Owner Pose
Indiana Jones It's another quiet evening in the office for Indiana Jones, Professor of Archaeology, New York University.
The office is larger than the modified broom closet he had in Chicago, but he still does his best to fill the place with clutter.
Tonight, he is placing his newest item of historical bric-a-brac on the shelf--a peach pit, under glass. The small plate at the bottom reads "Peaches of Hsi Wang Mu, K'un Lun, China - 2027."
He stands back and smiles sadly. "Zang...I hope you're still at the bottom of that mountain, you cheapjack bastard."
He sits down at his desk, looking at the stack of tests and taking a deep breath. He doesn't want to grade them now.
Cammy White Cammy is dressed as the preppiest college person ever, able to blend in with the crowd easily. Her braids are tied back and hang behind her and she wears the University power skirt, plus business blouse. She walks down the hall in heels.

knock....knock... Cammy peeks into Indiana's office, "Doctor Jones?" she asks him, "It's Cammy White. I said I would be coming by," she reminds him as she comes in the office. She glances around the room, "Thanks for your time, I appreciate speaking with you," she says idly as she looks around.
Indiana Jones Indy looks up as the female face appears in the doorway. He blinks, then relaxes. "Yeah...I remember now. Come in."
He stands as Cammy enters, appraising her for a moment, waiting for her to step inside and close the door before saying, "I remember the call, but the service didn't say who you represented. Important enough for an evening appointment, but...anyway, would you like some water, or some coffee? I have one of those Keurig things here...somewhere." He looks around, then spots it behind the round stone with the three grooves in it. "There it is."
Cammy White Cammy closes the door behind her and brushes her preppy hair from her face as blonde tendrils start bothering down her forehead. "Water is fine," she says, "You have a Keurig?" she wonders, "I'm...with the government, Doctor Jones. My group is often involved in protecting the US and the international community. I'm not really supposed to talk about it," she tells him. "I came to see you because I heard you were quite a historical treasure seeker."
Indiana Jones Indy chuckles as he opens a mini-fridge and takes out a glass bottle of water with a screw-top cap, handing it to Cammy. "Ah, the government. I hope you will keep in mind that I held a position as an operative in the OSS...and the CIA. And I have worked to secure items for the government in the past." He sets up the Keurig to brew some coffee. Straight black, no frills. "So, maybe we can save time by getting past the vague references and speak plainly to each other? I'm sure if you and yours have a file on me that is comprehensive enough, you'll find it easier in the long run." He smiles wryly.
Cammy White Cammy tilts her head and watches him unscrew a water, taking it from him, "Alright, Doctor Jones. But I can speak plainly, then I can speak plainly," she asserts. "I'm with an organization called SHIELD. We're always in the business of more information. Especially these days," she tells him with a bit of a smirk. She taps his desk where there ISN'T a paper and says, "I really hate sitting behind a desk. That's why I volunteered for this. Remember, I never told you I was with SHIELD," she reminds him.
Indiana Jones Indy looks blandly at her. "I'm sorry. Never told me what?" He pauses, then goes on, "Never mind. Anyway, what does No Known Agency need to find?" He puts the Sankara stone (a bequeath from an Indian village after the Second World War) on another shelf to put his mug in the machine.
Cammy White Cammy takes out a ratty old manilla folder and hands it over to Indiana Jones, "Well, I guess they lost something back in 1965 and they want it back. They're called Kimoyo Beads. They were a gift from the Wakanda. They're an interesting artifact I was reading about from the files," she says, motioning to the manilla folder, "They can hold a lot of information like a hard drive. But it's a stone. Of Vibranium."
Indiana Jones Indy looks at the file, then up at Cammy as she says "Wakanda." He waits for her to finish, and then she says the 'other' word. Vibranium.
"I remember getting close to Wakanda once during an expedition. Very polite, even when threatening to shoot you out of the sky for risking violating their airspace. They had some very fancy jets that met us in the plane, saw we'd been shot, and got us back on course to a neighboring country's airfield. Flew off without so much as a word." He looks back at the folder's contents. "A stone like that, I can imagine why they'd be so hot to get it back. 1965, eh? Back then, hard drives were the size of truck tires."
Cammy White Cammy taps her wrist with her opposite hand's fingers and says, "This is a bracelet of little stones. The stones are blue. Dyed blue I think. That's what was described to me, anyway. I don't think I've ever seen a picture of this particular artifact. I guess since it's a rather fancy indestructible information store, so I guess they're concerned. And no, they didn't tell me what was stored on there," she explains and shrugs.
Indiana Jones Indy takes the mug as the Keurig finishes brewing, then sips. "All right. An artist's rendering of this particular item seems like something to have made. I can get one of the art students I use for other projects to help with that. She's quite good." He pauses. "Do they have any leads, or at least the last known location of this bracelet?"
Cammy White Cammy nods, "The Company was escorting the Wakandan group to Bara Imambara when it was lost, it's a mysterious and old mosque in India. You'd like it," she tells him and smiles knowingly. "Some of the newspapers said it was stolen but SHIELD doesn't think so," she explains, "Unfortunately, all the Company are a little bit dead, so you can't interview them, unfortunately."
Indiana Jones Dr. Jones hmms. "In Lucknow. Lots of history in that place. Never visited before but heard about it during my time in Morocco. Supposed to be over a thousand ways in, but only one way out due to its architecture." He hmms. "How is relations with the Indian government?"
Cammy White Cammy hmms, "Good, I think. They haven't filed a complaint recently. Maybe you could fly under the radar with this one, you think?" she wonders. She nods to what she says, "Well it's in the files. I've never actually been there myself. I was only to the capital a few times."
Indiana Jones Indy nods. "...I know a few people in the area. Sons and daughters of old friends. I keep in touch with a lot of people. Now...what about the historical value of these beads? Can NYU make a claim to study them purely for historical value as opposed to the value of the information they may or may not possess?"
Cammy White Cammy hrms, "Study them? I...don't know. I didn't think about it, I guess I can understand though," she explains, "Since it's sort of like a hard drive, SHIELD is pretty clear they want the beads back."
Indiana Jones Indy nods and gives his trademark roguish smile. "Yeah, I figured they would...but an anthropological assessment would have sizable historical value. No in-depth scans, no samples taken. Just a historical record."
Cammy White Cammy chuckles, "I hear what you're saying, Doctor Jones," she says, "But I guess you can always ask," she says knowingly. "SHIELD will compensate you well for your time, so don't worry about that. I'll make sure you're not scammed."
Indiana Jones Indy looks thoughtful. "Well, there's a conference near Utter Pradesh. I hadn't been thinking about attending...but I haven't said no yet." He looks to Cammy. "Am I going to have to worry about oversight on this one, or are you simply the handler?"
Cammy White Cammy motions to herself, as if to say 'What...you mean me...?" and then she smiles, "Sorry, Doctor Jones. I have to accompany you on your adventure," she explains, "Don't worry, I have a little bit of training so I can handle myself."
Indiana Jones Indy sighs. "Right. So what cover are you planning to use? I figure if you've come this far, you already have some of your ducks in a row."
Cammy White Cammy motions to Indy as she looks at something on a shelf, "I can get you an appointment with the Muslim leader of the place since I know who the Prayer Leader is. But if you want to talk about disguises, I haven't thought about that part yet," she says and then turns back to him. "Maybe we could be teachers. Or researchers. I think we need to get time to inspect the mosque."
Indiana Jones Indy chuckles. "We have to assume that we're not the only ones looking for this thing. Trust me...it saves time. I'm known in some circles, so if I don't have some OTHER reason to be there...they're going to make some assumptions. Some very CORRECT assumptions. How well-known are you in that part of the world?"
Cammy White Cammy motions to herself again with some surprise and smirks, "Me? Not really that well," she tells him, "Not at a mosque anyway," she adds. "Well they do have a very old library. Maybe we could get an appointment for that. Do you read Arabic?" she wonders.
Indiana Jones Indy looks to Cammy. "Modern, Classical, Qur'anic, and even Aramaic. I believe in never resting on your laurels. Okay. I can think of a good role for you." He smiles. "BODYGUARD."
Cammy White Cammy smirks a bit and says, "I thought I was the mousy assistant?" she wonders. She picks up a book and holds it under her arm, starting to play the part. She hmms, picking up some more text books and she puts them under her arm, "I could carry your books."
Indiana Jones Indy gives her a droll look. "You look a little too capable. And you certainly don't MOVE like a mousy assistant. I've seen trained fighters...too damn many of them...and ten seconds seeing you move with clue them in. A hired bodyguard paid for by a company to watch over their sponsored Smart Guy would fit you better." He smirks. "And you can be underestimated.:
Cammy White Cammy sighs because she doesn't have patience for this, "Fine," she says, "Not hard to act like one, I guess. Anything else?" she asks him. She crosses her arms as she studies Indy.
Indiana Jones Indy eyes her. "Only one thing. I get the privilege to change the game plan if I find out you're lying to me. I don't care about the reasons. If there is something you can't tell me, then tell me that you can't tell me. If it's a secret, tell me it's a secret. If you say you don't know, then tell me that. But if I catch you in a lie, I'm going to do what I damn well please. That part is non-negotiable."
Cammy White Cammy holds up her hands slightly and says, "Why would I lie? I haven't lied. I can't lie," she tells him, "Now I've never been through this mosque. It's really old. It could be full of surprises. But you can be in charge, it's not an issue," she says and motions to him dramatically.
Indiana Jones Indy sighs. "Sorry. But I've worked with government agencies before. The truth is usually their SECOND language." He pauses. "And the same rule applies to you. If I lie to you, any agreements we have are null and void and you can do as you wish." He sips his coffee, then says, "...I can be ready in two days. I may bring my actual assistant with me. I'll trust you can have SHIELD put together an interesting-but-not-too-interesting profile for you by then?"
Cammy White Cammy smirks, "I wouldn't bring an entourage," she says and nods, "Yes, I can do that. I'll get it together. But you're the one vounching for us---they'll be looking at you and asking you questions," she reminds him with a finger in the air.
Indiana Jones Indy gives Cammy a cockeyed smile. "You let me worry about my role. I've been conning governments and people since before you were born." He eyes her for a moment. "...before your MOTHER was born." He walks back to his desk. "I'll spend the interim time working on digging into the region and any other mention of these beads. One last thing. First-Class flights. I've ridden in enough cargo planes for awhile."
Cammy White Cammy smiles and puts a hand up again, "Don't worry, Doctor Jones," she says, "I'll handle the travel. You're right, we should do a little more research," she says and then adds, "Well I'll be going then. If you have any other questions, you can text me," she says and tells him the number.
Indiana Jones Indy writes it down. "All right then. I'm sure this will go as well as every expedition goes...almost."
He looks to the peach pit under glass, his smile slipping a bit as he does.
"I better grade some papers." He reaches to shake Cammy's hand. "Take care, Miss White."