City Fall

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City Fall
A series of shadowy figures in the dark corners of government take over the process, enabling the wicked to advance their plans without the inhibition of law.
Base Info
Plot Scale: Major
Plot Runner(s): Shredder
Co-Runner(s): {{{Contacts}}}
Groups Involved: {{{Groups}}}
Target Audience: Any
Rating & Tone: {{{Genre}}}




Alopex, April O'Neil, Arella Despana, Blinkdog, Carrie Kelley, Robin (Wayne), Doctor Octopus, Donatello, Cypher, Elektra, Elixir, Fiona Glenanne, Frank Quaid, Ghost Spider, Hammerhead, Exile, Huntress, Hellcat, Beast, Magik, Iron Fist, Ivory, Red Hood, Joker, Jubilee, June Connor, Kaelyn Silverleaf, Karen Page, Hawkeye (Bishop), Kingpin, Shadowcat, Nightcrawler, Lady Shiva, Leonardo, Lex Luthor, Polaris, Magneto, Mason Steele, Daredevil, Melinda May, Mercy Thompson, Michelangelo, Moon Knight, Shadow, Nemean, Nuala Duvall, Spider-Man, Quicksilver, Pippi, Punisher, Raphael, Rave, Dragon, Samuel Morgan, Cannonball, Shredder, Quake, Snake Eyes, Splinter, Stockholm, Venandi, Question, Vincent Black, Wiccan, Winter Soldier, Wolverine, Zatanna Zatara, Zorro

Other Information



Title Date Scene Summary
City Fall: Just Friendly Neighbors October 16th, 2020 Shannon, Andrea, and Nevada case out the Mutant Cultural Museum.
City Fall: Weakest Link July 11th, 2020 Summary needed
City Fall: Under New Management April 21st, 2020 Shredder Arrives in Gotham to rebuke Penguin's use of his power.
City Fall: Escalation April 6th, 2020 Natasha talks with an ally within the civil government about ways to bring the Foot Clan's control to an end.
City Fall: Under the Foot January 23rd, 2020 A couple Foot goons try to further the Foot protection racket, but end up shot, cut, tied and locked up.
City Fall: Pawn to F8 January 22nd, 2020 Natasha investigates the mysterious chess board deliveries scheduled for Gotham
City Fall: The Outsiders January 14th, 2020 Summary needed
City Fall: at the beginning for organization January 10th, 2020 Shredder shows up at Vic's office for a bit of a chat
City Fall: Why Did You Do It December 17th, 2019 Shiva seeks out answers from Shredder
City Fall: Never Leave a Good Thing Alone December 13th, 2019 Doc Ock and Grant perform a sting operation on StockGen Labs to try to learn more about a way to hurt the Foot Clan's control of NYC.
Knock Knock. Whose there December 9th, 2019 Shiva visits Vic at his apartment.
City Fall: For the Masses December 3rd, 2019 The Turtle Team and the Shadow find out about the Foot's next play.
City Fall: Hunting for Parts November 19th, 2019 Summary needed
City Fall: Questions, answers, and stitches. November 15th, 2019 Vic wakes up to an unfamiliar ceiling and has his injuries tended to. Information is exchanged.
A Return to Gotham November 11th, 2019 Shiva returns to Gotham City. She is looking for the Question but finds Red Robin. Information is shared.
City Fall: Enemy Mine October 29th, 2019 Wilson Fisk seeks an alliance with his arch foe, the Daredevil.
City Fall: The Stand October 24th, 2019 Wilson Fisk calls a meeting for those who want to fight back against the Foot's control of NYC.
Knightfall: Briefing Shadows October 23rd, 2019 Natasha visits Barbara and gets an update on Batman's status.
City Fall: Black Mask October 4th, 2019 The Question and Shadow interfere with a gang meeting in Gotham. They manage to disrupt the Shredder's plans, but it comes at a cost.
More Than A Feeling September 30th, 2019 Backdated scene of when Stephanie first worked up the courage to let Dick know her feelings.
City Fall: Half-Dead September 19th, 2019 Punisher gets help from Shadowcat and Rogue getting out of a police manhunt. He's gonna need a /lot/ of downtime.
City Fall: The Boss is Back September 10th, 2019 Shredder and Doc Ock talk about possible teamwork. It wasn't a very long talk.
City Fall: Cleaning House September 6th, 2019 Bodies rain in Manhattan as the Foot sends a message to the city.
City Fall: Left for Dead August 30th, 2019 Punisher manages to escape a police manhunt by the skin of his teeth
City Fall: A Calculated Contaminant August 26th, 2019 Venandi is sent on her first big mission. To locate and steal a vial for Shredder. Little does she realize that Leonardo and Pippi are on partrol in the area...
City Fall: The Punisher and the Foot August 19th, 2019 After Nemean captures The Punisher, he takes him in front of Shredder, who defeats the wounded vigilante and orders him disposed of.
City Fall: The Best Laid Plans August 15th, 2019 Punisher brings down a Foot safehouse, only to be ambushed and taken captive. (takes place before Nemean leaves the Foot clan)
Undercurrents: A Meeting Between Friends August 13th, 2019 A civil meeting between Hammerhead and Shredder goes wrong once Henry McCoy stops in for a visit. Rave is also there to witness it.
Undercurrents: We Might Be Friends July 31st, 2019 A member of the Family in Bushwick talks with some X-men about working together.
City Fall: Hammer in Foot July 21st, 2019 Summary needed
CityFall: Hammer Rising July 18th, 2019 Summary needed
City Fall: Family Matters July 17th, 2019 Scott talks with the Family about their protection of mutants.
Undercurrents: K Crew Caught July 17th, 2019 Shredder finds out why K Crew had a shootout with MD12 and sends a message.
City Fall: Who Invited You July 16th, 2019 Damian tries to pose as a League of Assassins representative to intimidate Shredder.
City Fall: All in the Family July 6th, 2019 Scott tries to find out some more about "The Family" that is watching over Mutant Town.
City Fall: Zoo Aftermath June 29th, 2019 Alopex and Pippi learn of what happened between Leonardo and Nemean
City Fall: Lion in Wait June 28th, 2019 The Bronx Zoo is the scene of a fight between Leonardo and Nemean in which Leo tries to get the lion to listen to reason
City Fall: The Extended Offer June 25th, 2019 Fiona is offered a job. Hunting down the Punisher.
City Fall: Meeting in the Middle June 25th, 2019 Both needing time to themselves, Leonardo and Karai cross paths. Conflict follows.
City Fall: A Time For Learning June 24th, 2019 With bad things going on, Leonardo and Pippi have their first real talk.
City Fall: Down at the Precinct June 24th, 2019 Fiona is offered some side work at the police station, but not side work for the Police.
City Fall: A Few Questions June 22nd, 2019 Frank arrests Oroku Karai, right in front of the Shredder himself.
City Fall: Hunting the Hunter June 21st, 2019 Karai attacks the Punisher, and it makes a really big mess.
City Fall: Fleeing the Scene June 21st, 2019 Punisher drops off a college kid who he evacuated from the scene of the attack on his safehouse.
Poking Around June 17th, 2019 The police show up to ask some questions at Xavier's.
City Fall: A Meeting of Mutant Minds June 16th, 2019 The Turtle Lair gets a little more crowded.
City Fall: When Ninjas Come Knocking June 11th, 2019 Summary needed
A pym particle pitch June 9th, 2019 Nadia fills Janet in on where she's been and who she's talked to.
City Fall: Raiding the Docks June 9th, 2019 A group gathers to put a stop to a shipment destined for Shredder's hands. A surprise is found.
City Fall: A New Wrinkle June 6th, 2019 Frank tries to poke the Foot a little more. Some of them poke back.
City Fall: Dangling Conversations June 5th, 2019 Summary needed
City Fall: A little tall for a stormtrooper June 4th, 2019 The Defenders play dress up and impersonate the Foot Clan to shake Shredder's hold on some of the crime bosses.
Dragon Bar Brawl May 31st, 2019 A bar was demolished, Arnold the Hun gets to spend a night in jail, and another Coin has wound up in hands that the Foot don't want them in.
City Fall: Spare Change May 29th, 2019 Summary needed
City Fall: Judges and ninjas and spiders, oh my... May 22nd, 2019 Foot ninjas make a grab for Benny but Spider-man gets in the way. The Shadow almost captures their Sifu, but Spider-man gets in the way.
City Fall: Caught in the Act May 8th, 2019 Punishers surveillance of a warehouse turns into a running gunfight along rooftops. Cody and Spider-Girl get involved, with Punisher taking a grenade in the face.
City Fall: The Lost Daughter May 6th, 2019 The turtles go rescue April, finding Shredder, Koya, and Bludgeon. Alopex makes a decision. Cody gets involved. (Takes place closer to "City Fall: A Family Call")
City Fall: It's Fun to Stay at the YMCA... April 29th, 2019 Elektra and Shredder argue over the souls of four youth.
Cityfall: Silent But Deadly April 26th, 2019 Darcy's 'date' with Elektra goes a little less than planned as May and Elektra have a meeting of minds in the back parkinglot. They come to an understanding.
City Fall: A Family Call April 26th, 2019 Koya makes her debut, and April is kidnapped despite Leo's best efforts.
City Fall: So, About this Plan of Mine... April 25th, 2019 Matt asks Elektra to meet him, they discuss SHIELD and his plan for the Foot and revel in Elektra's return and the changes it's made in their lives.
CityFall: Cards on the Table April 24th, 2019 The 'gang' meet Agent May, and Bucky Barnes, and lay their cards on the table. Kate realizes she's not the best fit for the job. Nobody has to tell Matt and Danny who is..
City Fall: April Showers Bring May Calling Cards April 23rd, 2019 Kate delivers May's
City Fall: Making a Murder April 22nd, 2019 Carrie gets help from the Bat team to stage a murder. Wait, aren't they supposed to be good guys?
City Fall: From the inside April 22nd, 2019 Carrie takes an undercover role with a small time gang, and gets a rather dire task put before her.
City Fall: What Do You Do With a Problem Like the Foot Clan April 18th, 2019 Matt, Kate, Danny and Karen talk out plans to beat the Foot Clan, afterwards, Matt and Kate talk about relationships and a certain chainsmoking warlock.
City Fall: Briefing SHIELD. April 11th, 2019 May meets with the Shadow for a second time. Threats are discussed. Secrets are revealed. Skye is grounded.
City Fall: A Clown's Errand April 11th, 2019 Julia tracks down one of the mysterious coins that have been handed out, request of the Joker.
City Fall: The Smoke Shop April 8th, 2019 Leo and April try to find out who have been the mysterious guardians of Mutant Town.
City Fall: Where is Mercy Found April 5th, 2019 Matt Murdock takes on a couple of hard-luck cases... And Daredevil has a clue to chase down.
City Fall: Recon at the Warehouse April 2nd, 2019 Punisher and Leo stake out the Foot headquarters, and discuss how to proceed to get more information.
City Fall: Fiat justitia, Ruit Caelum March 29th, 2019 Judge Veers is informed of the nature of the coin, and has a few warning words for the Shadow in return.
City Fall: An Offer We Could (and did) Refuse March 29th, 2019 Matt starts pulling the old gang together to discuss the matter of Shredder and his plans. Old enemies meet as potential friends; new aquaintances are made. Everyone agrees Matt is a fool.
City Fall: Confessions from Beyond the Grave: A Foot Inside the Door March 28th, 2019 Joker pays the injured Sal Maroni a visit, endearing himself with candy and learning about the new power trying to control Gotham.
City Fall: Parlez-vous Francais March 19th, 2019 When Foot Assassins attack, Michelangelo, Moon Knight, and Snake Eyes are there to give chase.
City Fall: Coin Consultation. March 13th, 2019 Zatanna divines one of the coin's functions, and provides the Shadow with a means of tracking its creator.
City Fall: A Deal with the Devil March 11th, 2019 Elektra and Daredevil have the arranged talk with Shredder. He makes them an offer they can, and do, refuse.
City Fall: Who Judges The Judges March 11th, 2019 The Shadow speaks to a judge, and gets a coin out of it.
Gangland Blues/City Fall: The Chase March 4th, 2019 Punisher chases Bebop and Rocksteady into a subway station, and keeps them pinned until their train leaves without them... forcing them back up onto the street for tracking.
City Fall: Hun's Invitation February 26th, 2019 Hun delivers an invitation to Elektra. The Shredder wants to meet with the Defenders.
City Fall: Gotham's Judges February 26th, 2019 Snake Eyes is tasked by G.I. Joe to investigate strange rulings in Gotham City, and breaks into the Courthouse to learn more.
City Fall: Enter Karai February 21st, 2019 Shredder sends Karai to take care of some business - and she runs into some of the local vigilante life.
City Fall: Mutant Job Fair February 21st, 2019 Saki holds a job fair for mutants. Some are happy, some are not.
Gangland Blues/City Fall: Differences of Opinion February 19th, 2019 Summary needed
City Fall: Kings and Ninjas February 15th, 2019 Shredder gives Fisk a coin, and an invite to help change the face of New York City's Power Structure.
City Fall: Passing info February 13th, 2019 Summary needed
City Fall: Evolution of a Neighborhood February 13th, 2019 Frank investigates some missing lowlifes, and he and Jubilee find out about an upcoming Mutant hiring fair.
City Fall: To coin the phrase February 6th, 2019 Kitsune comes to enlist Kaelyn's help in creating some magical devices. She doesn't tell her what they will really be used for.
City Fall: Premature Fallout February 5th, 2019 After a bombing rocks an upscale apartment complex, Lex decides not to move there, and the defenders investigate.


Title Date Scene Summary
Undercurrents: Wrath July 23rd, 2019 Summary needed
City Fall: A Penny Saved April 5th, 2019 Summary needed