almost two weeks now.. It's driving me literally up a wall... which is saying something for a guy who can actually climb walls."

Captain America has posed:
Right about when Peter reaches the point about a helicopter girlfriend, the Captain calmly reaches for a nearby sitting chair tucked against the wall out of the way of immediate medical work if necessary. He seats himself with a comfortable settling of ankle to knee and resting of hands layered overtop his belt buckle. His eyebrows lift and quirk, frown and relax, at all the appropriate points.

Steve nods. "It is saying something," he agrees good-naturedly. "It's hell to sit around 'nd feel like you're nothing but a useless lump on a gurney while all around you, it feels like the world's falling apart. Now, here's the thing." Steve rolls a hand up and onto his thigh briefly, palm up. "All that stuff you were doing around the house? Necessary. Helpful. That can't be dismissed. 'm sure Kitty appreciates the little things too, right?" Again, his eyebrows lift. "That'd be like me making sure Janet's dry-cleaning was picked up on time 'nd her laundry changed over. Can't take those things for granted."

His hand turns back over and lingers on the broad width of his palm. "What if you spoke to Tony about manning the comms? Helping coordinate with the local police about finding whomever shot you? Believe me... Barnes managed to find the guy who got beneath my guard." The solemn expression tells well enough what happened to the poor sap. "Nothing stopping you from coordinating the effort to search him out, right?"

Spider-Man has posed:
Pete's been doing this alone for so long it's hard to regard the situation as part of a team. Not that he's incapable of playing with others, mind, just that he's never had to rely on anyone... or more specifically, had someone to rely on.

The revelation shouldn't be as surprising as it is. Written all over his face that he'd never even considered that there might be something else he could do. "You know, I've been Spider-Man since I was fourteen years old?" He murmurs, glancing down at his arm, broken wing, rubbing his bicep with his left palm. "I know that's probably not that much in the grand scheme of things, especially not with how long you've been active and all, but.. that's my entire adult life. I was only just out of puberty."

His tongue runs along the inside of his bottom lip, mouth suddenly a little dry. "And I've never done anything else, not really. I've got several jobs, like real people jobs.. but nothing that I'd say is my job. My /JOB/ is Spider-Man." Brow furrowing, blue eyes ticking back and forth slowly.

"I feel this strong since of guilt that I /should/ be doing it and I'm not. If Kitty weren't at home, I already would have, and I'd probably hurt myself worse or... get someone hurt because I wasn't at my top form when I should be.." His hand moves from his upper arm, back across his floppy bangs, "I guess that's something I can do for now, though? There are other spider-persons now, and I'm an Avenger, kind of. It still feels like part of me is gone though." Motioning at the bed, "I need to get healed, this sidelines stuff isn't for me... at least not permanently."

Captain America has posed:
His head tilted to one side, Steve again proves the attentive listener. He nods slowly as he nonchalantly fidgets by rotating his ankle rested on his knee; his toe goes up and down, up and down, to some silent rhythm in his mind.

The chair beneath him makes a little squeak as he shifts in it after his eyes follow Peter's gesture at the plush gurney. "You do need to get healed. It sounds like you know better'n to go haring off after you're fully mended too. 's'better'n me. Remember the story about the knife? I was on my feet early enough that even the Commandos were second-guessing me. That stung, but...like I said, everything was new. You've got Kitty. You've got us, the Avengers." Steve gestures off towards the mansion.

"You're smart as as whip, Peter. You've got connections all over the city. If one day, you're called upon to lead a unit...? What better time to get your practice in then now, when we're all here to lend a hand or give you feedback?" A hand lifts. "Just an example -- you mentioned other spider-folk."

Spider-Man has posed:
Pete can't help matching the tune Steve is tapping out with fingers drumming against his sling, but it stops the second he realizes he's doing it. Eyes turning down to his offended, wounded, wing so his palm can run along it lightly. "Yeah, I'm tracking you, Cap." His voice is quiet, but he sounds genuine enough.

"I guess that means I've got to stop goofing on the medics, huh?" Said as he pulls himself to the edge of the gurney so his feet dangle off the side. "Nah, I follow. I'll take a seat in the comms station if Tony okays it.. maybe work with Ghost Spider on creating a vaccine before one of my Spiders get hurt.. I couldn't live with myself if one of them took an arrow in the knee and it ruined their adventuring career."

A brief pause. "Skyrim..." Reference for Steve.

A grin on his face, Pete leaps out of bed showing that, at least, his legs aren't hurt with a quick step that ends with a wall spin down onto his toes. "Thanks for the pick me up talk, Cap. I think I needed that." Completely forgetting that he's wearing the gown, you know the type... the ones that open in the back.

Pete was all in on this prank. So... in a way... he's showing his ass.


No seriously, his ass is out.

That's New Yorks Ass.