Owner Pose
Mercy Thompson Mercy, the bookworm and college educated mechanic that she is, is back in Gotham again. Thanks, people who decide they want her to test their cars. Point is. She's here and figured she'll check in with Willow. Sure, the cookies were good, but what Mercy really wants is to know about magic.

See being the daughter of Coyote hasn't really given her a huge understanding of magic. She's immune to bits of it, sure. But...but...

That doesn't sate her curiosity. So here she is, knocking on the door with a backpack full of books on all things magical.
Willow Rosenberg Willow is alone (as far as she can tell), so when the doorbell rings, she goes to answer it. She mentally going through the reasons to not invite whoever is out there - including Thomas himself - when the door happens to be for her. "Oh! Hey, come on in.. wait a minute. You are for me, right? Not Buffy? 'Cause I dont know where she is, and I was just picking out a book.."
Mercy Thompson "Right" Mercy smiles. "I was thinking on our discussion in the garage and as I was in hthe area, I thought I'd drop by and say hey and see what you and Buffy were up to. Though Buffy's not home, guess she's in class" Mercy shrugs and looks hopeful. yeah like Buffy would skip class...

"So, I brought books about magic, I was going to sit down and see what I can learn about magic since you know magic and I...oddly enough, don't"
Willow Rosenberg "Oh .. I didnt check. I was.. when she has a boyfriend. He could be there? I havent had a talk about the rules." She shrugs. "Oh! C'mon in. I can read this later." This happens a to be a Mathematics text.
Mercy Thompson Mercy does come on in. "She's got a boyfriend? News to me. I just know her as your roomate" Mercy nods. She's firmly inn 'befriend Wi;low more' mode. Sliding the backpack off her shoulders, Mercy unzips it. True, that's a lot of magical books in there. Or books on magic, really. Mercy just raided every New Age bookstore she could find.
Willow Rosenberg "Well, I think she does? I probably shouldn't be telling you." Willow locks the door behind before she be realizes what Mercy has brought. Wide eyes, looks between books and guest. Guest, and books. "Oh. Wowsa."
Mercy Thompson "It's a secret or something?" Mercy guesses. "You don't approve of her guy? Or is it she's so busy there she rarely comes home? Anyhow, books" Mercy offers. "Feel free, go through the backpack. Actually if you like you can keep the backpack" Mercy smiles. It's one of her old ones, sure, but why not give it to Willow?
Willow Rosenberg "He okay, I guess? I really havent met him? She seems to like like." Willow allows herself to be dragged off by the books. When Mercy says she can keep them, the actual *squeeee* escapes her. "Oh my goodness! For Me? Really?" And then the other shoe fall flat. "Oh wait a minute... where did you get them. and what do you want from me?"
Mercy Thompson Mercy got a *squee* from Willow. Sweet. "I don't want anything from you Willow except for you to be honest and yourself. See. I learned a lot from our talk about magic in the garage. See, I bet Buffy's of doing something interesting right now and I'm bringing books. See. I got the wrong bit of this. I should have brought cake and books or something" Mercy nods.

The whole where did Mercy get those books gets a laugh from her. "Book stores, new Age shops, that sorta thing." she says happily.
Willow Rosenberg "Are you kidding? You bought a best gift *ever*" Even if several someones will check the out. If only they are safe. "I have nothing for you... oh! Cookies?"
Mercy Thompson Mercy did good. Sweet! See. See. Mercy is good like that, bringing books and a backpack.

"You'd rather have books than, say, a cake?" Mercy asks looking a little amused, then worried. "But....books are good but cake's just as good" Mercy says.
Willow Rosenberg How can she ever say that. "Books, d'oh." As there was ever a contest. D'oh.