Owner Pose
Dani Moonstar Dani Moonstar is where she is a lot of the time. In the stables taking care of the most important being in her life - Brightwind. Dani's voice carries on the cool wind of this Autumn day, a song, an ancient melody in a language known to the Vikings and ancient Norse Gods from a time, long ago. If you understand Asgardian, you can make out the tune if you try.

Dani is no where to be seen, but her voice seems to be coming from deep in the stables. The sounds of a horse are also present, making a neigh or a sound right at the appropriate time in the song, as though the winged stallion understood what she was singing. Even if you can't make out the words, the tune carries with it an emotional impact. It was a beautiful song of tragedy and loss, of heroism and victory - a journey only just begun. A journey to Valhalla.
Shannon      Oh, the weather outside was frightful, but the peace in the stables, delightful! It was just after the last classes of the day, and a familiar winged figure makes her way into the stable, two sweet, red spheres of goodness in her hands. She's in her light blue jeans, a plain white t-shirt, and sneakers, ready for work, with her ever-present worn, rune-bedecked, brown leather bag tied to her belt.. Her hair's pulled back in a bun at the back of her head, with the exception of one ice blue braid just a few shades darker than her own eyes; it bears three little silver beads on the end, and hangs down on the left side of her face.

     About halfway between the entrance from the garage, and Brightwind's stall, Shannon stops, smiling as she cants her head slightly to listen to the tune. It was completely unfamiliar to her, but haunting and sweet. She closes her eyes to listen, shifting one of the apples to her left hand. Raising her right to the wall of the stable, she begins tapping out a rhythmic counterpoint to the song, humming a light harmony in her soft, alto voice. No words, though.
Dani Moonstar When Shannon's humming reaches Dani's ears, she stops singing, and pokes her head out from where Brightwind was staying. Spotting Shannon, Dani Moonstar smiles, and says, "Shannon! You are always welcome here. Brightwind tells me you take good care of him when I am away, and for that, I am truly grateful."

Dani puts down the brush and pail she was using to groom Brightwind, and then picks up a hand towel, rubbing her hands for a moment before stepping out into the main area. "I see you come bearing gifts once again."

Brightwind's eyes find Shannon, and then what was in her hands, and a soft, "neigh" comes from the stallion's lips. Moving slightly, Brightwind tucks his wings close to his body, and moves to the edge of the area right behind Dani.
Shannon Shannon laughs, and shrugs just a tiny bit, plopping one of the apples in her right hand, and offering it on the flat of her palm to Brightwind. "He's fantastic company, and often a good listener when it's needed the most. I think, perhaps, he sees the wings and wonders if we might be kin." Her voice bears a teasing note, and her eyes twinkle as she peers over at Dani and her faithful companion. "I'm glad to see you're both alright, after the protection ritual, and the fight." The other apple is offered to Dani--why should one have, and the other, have not?
Dani Moonstar Crossing her arms across her chest, Dani Moonstar nods, and says, "He is a very good listener. And quite intelligent, although most people miss that fact." Dani looks at Shannon for a moment before continuing. "Possibly. Wings are wings. I am sure he finds you a kindred spirit. The gift of flight is an extraordinary thing, and you both have that in common."

Dani takes the apple. "Thank you. How thoughtful." She takes a bite out of it, almost at the exact same time that Brightwind takes the apple, gently, from Shannon's palm, and munches on it. His eyes reflect his enjoyment, while Dani also enjoys hers. "Tasty".

"That ritual...right. And the fight. I'm okay. A lot has been happening that's for sure. Never a dull moment here at the mansion."
Shannon Shannon shivers a little. "Fights, I can handle. I've come to not mind those so much, strange as it may seem. The truly disconcerting part was when three beings so very, very much like Kurt decided I'd make a good target. It was the hardest thing I've had to do, hitting them. Fighting an enemy with the face of a friend is... difficult."

Still, despite talk of the battle, she can't help a smile, reaching up to gently stroke Brightwind's nose, completely unafraid of the magnificent creature. "You're right. He's quite intelligent. Always seems to know when he's needed the most. So do you. You have that in common, like he and I both have wings."
Dani Moonstar Dani Moonstar studies Shannon for a moment. Her eyes watch as her ears listen to what she was saying. "It is never easy to fight, let alone fight when the bad guy is in a guise of someone you trust. I truly understand. It has happened to me once or twice." Dani shivers. "Darkness sometimes takes on the guise of those we care about. It is good that you got through this trial however."

Brightwind allows the touch from Shannon, and closes his eyes, enjoying the attention. "Of that, you speak the truth. Well, more for Brightwind than me. I have been gone for a while after all, but I do feel the draw here, even when far away."

*CRUNCH* Dani takes another bite, and Brightwind finishes his apple, then goes about sniffing at Dani for more. Dani pats Brightwind's neck with a gentle pat, and then offers the other half of her apple. Brightwind takes that with a quick bite, and finishes off the last part of that apple.
Shannon Shannon nods slowly, a hint of shadows flickering briefly in her eyes. "It added to the nightmares for a while, but I've got a little extra help in my corner for all that." A light chuckle escapes her as she sees Brightwind sniffing Dani, searching her for more sweet treats. "Keep eating all those apples, and you're going to need some extra flight time there."

Briefly, she glances over at the other woman, and smiles. "I know what you mean," she muses. "This place is going to keep pulling at me for a lifetime, so I've pretty well resolved to stay put and continue my studies here, healing and perhaps even teaching. And other things. This is the sort of place that just works its way right into the heart of you and doesn't let go, because you don't really /want/ it to."
Dani Moonstar "Ha!" Dani Moonstar laughs, and says, "He will need more flight time! I'm happy he prefers apples though, and not something sweeter, like chocolate. He certainly burns off a lot of calories flying and loves the winter, so there is that." Dani strokes his neck, and muscular haunches with a loving touch.

Brightwind gives Dani a look that could best be described at "haughty," and turns to move deeper into the stable.

"Uh oh. Looks like I said something he didn't like. "Ixnay on the tafway" convo." "Heh. Not a fan of "fat" discussion. See, smarter than you would think.

Moving into the stable while Brightwind took a moment to be difficult, Dani moves towards the exit. "Thank you for coming by though. You give me an excuse to go wash up. It sounds to me like this place has a hold of you. I get it. Healing and teaching." Dani places her right hand on Shannon's shoulder, if she lets her. "We have that in common my friend."
Shannon Shannon laughs softly as Brightwind seems to take issue with the current tack the discussion seems to be taking. "Easy there, Brightwind. You're not fat. You're prosperous, sleek, and very handsome." See, she knows what side her bread is buttered on!

There is no move to shrug Dani's hand from her shoulder; instead, she just smiles, and answers with a similar gesture of her own, if allowed. "It does have a hold of me. It's home now, and I'll gladly go through hell and back for everyone here. I'm glad it's been so quiet the past few weeks, but a little worried, too. It almost seems like the calm before the storm."
Dani Moonstar The sound of Brightwind's "neigh" makes Dani Moonstar laugh again as Shannon's compliments hit home. "Yeah. Typical guy." Her eyes squint in amusement as Brightwind continues to be difficult. "Ah well, he'll get over it." Letting her hand drop, Dani smiles, and says, "There you go. Home is home."

Dani pauses for a moment, right before exiting into the Autumn chill and weather. Her eyes grow vacant and distant. "Quiet..." Dani mouths, without a sound. "SOmething is coming...a darkness." Shaking her head, Dani looks at Shannon, and says, "What was I saying? Oh yes. There is always something coming. We just need to be ready!"
Shannon Shannon raises her eyebrows, and nods, a little too knowingly for one so young as she. "Then we'll just have to be ready to do our part. Maybe we could go train a bit sometime soon? There's so much to learn, and there never seems to be enough time in the day to learn even a small part of it all." She smiles, offering Dani a hug. "When the time comes, we'll all make a stand together. That's just what we do."