Owner Pose
Selene Night in Gravesend. Selene's out on the streets. So much for her Council imposed punishmentt of 'stay home, little girl'. Thankfully, lycans showd she was needed. Reports had got back to the estate of trouble in Gravesend. So Selene was sent, with an observer,to make doubly sure she didn't go off the leash so to speak. That was the plan. The first shot had the observer running away. Selene, on her own. Gravesend...

She's on her bike, cruising the city and following the sounds of gunshots on the night air. Automatic fire. That's any number of things. Hey, if she walks into a drug deal going down, Selene's not getting shot over it. Selene's found where the gunfire's coming from. She's stumbled on vampires and lycans fighting over a warehouse. Selene can sense someone else, too. She stashes her bike a few blocks and moves quickly to join in. These lycans are smart. They're hiding behind cars, and waving guns and working as a team. Selene's on her own but she's more than a match for lycans. Even so she's got a half dozen vampires with guns, and swords, and....is that a bow and arrow? Yes. Silver tipped arrows. Okay...Maid frigging Marian over here's got a bow and arrow. There's an arrow embedded in a wolf's arm, too. Selene's impressed. Genuinely impressed. She's gotta give it to the vampire for having the idea to go all Katniss on lycans. Selene's searching the area for anyone else who isn't vampire, or lycan.
Mary Marvel There is a sudden shock. A large one. Literally a thunderbolt from a clear blue sky. The electric explosion happens, oddly, just outside the loading bay door, and it is so loud it makes the vampires wince, and the lycans whine in response.
And then someone knocks on the door. Forcefully. VERY forcefully. In fact, it is so forceful, the entire door, motor and all seems to explode inward, landing on the concrete floor and skidding to a stop in a shower of sparks.

Then the woman steps through, and she is neither lycan nor vampires. She is something altogether new - a shapely, toned brunette wearing a red costume with gold highlights, and a gleaming thick lightning bolt at the center of her chest. She stops and looks at the gathered supernatural combatants, and she looks...miffed.

"All right...you are instructed to cease and desist! PEOPLE ARE TRYING TO SLEEP!"
Selene Selene looks over as the lycans are stunned. The vampires and Selene, too. Regaining her composure, Selene is the first to speak. "Who. Why. Who are you, what're you doing here when there was a tunderbolt?" Selene asks and shakes her head. She's not got any weapons in hand and it staying still, thankfully. The lycans are growling and snarling, though they are more doing that out of fear than a desire to charge the woman. The vampires for their part are hanging back, looking to Selene.

"Do what she says" Selene says to the vampires. They are following her orders. Which is good
Mary Marvel The woman nods, then walks towards the lycans. There is no fear in her at all. She hasn't shown a trace of it. Gunfire, vampires, and snarling, muscular werewolves...
...and she might as well be walking through a library.
One of the lycans seems to have shined his spine, and lunges at the woman, jaws wide. The woman raises her arm, and the jaws close on it.
Then things stop making sense entirely.
The arm is not torn from the body. The woman's body is not tossed liek a rag doll. The jaws close...and the lycan stops. It actually tries to GNAW on the exposed arm above the bracer, but it might as well be chewing the Empire State Building.
The woman then reaches over with the free hand...and strokes the lycan's head as if he were a puppy testing his teeth.
"My name is MARY MARVEL. I am a protector of what is good and right. And right now, all of your stray bullets are going through windows and hitting homes belonging to people who have no part of your STUPID fight."
Selene Selene looks to Mary, and....the lycan hanging off her arm. "You know you have a lycan chewing on you?" she asks, unarmed. "And don't lump me in with all those lycans and vampires. I wasn't here for the start of it. I, however, want th end the fight"

Selene's briefly considering going against Mary Marvel's wishes. There' that little nagging voice saying hey, bad idea. Selene's not stupid. She didn't get to be the best death dealer by being an idiot. Instead, she's leaving it up to the vampires if they want to go against Mary's words. There's a sole arrow loosed into the lycan hanging off her arm. Selen though is unarmed.

And she's watching Mary, closely. "These people were fighting over this warehouse. I don't know why, exactly. But...." Selene points out. "I'm not wanting to get ambushed hen you turn your back"
Mary Marvel Mary looks at Selene, incredulous. Then she looks to the other vampires. The lycan starts to realize that he hasn't so much as drawn a drop of blood. He lets go, looking confused. Flesh is SUPPOSED to tear, so when it doesn't it's very confusing.

"A WAREHOUSE. You are spoiling people's sleep and causing calls to 911 and trying to KILL each other over a WAREHOUSE. It's not even a CASTLE. It's not a FORTRESS. It's a WAREHOUSE. There are THOUSANDS of warehouses in the city, and..."
She tilts her head forward, looking a little exasperated. "Throw your guns and such in a pile in front of me." She looks up. "Don't MAKE me come over and GET them."
Selene No way Selene's unloading /everything/ in her coat. Not a chance.The vampires hesitate, as Selene strides to the warehouse and looks inside. "Why?" she asks, turning to look to both sides."Are you fighting over...." she asks, opening a shipping crate, one of those wooden ones. Gently, or as gently as Selene can. "Fighting over protein bars and fruit yogurts?" she asks, voice low with anger. This. This is what got the council to send Selene? This?s? Yogurts? Frozen treats?

The lycans that are throwing down their weapons are sensing they won't win. The vampires are pocketing theirs. Selene's watching them, then looks over her shoulder. There's a lycan hiding in the warehouse. Selene moves quickly, as the changed lycan charges Selene, then runs right past Mary and skitters to a halt, staring at her and growling. Selene's not arguing that one. "For your information" the vampire with the bow snottily replies...sounding like momma's little vampire. "We were careful where we aimed. If those furred freaks want to shoot everything it's their business" he sniffs.

Selene locks eyes on him. "You're acting like a brat. And, you're wearing khaki shorts, and a $2500 jacket. I should just kill you and save our enemeis a favor.

Mary's got the two enemies to come together to do what she wants....for a moment or two.
Mary Marvel "NO. KILLING!"
The voice is almost as loud as the thunderclap. It reverberates across the walls.

Mary walks towards the pile of weapons. Guns. Expensive-looking, too. A few swords. She nods, picking up one of the swords. She looks at the vampire with the bow...and as she does, she FOLDS the sword as if it were made of tinfoil. The metal snaps a couple of times, the steel starting to glow red, because physics. Mary likes physics class.
When the sword is folded into a thick square, she takes it and compresses it in her hand, kneading the glowing metal like clay.
She drops it, a slightly-misshapen metal ball, onto the concrete.
She picks up a gun. A Death-Dealer's weapon with silver nitrate rounds.
SQUEEZE. SQUASH. Another ball, roughly the same size. a metallic clank as the balled gun hits the floor.
Selene The vampire with the bow isn't smart enough to shut his mouth. "You said we were keeping people awake...." he starts as Selene settles for a death glare instead. And....one for Mary, too. "You'll pay for the cost of those weapons" she says flatly. She does though agree on the voice keeping people awake and disturbing them more than fighting lycans and vampires. There's a certain irony to that...

Selene fixes her gaze on Mary. "Shh. You're keeping people awake more by yelling" she adds, though it's sort of redundant at this point. Selene looks over Mary, shaking her head. She wishes to a point heroes would stay out of her war. Hard to win it when do gooders want to step in. Though she appreciates the help.
Mary Marvel Mary looks to Selene. "I met a vampire last night that tried to corral me into an alley and drink me dry like a juice box. My patience with you people is VERY thin. If I was less forgiving, I'l simply call that Blade fellow and let HIM sort you all out."

She looks at the one with the bow, then down at the untouched weapons. Then there is a blur of motion, and then Mary is standing next to a large metal ball, composed of all the weapons in the pile. She rolls it towards the one with the bow. "Here. You can have them all back. Now one of you two groups, I don't care which one, leave this place. And hurry up when you do it. Don't make me think of how funny it would be to put every werewolf I can find on the moon>"

She wouldn't do THAT. But it is a funny thought.
Selene Selene looks to Mary. "I'm not going to drink your blood just because." she says, though she raises an eyebrow. The idea of lycans on the moon is funny to her too. Lycans in spaaaaaace! Though Selene has a feeling she'd need to persuade the coven to invest in rockets and things to take the fight up there.. Admittedly it would clear the city of fights, but.....it'd be a pain. The lycans get the hint and scatter, though there's threats of revenge against Selene, the vampires, and Mary. Selene though looks to the warehouse. "What's so important they wanted the warehouse?" she asks. One of the vampires, now disarmed steps inside and opens a box of Gogurts. Because, sure. Lycans fighting over Gogurts, and other healthy snacks...

Selene gives Mary a 'do you believe this?' look, gesturing to the boxes. "Is it all things like grain bars, and yogurts, and gogurts, and...and..."

Cookie Crisp. Selene stares at the box for a moment. "What is that?" she asks both the vampires and Mary, staring at Count Chocula. "I....have no idea how to even react to that!"

Well, aside from shooting it, or stabbing it, or fighting it. She's just trying, trying to figure out why anyone would put a cartoon vampire on a cereal box.
Mary Marvel Oddly enough, Mary seems to have some insight. She peers into the crate. "Well, the Count Chocula might be worth something. They only make it during the month of October these days, but they used to make it all year. So it's actually kinda rare right now. You could even sell it for douple or triple what you could pay in the stores. The rest of it, though..." She looks at the vampires. "I...I can't even."
Selene Nor can Selene. Nor can the great Death Dealer. "But. Why?" the vampire holding the box asks. "Why put a cartoon vampire on a box?"

"It's the mascot" Selene says. She's lived a long enough life to know about mascots. "Bring it back with us" she says simply. "We're selling it. And she'll get a cut of the sales" Selene adds, nodding to Mary. See. Mary helps Selene. Mary gets rewarded. Selene's still trying to figure out the why and how and so forth of putting Count Chocula on a box, with cereal. Selene looks to Mary again, then the box, then Mary.

"You know about that?" she asks with a wave of her hand to the box. "I'm impressed.
Mary Marvel Mary looks back at Selene. For a moment, she considered it. A crate that big...it could come into serious money, and...

...And she was not given such awesome power so she could make a buck.
"I don't want any part of it. If these two factions felt snack food was worth killing each other for, I don't want any part of it."
She relaxes slightly. "I've been around. Plus, I read a lot." She looks to the destroyed warehouse door. "Sorry about that, by the way," she says apologetically, then walks towards the open door, looking up at the stars.

Ancient beings living in the shadows, and they could be just as dumb as normal adults. Learn something new every day, Mary Bromhill/Batson/Marvel.
Selene Selene looks to the crate, shaking her head as the crate is dragged out by vampires. Somehow. Some way. They need to get it all back to the estate. Good luck on that one. Selene though nods to Mary. "Don't worry about the door" she says with a nod. Selene wasn't turned 600 or so years ago to be a glorified cereal saleswoman. She's /the/ Death Dealer. She'ss not getting her haands dirty. If anything, Selene's great at what she does. She looks to Mary, then the vampires, then Mary again.

"So" Selene says, voice is a mix of European accents, a rich mix. "So. What" Selene says. "Is going on?"
Mary Marvel Mary looks at Selene. "You tell me. Vampires and werewolves fighting over Count Chocula. It this was a movie scene, it's less Anne Rice and more Adam Sandler. Meanwhile, a friend of mine gets a bullet hole in her wall three inches above her head. Not very Adam Sandler. So yeah, after my near-involuntary five-pint blood donation last night, I'm all funned out on dumb vampires. Can you really blame me?"
Selene Selene shakes her head. "Not my doing. So don't blame me for putting holes in walls. Meantime" Selene says, gesturing to the crate being dragged out of sight. "I...have no idea. And no. I didn't shoot any walls. I was halfway across the city. My guns are locked away"

In her coat, true.

Selene eyes Mary, "You nearly donated blood to a vampire. Did you do your shouty voice thing at them, too? Or? she asks. She's genuinely curious now.
Mary Marvel Mary chuckled sadly. "I was...incognito. She approached me, saying she would feel safer if I accompanied her along the way. She had three others, lying in wait to...bushwhack me. Yes, that's a good word. Bushwhack. A coward's method. Unfortunately for them, an individual calling himself Blade...much like his weaponry, very sharp...and very deadly. Killed them like they were nothing. And the last one...Gabrielle, more Anne Rice...soon found I was very, very inedible. Blade killed her, too. I don't kill, even if they're supposed to already be dead. But Blade didn't really have that problem."
Selene Selene stiffens at the mention of Blade. Great, she was saved by a vampire hunter. Wonderful. Selene though nods. "Ah, vampire hunter saved you. You nearly donated blood to vampires? Well" Selene says. "If it comforts you, I'm not about to rip open your neck and drink your blood" Selene says, truth in her eyes. She nods to Mary, and looks to the warehouse. "What else is in there?" she asks, wondering if Mary knows.
Mary Marvel Mary smiles to Selene, elevating her face from beautiful to heavenly. "I am not worried. You would have as much luck biting into my neck as that...lycan?...had using his teeth on my arm. So believe when I say that I know you are correct in every word of that sentence." She clasps her hands behind her back, over the fluttering cape. "Still...if it was someone other than me, that's a family withough a family member. So I sincerely hope you do not get *your* food supply the same way."
Selene Selene nods, "I don't get my blood that way" she reassures Mary. To illustrate the point, she pulls a vial of blood out of her coat and nods, drinking it and sliding the vial back again, wiping her mouth as she steps back, looking to the warehouse again, then back to Mary. "Thank you, by the way" Selene says.
Mary Marvel Mary tilts her head. "Why are you thanking me?" she inquires, honestly puzzled.
Selene Selene smiles. "For helping with the lycans" she says simply, looking to Mary with agenuine smile, ice blue eyes sweeping over Mary, then to the warehouse as Selene nods again, and has hands in her coat again. She scuffs the ground with a boot for a moment howevr, dragging a boot over the ground while considering what to do.
Mary Marvel Mary smiles gently. "I am not Blade. I like that fact that, although a lot of things got destroyed and the reasons were quite weird, no one was killed...or even hurt. That is a win in my book. Although that one with the bow might show up some night. It might be funny to see her try, but I do not bait people. In any case...do you have a name? I told everyone my name, but no one told me theirs. Is that a vampire thing, or a culture thing?"
Selene Selene shakes her head. "I'm Selene" she says. Looking over Mary, Selene watches her. "I had a name, centuries ago. But...I'm just Selene. I do my job very, very well. Other things not so much" she points out with a look, offering a hand to Mary, other hand still in her long coat. "Yes, I'm a vampire" Selene points out. It's...sort of obvious.
Mary Marvel Mary hmmms. "Selene. The goddess of the moon. Odd that they send a "Moon" to deal with werewolves." She extends one slim, sure hand to shake Selene's hand. The handshake is firm, but also delicate as well. "Perhaps I should go. The problem seems to be over...I hope. Right, Selene?"
Selene Selene laughs softly. "Indeed, but history has shown the moon's mistress to be a harsh judge" she says simply. "She pulls on both werewolves and vampires, thieves, and those humans call evil." Selene nods watching Mary. "I should return home and explain what happened" she says and nods, an unspoken I'll see you around in the air. Selene is there one moment, gone the next. The sound of her bike is on the night air as Selene's cruising the city
Mary Marvel Mary watches her go, feeling an odd feeling. Are they friends? Pals? She doesn't know. But she does know it is late.
She looks up, and then soars into the night sky, heading home and to bed.